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Everything posted by ladyrott

  1. I always thought Lizzie was a great character. While it was obvious she had issues before the ZA came about, she was definitely affected by the changes in the world around her. I loved little Mika and hate that she had to die, but at least it made sense (the writers didn't just kill her for the shock of killing her....like letting some walker get her when she stumbled upon Lizzie playing with it) story wise. Lizzie couldn't make the grown ups understand so she tried to prove to them that she was right. She didn't kill her sister because she was mad at her, she really thought Mika would be ok and then the adults would FINALLY understand. I find all of the children, including Carl, fascinating because they would be significantly different than the adults because they are still in various developmental phases. They will certainly grow up to be different people than they would have been otherwise.
  2. While I agree that I don't know family members who joke about oral sex, I certainly know of best friends who do. Most of my close friends are guys (I am a female) and I will joke with them the way Daryl and Carol joked around. I have no desire to be with any of those guys, nor they me (as far as I know LOL) but we can still clown around. I see Daryl and Carol's relationship that way. I believe they are very close, I will even go so far as to agree that he has more of an emotional tie to her than anyone else, but I don't necessarily think that means he is interested in her in a romantic way. Men and women are able to be best friends without it growing into something else....although there is certainly a possibility that it COULD grow into something else. Right now, though, at this particular moment in the series, I don't think Daryl is privately yearning for more with her....or her with him.
  3. I have always liked Damon better than Stefan. I cannot believe he actually asked Caroline this week why she had a thing for him. Seriously, Stefan....why did you have a "thing" for Elena? I have never been able to put into words what made me fall for a guy and I would be bugged to no end if one asked me that, especially one that is not indicating he returns the feelings.
  4. I was so excited to find out about Abby's backstory. The flashbacks in the last few episodes had me intrigued....and then they handed us this crap. Her big trauma was she had to kill her mother and didn't know she had to go for the brain so she stabbed her in the abdomen repeatedly? Really? I imagine a HUGE portion of the population that has survived this long had to kill one or both of their parents. And I have no idea what she meant when she said "I thought it was you, but it was me". WTH? Did she think he had killed her mother? Worst episode of the season for me.
  5. Much better than last week! I guess it was a matter of time before we have radioactive/glowing zombies. We have had zombienado and zombietyphoon so where else do we go? I was really worried about 10K when he went into the reactor. This show has not bee shy about killing people off and, after they took Jim, I don't think anyone is safe anymore. I am still trying to figure out why Amelia didn't attack the others when she and Murphy came walking up. All the zombies are aggressive and hungry when they come across a live person....did Amelia not attack because she was still mirroring Murphy and HE didn't attack? And what the hell was up with that mirroring thing anyway? Have we seen Zs do that with Murphy before? It was almost like she was imprinting on him, like a baby animal does it's mother.
  6. The Bloodhound Gang, PunkyMouse? Very appropriate. :) I read that as women on the internet and was extremely confused for a minute. All this talk of pregnancy in the post ZA world makes me really glad I had a hysterectomy. I could hop on Daryl with no worries. :)
  7. ladyrott

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    I am so glad I am not the only one who flips when she spots TP in the background of a Walking Dead scene. It is so hard to concentrate on what's happening when all I can think is "GRAB THE DAMN TP!!!!"
