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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Where did I write that it cancels out conflict? I just wrote that it made it less interesting - I mean she was apparently strong-armed into helping Chase the first time, strong-armed again, but she's worked out safety clauses? No threat at all that she might actually hurt Quentin or anyone else basically? Meh. Glad you stan it though.
  2. Yes, and her having conflict with E1 Oliver and Quentin would be what's most interesting to me. That she has a soft spot for people that she was close to on the other earth right away = not very interesting to me. I've already seen Felicity knock her out, and don't care much for her relationship with Diggle, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. If E1 is just like E2, she was probably angling to get that E1 Oliver D.
  4. I wish they hadn't gone as far as they did with her this ep by revealing that chaining Quentin up was difficult for her and that she'd struck a deal with Chase that he'd stay safe (unless she was lying). Insinuating that everything on E2 is the same means that she should pretty much have difficulty being a true meanie to everyone it would be interesting to see her have conflict with. Not that this show can stay consistent from episode to episode. I mean, it makes sense to me that Oliver would hallucinate a forgiving Laurel, since he'd fucked her sister into death on that boat and was probably super desperate for that forgiveness. My guess is though that they're gonna retcon her reception to him (or maybe show that she privately had some misgivings about it, which is...not great).
  5. He must've been so disappointed when he came home and she told him to rot, LOL
  6. They're putting too much emotional weight onto this kid. I guess they're counting on us caring just because he's Oliver's kid, but I don't get emotional over a "That's my boy," aimed at a kid we saw him with for a total of 2 seconds.
  7. "I'm stuck here without crayons, someone help!"
  8. Sorry to say your Laurel was that stupid, Quentin.
  9. That was the dumbest shit I've ever seen Diggle do.
  10. There was a LOT of plot involved.
  11. Sure, Oliver. William is the purest part of you, but also the stupidest part of you. Which is saying a lot.
  12. At Chez something. It's the restaurant name.
  13. It's because they hiked that trail and went to Florence during their summer of love, and they were reminiscing. /fanfic
  14. Maybe he is there, but Felicity's not letting Curtis onto that fact. /fanfic
  15. Yeah, it's kinda over the top - guess they're trying to hit the #nolicity crowd over the head with it so they can have their Kleenex ready when O/F get back together.
  16. Since she pops out in the bunker with that big-ass gun (when she tells Oliver to freeze or whatever), seems like maybe she either wanted to stay behind on her own, or Oliver and Diggle left her down there with the gun so she could protect herself?
  17. That birth control one gave me rarely reached high levels of secondhand embarrassment, yikes.
  18. She could slice off a piece of it and eat it while she talks and she'd probably make more sense than she usually does.
  19. Me neither. Plus, Travis wasn't just out begging for money for nothing. That video didn't conjure itself into existence. Given his other videos, I'm guessing he filmed it, did some sound mixing and editing on it himself. If someone's putting out content, I don't think there's anything wrong with them pointing the people who watch it (and are likely enjoying it for free) to some kind of site to compensate them for it if the viewer wants to do that.
  20. Yeah, because his post is unlocked - not sure why. You can go on his Patreon page and view it there, but you shouldn't be able to. He wrote in his post (the unlocked one) to his patrons that they were getting a first look at it and that it would be available to everyone else on Wednesday. But he for whatever reason never locked that post so that just his patrons could see it - as a result everyone (even non-patrons) can.
  21. I'm not entirely sure how Patreon works on the user side, but it seems to be linked to his YouTube through his Patreon post, but it doesn't show up on his YouTube page. So there must be some kind of timer/unlock feature for stuff like this. So, I think people are just linking to the YouTube on his Patreon page, which is supposed to be locked to just his patrons until Wednesday.
  22. Seems like he funds his cover videos through his Patreon page - all of them, not just this one - (lots of YouTubers do this) - and it also seems like (based on his Patreon post) that this particular video was supposed to be locked to only his patrons until Wednesday, but it wasn't. So...if it had been then, they'd only need to become a patron to see it early, since seeing his videos early - not just this one - is a patron perk. As it worked out, no one had to pay anything at all to see it.
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