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Everything posted by GirlWednesday

  1. Been thinking about Oliver and Sarah's relationship evolution And the lunge last season. I know the writers likely didn't decide to OFF Sara until the hiatus so ignoring that or even including that I guess , I can now understand why the lunge happened. Here are two people who hooked up, liked each other and something terrible happened before their love story ended mutually. On the island, oliver and Sara kept losing each other and it became desperate (maybe) and tragic. Sarah returns with resolve and even more damaged. But she's back. They are even more kindred than ever and they have another chance. Looking back now, it makes sense to deal with that unresolved tragic story before jumping into a more innocent love story with Felicity. From that perspective, sealing the fact that oliver loves Felicity with an outright declaration with no uncertainty. Maybe the writers want to focus on each characters identity crisis this season more than anything else. Roy is struggling with his whatever. Diggle with daddy hero balancing. Felcity balancing her light with darkness of the lair and Debbie downer oliver. Oliver not balancing at all bcuz he's a dumbass. Laurel with her trying to be a hero. Ray embarking on a hero journey. If these are the threads writers want to focus on, rather than a love story. I guess it's ok becuz a set love story with felicity as the girl but not a relationship I can handle. What I won't watch is a triangle with a false hero who doesn't know anything of anything. If I think like this, it makes it almost okay that I didn't see anyone get their flirting on.
  2. Good points, slovenly muse! On trubel not needing training. I guess i want the same time as you. More screen time with trubel and Nick together without Nick holding back. Regarding Juliette, I thought it was not Juliette's place to speak/ decide for Nick. He is the hero of this story. He should be able to be conflicted. Sometimes I feel like the show and all the characters need to be less concerned with Juliette and her feelings. Ymmv on this. Since we all watch with our own goggles.
  3. This episode contained everything I love and hate about Grimm. Rosalee And Monroe easily the heart of the show. Proving to Nick why Grimms are needed not just to protect humans but also the wesen that need help. I like this tone. Nick. Dude was a good guy/cop before being a Grimm and he kept on being this guy while missing and wanting his grimm ness back. Adalind. Love her. The show needs a anti-hero/defined antagonist like her. The show has completely retconned Renard into a good guy when he was pulling all the strings in season one. From my perspective, team Grimm and Adalind are still on equal footing. Adalind did wrong by hank, Nick punished her by taking her wesen nature away. He made it personal by that personal attack. Adalind had her weird journey into becoming a hexenbeast again, had her baby, baby was stolen, Adalind unknowingly punished the right perpetrators. Her attack was personal. And now Nick/Adalind are supposed connected even more. Which brings me to Grimm things I hated: - like the weird bluing of nick, slow heart rate or whatever from last season, I fear that this special connection will just be forgotten by the writers. Why do it if you are just going to hand wave it away a couple of episodes later. Makes no sense. - Wu - I don't like this character. Maybe it's the weird swag that actor carries himself with, I just don't buy what he is selling as a character. So don't cAre. If it was a choice of Wu or more hank development. Give me hank please. - Juliette - why do we need her character? She is not a hero so please show, just stop. The fact that she is making decisions for Nick, doesn't better her character, it just undermines nick's character. Finally trubel. I like trubel and I like Nick training the next generation. But can we have actual training and wisdom sharing please while being the crime fighting team- that would be nice. I liked how she did not hesitate to protect Nick.
  4. Just watched this episode. I'm surprised by so many things. I'm surprised that: - I hate Victoria with a heat of thousand Suns. She is not a victim. She is manipulative, delusional and sociopathic. - I heart Nolan. "Why can't I have one normal friend?" - david is a complete tool. Emily deserved a better father after all her sacrifices. - Daniel and emily... Hawt!! Jack who? Question: has emily actually killed anyone yet?
  5. But I like the pretty pretty that is Stephen Amell. Let's get real. Robert Downey JR is no Stephen Amell. Give me abs, growly voice, and scruffy face any day! :P
  6. One beat I thoroughly enjoyed from this week's episode was the moment when Felicity realized the horror of what her type was. In that moment, she embarrassed herself and had to turn away. LOVE. because it was a callback to series 1 moments where our IT nerd would just watch Oliver work out during the team arrow pow-wows.
