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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Oh I agree on that---style-wise they might be oddly similar, but Tinsley otherwise seems far more sweet and down-to-earth, not to mention bravely honest about being real onscreen. Gretchen is creepy in how determined she is to control and protect her onscreen persona. She definitely had sociopathic tendencies; just look how she so quickly turned on her buddy Alexis as soon as Tamara and Heather let her into their cool chick clique; but then again, I don't trust anyone who'd dare to choose someone as equally sociopathic and evil as Tamara as a bestie.
  2. Not to absolve men in this completely, of course---I just think most rich/celeb men go along with it just for appearance's sake. They think it makes them look virile and complete while appeasing their ladies; they get spawn as accessories, meanwhile preferring nannies and/or staff to actually take care of the mothering. I don't doubt that Cary genuinely wanted a child and that she's a good mother---her scenario isn't a Kathryn D situation or doesn't reek of entrapment; I just question her overall rationale for having a child with such a disinterested father as Mark. She's lucky Zuri appears to be such a calm and mellow child so far, because lord help Cary if she had a more problematic or special needs child---I think Mark would leave her in the dust, like so many fathers of tougher children. But unfortunately, many men are like that and think fatherhood is a cool, fun-filled existence until they actually see how much work and patience it requires. I was the product of just such a marriage of convenience((mom wanted kids, dad thought he wanted kids and then left without a trace)), so I guess I'm a bit more sensitive to the typical baby mealticket scenario.
  3. I refer to this as the classic "baby mealticket" procedure: a woman getting pregnant in a hurry with a rich boyfriend/husband means she's also getting financially set for life if/when she divorces his ass or vise versa. See also "Southern Charm's" Kathryn Dennis and her two out-of-wedlock children with the over-30-years-her-senior millionaire Thomas Ravanel. Or any celebrity male who hooks up with a much younger, usually much poorer woman---like why would *anyone* honestly want to have a child with a man over the age of 55?!((like please just get fixed already, Rolling Stones band members)) Of course it's not fair to the kid, but typical golddigging usually isn't fair to anyone involved in the process but the woman. I like Cary okay, but it seems like the only one who wanted a child in that weirdly convenient marriage was her.
  4. Former Real Housewife Gretchen is like the California discount version of Former Socialite Tinsley Mortimer on RH of NYC: both desperately cling to their dated pageant princess style and long blonde hair/extensions, both overdress/style themselves in girly-girl ruffles and lace like 70's country singers, both are over 35 but dress/act like they're still 25, both are whiney drama queens who like to get drunk....only I actually enjoy Tinsley's disarming onscreen persona, unlike the wannabe thirst that Gretchen typically projects.
  5. Yes!!! It BAFFLES me that this show is even still on---probably more so than any other show on Bravo, actually. Who's watching it?! It sure ain't my ass; Wig always did bore me to tears and disgusts me to death. I only ever remotely enjoyed her when she was chummy with NeNe on RH ofAtlanta, but she's otherwise worthless and terribly unfunny to me. Ditto her mouthbreathing doofus of a husband, her gross hag of a chef and their nasty, disrespectful brood of Wiglets. She must be sucking some serious Bravo cock because her endless dumb luck of good fortune has always boggled my mind. Hopefully karma finally bites her in the entitled ass one of these days soon.
  6. It's so weird and creepy to me that both her daughters have morphed into such obvious mini-Kim's. Are either of them even considering college? What a waste that they have the resources to pursue other things but would rather simply follow similar golddigger dreams as their white trash mom. Then again, I guess that's what happens when you grow up basically being taught that the only way a woman will have any success in life is to use her surgically-enhanced body and sexuality to entrap a rich man to take care of her.
  7. Dear lord...Cary and Stephanie look like aliens. And when you're making Ramona Singer look fresh and natural, you definitely need to back off from the needles!! ?
