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Everything posted by ladyrott

  1. I freaking HATE Vanessa. Why won't someone knock her crying beanie covered ass out of the house?! She verbally attacks poor Steve to the point where he is about to hyperventilate, she ends up crying in every damn conversation she has and I am sick to death of her kissing Austin and the Austwins asses! I kind of understand from a gameplay standpoint the logic of keeping her dumb ass as a target in front of everyone else, but I don't think I would be able to tolerate her being there with me because her personality is just so damn toxic! I was really stuck with who to root for getting knocked out tonight. I like both Steve and Johnny Mac. I really liked Steve's speech, though. I am happy the shy little nerd is having the best summer of his life. Even if he gets evicted, he is going to be happy to have had these experiences. It makes me think he is a genuinely nice guy. As much as I despise Vanessa, I like that Steve can admire her game play (bitch is STILL there and should have been gone weeks ago!), even when it screws him.
  2. That was my thought, too. Based on the things his mother was saying, and what he was saying about talking to his mom daily and stuff, I don't get the feeling he was the "town's favorite son" or anything. Seems more like the whole town jumped on his bandwagon when he made it on TV and suddenly everyone loves ole' Steve. I was embarrassed for him and, if he doesn't win, I am sure he will go home and go back to quietly being ignored again. If I was on the receiving end of James' pranks, I am sure I wouldn't be finding them funny and would probably have kicked him in the face when he popped out from under the table at me. I get being bored out of his mind, though, so I kind of understand why he is doing it. These are people who normally work jobs and have lives...and now they are stuck sitting in a house all day with nothing very interesting to do. As for Shelli and Jackie....that was so incredibly fake (and ear shatteringly shrill). I was happy to hear Jackie wasn't really blaming Steve, though. Vanessa is evil and has had a hand in most of these "shocking" evictions. I want to see Johnny Mac put her up, I really really do!
  3. I forgot about the hickey! As Liz is a grown ass woman, not a 15 year old girl, she certainly should have recognized the action that caused the damn thing to appear on her skin in the first place and stopped him. But it was actually Julia's reaction that pissed me off. If one of my sisters talked to me (and my "boyfriend") like I was a child, I would have been telling her off right back. Hey Julia, if your sister wants to walk around with a trashy hickey on her neck, that is her choice and you need to STFU!
  4. I was "ewwing" when Liz was putting rubber bands in Austin's hair. Seriously, if you are his "girlfriend" convince him that this is NOT a good look! I was seriously hoping Vanessa was going to get back door-ed, but the drama queen has skated through yet another week! I am going to be really pissed if Johnny Mac gets sent to jury this week. He has grown on me. I want either him or James to make it to the end.
  5. I had to laugh when the first thing out of Shelli's mouth was to wish Jason a happy birthday. Way to remind everyone that Vanessa is the bad guy on the block.. LOL I must say, I was completely blindsided that Vanessa managed to stay in the house. I didn't think there was any way she was going to save herself. I have zero understanding of what Steve's plan was in putting up Jackie and Meg. WTH put up members of his own alliance? Well, I guess they aren't really HIS alliance since he only talks to himself, but I thought his allegiance swung more towards Dark Moon than the Sixth Sense. I think John was right last week when he said that Steve had this idea that the rest of the house saw him as this master player and had him in their sights. Steve is just kind of "there" and I don't think anyone in the house even notices him, much less is targeting him. I cant figure out why no one is going after Austin and the twins. If they knock Liz over to the jury house, I think Austin will be begging to be evicted the following week....or will be so mopey, he will be an easy target for the following week. Either way, if Liz goes, they take out two players. Hopefully, someone will realize that soon.
  6. I agree about the nose ring. I don't like facial piercings as a general rule, but I really don't get why this beautiful girl wants to look like a bull with a ring in her nose like that. As for Raggedy Ann....I get that she had it rough, but it doesn't in any ay excuse what she did. And I am not sure I buy that people were beating her up to try and make her go out with guys. Beating her up for being a lesbian, sure, but kicking her ass to MAKE her date a guy doesn't make much sense. I just got a mental image of some poor nerdy guy standing in a HS hallway while a bunch of girls beat down Raggedy Ann every time she says she won't go on a date with him.