  8. Damn, that was a good episode. Had to be at work early today and I got up EXTRA early so I could watch. :) I loved Gloria sending Dandy to his room for committing a horrific murder like he had just gotten caught stealing an apple at the store. Oh, and the smile on his face as he walked away from her...so perfectly creepy. I hope we get to learn more about his father. I am laying odds that DandyDaddy's suicide was helped along by Gloria or someone else. Gloria and Dandy are such good fun when they are together. I feel a little bad for Gloria because she obviously knows she has raised a psychopath but then, at the same time, she raised a freaking psychopath and she is still helping cover up his little adventures so my sympathy level is pretty damn low. Jimmy and Desiree was kind of nasty (what is it with this show and incestuous type relationships?!) but, in their defense, I don't think either of them were aware (at that point anyway) that Dell is Jimmy's father. I actually rather like Desiree and I loved Ethel for taking her to the doctor and staying with her when she was so obviously afraid. I want Dell to come to a VERY nasty end after what he did to the nice doctor who has been treating the freaks so well. I don't suppose a "strong man" body would be of much interest to a museum so I guess our "light in the loafers" villain wont be killing him off for me any time soon. Maybe Dandy will hook up with him at that local gay bar (I am sure THAT was a popular place with the locals in 1950s rural Florida!) and do unspeakable things to him for me before he chops him into little bitty pieces. :) The scene with Dandy and Matt Bomer (did we even learn the character's name?) in Twisty's RV was hysterical to me. Dandy really did play it off smart, with the suggestion of them getting naked and "seeing what magic happens"....very believable approach. The both of them leaving their underwear on for that part...too funny! The hairlessness kind of raised the "ick" factor for me (apologies to those who like it, but I like my men furry LOL) although I have to admit Dandy's body was looking just dandy (see what I did there?!) during his work out montage.
  9. ladyrott

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    As someone who actually DOES live near Mayberry (real name Mt. Airy, NC), I think kikismom's hometown has got that place beat.....even with Floyd's Barber Shop (2 chairs, no waiting sign in the window and all). LOL Someone posted earlier (sorry, to lazy to go back and check who and my lunch hour is almost up anyway) why would the hospital people not have cleared away at least some of the walkers, like the group that appeared when the good doctor hit the bars on the window. Unless I am much mistaken, I imagine the walkers are kind of like the water surrounding Alcatraz. It would be much easier for the "employees" to wander off without paying their debt if they didn't have to contend with a huge amount of walkers surrounding the place. They are using the walkers in the basement as a handy dandy garbage (aka bodies) disposal system which is keeping them around like stray cats who found a sucker to put out a bowl of food on the back steps. They are not only NOT trying to get rid of the walkers, they are encouraging them to hang around with things like that. While a part of me believes Dawn really does think help is coming (she truly is an idiot), I think that the fact that she is using walkers as guards to keep her prisoners IN says something about maybe not being quite as sure about it as she lets on. OMG! That mental image just made me shoot soda out my nose. Bwaaaaa!
  10. Was anyone else a bit creeped out by the fact that Elijah was evidently in love with Tatia about 600 years before he was involved with Katherine (I remember hating that plot on TVD because they seemed an unlikely match and now I hate it even more). I have always had the same problem with Damon/Elena regarding Damon's obsession with Katherine for a couple of hundred years and then his twu wuv for Elena. These people seriously DO need therapy.
  11. ladyrott

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    I am not a nurse, but many in my family are so I will say this is perfectly plausible to me. We all know who does the REAL work in a hospital. ;)
  12. I was glad to see some kind of conversation over the chickwitch (cannot remember that girls name to save my life right now) suffocating someone, but I really hope they aren't going to try to sell her being traumatized over it. This is the same girl who killed Stefan and didn't seem to have any problem with murder when she was doing horrible things in the name of her coven so I don't want to hear how she is suffering over murdering a guy who was within moments of dying anyway. Tyler is in no way my favorite character but I WAS glad that he didn't get turned back into a werewolf because of something as stupid as a car accident. If/When they turn him, I would rather he earn it the logical way....with that nasty little temper of his getting the best of him. Loved the Damon/Stefan reunion, but kind of wondered how it was Damon knew where to find Stefan. Has he got some magic lojack on his brother or something? It was a weird place for the two of them to just happen upon one another. Damon arrives back from purgatory and decides to go....to his family crypt? WTF?! Of all places, why would he go there? Is he even aware that he cant enter Mystic Falls? Cant remember if the dead ones knew that didn't lift with the destruction of the travelers. It looks like next episode is going to be all about Trip Fell and his crazy vampire adventures so I guess poor Bonnie is on her own for a while. I really want to see Damon working his ass off to get her back and basically telling everyone else to man up and help him. He and Bonnie definitely bonded over there and I don't want to lose that.
