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Everything posted by ladyrott

  1. Please, please, writers....give us scene with everyone together (including Feeny) when Eric wins the election. I KNOW his face would be absolutely priceless! :-)
  2. I will second that! I also want a scene with ALL the Matthews kids together, along with Amy and Alan. I was disappointed the Christmas episode didn't give us that. I definitely want more Feeny....and some Eric/Feeny time would definitely be appreciated.
  3. Cory - "Babies! You are supposed to kiss BABIES, you maroon!" (loved the continuity of "Maroon" from BMW)
  4. I know the scene you mean! It's when Shawn comes to town to dig up the time capsule. Shawn asks her about her acting and she says "I was playing a waitress at the Nighthawk Diner and now I am playing a waitress here." Maya says something about her not acting, that it's Katie's real life and Katie says "It can't be" in a really desperate voice. It was played for laughs and I actually DID get a chuckle out f it. I get the feeling Katie is still auditioning because it's become a habit. It doesn't seem like she really believes she is ever going to be a star or anything....she doesn't even seem to WANT to be. We haven't seen her get excited over an audition or anything (like Jessie on "Jessie" who still squeals over auditions) and the only positive type thing I can remember her saying about it was her comments about only regretting dreams she gave up on to soon.
  5. OMG! Tommy! Ok, I admit I wasn't crazy about the college years and I probably wouldn't have remembered the Tommy storyline without the flashbacks but....that was sweet and awesome (and completely out of the blue LOL). I was rather annoyed at first that this mystery blogger dude just happened to be sitting in the café when Eric came in to announce he was running. I mean, this is NYC, not some small town where everyone is related to everyone else is some way. When it was explained he was actually Tommy, it took away some of the annoyance, but it still didn't make a lot of sense. If Tommy realized the café belonged to Eric's brother and sister-in-law, why would he not have introduced himself prior to this? Actually, why did he wait for the debate to reveal who he was? You would think that would have been the FIRST thing out of his mouth after the "I'm the thorn" comment. Ok, not going to tear it apart with logic. It was awesome. :) Loved the continuity of Farkle still searching for his birth certificate and Eric saying he has a "niche" and a nephew who is "cousin Auggie".
  6. I agree with KerleyQ. Despite the fact that most of us on this board are adults, this is a KIDS show. And kids don't think about rent and power and food. It is realistic that they would just see Katy as "flakey" and believe that is the reason Maya only gets half a mom. It isn't until they are considerably older than Middle School that children realize that mom might have missed their art show because missing work would have meant not having enough in the pay check to cover rent that month. I actually like that they portray the single mom trying to raise a kid on her own so realistically. I was blessed with two parents growing up but I have seen plenty of my friends struggle as adults to raise their kids on their own....with dads who have "new families" and don't think they need to send child support to the child they left behind. Maybe the real life Maya watching this show will take a second to appreciate what the real life Katy is doing to keep the necessities going or realize that she doesn't have "half a mom" because mom wants it that way.
  7. As much as I love this show, I would have had to give it up if they went that way. The age difference won't matter as much in a few years, but it sure as hell matters now! I like Maya as a character and I like Josh as a character but if they want a romance between those two, they need to do an age jump or keep this show on the air for 4 years and then have them get together!
  8. Maya being in middle school is what brings the ick factor for me. If she were a high school freshman and Josh a senior, it would still be kind of weird, but the fact that she hasn't even made it to high school whereas he is getting ready for college.....well, I would think it was pretty damn weird if he were interested in dating her. And yes, their dating would not be illegal, but I would find it very ridiculous if a 17 year old boy was NOT interested in doing things that a barely 14 year old child should NOT be doing during those dates (in the immortal words of Xander Harris - "I am 17. Looking at linoleum makes me want to have sex"). Josh has been very nice about Maya's crush and he has also been very clear that he isn't interested. I am STILL pissed that Maya and Riley ruined Josh's party that he was so excited to be going to in order to meet some new friends before he starts college. Were I him, my brother would have gotten a very irate phone call to pick up his daughter and then the "nice guy" routine of telling Maya I wasn't interested would have gone out the window (away from my new "friends" who were threatening to ruin my dating life if I wasn't nice to this child who is stalking me).