  7. Doing a re-watch of the episode (because....well, it's better than actually WORKING) and realized I forgot to put in my original post how hysterical Julia's face was when Liz and Austin were being all cutesy in the chair and Julia was soaking in the hot tub all by her lonesome. I was amazed Austin didn't burst into flames from the "I hate you with the burning passion of a thousand suns" stink-eye Julia was shooting at them. Do the twins never talk to one another? Since Liz is now saying she likes Austin, wouldn't you think she would have told her twin sisters about her feelings? Julia's DR seemed to indicate she thought Austin was still "annoying" Liz with his attentions. Did I mishear it, or did we see a clip of Vanessa telling Austin that Liz liked guys who "played hard to get"? What the hell was that about?! Since the two of them are acting all snuggly with one another, I don't think Austin needs advice on how to get Liz interested in him. In case it escaped her keen professional poker player observation, she is ALREADY involved with him.
  8. OMG! The Blanket had to be the best of those comic book covers. I loved it when they showed the clip of Audrey wandering around in her blanket of doom and sunglasses of pain. I also laughed at "the Puma"....until Shelli (of course) took the opportunity to mention she is 10 years older than her twu-wuv, AKA the hairless bat. I so wish THAT had been his superhero name. Becky has been a complete non-entity in the house until now. I kind of loved her when she was blocking out Vanessa during their conversation.(her Charlie Brown "wah wah wah" cracked me up). And Vanessa being so confident that she wasn't going home.... Sorry, but I laughed my ass off at that. Vanessa is way to emotional and I am tired of her.
  9. Where the heck is Zay this season? Why wasn't he around to make observations about the Farkle/Riley transformations? WTH, writers? Do you think we don't notice when there is another kid in Zay's seat?
  10. In a bizarre "life imitates TV" way, I just happened to be going through my own senior yearbook (Class of 1988, thank you very much) when this episode aired (snagging some pics to post on FB and embarrass some old friends). I liked Riley and Farkle's transformation because I can (dimly) remember that feeling of trying to find oneself, re-inventing and trying to change one's personality. I liked that Farkle didn't revert back. Farkle looked GOOD in his skater-dude outfit, hanging out all casual in Riley's window seat.....I see a future heart throb there. I observed how much the actor had grown in the first episode of season 2 and this new look suits him nicely. I actually see Farkle/Riley as a good potential couple if the show runs long enough. Oh, and I have to add, love the call back to "ring power" when Maya wanted Riley to open the window so she could come into the bedroom. BFF's should have little "things" that are special between them and I would love to see "ring power" be one of those things that gets mentioned a couple of times every season. Plus, bonus points for a good lesson for kids.....what matters is what you think of yourself, NOT what others think of you. Oh, and I have to give some love to Lucas for his reactions in this episode. His "No. What the? Nooo!" when Riley and Maya come into the classroom was great. And his final scene with Farkle.... Well, it's great to know even a little weirdo like Farkle can have a best friend who loves and appreciates him for who he is.
  11. This thread is my new favorite place to be! I am a Spoiler Mary so I stay out of the feed threads. This.Is.Awesome! Thanks so much to whoever came up with this idea and to whomever got the ball rolling with it. I can totally see Vanessa doing this non-stop talking/arguing at everyone. I don't like her, Shelly or the hairless bat, if truth be told. Can someone tell me if the John getting drunk and crying thing is an actual "thing"? Oh, and exactly what has Becky said/done to Steve that he sounded like a revenge fueled psycho in his DR speech?
  12. As many have said....Enough with the heartbroken tears, Shelli. Clay is just going home, they didn't pull the plug on his life support. Yeesh! Shelli, you flat out said in your incoming segment that you planned to hook up with a young boy toy. Gee, sorry if I don't buy that the furless bat "has your heart" or that you "can't imagine doing this without your rock." Bleh! I really wish Shelli had gone home this week because I think the competitors as a whole should have seen the wisdom in sending home the strategic player who has been running the house since day one, but maybe I will get lucky and Shelli will end up on the block again next week....sitting next to Vanessa, hopefully. I think Meg is a cutie who loves to flirt (see "James-y, take ME to the Outback dinner") and the furless bat was a total dick for implying she was sleeping her way through the BB House. Even if it was true (which I don't believe as I think the cameras would have been all over that crap), Clay could have deflected the question like a gentleman.
