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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. There's a article on Deadline about it -seems like these are part of 10 (I think) games being simulcast.
  2. http://ktla.com/2017/04/04/special-presentation-times-for-cw-shows/ Just FYI, 5x20 is being preempted in LA for a Dodgers game (as is the rerun that's on tomorrow night).
  3. I totally agree! It didn't occur to me until after I posted that you might've meant she might not appreciate him including something that could be misinterpreted by strangers, so I amended my post, haha.
  4. I think Digger might be Digger Harkness (Captain Boomerang) like someone mentioned upthread. I bristled at it when I read it, but I think he legit means Digger, haha.
  5. With regards to the post, I think she probably feels pretty good about it, haha. I mean, I would if I were her. (Unless you meant that she might not be happy about him sharing part of their marriage that could be interpreted differently than he meant it, in which case I agree.) He's made comments about Coachella for years, so I have zero problem believing that he did tease/make fun of her for going, and if anything that post made him look bad, not her. I get what he was going for and I think the second half of it was a really nice sentiment. I think the first half is something he could've kept private.
  6. Deathstroke is probably just inexplicably walking around with his helmet on a lot of the time. So Arrow.
  7. I'm not perceiving it in any particular way. I never said he WAS an asshole, just that that part kinda makes him sound like one. I think that for the tone that he was trying to hit with the post he should've left that part out, that's all.
  8. Yeah, I understand that he likely didn't intend for it to come off badly.
  9. I wasn't evaluating the state of his marriage, just saying that those comments made him sound like an asshole.
  10. It could be. But for someone who doesn't know them, it does sound bad - to me. I think the post would've been nice if he'd left out making fun of her and being jazzed that she couldn't go one year because she was pregnant.
  11. Derek Sampson is Robert's bastard son, pass it on
  12. Yeah. Maybe don't talk about making fun of your wife for no reason and taking pleasure in the fact that she couldn't go one year because she was pregnant, even if it was a joke (which I hope it was). It didn't land.
  13. I wonder what their ratings would look like if they hadn't introduced magical, mystical stuff. It's kind of like Arrow's version of time travel over on The Flash. Once you start being able to undo things that you've done through means that have whatever explanation the show needs them to have when they use them, the stakes are gone and the story gets less interesting.
  14. You'd only know it if they were vocal about it somewhere. And even then they'd have the option of going back and deleting the offending tweets without you even being able to see them, so you wouldn't know if they were being rational or not.
  15. No. Rene told him the wall could "Use a little more green, Hoss*." *ew, no no no no no
  16. I'm sure the people tweeting at him that he's a terrible person would respond very well to him telling them they annoy him. That would definitely make it stop and not at all encourage them to keep doing it. It seems to me that those are the people he's muting? You don't owe anyone who's repeatedly being abusive to you. He even said it was just a "handful of people." How is he not being honest? If a select few people are harassing him, isn't muting them better than ignoring *everyone* who responds to him by not looking at his @s?
  17. I don't think that's arrogant. I mean, it depends on what he's tweeting and not looking at the responses to. If it's spoiler news, or just a script page or something, I don't see why he should feel obligated to read or reply to anyone's responses. If he's openly being antagonistic and then peacing out, then sure. But I've seen people respond to an Arrow script page by ranting on about one thing or another, or telling him to get cancer or die, or that he's an awful person. Not reading his @s probably does make the whole Twitter experience more enjoyable for him. And if it were me, I wouldn't give people like that the satisfaction of being blocked either.
  18. Makes sense to me that if she ends the season as a villain, you put her in the villain category until that changes, if that changes in S6.
  19. Plagiarizing is terrible, and especially stupid in this case since she plagiarized one of the few really well-known Arrow writers. Yikes. I don't mind similar plots in stories since one person's take on something is usually quite different than someone else's. Someone copying your actual words is a terrible feeling. Especially when you look in the comments on their fic and see people praising them for it, knowing it's your work. I've been plagiarized three times that I know of - twice in another fandom and once in Arrow. The other two times I was made aware of, and the Arrow one I noticed because I was reading that fic and enjoying it, and was like...hey, that's familiar. That's familiar too! And that! And it's...not great. And then you wonder if they are plagiarizing someone else and you just don't notice it because you haven't read whatever story the person is copying. I'm still reading the author who plagiarized me, partly to keep my eye on her for a repeat performance, and partly because I was invested in the story before she copied me and I'm admittedly curious about how it's going to turn out. But I always wonder if I'm reading someone else's words that she's passing off as her own. So, I can't judge someone for still being interested in a story written by someone who plagiarized in the past, especially with no knowledge that they're plagiarizing in the present. But I definitely wouldn't offer them praise in the form of positive comments or kudos.
  20. Ah, I didn't know she had a history of plagiarism, and that's very disappointing. Especially since she plagiarized someone I know and like very much. But I still read the fic of a person who plagiarized me, so I'm probably not the best person to weigh in here.
  21. I don't really have a problem with it, but...damn!
  22. I'm waiting for the Robert in this story to tie Oliver to some train tracks or something, then twirl his mustache.
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