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Everything posted by GirlWednesday

  1. She looks better there in that pic and as a blond. I have only seen her in gossip girl. Don't remember her from supernatural, remember the character of ruby.. Sometimes it's better to watch a show without social media. Lots of swirl out here on the inter web. Anyway that linked article also referenced more reviews of unthinkable. Generally good feedback from critics etc. I haven't read a bad review yet.
  2. http://weminoredinfilm.com/2014/05/15/tv-review-arrow-unthinkable-s2ep23-i-love-you-too-oliver/. Is that blond chick supposed to be KC? Wow I didn't even recognize her!
  3. Generated The sound of a million Squees? lol
  4. Yeah Diggle and Felicity are the quiet unsung heros of the show. Rising up from being ordinary and making a difference and asking for nothing more than the privilege to fight the good fight.
  5. I liked how felicity just waited for Oliver to zip line down. She totally could have gone with Diggle.
  6. But did it trigger an island flashback? Even a flashback to an all inclusive vacation? Superhero skills required are obviously pouting, whiny, throwing glassware that trigger tropical island flashbacks.
  7. Yeah all those love letter to Laurel interviews ..had me hoping that she was getting a grand sendoff. Suppose it could happen. She gets shot in the first episode and Sarah comes back. Maybe it was a test, if giving KC a chance to market and whether that brought me more interest than usual.
  8. I have resigned myself to having her on my show. If the writers were smart, She should be the link to non-hero stuff. Alerting the team to baddies, etc. without taking up valuable arrow lair real estate.
  9. I like it. Thinking about this more and rewatching the scene, My interpretation is now more along the lines of full disclosure. Felicity knew about the plan. It was her plan. But I think she underestimated how it would make her feel when she heard Oliver say the words. It felt too real. So on the beach, she's saying it like "yeah in that moment it felt almost real, silly me, so unthinkable". I'm shipping my shipper heart to the max here!
  10. Actually, it would have made sense because in clock king episode, Sarah and Felicity have a moment where Felicity is trying to be more like Sarah and wore a leather jacket. It would have made more sense actually. Sarah passing her jacket to Felicity and saying "take care of our boys until I can come back". This brings me to really the only thing that bugs me about this show. Everything else I can hand wave away. You can totally remove looney lance and actually improve the storyline. Sarah breaks up with Oliver, goes to Nyssa for help because she is afraid for her old and new family. Nysaa says yes but one condition. "You have to rejoin LOA". Slade ambushes the team/LOA and captures Felicity and Sarah. Diggle/Suicide Squad/Lyla battle ARGUS while NYSSA and Oliver grudgingly work together and rescue their girls. Death match ensues. At the end, we are at the same place. But as Sarah is saying goodbye, Quentin collapses. Team arrow rushes to help him but LOA says if you choose your new family, there will be A Reckoning. Sarah steps off the boat and says "bring it". Final scenes, Felicity holding Quentin as Arrow/Digg/Sarah/LOA get ready for battle. Fade to black. Fucking laurel and her damn destiny!
  11. Yeah I'm happy and relieved about a Sarah living on. Lots of comments about All characters just hand waving Sarah returning to LOA. I interpreted team arrow as acceptance of a comrade's decision. Even if they didn't agree with it. Sarah is sacrificing/choosing to join LOA in exchange for their help with baby deathstrokes ruining the city. It brought Nysaa back and put those two together. I'll happily hand wave the details away. Not cool, LL being all SMILES as she says bye to her sister. I practically shouted at my tv "stop smiling dumbass, she's not going on a cruise or going to club med, she is rejoining a league of assassins, you might never see her again." Quentin knew her secret longer, knew not to be overly senti about the whole thing. But Laurel big sister laurel should have been trying to convince her to stay. Quentin should have told laurel to let Sarah go. Writers keep dropping the ball in every scene where LL could do something that will connect with audiences. It's not rocket science. audience like Sarah. They want Sarah to stay. Laurel will connect with audience if Laurel is put in the same position as the audience.
  12. Just watch it! I liked it! I feel absolutely exhausted and emotionally drained. Not from watching the episode but from the agony of last 12 weeks, waiting with bated breath, what the show writers were doing with my team arrow and looney lance. All those interviews are so completely disconnected with what happened on screen. It's almost comical. Alas all that worry was all for naught. LL is just as disposable as she was last year. Complete non-entity. I was so afraid that writers, in their infinite devotion to LL being a good thing and a leading lady, they would destroy what I loved about the show. But I guess these writers are more savvy than I gave them credit. Like good businessman, they didn't break what worked, felicity, Diggle, Sarah and Arrow. Unlike last year, where Diggle and Oliver fought while felicity stayed on the sidelines and supported her men; this year, all three (four if you include Sarah) played equally important roles that got the job done. One of the things I like in this show is that team arrow loses, messes up and hardly ever had the upper hand. What I liked from this episode: - Sarah and Nyssa - bringing Nyssa and going back to LOA was Sarah's unthinkable. sign me up for some Nyssa and Sarah adventures on the Nordic Pearl! - Nyssa and Felicity intro. EBR could have chemistry with a tree. Katrina Law rocked all her scenes. That chick has presence. That beat totally worked for me and it was realistic. NYSSA introducing herself with all the arrogance a Ra's Ah Ghul probably should have. Felicity being Felicity reciprocating without guile. You could see by Nyssa's reaction that she found Felicity worthy of her time. - Thea's unthinkable was going with Meryln. For the first time in two years I'm interested and engaged in her character. Sign me up for some Thea and Captain Jack adventures! - Roy - his story arc worked for me. He spent all his time, running around, trying to find the vigilante, wanting to be like him, etc. He never stopped to think about what he would lose. That last beat I think he realized. - Diggle and Lyla are cute. I missed me some Diggle. So I liked that they had their own adventure. That worked for me. I wish we had more scenes of Digg and Deadshot taking down some guards before they got to Waller. "Adventures of Digg & Deadshot" - Sign me up! - Olicity beats - totally worked. I like how the house part wasn't preplanned. That created a heartbeat where Felicity realizes that she kinda hearts her Arrow but never thought it was possible. Unthinkable future where she gets her man. It also made her vulnerable because Oliver could hurt her really bad. Oliver should have warned her but it's a tv show so misunderstanding of love should happen. I didn't even mind it. Because it forces these two to evolve. On the island, that last beat when Felicity says it's unthinkable that Oliver could love her, he smiles that sweet accepting smile like he knows a secret and says that she was convincing too. Maybe not so unthinkable after All. And. that. look. Between the two of them was one of just acceptance. No more words needed. If season three is just about solving crimes and punch bad guys and no angst about who Oliver loves the most, I'm fine with that. Let's get back to character driven plots and missions of the week. Which brings me to THE. WEAK. LINK. - ah man what are the writers thinking? "Oliver needs you" yeah, he needs you like he needs tapeworm. And man, even tapeworm has a cure these days!