  13. Clay's montage of mumbles has become my favorite thing this season. LordRott and I has to keep rewinding because we were laughing so hard. "I'm a hairless bat" is my new goto phrase. The best part was the looks on everyone else's face when he was talking to them....especially Shelli's. Yeah, I imagine there is some stimulating conversation going on between those two! LordRott and I talked out who we would put on the block if we were James. He went with my original idea of Clelli but, in the end, I think I would have put up Vanessa and Shelli. Clay is a moron. If he gets voted out, all that is going to do is piss Shelli off to no end. I don't see him as a serious a contender for winning this thing. Vanessa and Shelli are (annoying but) smart. Knocking either of them out would be beneficial. I am hoping if either Clay or Shelli wins the POV, Vanessa will end up sitting next to whoever is left. I liked James in episode 1 and he is cementing a place in my heart with his hunter attitude. If he goes home, he goes home knowing he got a little payback for Jason. If you have to go, it's good to go knowing you got a little revenge. I appreciated Julia telling Austin off a bit. I like a straight shooter. She doesn't trust Austin and isn't going to pretend she does. Liz/Austin and the kiss was hysterical. Passionate kiss, Austin? Boy, he really hears what he wants to, doesn't he? I would have loved to see him win and then catch his reaction when Liz pecked his cheek. I can just imagine his saying how she was "bashful kissing" in front of everyone. LOL Did we know James was in he military? I kind of love that because I know that means he has a bit of an advantage in these challenges. Standing in rain and getting hit with mud and knocked in the stomach with a stuffed eagle? Yeah, let me tell you about boot camp.... I have some serious James love going on.
  14. This chick is seriously the most non-entity in the house. When she got thrown up as a pawn the first time, I could not for the life of me remember anything about her. What's more, LordRott and LordRottJr couldn't tell me anything about her either and those two obsessed with BB. I STILL don't remember her backstory, although I gather from her comments in the squirrel comp that she is some type of soccer player or something
  15. I really loved Jason's "out the door" outfit. He looked dapper as hell. Way to go out with class, Jason!
  16. I am actually pretty impressed that Liz is such a good actress that she has everyone believing she's a dumb blonde when she actually graduated cum laude from Loyola! Her voice (and her sister's voice) still grates like good cheese, but she seems to be playing a smart game. Hated her bitchy remark to Jason about his watching from his parent's basement but....well....this IS Big Brother so bitchy is kind of the order of the day.
  17. Ok peoples, I need help. Anyone reading my posts knows I am a newbie to BB and I am lost on this whole "Jury House" thing. Can someone enlighten me as to how it works? Is it like Survivor where EVERYONE evicted ends up on some "jury" that selects the winner in the end? Do these people literally leave the BB House and go live in some other house with their frenemies until the show ends? Explanations, please.
