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Everything posted by GirlWednesday

  1. This season keeps the action going. I haven't been bored once. But I am super confused by the flash backed timeline. Can someone help me get this sorted out? Growing up, Esther charmed klaus to be weak so he wouldn't go rage monster and kill someone and trigger the wolf curse. Still human, Klaus intrigued by wolves turning on the moon, sneaked away At night to watch them turn with brother henrik. Bro henrik died. Esther freaked and borrowed some of Tatia's blood and white oak tree to turn Rebecca, kol, Mikel, Elijah, klaus and Silas into vampires. Klaus killed and turned into a hybrid. Then Esther borrowed more blood from a dead tatia to bind klaus' wolf self? I thought doppelgängers had to be alive for spells to work. Also - is the only reason white oak stake work on klaus is because of the silver thing in it? I thought I remember a tvd episode where klaus was staked and he burned and jumped bodies. Was that before becoming a hybrid?
  2. I didn't notice Oliver's sourpuss face when Felicity made the joke. Any gifs?
  3. Just watched corto Maltese and I swear people the writers are intentionally making this so bad. This character is so ridiculously unsympathetic. MY sister died. I HAVE her Jacket. IAM so angry. I NEED to beat up bad guys. Sarah wanted to save women from the hands of men. LL didn't even try to help the woman. It was all about her. Maybe she is or will be all must get revenge, I just want to hunt the bad guys, need to spill blood argh!!! But everyone else is already past this lesson. Oliver, Sarah have all moved past blind revenge. Thea's journey in one hour was compelling. Ten seconds of Nyssa made me care about her next few mins of finding out her love is lost. Laurel-I don't care about your angry journey girl.
  4. Hmm. Shoot me! I liked this episode, not because it was perfect and I had my team back but some (small) amount of faith was restored in the writers. THEA!!! Now that's how you take a character and deconstruct her to be something new something else. Thea was always a B character for me on the show. But I want her journey and I'm interested in her journey. Congrats to Felicity on her promotion. You deserved it girl. I like the potential storytelling opportunities. This one character is now connected to pretty much everyone on the show with a major storyline. That quick scene played for laughs proves why arrow needs the Felicity character. Everyone's else is busy being Debbie downers! Oliver - I like his moments with digg and Roy. It makes his relationships believable. He is focusing on his sister because he witnessed a sister being lost. He's dumb but I guess I can see him compartmentalizing this: thea and I have no one else. We need to be together. BUT Felicity got hurt because I didnt notice a tracker on me. I can't be distracted. Digg - liked his sub- story. Digglette and Lyla were so cute! LL: ok that first scene in the gym. I wasn't even playing attention to the dialogue. Because my sister and I were confused as to why LL is wearing a detective's shield. As much as I don't care for this storyline or that they killed Sarah for this stuff and nonsense, I liked that she failed and stumbled so grandly. For someone who is the second best educated (first bring Felicity but she's also a genius), why is she the least logical person on the show. If LL had done her research and then outplayed the abuser, I could have bought into it. Hell. I would have cheered if she approached him and used her "Wiley heart eyes" to start something with some thugs and get him beat up. I would have thought that LL was vicious but at least she would be competent. ... Taking the rest of this to Laurel thread. Anyways overall I have regained some lil faith that writers are evolving the characters . I'll ff thru LL stuff and still be ok.