  7. In real life, Shareholders have to approve rebranding stuff. So Oliver and Thea should have known beforehand. In my mind, Oliver after 3x01 said that he was okay with Ray taking over and bringing it back to its former glory. If Oliver wanted to separate completely from QC business but still be a shareholder, he would have had to sign over his voting rights to someone (at QC) or another investor (Walter). Either way, Oliver should have known beforehand. I think I read somewhere that Writers wanted to move away from QC corporate stuff when it comes to Oliver's storyline. Understandable since we now have a platoon practically in the arrow cave. But that's probably why there was no REEL LIFE scene about rebranding cuz BORING (in my opinion). Because if I want to see Oliver be in Manpain, I want it to be about losing Sara AGAIN, pushing Felicity away, mentoring Roy, not living up to Diggle's expectations. I have zero interest in his manpain regarding his family company caused by his own negligence - I think it undermines his character alittle too much.
  8. There are lots of stuff I can whine about but one thing I have confidence in is that EPs and the network realize the value of Felicity so all the negative press of being a gold digger.. what little faith I have in these producers, its all faith on them knowing what they have created. Character that is a GEM and is played with such soul by a future breakout star. So I'm cautiously optimistic about ignoring this negative press about our girl. One thing I realized after this week. I don't care about OTP of the show. I like Felicity first and Olicity second. Oliver can go on a LOA vacay all he wants, BC can become as badass as the writers rush her to be but as long as they give Felicity great moments to shine and develop as a real character and not a caricature. I'll support the show!
  9. Regarding the dinner invite, I had the opposite impression of Felicity. Not taking him seriously at all. Although, given all the dinners and random events, Felicity had to attend with Oliver, I'd figure she would just go with it if Ray asked seriously. But the bantering started about wingwomen, etc. I took all of that as just bantering.
  10. I have been commenting on our Felicity a lot in the latest episode thread but i wanted to come in here and say that. Of all the team arrowers, Felicity is the only one with two full time jobs. Everyone just does their thing until the next mission but Felicity is actively living two very separate lives! And both of her lives are asking a lot of attention. Obviously our girl is totally brillant so she is managing it fine but I Am sure that there is a direct conflict coming up soon. Hopefully Not Ray versus oliver loyalty thing but doing good publicly versus secret hero. So she can decide what is more important, being brillant at her techy things and challenging herself intellectually OR being a hero. Hopefully that's saved for next season! Although her arc is the same as Oliver's this season. Vigilante or person- or both. But only difference is that Oliver chose secret hero whereas Felicity is choosing both lives.
  11. Came back to chime in on the team arrow dinner without Felicity. From Oliver perspective, he needs to be somewhere safe to be his real self. THEA relationship is not there yet. He now knows that he doesn't want to be in the dark alone DESPITE his asshat comments whenever Felicity is listening. Talk about self sabotage. Roy is going through the same self-crisis so oliver needs to be there for him despite his man pain. From Diggle's perspective, he knows oliver is emotional and vulnerable and distracted. He tried to push a quick resolution but to his best knowledge neither oliver or Felicity budged. So he can only do what he can which is be there for his friends. Felicity angsting and be vulnerable to Ray will not get her killed. Oliver being emotional in his decisions will get him killed. So I get why Diggle extended an invite to Oliver and did not mention the dinner to Felicity. From Felicity's perspective, being part of team arrow is about doing good, making a difference and being heroic.. In part due to a need to redeem for what now is a false regret. But being part of team arrow is also inviting so much darkness into her life. Being brilliant with her techy things and helping Ray is so simple and light, I'm sure she is really proud that she is able to be a hero and be brilliant at her real potential. Team arrow is fractured because Oliver made it that way. Diggle barged back in after sarah died but Felicity quietly separated herself from the emotional satisfaction part of team arrow (Oliver) because oliver being dark and constantly abandoning her was going to destroy her. I was ok that she isn't part of those dinners. It will only draw her back in before she has found herself.
  12. Yeah now I'm kinda hoping for a Bruce Wayne parents type of trope. Ray Palmer/Felicity trying to save the city and LOA wanting to purge the city by letting it ruin so they target Ray and by association Felicity. Maybe that's why Oliver will come back ... Haha if only!