  8. I was always perplexed by how many children Blanche and Rose actually had...Dorothy had her son and daughter, Sophia had Dorothy and Dorothy's sister and Phil, but I could never actually remember how many children Rose and Blanche had...did Rose just have the two girls? And supposedly Blanche had her one daughter Janet((played by two different actresses)) and then I think 2 or 3 sons?? The only son I remember her regularly mentioning was Skippy, when she offered Dorothy "one of her sons" in a bribe, and right after that there was her infamous line, "Okay, maybe not Skippy, he's got asthma." I always hated how the continuity was especially glaring with their children and the random actors hired to play them---or the children who were mentioned regularly yet were never seen on the series. It was especially weird how the only one who had the same actors playing her kids throughout the series was Dorothy. Oh and then there was the actress they hired who ALWAYS played the young Dorothy in the flashback scenes! Now she was excellent; that was an unusually stellar casting choice because I really did buy her portrayal of a younger Dorothy. Aside from the actress playing Janet in the final seasons, I never liked any of the other actors cast as their children.
  9. Ramona: "Kadooz to us all!" "You're like a tutu! A foo-foo! A tutu-foo-foo!!" "Turrrrrtle tiiiiime...." Carole: "I'm on a new diet. It's basically vodka, cucumbers and butter." "I heard several male voices; one of them was Luann." Kelly vs Bethenny: (Kelly) "Akkk, you're so crazy! I gotta go, I've got a date." (Beth) "With your imaginary boyfriend?" Kelly: "Al Sharpton! Al Sharpton!!!" Bethenny: "I just wanna ask, why are you such an asshole?" "Really? Kelly Bensimon, that is so 2000 and who cares." "If Ramona were a super hero she'd be The Apologizer." "Some women look so amazing you can't believe their age and some women have gone so over the top that it looks like the Star Wars bar." Dorinda: "You better back that shit up..." "I decorated! I cooked! I made it NICE!!!" "CLIP! CLIP! CLIPPPP!!!" "I'll tell ya how I'm doing: NOT WELL, bitch." (Sonja) "I party all the time with John-John Kennedy." (Dorinda) "Well that must be hard considering he's dead." LuAnn: "Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes." "NOT REALLY." "We got the yacht! We got the yacht!!" "So be cool. Don't be all, like, uncool."
  10. Okay, finally watching the special now via OnDemand---and once again I'm left mainly wondering what is it that these chicks see in that old bald horndog Tom?! I don't care how many upscale properties he supposedly owns and how much money/clout he supposedly has, the dude looks skeevy and acts even skeevier. He was disrespectful as Hell to Lu onscreen and made her look like a pathetic buffoon. Are Upper East Side broads seriously this desperate for dick?! Ugh...beyond a fat wallet and maybe some insanely special oral talents, I cannot fathom what makes that Uncle Fester-looking creep so hot to trot with the over-40 monied Manhattan matrons. And although I do appreciate how Luann is keeping it classy and refuses to slam Tom onscreen, I wish she'd nut up and be real with Andy and the viewing audience already. Why can't she just say that she had no business marrying a commitment-phobic womanizer? Why can't she warn other women about his creepy ways?? She fell in love with the glamorous love story she built up for herself in her head. She charmed a middle-aged bachelor enough for him to toss her a hasty marriage proposal and a big wedding. She lost a game she'd smugly thought she'd won. On the flipside, I think Lu looked just fabulous on this special---slim, sleek and composed. Truly a classy dame all around. Hope she finally finds the right guy who treats her with the love, respect and commitment she deserves---try as I may, I just can't quit The Countess.
  11. He used to have funny and harmless responses to the random trolls, but apparently he's getting crankier as he ages; or else I'm going to guess his mean drunk side is coming through when he posts those retorts a'la our other beloved SC social media mean drunk T-Rav.
  12. Also, in Armenian culture, people like to shop when they are in New York.
  13. Although it was nice to see the feisty and fun Brandi of last season reappear tonight, that was really extra tacky of her to give gifts and offer travel invites only to Stephanie and Cary right as Kameron was standing there watching. Yes, Kameron is pretentious and annoying((I cackled at Brandi's DEAD ON impression of her)); yes, that was equally as bitchy of Kameron to call out Brandi that way; yes, the two women obviously just don't *click*, but damn, have enough common sense to not place some of your party guests into such an awkward position. Brandi should've taken Stephanie and Cary aside to another room and done that. But then again, this was obviously done for extra dramatic purposes---I'm sure producers put a little idea into Brandi's head about that slight. LeeAnne *really* likes to snark on other people supposedly social claiming and being in "the right address"---she'd better work on her aim, throwing all those stones from her glass house. Can't help but like D'Andrea so far; she seems genuine and no bullshit. Plus, anyone trying to calmly talk sense into the fruitloop that is LeeAnne deserves some mad respect.