  13. So did the writers redeem themselves and earn back some viewers for next season with this finale?
  14. I don't suppose Lazarus Pit can also change LL's face so we get another actress for the role. Clean slate for the writers!
  15. Since we don't have a Team Arrow thread that I could see, I'll post here. Best parts of season 1 part 2 season 2 part 1 were the Felicity and Diggle moments working together. The team dynamics grew organically in bits and starts. Oliver didn't talk to Digg at first, just focused on the missions But slowly there was counselling and island sharing. With Felicity, it was more of a personal growth for Oliver/Felicity. Her body language changed, she became more confident. He allowed more people to come closer. All that is what I miss from the show. Stunts and all that are cool and hello ABS but it's just mission, panic and be depressed for parts of this last leg. It's like somehow they forgot what gave the show heart and soul.
  16. This is probably going to be a dumb question and you guys are going to revoke my fan forum membership. My disclaimer - not a comic book person but love sci-fi/adventure/fantasy shows. What's a comparable example where all the hero does is save a useless "heroine" of the story? Lois was useful, Mary Jane maybe? In this generation, we are drawn to the Felicity's and Sarah's of the world. Why would the writers even consider that whiny Laurel who is righteous and grandstanding and is constantly needing to be saved I s a acceptable and successful heroine of a story? Heroines should inspire.
  17. Well since the writers seem to love Whedonverse and Whedon-logic, we might just get a musicale episode. New vertigo drug with a surprising side effect "jazz hands". Something just occurred to me. Could the unthinkable be that Slade injects Laurel and Felicity with Mirakuru and only one cure left.
  18. I interpreted the obsession of Laurel's pic as a lightening rod grounding Oliver in his first year and as his regret. Like his father, he had to right his wrongs. He regretted the crappyperson he was and he had to get back to Starling so he could make amends for his behaviour. Atone for his treatment of people in his life that he took for granted. If he had a picture of his family, he would have obsessed about that too, I would expect. In my interpretation of the show, I think Oliver stopped focussing on 'getting back to Starling' melancholy and started to really learn to survive with Slade/Shado. I never saw Laurel/Oliver as star-crossed anything. If you want to apply star crossed doomed lovers, that would apply to Sarah/Oliver, no? Big sister took her crush away before she had a chance, got her chance with her crush, boat accident, remeet on the island, torn away over and over. Finally meet up with Oliver in starling but too many ghosts that haunt them both. If I look at Sarah/Oliver that way, I'm okay with the desperate grab and hookup and immediate relationship. Being Olicity fan and a Sarah fan, I'd even champion a triangle between S/O/F.
  19. For a couple of episodes, he has been "closed" off from the team. Distracted with all else going on, since Felicity telling him about his mom. Can anyone confirm? I cannot bring myself to go rewatch season 2.5. Maybe this was the writers intention - the distance between the arrow triad, lack of screen presence highlighting this aspect. Oliver realizing he needs them to be three again. Nah.. They are just making it up as they go.
  20. If Sarah's destiny is to die a hero and Laurel to fight on in her stead... That's definitely embracing something .. Oh yeah it's called .. Mediocrity!
  21. More like.. Shrapnel...Clock King...dollmaker.. Ra's Al Ghul...Harley Quinn ...ravager...dark archer... DEATHSTROKE... Connor?
  22. Diggle's unthinkable could be siding with Deadshot against Lyla? Or did he blatantly do that in suicide squad? I remember closing scenes with Lyla/Digg to be more agreeing to disagree type of impasse but being together anyway. Felicity killing someone would haunt her. If they give Slade the cure and Oliver still can't take the shot because he is so dejected/broken and wants to believe that Slade can be redeemed. If Felicity (GOD I Hope not Laurel) delivers the killing blow to protect Oliver like Giles killing Ben/Glory. That's unthinkable. I would prefer Digg to do that errand but he will be with argus.
  23. If you liked that article, this next is a great read for all Smoakers out there. http://www.arghink.com/2013/07/19/the-felicity-smoak-problem/ Most have read it because it was republished on a lot of sites. It was Jennifer C who wrote it.
  24. If you like that article, take a look at the archives "arrow Thursdays" - it was Jennifer C who wrote "problem with Felicity Smoak" and one specifically about Laurel Lance.http://www.arghink.com/2014/02/07/character-and-context-how-do-you-solve-a-problem-like-laurel-lance/
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