  13. Yeah the Writers probably thought it would be a easy character beat. I didn't really mind it as much as some others here. Whether this was OOC for Felicity, mileage may vary. I always see Felicity as someone who is "leaf in the wind" until she needs to be a rock. I thought it was funny that she was all bothered by the ladder and Ray realizing that she is attracted to a similar type of person. When she finds out about the atom, that will definitely confirm that hero is her type. Right now, hot billionaires wanting to do good. The dress thing could be construed as weird but I guess if these guys have been working together at random hours, Ray knew how to motivate Felicity to come to dinner. That just makes Ray smarter and Felicity quite transparent. I didn't see 50 shades or whatever but ymmv on that. But then I'm trying to go all good and light goggles when I watch this show since I want to want to like it again. Lol if that makes sense.
  14. So I kinda liked that episode. Rebranding of a company requires board approval and shareholder voting or whatever so there is no way that Oliver did not know with his 45% ownership. He had to have voted yes on it So I'm ok with Felicity not making a big deal because they are all adults. Felicity is a professional in everything she takes on even when her new eccentric boss on her door step waving napkins with formulas written on it. I skipped the Nyssa and Ted grant episode so my knowledge is limited viewing knowledge. But the speech of trusting Ray to do right by the mineral owner guy did not seem out of character. Because this is felcity. Even though Ray was stalking her (or headhunting her from the first moment), she must have done her homework on him before she said yes so even though it's been one month, she's bought into his mission as much as she bought into the original hood mission in a very short amount of time. So her speech about Ray was not OOC for me. I'm glad that even Ray was surprised by it. She clearly was superimposing how she saw Oliver onto how she sees Ray. I'm okay with it because I'm interested in where Ray is going with all this. This episode was about everyone struggling. Felicity trying to find happiness and light after a shitty month of Sara dying, oliver dumping her ass after one aborted date and ignoring her, Diggle busy with his own family, Roy figuring shit out, finding out her BF did not commit suicide and someone she immortalized as a life lesson to change everything about herself turned out to be completely false. At this moment, the only sure thing that she can trust is Ray and the good work she knows she can do and she has fun doing it without angst. I wish the stories were paced better with more character beats but I guess it is what it is. I liked that Diggle was the sage advisor, worried about oliver hurting himself because his head wasn't in it or maybe his heart is in this case. I liked that oliver and Roy are developing a relationship ONSCREEN. They can fire arrows in sync but barely speak to each other .. So I liked their beats. Oliver and Felicity - I wish we had seen the five months of cute meet and cute flirt with Roy and Diggle smirking at them. But I like that Oliver is suffering for making a choice of not being with Felicity. A choice he made for her without regard of what she wants. She has always asserted that it's her life and choice but he keeps taking that choice away when it mattered the most. Oliver doesn't deserve Felicity yet. Because he doesn't really see her. I know this is unfair but Oliver kinda defaults HIS PARTNER as IT help. He needs to realize that she is f'ing brilliant and that's the reason she was being pursued by Ray. Ray obviously needs her help and is asking her to build codes for components of things. Don't think Felicity is seeing the bigger picture yet. He is clearly compartmentalizing the stuff he is involving her with. Even her impression with him. When Ray is with Felicity, he is neurotic and s******, goofy, excited about tech and formulas and things. It's like he is acting like someone she can relate to. When he is alone, he is confident, solemn and burdened. Took me until this episode but I'm interested, dammit show. You got me.
  15. Hmm the promos made me miss Felicity and Diggle and Oliver enough to watch this nutty show. I Didn't watch last week .. Just cuz. Felicity reacting to the dress, I like that better than her reacting to the date invite. She totally handwaved it away. I also like that she turned around quick after she saw his nakedness. At least that's somewhat consistent.
  16. "Hi remember when I had a crush on you and tried to jump you... My bad, turns out we are sibbies!! Soo PJ party at my new place! Oliver's bringing popcorn! You bring the crack .. Or vertigo! ... I'm good with either.. Whateves!" Edited to say: the above is in response to Genki's post on last page.