  14. Agreed!! I hope she's safely stashing her checks from doing this show far away from her cromagnum husband, but I doubt it. And you just know he'll toss her out like yesterday's garbage the minute some hotter, younger version of Stephanie dares come sniffing around and tickles his pickle. He's the typical douchey rich husband who will likely be screwing around on her with the secretary, if he isn't already. I don't get all the "two-faced" talk about her though, because she seems like a genuinely sweet, kind person. And she was very straight up with LeAnne about her feelings about her---saying someone is "up to her old tricks" isn't talking shit but just being brutally honest.
  15. Oh she's disrespectful and weird/crazy as Hell to have done that, but I wouldn't have kicked LeAnn out either---that would've just added fuel to her anti-Steph fire and given her the great big dramatic scene/camera time she was thirstily wanting. It was way smarter to simply let her go around looking like a complete buffoon and for all the other people at the party to witness for themselves what a complete kuckoo she is; I think it was quite shrewd of Stephanie to not play into her petty little game. Loved the new girls talking about her weirdness though---exactly, WHO does that? Someone desperate for camera time, that is. It was certainly 50 shades of RHofAtlanta's tthirsty Kendra Moore showing up dressed as "Fake-dra" at a charity party, right there. And then when creepily sedated Brandi told her how she and Stephanie had made up and all she could say in response was, "I guess it's back to 'everyone hates LeAnn' again..." said everything. She's just a clingy freak who desperately needs an ally and is willing to ruin friendships to do so. She should've showed up to the party as an escaped mental patient, because she seems to have a "bad romance" with behaving like one.
  16. @ZaldamoWilder, I'm so sorry about your longtime friendship breakup---she sounds like she's too crazy and overdramatic to ever have a truly mature and deep female friendship. Good riddance; who needs people like that in their lives??!! I do feel your pain because my former best friend of 10+ years and I broke up almost two years ago for a similarly stupid reason: she felt all butthurt and dissed by me over some made up notion in her head she'd completely dreamt up. That I wasn't "enough of a friend" and "didn't do enough" for her, I later learned. And yet she REFUSED to discuss it with me after over 3 months of silence and ignoring me and my calls/texts, until she finally sent me some melodramatic text novel that sounded almost exactly like Brandi's own stupid rationale: "It's just a feeling I have, that you don't appreciate me or our friendship." I vowed to never let her do that to me ever again, and I'm all the better without her needy, negative influence in my life. People like that are pathetic. And they'll turn on you at the drop of a dime, often in favor of hanging out with far flashier/clingier trash "BFF's of the moment" a'la LeAnne. I feel so bad for Stephanie and truly do understand her sadness and confusion over her bestie suddenly ghosting her out of the blue, but you can never ever repair a true friendship once a friend randomly turns on you like that---she's best to just leave Brandi alone for good now. That trust will always be broken.
  17. My loft doesn't have room for a table, just a giant bar we all eat/drink at. To be honest, we don't even miss the hassle of having an extra table/chairs---keeps it simple, casual and efficient.
  18. I dunno how much more I can take of this show...between vocal fry Barbie and her pink dog biscuits coupled with mealy-mouthed Brandi and her pathetic "You accidentally hurt my feelings in a blog so I'm not your BFF anymore" storyline, I'm kinda just using it as background noise for now. And I see that LeeAnne is still batshit cray as ever---I guess this show needs her kuckoo energy to keep things lively otherwise, but I'd sure hate to deal with her nutty ass in real life. She's a ticking timebomb; I keep waiting for her own unique spin on the Real Housewife table toss. I see Stephanie's stiffly bloated face now and I automatically think of fellow Texan Jerry Hall's "fixed" face from the first "Batman" movie:
  19. God this show is idiotic. Even worse than I expected. How was this ever greenlit?? I especially cannot stand the grizzled-yet-so-aware-of-cameras grandma and her overly aggressive attempts at humor, along with the forced way everyone just awkwardly titters at her randomly stupid comments. You just knew they'd find some annoying old lady like that to fit the typical snarky old mee-maw stereotype. Sophia Pettrillo/Granny Clampitt you are not, Brit's granny. I honestly hope they break up. Seriously. She's way too sweet for Jax's STD-riddled ass. He needs an equally bitchy slut like Stassi to keep him on his toes.
