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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. H is for the Hamptons, which could be Blanche's new hangout to find rich men.
  2. I'd throw Dinner at Eight, Laura, and The Best Years of Our Lives into the mix. And if we're talking silents I really have a soft spot for Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd short films.
  3. E is for an Easier trip to New Jersey, so Sophia and Dorothy would have been able to see Phil and his family more.
  4. X is for the equestrian-ish costume worn by FoXy LoXy.
  5. K is for the kimono-like robes worn by Blanche. One of which could be yours for the low, low price of $2500. http://estateofrue.com/catalog/blanches-lavender-silk-robe-from-the-golden-girls/
  6. I was never much of an Anne fan but I did get to meet Mr. Crombie after a performance of The Drowsy Chaperone and he was incredibly kind and gracious. This is very sad.
  7. "A deep verandah" is my new favorite euphemism - so genteel! Take a lesson, Max.
  8. Y is for the Yutz making basketball dribbling and shooting moves when he was supposed to be recovering in bed.
  9. X is for the eXercises the girls did at the gym. Jackhammer! Whirlybirds!
  10. Q is for that quivering thing Eddie does with his mouth.
  11. H is for the hand wave that accompanied Dorothy's, "Bon appetit."
  12. D is for the Dirty Dancing number Rose and Blanche performed.
  13. Y is for Sophia's decision to set the Yutz up with Gloria, even going so far as to send her flowers in his name.
  14. O is for Ol' Blue Eyes, and Dorothy's unfortunate decision to scalp her extra tickets to an undercover cop.
  15. I've had it with the woman who grinds out (I refuse to call it singing), "Aaaw Fiiiiiiiiiinally!" I want to steal her pee-pee pads so that she has to shut up.
  16. I is for Blanche's incarcerated pen pal, Merrill. How could she have thought that was a good idea?!
  17. I hope this isn't too macabre, but I found Marc's obituary. (Please pardon me, I'm a bit of a genealogy/records nerd.) I feel so badly for Meri and her family. http://www.premierfuneral.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=3001443&fh_id=12144
  18. T is for Truby, who could have been Blanche's roommate after all if the other girls hadn't lived there.
  19. I believe Adam was the brother married to Janelle, and the brother that just passed away was Marc.
  20. N is for Nurse Defarge, who could have catered to Sophia's whims indefinitely if the other girls hadn't been there to have their nocturnal activities disturbed.
  21. And what's more, it was one of Ashley's cast-offs! http://wornontv.net/9320/
  22. L is for Laszlo, who would only have had Blanche as a model for his sculpture if she hadn't known Dorothy and Rose.
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