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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. Leave it to this bunch to make something with the headline, "lesbian polygamist," totally yawn-inducingly boring.
  2. K is for Ken, Dorothy's boyfriend played by Dick Van Dyke. He was hardly the worst guy to appear on the show, but I never liked him as much as I felt I should.
  3. Without a doubt she was my favorite Fascist Hag. Rest in peace.
  4. Wow, great topic idea! Here's my $0.02: Best Performance: 1. Henry Czerny as Conrad - hands down. Every single person on this show has had to deal with clunky dialogue, ridiculous plotlines, and inconsistent characterization, but he always managed to elevate the material he was given. 2. Gabriel Mann as Nolan - Definitely the heart of the show. 3. Emily Van Camp as Amanda/Emily - Because ultimately if she hadn't gotten me to care about her story, I would have bailed on this show long ago. Honorable mention: Joshua Bowman as Daniel, Amber Valletta as Lydia, Margarita Levieva as Emily/Amanda, Max Martini as Frank Worst Performance: 1. & 2. James Tupper and Jennifer Jason Leigh as Amanda's parents. Don't do drugs, kids, or you may end up with the affect and personality of these folks. 3. Dilshad Vadsaria as Padma - She was saddled with a dramatic, emotional story, and I didn't buy any of it. Dishonorable Mention: Connor Paolo as Declan, Christa B. Allen as Charlotte, Justin Hartley as Patrick
  5. Based on the promo I caught, it looks like their "direction" was to the same bottle of blond hair dye.
  6. H is for another one of Rose's horrible relatives - Holly - and how all the girls instantly took her side over Rose's. She truly was mopey, dopey, and full of crap.
  7. Well I for one am dying to know how Meri is balancing cramming for finals with sewing a bajillion pairs of pajama bottoms and baking a wet bar's worth of holiday pastries. I predict tears.
  8. B is for the Bridget-and-Michael-Sleep-Together plotline. It just brought out the worst in everybody. Plus, it featured one of Rose's daughters and they always suck. :)
  9. Mine too! I can't say it's my favorite Christmas movie, but nothing gets the holiday spirit going like Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye's performance of "Sisters."
  10. W is for Water, which leaked through the roof prompting the Cabana Club Beach Towel scene.
  11. S is for Sonny Bono, the hilariously random perpetual Golden Girls whipping boy. (Both the real Sonny Bono and Sophia's portrayal of Sonny Bono.)
  12. ^ Totally agree! I can't imagine that the winning song was better.
  13. F is for Fidel's Funeral. "He made me feel attractive and desireable again. He probably made the rest of you feel that way, too. And looking out at this kennel club that was no small accomplishment!" "I'm leaving. I'm not about to mourn a man who's been with every woman in this room." "He was never with me!" ... "I guess even he had his standards."
  14. C is for Chester on camera two. "Share with me, Chester." *wink*
  15. Oh thank goodness I'm not alone! I haven't been able to deal with that forum for weeks. Life's too short.
  16. V is for Voting, which is what they do in Russia.
  17. I can't say I agree. This plot feels like a retread of Emily lying to Daniel about a pregnancy. Been there, done that.
  18. It's mind over matter. You can get up off that couch. You're not sick anymore, you can heal yourself! Walk, Chicken Wing, walk!
  19. R is for Republican, which was Big Daddy's political affiliation.
  20. Yep, Lydia emptied her glass on it. My hope is that if The Chair can be implausibly resurrected, so can Conrad.
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