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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Amen to that!!! Proudly claiming that you have a certain "preference" and eliminating an entire pool of potential romantic matches is just as idiotically short-sighted, superficial and elitist as claiming you have a "type" and refusing to date anyone outside of it. I'm married to someone completely outside of my former "preference"---he was shorter than I liked, older than I preferred, highly professional, and he wasn't remotely edgy or creative to me initially after years of only dating tattooed and/or pierced artists and musicians. And yet, we clicked immediately on a completely conversational-level; the romance naturally occurred a bit later. Hate to say it, but most people really ruin their besr chances for love thanks to their own damned stupidity/stubbornness. And as Eddie Winslow said best, "If you only wait for the float with Miss America on it, you're gonna miss the whole parade!"
  2. I feel terribly sad for all the parties involved in this mess...but at least T-Rav is getting the son we all know he's always *really* wanted. On the flipside, hopefully the son's not treated like the Golden Child while poor Kingsley ends up overlooked and unappreciated for having the misfortune to not be the one who "carries on the family name." The one I feel the worst for((beyond just Katherine's poor parents who will likely get stuck with yet another kid to babysit for while their daughter goes out and drinks herself into Kiki)) is Katherine. It's so pathetic that she feels like her only viable economic option as an adult is her family stock and basically hitching up with some old drunk with a similar family name for child support checks. I guess college and finding a true career is too much for her. She'd rather just live as a kept woman---and it doesn't even matter if her mate loves her or not, so long as he pays for her lifestyle and takes her to parties with open bars. What a mess.
  3. A size 6 or 8 in England is equivalent to a U.S. size 2 or 4. And for an all-too-fleeting moment, I got excited that my size 6 American ass was around the same size as the Baronesses'. I too will never understand the appeal of Annabelle. She's not all that hot or interesting-looking, she seems dreadfully morose, boring and judgemental, and she's not even got a sense of humor worth noting. Maybe she has a certain charm that the cameras somehow don't show((because supposedly she was once quite the party fixture/toast of the town in her younger fashion muse days with McQueen; maybe she's just a super fun drunk?!)), but I've yet to see one hint of what makes her so fascinating to everyone else in those London social circles.
  4. Thanks, Maharincess---agreed on all accounts. Unfortunately, I chose to work at a strict "faith-based" private school and I work in a "right to fire" state, which means any private organization in this state could fire you for any stupid thing, so long as it's not discriminatory against someone's gender/religion/race. I guess HR decided that my behavior somehow violated their "public representation" clause they have in the school's ridiculous employee manual. I'll never work for another "faith-based" organization again though---some of my worst professional moments have occurred in such settings. Apparently, loudly proclaiming their "Christian" status also makes such people involved in these organizations feel as though they have the right to be self-righteous, judgemental assholes to other workers there.
  5. You just touched on my own personal pet-peeve that I deal with to the point of wanting to hire a hypnotist to stop myself from this ongoing sleep nightmare: night terrors!!!!Sounds like your husband and your son both suffer from Night Terrors, or Pavor Nocturnus. It's an actual sleep disorder that is temperature/circumstantial-based---I've suffered from it my entire life, as my mom also has. It's typically hereditary. It also is often the result of PTSD, as many war veterans or abused people suffer from it as well. And you're smart to wake your husband from a distance, because waking sufferers up from these terrors can often be dangerous. I've hit my husband in the head and/or kicked him in the middle of my episodes, so he's learned to be careful as well. I also can't sleep well in a warmer setting and sometimes have trouble adjusting to a new bed or bedroom on vacation---I shared a bed with a girlfriend last year and later learned that I grabbed her arm and gave her the death stare in my sleep, much to my amused embarrassment. That's the thing: we typically don't remember these episodes and it can be embarrassing even stressful to us sufferers((which in turn can cause anxiety that will wake us up even more)), so just be sure to be sensitive to your boys when you deal with them during by an episode, and they'll be fine. I've thought about medication concerning my own night terror issues, but apparently mine isn't severe or regular enough to warrant such medication. Some sufferers have it so badly that they hurt themselves or others pretty badly and have some pretty horrific yelling/screaming episodes---there's a guy out there who nearly killed himself trying to throw himself out a window several times, for instance. I hate that I deal with it, but at least I don't wake up bloody or on stairwells or choking anyone!