  9. I wasn't very impressed with this episode. I laughed at the sorority stuff with Riley, but the tater tot was too over the top for me. Maya is too young, both physically and emotionally, for Josh. Her "I don't care" attitude in the beginning was completely transparent which just proved her immaturity....as does following him to the dorm party that HE was looking forward to as a chance to make new friends and screwing that up for him. I like Maya but I like Josh too and I don't like that HIS college experience was ruined by her childishness. I did like Auggie this episode and thought his covering for his sister was sweet. I am glad they have him acting more his age. I guess I am in the minority, but I missed Lucas this episode. As soon as Zai spoke up in class, I realized he was in Lucas' seat....and I kept waiting for throw away line as to where Lucas was. Glad I am not the only one who wishes Cory was more like Alan. I cannot fathom any parent being ok with their 14 year old daughter sneaking out in NYC in the middle of the night to go to a college campus. Yes, Uncle Boing took care of the girls and got them home, but what if they had run into some drunk college guys before they found Josh? What if they had been mugged or abducted off the street? I cannot believe, as parents, neither Cory nor Topanga brought these things up. Alan and Amy would have laid out some harsh life lessons in that situation. Plus, I can't imagine parents being ok with the "adult" uncle covering for this stupid behavior. I truly love this show so here's hoping the rest of this season holds to the promise the earlier episodes have shown. :)
  10. Was I the only one who was annoyed with the bit in the beginning where Riley looked around like a moron for 5 minutes, trying to find a bird? I get that she is supposed to be this naïve dreamer, but she looked like a 3 year old with her mouth and eyes wide open. I don't like it when they make her seem stupid. No, Gbb, you were not the only one who noticed. I also got a huge laugh when Shawn swung the shovel and Topanga blocked him. There was "clank" noise that made me think the shovel hit a bracelet or a ring on Topanga's right arm.
  11. Well, that was what Riley kept SAYING she was mad about, but then she kept saying things like "tell me you are the person I thought you were". I didn't have a problem with her saying "why would you hide something from me?" but I had a huge issue with the other. I love Disney shows and, although I am way above the target demographic, I can usually remember what it was like to be a teenager and relate to whatever is happening, to an extent. But in this case, Riley just came off as bratty and ridiculous to me.
  12. I was completely confused why everyone assumed Elena wasn't going to age. I was going wait....does nobody realize she is no longer a vampire? Did the writers actually forget something from the last freakin episode?! I still don't really understand why her body wouldn't age at this point (I know, I know....a wizard did it *waves hands*). I did absolutely love Damon beheading Kai. That was classic Damon and a perfect violent ending for my beloved psycho, Kai. I didn't want Kai to hang around and get woobified like Klaus. I feared he was going to end up teaming up with the gang to fight the witchpires after seeing the havoc they wrought in MF and starting to feel all the feels. Better to take him out as the pure psycho he started off as. I admit to tearing up at the goodbyes. It was well done by the writers and I actually felt bad for everyone who loved Elena. I am sure she will come back for the last episode (or the last couple of episodes) of the series, but I dearly hope they manage to do it without killing Bonnie. I also hope they simply ignore the fact that she ever existed for the remainder of the series. I do NOT want a season (or multiple seasons) of everyone trying to figure out how to break the spell. Whereas I DID want to see the gang trying to figure out how to save Bonnie when she was trapped in Kai's prison world. Guess that shows which character I actually give a damn about. LOL
  13. I think Zay pointing out that Cory was teaching every subject was one of the funniest bits and best bit of "wink wink" to the audience ever. We have been talking about that since the first episode. Also a great nod to BMW fans when they mentioned Feeny teaching them for the entire run of the show.
  14. Have rewatched this episode multiple times and the Feeny call just gets funnier. After the first few watches, I focused on Cory and Shawn instead of the girls and the looks on their faces are hysterical. I agree with those who found the interaction between Shawn and Maya kinda....weird. There was definitely a romantic vibe during the scene in the bedroom. I really hope they stop pushing Katie and Shawn because, as I stated when this first started, it's really coming across as Maya being the whole reason Shawn is interested in Katie and they both deserve better. And lastly, Ryder Strong and his "Women used to like me, right?" was great. He has still got the timing and facial expressions to make every scene a win.
