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Everything posted by barbedwire

  1. "Looked like they washed themselves in the past week" - LOL! Good observation. Needs to be a new requirement for getting on Judge Judy's show. Like covering your bra straps and not wearing shorts or jeans with holes in them.
  2. So glad I missed this mess. I cannot stand anymore Sierra! With all of those little kids she already has at home, she needs to be there. Not taking care of the Duggers (or as she calls it, party planning - rriiigghhhtt). And I adore Michael so someone saying that to him would have got my goat. I agree with the rest of you: not one brain cell among them could have gotten an adult's old t-shirt and put it over Michael's clothes instead of lecturing him?!
  3. I just was looking on their website. All of the boys have Scott as their middle name, I wonder why? Maybe that is Brenda's maiden name. Jeanette is the quiet one that I noticed on the show. Her nickname is Jet. That is cute!
  4. That was a good episode. Sister Evangline being real and having to admit her mistake. Then sister Monica Joan saying those comforting words to her in the kitchen - that was the best! That one chick made me so mad! People change, especially after high school. The way she treated her when she was reaching out for friendship. She doesn't deserve friends.
  5. I read that Katy and Bobby broke up - in fact I think he is now married to someone else. Last season it looked like she was pregnant and now it looks like she has nursing boobs. But she looked great in that dress. I really liked last night's episode. The twist of Carl changing his mind. The twist of Victoria not really wanting too.
  6. It was just an ok show. Nothing engaging about this family. I was especially annoyed with dark-haired girl (Jennifer?) who seemed to enjoy talking and talking and talking. In one of her TH she started to say something about homeschooling and then said something to the effect that she didn't want them to sound stuck up. And another large family who only gets together with other large families every once in awhile. Ugh. TLC needs to come up with new ideas.
  7. Michael McKean was my all time favorite CJ contestant. Neil was good last night but too many soft-ball questions.
  8. They do seem to read the clues more carefully than 2 other teams. Rochelle went right up to the shoe shine place, while others just jumped in a cab. She also rocked the engine challenge when the boys didn't want to help her out. These 2 are determined and a lot of fun to watch.
  9. Kelly!!! So glad someone (wish it was Colleen) from first show is coming back. I will vote for her every single time.
  10. UYI - we may just be kindred spirits, well when it comes to food anyway. I too like mayo but not Miracle Whip. Jimmy John's tuna sandwiches are one of my favorite things that I can eat every day. And mushrooms? Can't get enough of them!
  11. Congratulatoins! Maisie, what a cute name.
  12. I just finished Dead Wake by Erik Larson. True story of the sinking of the Lustania, which happened 100 years ago this month. He is a great writer and even though I didn't care for some of the deep detail on how a ship runs it was a very good book. I just finished Dead Wake by Erik Larson. True story of the sinking of the Lustania, which happened 100 years ago this month. He is a great writer and even though I didn't care for some of the deep detail on how a ship runs it was a very good book.
  13. You guys are probably right. If the government were to look at her bank account, she might lose something. But her daughter is given $3,000 for car? And how is she going to keep up with gas, repairs, insurance, license, etc.? Mom can't do it.
  14. Then if there is a broken courtship (like Zach Bates and Sarah whatshername) the internet will have forever pictures of them. So I don't like it is wise that Marjory is drug everywhere. For normal people, yes. If someone saw an old picture you would just say "That is my ex-girlfriend." No big deal. But for this family............................................
  15. I couldn't watch, again, once the nitpicking and fighting started. I do agree that Heather is just trying to stay relevant and in the main story line. Dorninda's hair looked great when they were at the bar! Kristen changing on the street? Klassy.
  16. Again, my fellow snarkers, thanks for taking one for the team. I just couldn't bring myself to watch this crap fest. But I do hope that Cathy gets to spend lots and lots of time with Izzy since that is her only grandchild and she doesn't have younger kids at home. But who am I kidding. Meshell will tell the lost girls "Sorry mama has got to go hold a baby."
  17. Welcome Happyfatchick! The Maxwells (grown kids who live in Maxhell) can be found at Titus 2 blog. Don't say I didn't warn ya! Another rabbit hole of super strick fundies. I mean, they outlaw fun and outlaw adult children making their own decisions. And your daughter in on the outskirts of fundieism? Yikes.
  18. You guys are making me glad I didn't watch. I missed Menopause Meshell's Muffin Mound.
  19. "Are you going to watch this (hockey) period or have a period?" Best line of the night! And delivered by Samuel. It was a good episode last night. And, yes, the communication styles were great. I tell my hubby all the time he would enjoy a pedicure/foot soak. Mike proved it.
  20. Just an okay episode. Not my favorite. I really hope this show isn't jumping the shark. I am so glad to see Cynthia back and she is adorable as a nun.
  21. So true GEML. Menopause Meshell is not like other menopausal women, me included. I didn't watch so thanks for the recap everyone who took one for the team and watched this. I will say I did peek at one point, when Marcus was being brought home and Michael is the cutest kid out of that group. What a sweetie! And, again, I laughed at Marcus' initials: MAD. Yep kid, that is your future. Good luck.
  22. I am so glad Deanna and grandma were there. At least Jana had other adults who could help her out in that situation and stay behind and run the household. I wonder if this will put Jana off from getting married and having kids for even longer. She must be SO worn out! That girl needs a vacation and not one that involves a trip to D.C. to watch her brother's kids. Ugh this family.
  23. Dorinda - me too. I also use things until they break/don't work any longer. Why waste my money? You should have seen the t.v. I was watching you on last night. Kristin - I have that same attitude: if someone doesn't invite me to a party, I happily spend the money I would have spent on their gift on myself. Treat me! Hannah needs to learn how to speak to her mom. You take a break from college, living at home for free, speak respectfully You are an adult. Fine, you don't like mom's boyfriend say why. Chubby is not a good or mature reason. Girl needs to grow up! Carole ate a gummy bear that "someone" gave to her at a bar? Older but not wiser.
  24. Poor Jana. Thank God JimBoob's sister was there to run over and help out. Jana went in the ambulance and I hope Grandma did too. She should not have to go through that! I too hope that Jana still really wants to share a room with all of those girls and she just doesn't feel like there is no other option, or she is a bad and selfish person if she were to request a room to herself. I have my doubts about her wanting to room with the littles. JESSA, you have all that time home alone, not working, while Binjermin is at his "job" so why aren't you practicing your cooking?! Everyday try to learn a new skill. There are plenty of books with simple recipes out there. Ugh. What a waste of time. No excuse for her bad cooking. Great cooks would like to have those shiney new appliances. Was the "salad" that Smugger bought and prepared just lettuce? Looked like it.
  25. That was some twist at the end. Proves the old saying "There are 2 sides to every story." I like Aunt Rosemary (Margo Martindale is great) but I can see why Peggy wants to keep her distance. Sometimes siblings are meant to be friends.
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