  6. I don't mind Cooper one bit---he's a fun and mellow little Southern dandy who proudly displays his heritage and well-bred manners. I enjoy following him on Instagram since he always likes to post fun little videos/video tours of various parties, events and neighborhood bike rides in the Battery and whatnot. Much like T-Rav's buddy JD, I don't get the try-hard social-climber vibe from him at all; seems that he was already rather well-connected, respected and successful with his businesses before he joined this show.
  7. Landon goes to a vocal coach? Shep's bar gets a bad health code rating? Whitney's bar he refuses to visit or assist with actually opens? Thomas quits drinking? Jenna comes back to town? Jennifer Snowden removes her lips from Katherine's ass? Katherine finally learns about birth control?
  8. This is a pretty embarrassing professional incident that still haunts me to this day...and it certainly taught me the value of discretion with social media, especially in certain professions that require an extra layer of discretion period. In 2005, I was still an art teacher((since then I've been teaching in another subject and have been far more successful/content in this area)) and got hired to work at a rather exclusive private middle school. Okay, so it was a super snooty private academy with equally snooty/celeb parents who dropped off their kids in everything from Mercedes and limos to Hummers; some of these students openly mocked us "poor" teachers and seemed to smugly mock the fact that most of them had nicer phones than we teachers did. Their parents were another story entirely---they could barely hold their contempt of us all, would practically threaten to sue us over any grades less than A's for their bratlings, and were constantly telling us how we should do our jobs. Because apparently a rich old plastic surgeon's gold-digging unemployed wife knows more about teaching history and geometry than the rest of us, right? Anyways, after coming home from a particularly annoying day of my personal dealings with yet another batch of rich helicopter parents and their constant pointless emails/phone calls/letters, I had a glass of wine and amused myself via blowing off steam in a highly amusing blog post I sent around to my other fellow frustrated teacher friends on my MySpace feed. It was funny, we commented and shared other points about how much such helicopter parents suck, the end. Good silly fun. I didn't even name any names or even my school. Cut to over four months later. I've long since forgotten about the stupid post, and in all my early social media naïveté, I didn't even remember if I'd made the post or my profile private. Then one night I get this random email via my profile from one of my favorite students saying, "OMG, SOMEONE FOUND YOUR PROFILE AND THAT BLOG POST AND TOLD HER MOM ABOUT IT! YOU NEED TO TAKE IT DOWN!!!" Cut to my dumb self just sitting there about to shit my pants in fear...oh goddamn, I totally forgot about that stupid damned blog post and didn't even think about any of my students possibly looking me up on there, especially since I didn't use my actual name or profession there. So in a panic, I deleted my entire profile. Done. Buh-bye, MySpace!! But it was too late. The next day, I could already hear giggles and could tell my students had sent the post around. They were already slyly asking, "Hey, you ever heard of MySpace?" and other leading questions. I simply shrugged/played dumb repeatedly saying, "I dunno what you're talking about!" After several days went by, I thought I was off the hook and all was forgotten. I relaxed a bit and just prayed for the best. But as soon as my principal called me into her office, along with my work computer, I knew I was fucked. Turns out one of the students had shown the entire post/my profile to her mom and said mom had printed out and sent all my profile photos/blogs to my principal. I was beyond mortified and could've died right there. Imagine sitting there in front of your boss while she reads off every stupid comment, shows you every stupid photo and reads very drunken blog post you've ever written, right to your face. And as her two colleagues sit beside her, mind you. I kept myself together and just said it was all a silly misunderstanding. That I was sorry and honestly never meant anyone any harm. I've never felt so shamed and humiliated in all my life. It didn't help when I was told to immediately pack up my classroom and leave alongside her colleagues. So I did and felt like the dumbest, most pathetic excuse of a human for about a week. I was just being my own free-spirited 25-year-old self on MySpace, for chrissakes; yet look what one random blog post cost me. A lawyer friend even offered to represent me and fight the school on my account, but I simply accepted my punishment and was okay with merely a letter saying I'd been a competent art teacher for the 7 months I was at that stupid snooty academy. I still look back on that entire incident and cringe...but it was truly a learning experience. After that I simply got an odd job to pay bills and eventually found a much better art-teaching assignment at a far more liberal and well-matched school several months later, where I gladly taught for the next four years until I got licensed in my current area. Nevertheless: most embarrassing experience of humiliation I've ever had to endure.