  18. This is my first season watching and I am beyond bewildered at the "game" of some of these morons. Austin/Liz.....I don't really have a problem with her flirting with the guy to better her game, but she needs to do SOMETHING before she ends up screwing the guy to keep him on her side. After the hilarious DR's showing how differently they viewed the kiss, I looked at LordRott and said....If I were Liz, I'd tell Austin "look, I really like you, but I need to focus on my game right now". Lead him on, keep him protecting me, but avoid any uncomfortable physical interactions with LOGIC. LordRott pointed out she could also benefit by telling him Showmances put an additional target on their backs so they need to play it cool. If I could come up with this after literally only watching 16 episodes of this show, why the hell can't these "superfans" figure it out? On a side note, the constant nasally whine of Liz's voice is going to make my ears bleed. Can someone please tell her, and her sister, that no adult should talk like that. Becky/Steve...I don't even remember what her life story is. When they used her as a pawn the first time, I asked LordRott and LordRottJr to refresh my memory as to who this chick was. Neither of these BB fanatics could tell me. So essentially she can just go home anytime and it will make no difference on this show. Oh, well maybe it will make a difference to Steve, who apparently hates this non-person with a fiery passion for no reason we have ever been shown. I actually liked Steve in the first episode but he is just kind of "there" at this point. He has pretty much done nothing except have a camera fall in love with him. Meh! Clay/Shelly....I am seriously over Ken and Barbie and their Dream Dictatorship. Am I supposed to think they are twu-wuv? Shelly came INTO the house talking about being a cougar and wanting to bag a younger man. Such a shock when every freaking episode shows these two in a bed together. Oh, and their attitude when they threw Steve out of the room he was chilling out in FIRST. I was so hoping he would look at them and say "Ummmm.....no. I am comfortable here so why don't you three go check one of the other bajillion rooms in this house and find an empty one?!" Meg....That bit about James and the Outback choice was just weird. I LIKE James, but I can't recall seeing anything that indicated she was into him before that and something about that girl just rubs me the wrong way. Jason..... NOOOOO! Don't send Jason home, BB House! He is bitchy and over the top, but he is FUN to watch! I sincerely hope non-entity Becky goes home and we get to see Jason go after Vanessa with both guns blazing. Vanessa....Didn't like her from the start and am almost as sick of her as I am of Clay/Becky. Someone suggested a drinking game in the last episode thread for every time she says "blood on my hands". LordRott and I are contemplating saving Thursday's episode for Friday night so we can get wasted playing this without having to get up for work the next day. Seriously, is she trying to develop a catch phrase so she can sell t-shirts after she gets knocked off this show?
  19. LOL Thanks Nashville! I really needed yet another show board to obsess on. :)
  20. I am a recent convert to the BB world....my boyfriend LOVES this show and, now that we are living together, I was kind of roped into "just trying it". I am finding this show immensely funny and, while I previously was horrified that it was on 3 times a week, now it's just not enough! Audrey and her blanket of doom was pathetic. I was glad she didn't try to act like she was being ousted because she was trans. I thought all the housemates were very cool over that bit of information. During the first episode, I kind of liked Clay but now I want him and Shelly both gone. I feel like they are Ken and Barbie and this is their dream dictatorship. Austin won me over when he said something about giving up the game if it meant a real love in his life with Liz (paraphrasing). I am enough of a romantic to find that sweet. :)
  21. Add me to those who was not surprised to find this was a season 1 hold over. This was actually the first episode I only watched one time (yes, I am an adult and yes, I watch each episode at least twice....more if it's an episode with characters from BMW). I was not invested in anything in this episode. And I despise when they make Riley all doe eyed and idiotic. The Pluto episode where she is "looking for a bird" in the beginning made me want to smack her. Disney theme weekends are usually a better idea on paper than they turn out to be on screen. This was probably the least annoying Ava has ever been, though, so they DO get points for that.
  22. Just re-watched and I noticed the look on Riley's face when she walked up to "Uncle John" in the classroom. Unless the actress was just unable to keep in character, the look on Riley's face said she knew exactly what she was doing by calling him "Uncle John" and saying he came over "a billion times a week". That's one of the reasons I love re-watching these episodes....I catch things that I didn't see the first time around.
  23. It didn't bother me that the kids didn't know what Uncle John did for a living. When I was a kid, I certainly didn't know what my parent's friend's jobs were. I am more surprised that the story of the comic book on the first day of school was never shared. I imagine the kids knew Uncle John had once been Cory's teacher, like they knew Mr. Feeny was once their teacher, and I can certainly imagine the family sitting around talking about the different things Cory did in school. What kid doesn't want to hear about their parents as kids....especially when said parent was such a goofball and King of the pranks?
  24. This is the reason I don't read spoilers.....I almost lost my mind when Turner walked in. :) LOVED the callbacks to BMW and jokes about Farkle being a "real boy" will never not be funny. It's nice to see the addition of another teacher and a principal to the All-Cory-All-The-Time School. These new characters don't have to be in every episode. but it would be nice to see them once in a while. I sincerely hope the joke at the end about both liking the same boy was a reference to the episode when the girls fought over Farkle rather then a future triangle between the girls and Lucas.
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