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Everything posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. Genius! And we'll need to fit in, so ladies, pack your wigs and leave your bras at home. Everybody can put on a temporary neck or face tat. I just have to say, my work hours aren't compatible with viewing JJ anymore and I can't express how much I appreciate you all keeping me up to speed in your own inimitable hilarious way. A trip with all you sluts would be a hoot. Sorry to hear about the break-up, Teebax, but I'm glad you seem to be taking it in your stride. Onward to better things! And best wishes for the surgery, Giant. Take care of yourself.
  2. THIS. You're spot on. She's out of her depth, literally.
  3. Well, that's in the eye of the beholder. Robyn receiving 100% of Kody Brown's attention sure sounds like a booby prize to me. :)
  4. Sorry to double post, but it has been almost a month... T is for The Thin Man movies. What's not to like? And we know how Dorothy feels about Dashiell Hammett.
  5. Damn dammity damn damn. My sister and I are adults now but we still quote Robin Hood to one another frequently. And I agree with those who have said that the loss of Alan Rickman hurts more than most. RIP, sirs.
  6. Re: the photo of Meri and child Whenever the fahhmily posts something like this, it completely boggles my mind that a woman would celebrate and pose happily with the child her husband just fathered with another woman*. I mean, I know I'm just an ignorant monogamous shark who doesn't understand the magical specialness of polygamist life, but trying to understand that situation seriously makes my brain malfunction. It just does not compute. And if Meri's trying to look like a genuinely happy person in that picture, I don't think she's quite succeeding. * Obviously surrogate situations and children from previous relationships are different. I don't mean to offend anybody.
  7. A multimillionaire joined a gym? How pedestrian. Why not build a state-of-the-art home gym and hire a personal trainer/boxing instructor? Go big or go home, JO!
  8. I don't know if it's a continuity error per se, but I always thought it was weird that Rose wouldn't enjoy going to a thimble museum. It seems like that'd be right up her alley.
  9. It's been what - 16 or 17 years now? - and I'm still pissed that Berkeley Square didn't get a second season. That was soap at its finest and soapiest.
  10. Hmm, I had to read Dante's Inferno in college but I don't remember this particular level of hell. ;)
  11. S is for Smokey and the Bandit, so that the girls could get their Burt Reynolds fix.
  12. I totally thought you were going to say "...and then I crashed it into a tree," like those Liberty Mutual dopes. I've clearly been watching too much tv!
  13. I just want to put a good word out there for pit bulls. I'm biased because I grew up with a sweet dog who was a bully breed and also the biggest wimp imaginable, but the more I read about pit bull issues the more I'm convinced it's largely a problem with the owner, not the dog. There's a good documentary out there called Beyond the Myth that's very enlightening. That being said, I can't watch these cases anymore because a) the owners usually prove themselves to be incompetent, careless, or just plain thugs, and perpetuate the bad reputation, b) Judge Judy's prejudice starts showing if someone even whispers "pit bull," or c) usually both.
  14. In my ideal world, we could have both Christmas and the Girls at the same time. :)
  15. We know how they feel about Psycho, so P is for the Princess Bride. I think all the girls could find something to enjoy about that one. (Except maybe Sophia, who wouldn't like to see a Sicilian be outwitted.)
  16. ^^ Seriously. Who's narrating? I can't place the voice. (Except for Bran (I think?) on the last sentence.)
  17. You really missed a prime opportunity to pour sugar into the student's gas tank.
  18. L is for the Lord of the Rings series. I honestly don't know if the girls would like it, but I'd love to see Rose pick out some similarities between St. Olaf and the Shire.
  19. I thought the Browns went to church in their own living room. So does that mean the FAAAHMILY dared to voice their displeasure?
  20. Well gee thanks, 27bored. I'm at work trying to be professional so that Byrd doesn't have to support me, and you have me laughing so hard I'm in TEARS! Lord help.
  21. In this whole twisted saga, that's the most effed up thing yet.
  22. Felicitations, teebax! May your rims never stop spinning, May your loans always be gifts, May your Ebay and Craigslist purchases be legitimate, And may your tax returns be fruitful!
  23. I is for Ishtar...just kidding, Sophia. I is for Inception. Rose wouldn't get it but would really like the idea of keeping a toy top with her at all times. Blanche would insist her dreams are wilder.
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