  13. I am still trying to figure out why Damon didn't zip over to Bonnie and then zip away somewhere. They obviously just learned you cant die there. Tomorrow there will be another eclipse and another chance at freedom. Take some time, people. Bonnie, stick another axe in Kai and then Damon tie him up somewhere. Than, the next day, do the spell and you both get to go home and Kai remains in his prison/hell/whatever. In some cases, her sacrifices are warranted (her "death" last season was kind of the only way to accomplish what they were trying to accomplish), but when there are obviously other choices out there, her St. Bonnie routine is annoying.
  14. That carved message on the back of the church has bugged me since it's reveal. Did one of the parishioners give up a chance to escape the walker horde eating everyone in order to stop and neatly carve a message to Father Pee Pee Pants? Did someone who did escape come back later (to an area that had to be crawling with walkers since there would have been all those newly turned Episcopalians meandering about) in order to carve a message in the church? Did NO ONE think about breaking a window to get in (Even a devout Catholic like my mom would be hurling a brick through her favorite stained glass window if it meant getting away from something that was going to kill her!) and yet did have the presence of mind to carve a message instead of, I don't know, running for their life? That stupid message is going to bug me forever.
  15. To be fair, I don't think Tyreese is against killing walkers. IMO, he knows it has to be done, he simply doesn't enjoy or want to actually DO the killing (although he will if he has too). I don't see any romantic chemistry between Michonne and him, though. As a matter of fact, I am having a hard time thinking of any scenes where they spent any significant time together. They would certainly LOOK pretty together, but hell, Michonne would look pretty with any of them.
  16. Ok, but how about finding a DIFFERENT prison? Yes, they have bad memories associated with that one, but it did prove safe for a while and, had our friendly neighborhood psychopath not come knocking, the group could have flourished there. Unless these idiots want to wander forever, they need a stable place to set up shop and I really don't think the Episcopal Church of Pissy-Pants is it. What the heck was Terminus before it became Terminus? Was it a school? A fortified warehouse space? Someone in this group needs to start thinking about places that are likely to have some built in protections like the prison with it's double fences and towers. What about army bases? Yes, they would have been looted into nothing, but the fences and stuff would still be standing. Maybe now that they are all together again, it will come up in conversation that they need a place to settle. I know that there are downsides to putting roots anywhere in the ZA, but I honestly think their chances are better doing that than roaming from place to place and running into unexpected hordes of walkers. They could even take a few lessons from the Termites. Cannibal assholes or not, they had a good idea with the fireworks to distract the walkers and lead them away from their safe haven.
  17. I adore Michone but Rick has never been my favorite character. I definitely do not want them together. I don't think Michone needs a man to be a very strong and sexy woman. She does just fine on her own and I don't think hooking her up with Rick (or anyone else) will make her any more so. I don't see anyone on the current cast that I am dying to see her in a relationship with. They are always bringing in new people, though, so perhaps a handsome, sexy warrior will turn up who will make me a shipper for her.
  18. I agree with Kikismom regarding Daryl playing things close to the vest due to growing up with Merle. I am sure a guy like Merle would take anything he saw that his little brother liked/received enjoyment from. From the flashbacks, I cant imagine Daryl having any special lady in his life. It seemed like he and Merle just drifted and had fun. He was content as a follower (and still is).
  19. I am still wondering about that comment from an episode ago between Abraham and Rosita regarding "telling them" (Rick's group) about something regarding Eugene. That is my only issue with the theory that Abraham and Co are being somehow bamboozled by Eugene. There is more to that story and I want to know what it is!