  17. hmmm if there Lazarus Pit'd Tommy after 2 seasons and not Sara. SIGH! But I can get behind the following: Team Arrow plus Roy (conflicted with Thea) Team Badass (Merlin, Thea and resurrected Tommy) Team Badass trying to control the city, Team Arrow getting in the way.
  18. Oh man! She was great as baby Winchester mama! Great onscreen presence. Hear that "***" the sound of opportunity wasted. Though I love the evolution of Felicity's show presence.
  19. My wish for the season - more Duke and Nathan and Audrey adventures. They really are the new Vince/Dave/Sarah combo. More TOTW cases with the major arc. Major arc with Mara is kinda getting stale already. I want Nathan to struggle with not feeling again while being with Audrey. More Colorado kid (on loan from 'Bitten'), Mara realizing that she actually had a kid. If Mara is going to be with Duke then finding a way to redeem her Alittle by rescuing CK and loving Someone other than herself would be a start. Right now the show feels burdened by its own mythic beginnings.
  20. Finally caught up on all things Haven (Haven is my new Arrow, becuz Arrow = train wreck right now). Canadian AppleTV/iTunes seems to be always behind for some reason. So this is my latest episode. i liked it sort of. Not entirely on board with me and Mara adventures. I actually want more Nathan and evil Mara scenes. And Audrey and Mara scenes. I feel like I have seen this duke is misunderstood but is a silent hero before. I like duke but I like just fine being a badass and taking names. Struggling with his troubles. I loved every season of Haven, TOTW (trouble of the week) were interesting. Totally heart the threesome. Love the change up on the triangle over the series that now both Audrey and Duke will do anything for Nathan. But I'm with the people above with hopes that duke is pulling a long con. Otherwise it will be sad. I get that duke is a reluctant hero and the whole me and Mara against everything but I want more scenes with Audrey and Mara. I want audrey struggling with her identity scenes. Having an existential crisis. Both the storyline just skips over all that.
  21. Hahaha sometimes the fan fiction stories are a great salve for what is happening on screen. I read up a couple of sarcasticfina. Soo good and angsty!
  22. I recently discovered fan fiction for arrow. Loving the stories. Times like these (completed) and broken arrows (in progress) are my favorites. There were a couple stories that I thought had great potential: queen's champion (writer stopped updating) and billionaire bachelor.
  23. Ok have to chime in on the latest! Esthetically, Katie looks like a badass clad in leather. But man! When I compare the canarys, LL's canary is all done up in makeup and had dead eyes, no emoting. I get nothing. I compared it to Sarah (of course since I like to torture myself) Sarah's canary is more natural. Quiet reluctant strength.
  24. Worst line of the episode:"do as you are told" My immediate reaction: bitch check yourself, that's the doctor you are speaking to. Your supposed sudden best friend you have been persecuting this whole series. Glad series 8 is over. Looking forward to new blood for companion. Clara needs to stay gone.
  25. I remember watching first couple of eps of season 1. Watched it off and on but the show didn't hook me in like SG1, BSG, doctor who. I realize that these shows are vastly different but each show I loved because of the character work when it mattered. Season 1 finale was what hooked me. Team arrow. I did fast fwd thru some she who shalt not be named scenes. But I was super pumped for season 2. I agree with the post above. Arrow is the first show I felt invested in its character growth and development. Every other show I'm just along for the ride. Although Moffat these days does earn some of my ire. Maybe because there is no Fringe/xfiles/SG1 on tv - that Arrow became my go to show for frivolous watching. And it's probably what's making me more disappointed when the writers falter. Maybe because I know the writers are capable of GREATNESS (season 2a) that it is even more disappointing when it missteps. Killing Tommy And Sarah was a big misstep. Not having Slade develop into an anti-hero was another. Though it may be the track that THEA and Meryln are on now. I like this arrow. I may not watch every episode but I want to want to watch every episode like season 2a. I want to love this show and have it be my new SG1/fringe. But alas it's not to be. I have no idea whats happening. To get over it, I took on the show Haven. It's not perfect, the legends are confusing as hell, but it delivers on entertainment, character work and good monster of the week. Heroes get shit done and they get it done with wit. I'm bitter that I can't seem to completely quit arrow bcuz I still like team arrow and will tune into the show off and on even if it is mediocre.
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