  15. I agree that the actor playing Zay was excellent. I think all these kids have improved, actually. As someone who knows Lucas better than the others, I think the Zay character can add something to the group. I hope they keep him around. As far as the "Disney Lesson", I think this one was really well done. I was getting seriously pissed at Riley's acting like Lucas is magically a different person because she found out he made a mistake. I got a giggle out of Lucas talking to her like she was a nervous horse in the car wash scene. She IS a big high strung. :)
  16. Totally agree with betternametocome on best exchange. Although I am curious if a school would actually hold a kid back for fighting. Unless they stuck him in juvie, why would his parents not have enrolled him in a different school to finish out the grade? I know I am overthinking this, but I AM glad they address Lucas looking older. Although....why is his best friend in the same grade if he only got left back last year? And where was this "best friend" during last year's video during the campaign for class president? I wonder if this new kid is going to join the cast and be a part of the group. It would be nice to add a new friend for the foursome to hang with. Am I the only one who has noticed Farkle had a growth spurt? I noticed last episode too but it really stood out to me when he was standing next to Cory in the hall while Lucas was confronting NotHarleyKiner. Oh, and I was seriously impressed with Lucas as a badass. He was intimidating as hell when he was telling that bully he would be the one to walk away. I guess Maya thought so too by her reaction. :)
  17. Not the best episode, but not the worst either. Kind of sucks that they killed off Ms. Svorski, but I guess it was either that or send her back to the Ukraine so there would be a reason that Topanga HAD to be at the bakery. I hope Maya's mom does a decent job waitressing there. I guess it works to get the adults and kids into an interactive environment. I wanted to smack the hell out of Riley and Maya for their actions with the new teacher. Oh, and exactly why was Cory just hanging out in the hallway, ready to take over the class. He just magically knew he was going to be needed because the new teacher was going to quit? The school just pays teachers to loiter around in case another teacher quits? None of that made sense. I did get a laugh out of new teacher's reaction to Farkle's announcement that it was Farkle Time, though. Wish they would have kept the new guy around, at least for a couple of episodes. And Kudos for the joke about Feeny teaching them throughout the entire run of BMW. Always glad when shows give a wink on stuff like that. And, like so many others, I got a bit choked up during that phone call at the end. I want more cameos from Feeny!
  18. I am still trying to figure out how Bonnie got from place to place. Wasn't a plane required for at least one of those trips? Did she just hop in a plane and hope to God she could figure out how to land it?
  19. I am with you. I don't see any reason why Raj would be with her, except she is hot and will have sex with him. The two definitely don't seem to have much in common. I can see a guy like Raj being kind of fascinated by the dark twisted stuff to start with, but I cant imagine him staying interested. The vet was a much more compatible match for him.
  20. I, for one, was completely blindsided by the ring. I could never imagine Sheldon wanting to get married....it just seems out of character for him. On the other hand, I CAN see him looking at things logically and thinking that, since Leonard and Penny are getting married and he will be losing his roommate, perhaps HE should explore marriage as an option. It is obvious, to me anyway, that Sheldon loves Amy. I can easily imagine him deciding to marry her as (1) a solution to losing his roommate and having to find a new one and (2) a logical progression of his life (the beliefs he was raised with...people grow up, become established in their careers, get married and procreate). I believe the show as demonstrated that Sheldon enjoys kissing Amy (much to his surprise) and I can see him thinking that it stands to reason that if kissing is enjoyable, then coitus will probably be as well. Sheldon came to the conclusion, and verbalized, that he loved Amy. I guess it's not so far out an idea that he would also come to the conclusion that he wanted to marry her. I used to like Raj, but he has developed into a total ass over the years. I wasn't crazy about Lucy but I thought she was a better match for him than Emily....at least Lucy and Raj's neuroses meshed well together. I actually think the writers missed a great opportunity with the vet (was her name Yvette?). With as attached as Raj is to Cinnamon, the vet would have been a good match.
