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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She got hit by a car and punched in the face and threatened by another bad person so I don't think she's interested in badass villainy at all.
  2. It just seems to me that there are two pretty obvious takes - one is that it was the doing of the Big Bad that the program actually traced, and the other is that the chain of events leading up to the explosion were the cause. I think it's kind of weird that he finds the second one interesting is all, haha
  3. "That's an interesting read." Felicity inserted the USB and a few seconds later - while the program on the USB which was created by a shady unknown started working - her computers went kaboom. Interesting? How...how do you not think that's the main connection people would make? Yikes. That this show isn't more of a mess with this dude and Miracle Wendy in charge is pretty impressive, haha.
  4. MG and Co are dumb, but I hope they're not that dumb. BS has taken too many L's to be considered a big bad in any way.
  5. It's a shame he still treated her like dirt even in a world manipulated to be "right."
  6. I'm pretty sure SA said that his wife wouldn't ever be on Arrow. I don't know if it's because he doesn't believe in getting his family jobs or because she's not great at acting. After watching some of her stuff I'd say either is possible.
  7. She has them, and I know this because I had the misfortune of having my eyes open and pointed at the TV while she and tiny hands were getting dressed after their nooner.
  8. Nooooooooooooo "The media could not be played" America, I miss you so much
  9. I'm in Europe and couldn't watch and the only gif that works on this godforsaken shitty internet is the one with Chase and William - kid, you already fell for this once! Chase should probably just do us all a favor and remove that idiot from the gene pool.
  10. Unfortunately for him I'll be on Twitter complaining that they waited two years too long to off Malcolm.
  11. The sides that were used for "Tina's" audition (the convo between her and Oliver with the kiss, I think) - parts of that scene were used in a scene with Diggle, not Oliver.
  12. Personally, I'd actually prefer it if the lack of support for this Helix mission wasn't brought up again. Felicity is in general - yes - very supportive. But she doesn't always back Oliver's play (often times with good reason!), and has on occasion stepped in to stop him from doing something stupid or unnecessarily risky/dangerous - which he thought she was doing in this instance. So, Oliver basically did something to her that she's done to him before (and Diggle too - I think, during the bleak period that is S3 that I mostly blocked out).
  13. Well, he was angry at that particular moment and probably hadn't thought it through past her standing in front of a bullet and then putting up a laser fence to stop him from going after her other crew. He'd calmed down in the lair, and seemed to have even given some thought about what she might be getting from Helix that she wasn't getting from him/the team since he mentioned that when he apologized to her. IDK, it'd be a bigger issue to me if it seemed like something he really wasn't going to examine, and try to see her reasoning on, but he did later in the ep.
  14. I thought maybe that was it, but I don't think it was shitty at all. When he got back to the bunker he basically said he didn't know what to say to her about stepping in front of a bullet in order to ultimately stop Chase - then he drank about it. He seemed pretty shaken up over it.
  15. What did he say that was super shitty?
  16. Not necessarily - they could just ~coincidentally wind up rescuing these people because they're the ones they happen to come across.
  17. I don't think it'll actually go down that way - I just thought it might be interesting since obviously Oliver's going to have to trust them if there's a 'can't save everyone' scenario that he has to farm out to the bad guys for help. The safest way to go would be to have Boomerang get Felicity, Malcolm get Thea, and Slade get Diggle (assuming anyone gets to pick who they go after, and assuming they're all separated, which they might not be).
  18. Oh, I don't think it's because it's an important connection necessarily, just that she had a hand in him being taken down, and no one else that we think has been taken did. I think it would be neat if the villains had to help someone they'd previously hurt or who had been "hurt" by them.
  19. It would be interesting if Slade had to get Felicity, Merlyn had to get William, and Boomerang had to help get Diggle - since they all have some kind of past - Felicity injecting Slade with the mirakuru cure, Merlyn being responsible for lil Billy getting kidnapped the other time (LOL), and Boomerang putting Lyla in the hospital, while Oliver goes after Chase himself. I'm guessing maybe Merlyn could get Thea as well since it seems like Samantha is standing behind her on Lian Yu in the sizzle reel. But this probably won't happen, haha.
  20. Of all the people Chase shouldn't be able to threaten, it's Black Siren. Is there a reason she isn't screeching him into oblivion?
  21. I don't know. Felicity's the one who found the info about the pinged cellphone, so that had to be real unless Alena planted it and really could hack into ARGUS and just lied about it - was that indicated and I missed it?
  22. This episode did advance plots-just not Chase's. Although we did find out that he had an inside man in ARGUS (and maybe has more?). So that's something for the main story.
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