  20. I still love Carole too and was incredibly won over by how she made a point to befriend and take Tinsley under her wing this season---try as I might to feel otherwise, I still find Carole oddly endearing, snooty wannabe hipster vibes/Bethenny-slave and all. She's somehow managed to carve a good niche out for herself on this show and calmly stay in the background while still providing a chill and loving soundboard to the cast's bigger personalities. She's the sane Greek chorus ever since Bethenny gave up that role with her "zero fucks" rich bitch schtick; I love that she gets it and seems totally in on the big joke of it all. I also am loving her latest apartment redo, even though I'm shocked by what a radical departure it is from her place's cool former masculine vibe. It's like she was desperate for a girly, frilly and feminine look after so many years of living around the earth tones and darker colors. I'm not so sure about her bedroom((it's a bit too pretty pink princessy for my preference)), but the rest of the place looks just stunning otherwise.
  21. Man, ol' Tommyboy just can't seem to keep his hands out of the cookie jar, can he? Money can't buy you class indeed. Why the Hell doesn't he have the decency to just go out of town and disappear for a while if he's so upscale and all?! Go off to the Hamptons or Montauk like the rest of the snooty Upper Eastsiders. Go to Europe and tomcat around there. Go out West and flirt with some floozies in Malibu. Just quit skanking it up all around Manhattan/The Regency for a hot minute there, buddy! Honestly, pics like that with chicks just makes him look even thirstier and gross as Hell. And I don't care if it's just a friend or a family member either; it still looks bad for him to be going out alone with any woman this fresh off his divorce. And speaking of thirsty, that Missy chick is pretty pathetic if she really is still sniffing around Lu's sloppy seconds. So the likes of Tommyboy and Harry Dubin are sadly the gold standards of single men for single women over 35 around there?! I guess a chopped up penthouse in NYC really is worth more than self-respect for some broads.
  22. Seriously, she looks frightful---like a damned melting wax sculpture! And I honestly can't even decide which of her and Kim's procedures are worse: the insanely huge inflatable lips or the overcarved upturned nose...both treatments have rendered the two of them into literal alien species.
  23. ROFL!!!!! ((har-har)) Okay, and as an extra online courtesy, I will *always* like any comments in response to my own posts. So there you go, @Zola. ;)
  24. I know what you mean---some people's most idiotic/pointless Facebook posts/comments receive far more "likes" than they dare deserve. I usually get a good amount of Likes/Comments under my photos((I don't overdo it with posting pics there either, a restraint tactic that I wish many other folks would learn: quality over quantity!!)); but then maybe I'll post an article or hilarious video clip that leaves me weeping with giggles and I'll somehow get less than half as many "likes" as usual. I don't get it. As for the liking of comments on Facebook, I don't bother liking comments that don't even show a fair amount of humor and/or insight. And I will like the shit out of a funny gif/pic posted in response to a post there. But the people who just moronically post responses like "LOL!!!" or "IKR" or some other stupidly redundant little response irk me too. This is one reason why I love that this forum won't even allow posters to respond in such a pointlessly space-wasting fashion! I do know that a lot of Facebook "likes" depend upon the time of day one is posting, the amount of friends/popularity one has((how many people are actually Following you regularly)), and the amount of "likes"/comments you share with others---I'm constantly having to remind my husband that if he wants to receive more likes and comments on his posts there that he'll have to give more likes and comments on his friends' posts too. I think being stingy with likes/comments at Facebook is very rude((maybe because I have had several so-called friends who got some weird power trip over denying likes/comments))---ditto Instagram. It takes barely any effort to simply touch your screen or keyboard and make a friend feel even more appreciated! But then again, I'm a serial-liker on both forums and find it oddly relaxing to "scroll and like" after a long day of work, so whatever.
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