  9. Man, I've missed this show and am soooo glad that the shameless shrews Noelle and Caprice are gone---Julie and the Baroness are such better and more natural additions to this cast! I see that not much has changed about Juliet since last season beyond her neighborhood---she's still proudly playing up the tacky, annoying American role, complete with desperate social-climbing and begged invites. And I don't even understand her ongoing insistence on having a Thanksgiving/birthday get-together at someone's house, especially when that someone just had a big cocktail party for everyone at her house the night before...what the fuck is even the point at that point?! I'm calling producer manipulation on that shit storyline. AnnaBelle is far less smugly superior than before and didn't even mention MacQueen once, so that was nice to see. Marissa is still playing up her Marcia Brady-meets-London goody-two-shoes shtick. Caroline is still the queen bee bitch we all hate to love...I've definitely missed her dryly sarcastic wit the most!
  10. Oh I totally believe Carole has extensions---her hair was never that long/lush when she was younger and there have been pics of her tracks showing on a windy beach. I think Ramona and Sonja and maybe even Heather add extra hair pieces/clip-ins for certain occasions. Bethenny does too, likely; her hair was really thinning in the earlier seasons. I don't think Dorinda or Lu do though; they confidently rock their short hair and I love it, especially since way too many Housewives across the franchise clamp on to those overly-long extensions, which is especially silly when most of them are in their late 40's/early 50's. Sorry ladies, but most women are physically incapable of growing hair that long and thick after 40. It's just biology at work, and it makes a lot of them look desperate to cling to their youth as opposed to just owning their ages and rocking more easygoing, natural hairstyles. I do love Kristen's bob though---as she proved at the reunion with her own hideous extensions, the gal can really work short hair!
  11. Slow drivers in urban/downtown areas make me crazy...I know it's a typical peeve to rant about other drivers, but there's been a huge resurgence in people moving to my city in the past 3-5 years, and this has meant twice as much traffic with twice as many boobs out there on our roads who really don't know the meaning of "move with the flow of traffic." Yes, I have been guilty of riding people's asses on the road, especially if they're going slow in the left lane and/or going 5-10 miles under the speed limit. I feel like that's one's right when someone is stalling the flow of city traffic in such an inconsiderate manner. Speed up or get the fuck over or travel back roads---morons like those are the ones who cause traffic pile-up's at long lights since they usually leave 2-3 car lengths between them and the next cars in traffic.
  12. Yes!!! Because God forbid we the viewers actually just watch a reality show cast going about their daily lives naturally, with no arguments, peaceful chit-chat and just a positive slant to their typical gatherings. I've seen this same sort of thing with other Bravo "Lost Footage/Secrets Revealed" shows, and I *always* end up enjoying those episodes twice as much as the regular shows! It's light and refreshing and natural, after all---these shows just have a more playfully organic vibe. It's just so insulting for producers to assume that unless there's arguing and drama, this sort of footage isn't worth showing in the original episodes---most of us would likely call bullshit on that! It was so funny seeing the Countess drunk and bitching about that lovely but "boring" bar; that's sooooo me too, alas. No point in hanging out at a deserted bar when you're turnt up and ready to party with pretty people; go on with your bad self, Lu! Josh is beyond a dickhead. He's just scum. Poor Kristen deserves better than his disgustingly smug, cheating ass, especially since he looks like a shriveled up old man who can't even convincingly feign being in love with her still. She needs to go find herself a rich old man who will appreciate her "pretty is smarter than you think" little ass while she's still young and well-known enough to marry up. On the flipside, I did like her apartment makeover; her place was so tacky last season that it's nice to see she got it properly redecorated into the showplace it truly is meant to be. Which must mean she hangs in there with douchewaffle strictly for financial purposes and for some semblance of a father to their children. I hope Heather stays...I'll really miss her sassy, know-it-all self, "Hollas" not withstanding.