  5. She looks different in flash pics. Softer and more.. IDK.. Feminine. I like how she looks like she fits in.
  6. Things I liked about season 2 that made me a devoted can't miss Arrow, screw yoga class type of viewer! Team arrow: in first part of season 2. After oliver decided to be more heroish, everything fell into place! The capers and baddies were fun. The banter between the three was great. There was trust, respect and pure awesomeness between the power of three. Even when they fought, I liked it! Sarah: I was worried when she came. Too many characters destined to be in the team. Sarah Roy sin Thea... I wanted to enjoy just the three kick butt episode after episode. But Caity was awesome in this role. Tragic beautifully damaged and lost. I liked her story. I didn't even mind the hookup because the girl deserved some happiness. Season 2.5 was ruined by the drunk but excluding that, everything was fun. Moira was fun, threatening Felicity like a good mama bear. Thea starting on her path. Malcolm cap jack Merlin returned. I hate where the neighbourhood drunk is taking this show but I'll keep watching for: Sarah's story( I'm hoping Nyssa comes and steals her body and takes it to pits), Felicity and the Smoak story, Diggle Oliver Quentin
  7. Well. All that happened. My thoughts in random order by character. Oliver: - the guy is trying to be a leader. What he doesn't realize is that digg and Felicity are partners and he is Roy's mentor. If he wants to lead, he needs to be more not less. He regressed since last week's I don't want you hurt because I'm not focussed on the bad guys to another I need to be a rock for all of you and not grieve. Felicity said and took back what she said. But it needed to be said. An emotionless rock does not equal a strong rock. Oliver grew alittle with his reaction to Roy (it definitely would have been different last season) and his epiphany with digg at the end. I think if the show writers showed us rather than tell us about Oliver's character growth for the rest of the season, he can be my hero. Obviously they are capable of it- this week's flash ep was a good example of it. Digg: I like his character. Correction I love his character. I think he will get all the quiet leader beats that were handed to Felicity last season. I'm totally ok with it. I champion this change. Felicity: I heart this character. This character is what brought me back to arrow in season 1. The opening scene did seem odd with Roy and arrow when we all know what happened at the hospital night before. I guess both oliver and Felicity are professionals in the lair. Good on them. Felicity's awe at Sarah's body and almost like devoted surmon was pitch perfect given her awe with sarah. Last season she reacted to sarah with insecurity that she wasn't good enough for them. This speech fit well with those feelings. Felicity's reactions were the most 'normal' of the bunch besides digg. Her reaction is the equivalent of people having sex in funerals in movies. The need to feel alive and have hope. Sadly Oliver is not the leader that can inspire hope. Quentin: love his hair and him. I'm concerned at where his invalid status will take him. I don't want him popping pills every time he is interacting with team arrow. LL: Ok i get it. She has a big damn destiny or whatever. The writers are not doing KC favours. Her best scene was at the stairs with Oliver. Everything else was forced. Writers - this chick is size 2 nothing. Sarah is 5'4ish pure muscly assassin. LL could barely pick her up to hug her and cry last scene of calm. Solution. LL call Digg. Digg helps and calls team. Team walks in like whatever. Scene continues as normal. Audience disbelief is no longer suspended like a giant alien tap danced thru the lair wearing speedos. LL barking orders to Felicity - I think writers might have been going for authoritative and take charge. BUT girl- team arrow doesn't need ya. I am not a fan of this character. She is why I stopped watching in season 1 before team arrow brought me back. The episode itself: It didn't work for me. This entire episode would have served this LL character a lot better if she was just devastated and couldn't let go of Sarah's body. Not because she had an better relationship with Sarah but because she was just starting to. If team arrow just got tipped off by Quentin and did their thing, it would have worked. And at the end, Oliver comes back and tells LL. " Laurel We didn't get him but we will." "Yes and WE will." Walks over and puts on the jacket'i will find who did this to you Sarah". Cut to the Awesomeness of cap jack and little Thea. I would have still hated that my Sarah is now gone but I would have appreciated LL's reaction a lot better. Edited: for spelling
  8. I think I finally realized why I'm having trouble with series 8. Clara is not in awe of the adventures and the doctor has lost his purpose- need to atone for his wrong (nine), need to have adventure ( ten), need to experience innocence I guess ( eleven.. I skipped parts of elevens run because... Boring). Clara is way too judgey. She doesn't remember all her lives but acts like she knows better. I don't get this character setup for this series.
  9. Regarding Oliver drinking - i interpreted that as an Oliver queen move. Arrow does not drink. The whole episode was about Oliver getting comfortable with being arrow and working on making Oliver queen happy as well. He has always been like this. To survive, he shuts down and focuses on one thing. Stepping back from Felicity was totally in character because to him, he's not good for her and he needs to stay focussed or people (Felicity) get hurt. Last season he tried so hard to destroy Slade and lost everything. He realized that he wanted to be a hero and save rather than act with vengeance. After this episode where he has "fired" his confidant and comrade and dropped Felicity as his girl. He has isolated himself again on an island. I hope it's not for Oliver and Laurel show of avenging Angels.
  10. Someone back in the day suggested that Sarah, Oliver, Felicity would have been a nice triangle. I'm ok with Nyssa being friends or more with Felicity. No sister swapping rule should apply to Nyssa too. LL is just a void of suckitude that I can't imagine any interesting relationship to get behind.
  11. Ok I'm back with some bitterness. Sarah was surprised by someone on the roof. He shot her with three arrows and she just stood there. She was dodged far worse before and escaped.. Sarah was trained by Ra's al Ghul. Only person that could have surprised her and Sarah wouldn't have felt threatened would have been Nyssa. ... Such a contrived death. Grr argh! Even at close range, she has fast reflexes ... So annoying at such a bad death for her... She should have gone out in a blaze. Choosing to die to save many etc.
