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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. I know Maria is quite popular, but I found her very manipulative (oh, I'm an introvert but you brought me out of it, I'm leaving-nevermind I'm not, tearless tears, etc.). If she is the next Bachelorette I'm probably out (but then again, maybe I'll be there anyway...).
  2. I have put some murder mystery parties together (they used to sell themed murder mysteries in a box/game-don't know if they still do) and they were fun although a lot of work. I think the murder mystery company could do well, but I don't know how often customers would repeat. And a lot of companies offer variants on this idea-murder mystery trains, dinners, etc. So many, many 'healthy' alternative bakeries/snack companies have been on this show. I wonder how they are all doing at this point. Barbara does have experience in this sector. Hard to tell how successful they will be. The 'anything can be a video game' idea was unique-but will its uniqueness wear off? Basically, Mark got 4% for free (all he has to do is make content). I am obviously not a shark as I don't understand how that benefits the company. Especially as it seemed like they needed money. Oh well, he's a billionaire and I'm lucky to be a hundredaire. I like the idea of the stores-but in the video it seemed like it was set up for only one person at a time. What happens if a crowd comes in when the door swings open? What happens if people 'sneak' in and just grab and run? It seems risky to me. I think Jason Blum was on to something when he talked about them going 'not for profit.' Oh, and I liked Jason Blum (saw his other appearance). He seems nice, willing to work with others, and made reasonable offers. More of him...less of Gwyneth...
  3. Well, Amy's drama came out of left field-hadn't seen any indication of that before this episode. During Rob's Deal or No Deal segment I found myself wondering if I would continue watching this if Rob left-I'm glad I don't have to make that decision. Oh, and Joe's whole 'do you try to stay or do you try to increase the value of the final case' spiel totally doesn't work here. Of course, someone like Rob will understand that the important thing is to stay. However, I think some of the players would have rejected the $49,000 as being too low to make a deal, but the value of the remaining cases was low. Even in the original version of the show people kept playing longer than they should have as they tended to want higher offers, etc. Good-bye Kim and I don't know if Rob found you a strategic threat or was just tired of you. Don't worry though, as it seems like Amy has volunteered to continue putting the target on Rob.
  4. My favorite moment was the final scene of the Rumba still trying to clean up the zombie apocalyse (RIP). Just a lot of non-ending nonsense. I have always been a Rick fan and an on and off Michonne fan. I liked Richonne on the original show, but here it just felt...blah to me. Okay, I did like that they found a working car (and justified it still working as it's electric/hybrid but I never bought that the apartment complex would still have everything up and working) and drove off. Oh, and I was glad that Michonne finally told Rick he had a son and that she mentioned that Daryl kept looking for him. Actually, the meet-up I really want is Rick and Daryl as they were more like brothers than many actual brothers are.
  5. Well, I think the show will never go back to Denver. All of these participants are wildly disappointing IMO. I think they all buy-in to the idea of just keep lying-defend your lies to the bitter end. They also all try to blame the other person. And, it's all psycho-babble when they do the 'fake' I take responsibility as in 'I have learned to trust myself more...trust my gut more...etc.' That is not taking responsibility and learning from this experience. It's building oneself up-I DO know better than others and I am right in my assumptions about others... They point out the bad behavior of those they deem the 'enemy' as when all the women ganged up during the pizza party and made accusations against Austin (and the men in general), but don't acknowledge their own bad behaviors. Where is the 'well, he did this, but I did that...'? They all seemed to try the self-righteous argument of 'I didn't deserve this' without acknowledging that maybe, just maybe, they could have made some compromises or may to blame for the relationships going up in flames. I do give credit to both Austin and Becca for admitting that they could have done better. But, in general, there was a lot of jumping on the bandwagon of how wronged they were by the others.
  6. I think part of it is that they think that he won't be able to manipulate them. Rob is really good at reading people so he figures out who will work with him and who won't and then starts undermining those who won't. I think Claudia is a good example in that she claims (during her exit interview referenced above) she has never watched him on Survivor, just heard about him from other participants on Deal, and wasn't an ally with him. Yet, she ended up being an ally and it seems like she didn't even realize it-yep, Rob just is that good...
  7. I actually do ask people if they drink alcohol or not as if they don't drink, I won't either as I don't want to offend them or 'tempt' them. I can drink alcohol or not, so I try to be respectful to others. I, too, have been asked if I drink or not. I have several friends who are in AA (or another program) and respect their boundaries and struggles.
  8. I enjoy this show so much, and this episode was so much fun! Sure, there are plot holes, but I just enjoy the fun. Too many shows just take themselves too seriously for me. Life can be hard and serious, so I sometimes just want to be entertained without having to think about 'real life' too much. The sisters were so much fun. I liken this show to 'Psych' which is one of my all-time favorites. Case of the week-family and friends interact and help, adventure, and humor. And, yes, I realize that I probably overused the word 'fun' in this post...