  13. Agreed. Even though I enjoyed seeing her awesome downtown loft and was semi-envious of her luxurious lifestyle(("single mom", my ass---she's beyond well-kept thanks to popping out those gals with Gilles)), Kelly was beyond unlikable otherwise. Crazy as a loon and just a snobby bitch who only plays up to other women she deems worthy of talking to---anyone else she felt was lesser than her didn't get her attention period. Notice how she glommed onto Carole during her appearance last season? That's the one thing I loved the most about her presence on the show though: when Bethenny got into it with her, it was comedic gold!! She proved how insane/petty she was while Bethenny proved how smart/quick-witted she was. Ramona pegged her right when she said that you have to "keep it light and only talk about kids" with Kelly, because the woman is about as deep as a wading pool. Sorry if it's difficult for me to feel any sympathy for such a nasty washed-up former model who lost $50k worth of luxury accessories thanks to stupidly leaving them in the car.
  14. I'm so excited!!! Like most folks, I first saw her on SNL after seeing people gush about her online, and was duly unimpressed by her lousy debut TV performance there((turns out she just had an understandably severe dose of stage fright and performs like a seasoned pro nowadays)). Then I saw the "National Anthem" video and was intrigued...it was an interesting dose of artistry and clever song/video-tinkering that made me want to give her a second try. After I went down the YouTube rabbit-hole and heard more of her stuff, I was hooked. Got "Born to Die", fell in love, got "Paradise" and was in lust..."Ultraviolence" was very good, but I have a feeling "Honeymoon" will be extra great and a real return to her original sadcore-meets-triphop-retro sound. Her voice and "look" just sells it all though, and the girl is quite an impressive songwriter to boot---if you've got a few hours to spare, I dare you to listen to all her unreleased tracks scattered around YouTube...she's a master of many genres. It does make me sad that we live in a world where Taylor Swift is at the top of the pop charts and Lana is barely given the public adulation she deserves. But she probably prefers it this way; oddly enough, the fact that she does her own thing and promotes her own sort of career trajectory is part of her enigmatic allure, I suppose...
  15. I didn't like her first severe blonde look when she got it done, but Carole looks soooo much better now with the now more faded, natural lighter-colored hair---comparing the before/after pics, the darker hair was a bit too harsh and really faded her out. She looks a lot better now though; I guess fucking a younger chef really does do a body good!
  16. Oh lord...: http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/06/26/thomas-ravenel-im-getting-married/
  17. Amen to all the astonishment: the woman just can't seem to leave her face alone and almost acts like its her wifely duty to overspend on everything remotely possible. Like why get a regular dog from the local humane shelter or even an average-priced pedigree dog when you can get a $5k pedigreed dog with his "red rocket" hanging out?! Of course she needs that regular stylist for her and the girls to constantly bring them overpriced clothes/accessories! I will say that I'm glad the family at least has a chef to make sure they eat right. Best money spent in that gross household period. Poor Brianna is another Kim in the making---found another dumb local rich boy and will likely be preggers and slothing around lazily in some gross McMansion just like mama within two years. College? Oh please...she's studied mama's entire lazy-but-happy-golddigger lifestyle for too long and obviously took notes. There's still some hope for Ariana---I really hope she keeps those grades up and goes to a good college and gets away from that crazy clan finally!! And speaking of crazy clan, I do find it sad and irresponsible that Troy still hasn't tried to at least make up with *his* family. Unlike Kim's trashy bunch, his family at least seemed like good, solid people just trying to understand his life. I'll bet they would've been decent grandparents to the kids, if Kim weren't too selfish to allow them into their lives because she only allows syncophants and yes people in that worship her, apparently. The kids at least deserve one set or bit of grandparents in their lives.
  18. Pet-peeve du'jour: women who constantly talk about their children. They literally just drone on and on about their children and their children's new schedules and schools and awards and current likes/dislikes, etc....it's like these creepy moms have given up their entire identities to live in their children's worlds. Listen, I get it that motherhood is pretty all-encompassing and that most moms are beyond proud of their offspring and just want to share this pride, and that's cool and all. But as a proudly childfree woman, try to understand that it's best if we both just stick to subjects that interest us both, and not just regard me as an extra set of ears to prattle on and on to about your children. I really try to befriend and understand females with children too, but more and more I'm realizing why 98% of my girlfriends are also gladly childfree. Miranda from "Sex and the City" was right when she referred to it as "the motherhood cult."
  19. I think she may have had strategically-placed fillers or fat injections planted around her jawline to soften it a bit...what a difference though! Looking at her talking heads from seasons past compared to this one, you can definitely see a huge change in her jawline though---she had that Tori Spelling-esque shovelface look going for quite a few years. Glad she was able to use that SG money to freshen herself up a bit---it's quality, subtle work!!