  12. So does felicity now have three love interests? Oliver, Barry and Ray?
  13. I actually like that Olicity kiss was not all grabby and intense. It was quiet kiss. ~ Swoon ~ haha
  14. How much did I love how that last Olicity scene ended? "I told you if we talked, it would be over" awesome.
  15. I agree with everyone who have said here in this forum that it was strategic to place so much Olicity, Felicity, digg, Digglette to distract from big damn destiny of LL. The episode was definitely on red bull. EPs misstepped here. One of the reasons I frakkin loved loved season 2.0 was because it was mostly team arrow kicking butt. I would have been happier if we saw how good they all were at kicking butt while being very poor, new baby, ... Living a charmed life before something major like Sarah's death.
  16. The flashbacks will endear Nyssa to me and help me see her through Sarah's eyes. I'd still watch the flashbacks because Sarah's development to me is more epic than Oliver's And now even more tragic than it already was. I just wish LL had died instead. And it was Sarah seeking revenge And devolving from being a hero. It would have resonated with me so much more.
  17. Finally watched the episode. Loved everything about team arrow plus Roy. Ignored LL and her damned destiny. Pfft. I agree with the poster above that mentioned that Roy looked weird with his mask and hood. I thought the same thing every time the camera focused on his face. It's his eyes. Makeup department needs to add more definition. The mask is too dark against his pallor. And his eyes are light too,no? It's something.... Need some contouring and contrasting, methinks. Someone in the makeup department should get on that. And yes I have decided to focus on the superficial workings of the show rather than BIG DAMN DESTINY because pfft. I thought the stunts at the beginning was solid. I like the team work of digg, Roy and arrow at the beginning. Regarding QC, I wish we had a throwaway scene with felicity where she asks Oliver why he wants QC back. Oliver continues to be a flawed charActer. There also needed to be a line about arrow cleaning the city and Oliver rebuilding it. And then at the end, Oliver deciding arrow needs to keep up the fight in the dark and the Rays of the world can rebuild in the light, etc. it would have brought it together for me more. Instead editing cohesion wise, we just jumped from set piece to set piece and it felt alittle jarring. I liked the randomness of Ray. I enjoyed the scenes with Felicity if only because it will draw out some further characterization of my girl Felicity. And it will be away from "man pained" Oliver.
  18. Funniest response to Andrew k's tweet something along the lines of "AK and MG in a alley with a canon!". Whoever that was.. It was gold, good on ya! I cannot even bring myself to watch the episode. I'm already bitter. I feel like everything I love about this show is at risk- Diggle, Felicity. I am an olicity-er as much as the next person but now If I don't have confidence that the stories are going to be about the holy trinity (individually and together) but about St Laurel, I don't think this can be my show anymore. Because guess what writers... I don't give a rats ass about Laurel. I didn't care about her when Oliver came back and she FELT so damn much (I hate him for cheating on me but I love him soo much because he's so rich!), I didn't care about her when tommy died, I didn't care how she felt when Sarah came back, and so I definitely won't care when one of my favourite characters just died for her DAMN destiny and it will be for nothing. Sarah was a character like Buffy. Forced to take on and be more. Be strong and resolute. She was never a hero and just when she was starting to find the hero inside her, you kill her. Avenging a dead sister won't make Laurel a hero. Wearing a dead sister's clothes won't make her honorable nor will it honor the dead sister. By killing Sarah, you have robbed all of a story of Hero's redemption. I'm angry and I haven't even watched the damn episode! Dammit!
  19. They didn't explain the sonogram. Dov just picked it up and looked at Marlo. Nick was making out with the biker /toothbrush girl but then she split when he said he was a cop
  20. Totally agree with your comment about his interactions with Chloe and Gail. That episode when Chloe wants nick to find out what Dov is thinking was hilarious.
  21. I just caught up on the latest season and the only thing that kept me interested was Nick! He makes every character better. Kinda like Oliver but hotter! Shall we discuss and appreciate?
  22. Good article and comments but the past, present, future - pfft. I must be watching the show wrong because I just can't see it. Great comments for our girl.
  23. Hey! Question. How long did laurel and Oliver actually go out? How much history is there?
  24. Oh we should have another category. Pairing I would love to see: Felicity and Nyssa!!!
  25. Ah right ... I forgot she planned to sell the baby!
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