  9. I don't really understand the purpose of bringing someone else into these groups. If they wanted to bring McKenzie (?) back because she had to leave due to her father's health emergency, then just bring her back. But, to introduce someone else to all the farmers? Too much, too late (don't like it in the Bachelor franchise when they have done it and don't like it here). I am with the already on the farm women-if the farmers bring someone else back, then leave. It is a clear indicator that the farmers just aren't into the women they have left. For some reason, Mitchell just seems like he is playing the part of a farmer and really isn't one. Like, his 'farm' is more of a hobby farm (he just brought his first animal in last episode [the horse], aspires to have a farm like his neighbor's [where he took his date this week], etc.). What if he loses interest in having the farm? I think Brandon's farm is the most remote and would the biggest lifestyle change for the women. He seems really sincere though-and I was totally surprised by Joy and her lack of empathy. He even mentioned that it was interesting that she went into nursing without the capacity for empathy. I hope Brandon finds a successful relationship (whether through the show or after the show when he may be contacted by women who are very interested in meeting him. Not sure what to think about Ty. A bit insincere? Nathan seems really nice-and he may have the best set-up in terms of home, access to other cities, etc. (and a pool!). We shall see...
  10. Is it bad that I don't remember most of these people?
  11. It's a bit suspicious to me that Michael said he has not told his mother that he got married. And, Chloe supported that (at least she said so). Very similar to Cam who did not tell his father (maybe his whole family) that he got married. I wonder what some of these participants really wanted from being on this show. While some had their whole families at the weddings, others haven't even told their families about the wedding.
  12. The importance of being able to sit out players was in strong evidence when Liz had to participate in the Immunity Challenge. That tribe would have been so lost without Hunter-she basically couldn't do anything. As for when did contestants stop trying to be able to actually survive? I think that's definitely a part of the 'new era Survivor' (and, wow, do I cringe everytime a contestant says that). It's not only the idea that it's easier to survive 26 days than 39 (and it is easier), it's acknowledging that Survivor is casting for personality 'types/stereotypes' and 'characters' over people who could actually survive...
  13. After watching the episode as well as the Afterparty, I am convinced that once Clare realized her marriage was over that she actively tried to get the others to end their marriages as well. It was really interesting that Becca (during the Afterparty) said she had some texts between Clare and Cam and he immediately said he had all of them in context and not selected ones. Also, when Cam took responsibility for bringing up double dating to Brennan and Clare immediately went after him for it (it was a clip from last week) after which Cam said Clare told him to back her up when she put the blame on Brennan. I think they are all liars, but it is interesting when we finally get to hear a different perspective and recollection. Cam also brought up that Emily actually cheated on Brennan which Becca tried to defend and put the blame on Brennan (but she also acknowledged that it happened). I so want to know what actually happened throughout the season and not just the sob stories the producers showed us.
  14. I guess I have a different take on Randon's injury. I thought they should have taken him out at the first medical visit as he had absolutely no feeling in his hand/arm. Maybe it's because as I age I am more aware of the effects of strokes and even heart issues/attacks as I have more and more friends experiencing them. I am glad that Randon was taken out as it could have been a very dangerous scenario. I was glad that he told us at the end of the episode that he had recovered. Unfortunately, I know far too many people who use tears and a 'poor pitiful me' persona to manipulate others into giving them what they want. I don't know if Bhanu is trying to manipulate others or if he is really falling apart. But, I get it-he is on the outs of his tribe and he just really, really, really wants people to like him. I liked him in the first episode but, at this point, I think it would be a mercy elimination to vote him out. Q is trying to think of ways to use Ghanu to his own advantage-but even though Boston Rob makes his Jedi-mind tricks look easy (i.e. Phillip and others who end up doing his bidding) it's not easy to do (oh, and to see the current version of Rob's mind-trick mastery, watch Deal or No Deal: Island).
  15. Great idea-let's get women who didn't 'win' the Golden Bachelor and have them give advice to women still in the running for The Bachelor. Oh, and let's include Leslie who has had numerous failed relationships (per her own words) and is not only negative but also bitter about her time on Golden Bachelor. Yea, yea, that's the ticket...said no one ever other than producers looking for drama...
  16. In Rob's first season of Survivor (Vanuta? Something like that [it may have been season 4]), he arrived ready to work hard and survive. But, he realized that the majority of the tribe didn't want to work so he changed his game plan immediately. That's one thing I really like about him-he understands the motivations of other players and that he needs to adjust his game plan (he really didn't like it in a later season when he had to then plan around hidden immunity idols as others had experience playing with them and he didn't so he had to 'catch up' on that strategy). He also does/did well physically during challenges. I like him a lot, but there are quite a few people who don't like him.
  17. To me it seemed like Michonne had a continual smirk on her face whenever talking to someone not named Rick. It helped me understand why Thorne was considering killing her. Both Michonne and Rick need to be honest with each other. She needs to tell him about RJ and he needs to tell her why he can't leave. I'm so ready for them to break into Jadis' room, steal the map or whatever she has that will lead the CRM to Alexandria and then kill Jadis so that I don't have to ever watch her again. My favorite moment of the episode? When Rick told Jadis how bad her haircut was.