  20. I have a friend who is dealing with the ongoing annoyances of online dating, and I feel so badly for her after hearing some of her ongoing annoyances with it. The latest was what I like to refer to as the disappearing sociopath. He seemed like a very nice, respectable guy---a chef for a retirement facility, very gentlemanly and polite, tattooed, fit and enlightened...and he and my friend had what she thought was the perfect dinner date. He was kind and charismatic and they had similar backgrounds, he told her how beautiful he thought she was and she said she felt good sparks with him as well...he took her home and they shared a nice kiss and immediately agreed to go on another date. He even texted her that night saying what a nice time he had and he couldn't wait to see her again, even offering to give her a lift to meet a girlfriend of hers downtown for a show. Texted her for three days afterwards, it all seemed swell and she said she "had a good feeling about this one". And then he suddenly cancelled out on their original second date and rescheduled for a few days later...and then...nothing. No calls, no texts, no nothing...he just disappeared. He totally "ghosted" my friend. I know it's easier to do that than simply telling someone, "I'm sorry, I just decided to move on and don't care to pursue this anymore", but still, how cowardly and unchivalrous. My friend has since blocked him from her accounts period in sheer annoyance, but still, I knew that had to sting...it seems so cruel, especially when he pursued her so fervently from the start!
  21. I guess I'll be that random weirdo who adores Beth's fab new condo---yes, it's a bit cold and sterile for most people's tastes, but I just love the chic and uncluttered modern elegance of it, with all the modern art and updated accents to boot. It's just so ultra-sophisticated for a truly monied Manhattanite! Bethenny always has had a rather sterile and simple decor style in all her apartments over the years. She definitely favors a clean and modern look with "pops of color" here and there. Believe it or not, my favorite place of hers was actually that condo she first shared with Jason on "Bethenny Ever After." It had some warmth and a cozy colors mixed into the usual modern style she usually has going on in her apartments.
  22. Speaking of leaving messages/voicemails, I tell you something that peeves me beyond belief: when people leave a voicemail and say their phone number too quickly/not clearly enough for me to write it down!!! I find it especially annoying coming from supposed professionals, like secretaries and receptionists---this is your job, and yet you rush through phone numbers and messages like its a verbal race? Slow down, please!! Which brings me to my latest pet peeve that's been bugging me beyond belief lately: women who speak with vocal fryyyyyy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YEqVgtLQ7qM I work with a few ladies in their 20's and they ALL use that stupid fry talk, especially in staff meetings. It makes them sound like a bunch of idiot croaking frogs and I want to throatpunch them repeatedly when they mumble out those creaky little vocal squeaks. I desperately want to tell them that they don't sound smart or sexy or charming whatsoever, especially in a supposedly professional environment like ours. And I'd much rather sound like an educated and intelligent female than like some world-weary Kardashian sloth lazing around the office.
  23. Yep. I know it sounds lame, but when you're not looking and finally content and at peace with yourself, somehow The One finds you. It's happened to me and many others! Granted, looking for The One is like sales---it's all about numbers, getting out there and being available and meeting folks and going places. Ain't nothing wrong with online dating either, but you do have to slog through a lot of bullshit to find a few diamonds in there.
  24. Happens around my neighborhood ALL.THE.TIME. Burns me up on such insane levels to the point that I honk my horn as a warning before revving up around these inconsiderate drivers while displaying the finger and/or the stinkeye. There's just no excuse for such blatant rudeness to other drivers---and I hate to say it, but it's typically two specific types of folks I notice who seem to do this most often.
  25. I actually have really enjoyed the cast this year. 8 wives honestly doesn't bother me much---at least it keeps the show at a brisk pace and doesn't allow any boring storylines to dominate. If I had to pick someone to go though, I'd pick Bethenny. And I once loved Bethenny in her original first few seasons, but I just hate how she came back to this show obviously just to pimp our her Skinnygirl shit and dominate episodes with her boring, weepy therapy sessions. She's barely gets along with half of the cast, she's only grown more neurotic and less funny as the years have gone by, and her tired, outdated one-liners are so damned lame. I'll admittedly miss Heather and Kristen...I thought they brought a more youthful charm to the cast that was definitely needed. Plus, they're the only "Real Housewives" on here that are actually married, go figure!!
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