  21. I am very happy to see Kai back in Mystic Falls, but I am completely lost as to what that scene with Lily and Ezo at the docks was all about. I rewound several times and couldn't catch what the dialogue was regarding how Lily knew to go to that specific spot. Was it a set up? Are the witchpires mad at Lily for leaving for them? Is Lily even aware the witchpires are no longer freeze dried? *sigh* So many questions. I enjoyed the scenes with Stefan showing Damon what human life could hold for him. The brothers' relationship has always been the most compelling one on this show (for me). I agree with everyone who says that Damon will be miserable as a human. Elena is actually right in that Damon has to want it for himself and not for her. I know Damon thinks the Delena will last forever, but he has lived long enough to realize that no one falls in love thinking it will end. If things don't work out, Damon can't go back to being a vampire. If they don't stay together, Damon is stuck being human and, unlike Elena (or even Stefan), he doesn't miss the human life. I kind of hope Elena dies from the incident at the wedding and Damon realizes (at some point) that he dodged a bullet by not taking the cure. And please, God, let this be the last time that freakin' stupid cure is ever mentioned on this show. Carebear being back in all her party planning control freak goodness was a treat. I get that she should have some consequences for what she did, but hell, nobody else has any so why should Caroline?! I truly don't understand why she needs to hit the pause button on her and Stefan though. Other than the obvious plot driven reason, I don't understand why she would feel like being in a romantic relationship with her best friend would be a bad thing for her right now. If the show is actually going to stand by this decision, I hope we get a scene where she explains how she is feeling to Bonnie or Elena or somebody!
  22. These two were not my favorite at all in the beginning, but now I really like them. They aren't my absolute favorites, but they are second in the teams that are left.
  23. I always enjoy the episodes where the kids end up having each other's backs. The Barry/Erica relationship is a typical brother/sister game of feuding and bonding. And bonus for any time spent exploring the emergence of hot chick Erica from nerdy Erica.
  24. While I agree with this statement, my problem is that Klaus remains Hope's father so, whether he is living with the child or not, his enemies are still going to target her. My personal feeling is that Klaus and his siblings have a much better shot at protecting Hope than Hayley and her woofs do....And I feel like the show kind of proved my point with this episode. The Crescents TRIED to protect their little princess, but they failed miserably. I give them points for trying, don't get me wrong, but if all these people are really concerned for what is safest for Hope, than I feel like Hayley needs to deal with the fact that Hope's father, and her remaining aunt and uncle (who love her and would lay down their lives for her) are her best bet for making it to adulthood. Am I the only one who expected Mary to morph in Dalia and abscond with the baby? When she told Hayley to let her hold Hope, I was sure she was going to drop the illusion and leave Hayley standing there with her mouth hanging open. I was also waiting for Hope to save herself AND the woofs (maybe I watched too much Charmed back in the day). I can honestly say that I did not see the return of that stupid ass curse of Marcel's. When Mary pulled over and started to change, all I kept thinking was that Klaus is going to be REALLY pissed when he discovers his daughter is not in the immediate vicinity. It also crossed my mind that, when Klaus does find that car, he may find a wolf pup sitting in a car seat and chewing on a seatbelt. Klaus put a curse on the Crescent pack, correct? Wouldn't that mean Hope gets hit with it too?!?!?! I didn't really care that Klaus barbecued Gia. The character did nothing for me and I did not buy that Elijah was suddenly in love with her. Liked her? Yeah. Had a good time with her? Sure. But was devastated that she is dead? Nope. I was not in the least invested in their relationship. If they wanted me to buy this, than they should have spent a lot more time on developing them as a couple, showing me that they were falling in love. I did feel bad for Bex and Marcel. I think Marcel does care deeply for her and, when she stuck the knife in herself so he wouldn't have to....Well, it was touching to me. I think that actress has REALLY knocked it out of the park, though, so I hate to think we wont be seeing her again. She has done a completely amazing job with imitating Claire Holt's Rebekah. It's actually easy to believe that she IS Rebekah in another body. To me, that is some pretty amazing acting. If I can't have Claire Holt, I will take Maisie Richardson-Sellers in a New York minute! I was beyond happy to find out Klaus was not such an idiot that he actually believed Dahlia, but couldn't he have actually killed Cami? I find the character tedious with her psychobabble and her "you won't hurt me" crap to the rabid serial killer who has absolutely no regard for human life. It was like when the show "killed" Hayley at Hope's birth. Don't tease me like that, show! Also, I don't care about Davina becoming the head witch. I like Davina but these however many covens are electing a...what....17 year old?....to be their supreme leader why exactly? Because she stood up to Klaus? Because she was a Harvest Girl? I was glad to see one of the witches question why Davina should be leader and I didn't think Davina's answer was good enough for them to decide in a split second to make her the big boss.
  25. I think we are supposed to assume the witchpires are as bad as Kai since the Gemini Coven stuck them in a prison world. Then again, we are talking about a group of people who breed twins in order to make one eventually kill the other so I am not exactly sure I trust their judgment as to what is evil and what is good.
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