  18. Thanks for posting Becca's website-I thought the photos looked lovely. And, the smiling, relaxed Rebecca in her photo on the website is the one I wish we had during this season-she never seemed just happy and relaxed and I wish she had. I don't think any of the participants were truly comfortable throughout this season. I wonder if there was more going on behind the scenes or with production that helped set them on edge. Whatever the story is about this season, it just led to a not-enjoyable season. Yet, here I sat and I kept watching it. Maybe I was hoping it would get better? I think they should start a season by bringing in the parents of the applicants and have the parents decide the matches. That way at least someone would be thinking about the pairings in a way that would not be based solely on potential drama. And, after all, that would be closer to how traditional matches had been made. I don't see how it could be worse than this 'process' with these 'experts.'
  19. I am sorry to see Claudia go as I had been enjoying her on this show. I hope many good career opportunities come her way. She and Rob brought the entertainment factor. However, I kind of wonder what the incentive for staying on this show is outside of becoming better known. At least on Survivor and other shows, the longer one stays, they more money they 'earn' even if they don't win. And, the type of 'value added to the final case' is kind of pointless as there will be 19 other cases on the 'board' all of lesser value. The commercials leading into this show were also a bit misleading in that they touted 'cases over $200,000,000' when that it the total value of all cases throughout the competition and there will be only one final case with the total of all that had been previously 'won.' At least on Survivor the winner knows they will win 1 million dollars-what if the winner of this show ends up with the case worth $.01? Anyway, I will continue to watch (at least until Rob leaves...).
  20. This is one of my favorite episodes. I really enjoy watching the Captain (not Stubbing) and other officers learning to appreciate Columbo and helping him. As for throwing her overboard, part of his plan was to have an 'air tight' alibi. And, even if people had seen him with her in Vegas, the 'evidence' would point them away from him and to the pianist (who was Dean Stockwell who played a victim in another episode when Robert Culp killed him [about control of a football team]). I love this show (and yes, there are a few episodes I don't really care for, but overall it is so good IMO).
  21. I apologize if it isn't appropriate to put this here, but Kym Johnson Hercavec was featured in a Lifetime movie "Hunting Housewives." I watched it mainly for the snark (and wow is it snark-worthy!) and just wondered if anyone else saw her in it.
  22. All of these participants receive, what in my opinion is justified, criticism. However, I do want to acknowledge that Austin did have a family dinner with Becca and his parents and he did take her on that trip to meet his grandmother and other family members. So, there may have been a time during which he did see a future with Becca. I think there is way more to their 'story' than we have been told. As for meeting up with the producer-this show should better vet its staff as first we had Jon and the female 'expert' (obviously I forgot her name), and now a potential crossing of the lines with Austin and producer. As much as all of the participants sign a huge contract, perhaps staff should sign one as well (i.e. no dating of participants until after divorces are finalized).
  23. It really bothered me that, once again, Mark was able to derail an offer made by a shark (in this case Kevin) to a presenter (the shower head thing). Those guys needed a shark IMO as they seemed not quite...focused. Kevin could have really helped them but, no, Mark didn't like the offers so he basically torched it. I really don't like it when any of the sharks do this. If someone else's offer is so offensive to you-then make your own offer. But, when they go out and then torpedo any offer made, it just seems kind of arrogant to me. I'm sure robotic kitchen guy will have sales because there seems to be a wealthy subset of consumers who just want the latest technology. I see the product being cumbersome and, as Robert said, there are plenty of home delivery services. But, it does appeal to people to try to be on the cutting edge of technology. Really don't have an opinion on the breast feeding cover, but if there is a need for being cool while breast feeding, then I think this will work. Chocolate candles? I think the novelty will wear off. I could see this as people buying them once and not necessarily for every celebration. My friends and I don't even use candles anymore for birthday celebrations (but we certainly have cakes!) and still sing 'Happy Birthday.' I probably would have gone with Barbara because she does have the connection to Daisy cakes and this could be an add-on. Lori's first offer was horrible-it was actually $125,000 for 20% (the rest was a loan and she would receive the interest payments) while Barbara's was $250,000 for 25%.
  24. The producers really need to show us more of the footage from when the couples are alone. They used it for the cinemax scene of Michael and Chloe, why not show us what is REALLY happening behind the scenes. I think they all have been on their "camera" behavior-including those who are the fastest to accuse the others. I bet the behind the scenes stuff would really enlighten us as viewers. Otherwise, we are witnessing the idea of 'those who yell the loudest/overtalk the others the most' win, when, in reality, none of them have 'won' proving that they were the better person. I think Becca uses tears to get out of a lot and that she is just as responsible as Austin for their relationship failings. She was shocked that Austin wanted to end the marriage after the pizza confrontations? Really?
  25. This series has had probably the opposite impact on me than what the creators anticipated. I just wanted Truman to hurry up and die during this episode (the fictional Truman as I would not wish that on an actual living being). The episode felt like it would never end. I absolutely agree with those who think the back story of the relationships should have been included. I have no idea why the Swans were even friends with each other. And, yes, I will watch the final episode even though I do not find this to be riveting t.v.
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