  20. That video is hysterical. And I agree that it is even funnier now....especially since so many watchers have said they would watch the Damian/Bonnie show. Lord knows, I would!
  21. My personal thought on the "C'mon out" is that it will be Carol DRAGGING Beth, who has suffered some kind of Stockholm syndrome crap and didn't want to be rescued.
  22. I am picturing Bonnie and Damon going though multiple "times" trying to get home. We are seeing them stuck in the 90s....I want to see Damon rocking a Members Only Jacket and a "tail" in the 80s. This could be fun. LOL
  23. I definitely agree that Murphy's Zombie Messiah bit was him thinking on his feet. He definitely now knows the zombies wont attack him so I imagine he is going to have some "fun" figuring out just how much power he has over them. Like...they wont bite him but will they stop attacking someone else on his command? Things are getting really interesting. And I am dying to know what is up with Abby's PTSD stuff. The flashes are way too fast for me to tell what is happening in them.
  24. I still love this show but I cant believe they killed Charlie! I knew, to my bones, when he and Roberta hit the sheets that one or both of them was going to suffer, but I was thinking one of them would somehow get separated from the group (ala TWD's Andrea) NOT that they would kill off my favorite character! It will be interesting to see who takes the lead now. I assume it will be Roberta since she is the only other military trained person with the group right now, but she may be too devastated to be of much use for a little while. Still love 10K and will be really pissed if he doesn't make it. I definitely expected more of a conversation between the core group over Murphy's little revelations but everyone seems to be like "So Murphy is the zombie king now? Meh. What are we going to do about transportation?" LOL I really don't want this show to be cancelled. The sheer stupidity of the cult leader/followers and the unbelievable luck of our heroes just makes this must see TV for me.
  25. Bonnie and Damon continue to have the most interesting storyline, I am hooked and I want to know who this new guy is in their Hell (actor looks familiar but having a bitch of a time trying to remember what I know him from). I do not buy for a second that he tried to kill Damon in order to wake up the witch-fu. Boy is definitely up to something and it, IMO, needs Bonnie working at full witchy power to accomplish. What I really want is an explanation of why Grams thought sticking Bonnie (whom she assumed would be alone) into some freaky 1990s Ground Hogs Day was getting her to a better place. I kind of wonder if Bonnie would still be sane if she didn't have Damon with her after al these months. Poor planning,Grams, very poor planning (I will apologize if it turns out this was her plan all along). Elena not being a schmoopy idiot over Damon is only slightly less annoying then schmoopy Elena. And who, pray tell, was that dude she wanted to meet Caroline? Have we met him before? Is he someone she compelled last season to get her through classes? Explanations, please! She looked a bit stunned when he kissed her but I imagine he will be her boyfriend right about the time Damon returns. And then Damon will go all noble and want her to keep her memories erased because she is so much better off with the new guy but, in some convoluted scene, she will somehow regain her memories of Damon and be furious at him for allowing her to stay compelled (whilst St Damon says not one word about the fact that she willfully forgot him). Was glad to see Caroline finally admitting that she has feelings for Stefan, for all the good it's gonna do. I actually like the two of them together and would applaud that hook up were it to happen. Normally, I would say your best friend's ex is off limits but since Elena fell in love with said exes' BROTHER, I think we can give Caroline a pass. Caroline/Enzo as friends is bizarre enough, but I cant imagine her with him long term. I KNOW she seems to have a thing for the bad boys (Tyler and Klaus for example) but basically everything Enzo does, every action he takes, is abhorrent to her. This is not a love connection, writers. Let Trip Fell barbecue him in the van and be done with it already. Speaking of Trip and his merry band of vampire hunters, I totally did not see the "compulsion wears off when you enter town" thing coming. Now I am at least a little curious over what "dog bite girl" is up to. I wonder if she is going to end up being related to Trip (the mysterious father she is searching for perhaps?) either by surprise or by design.
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