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Everything posted by glowbug

  1. I dislike Yolanda (I wouldn’t go so far as to say hate—that word is reserved for more vile housewives like Erika or Rinna) but I would absolutely have believed Zayn assaulted her if she hadn’t lied about Ken. I also think she was lying about or, at the very least, exaggerating her illness so maybe I would have had some reservations based on that but I still think I would have believed her if not for the Ken false allegation. I’m not saying Zayn didn’t shove her into a dresser, just that, based on her past behavior, I am not willing to believe her based on her word alone. I knew nothing about Zayn until this incident. I can’t even name a single One Direction song or any of his solo songs. If he has a past history of being physically abusive then that would change how I see things. That would be additional evidence, IMO. It’s pretty egregious if there have been past allegations of physical abuse that none of the articles written about this incident that I’ve read have mentioned it. He sounds like a real asshole based on a cursory Google search but even the most vicious articles towards him didn’t allege physical violence. I definitely believe he said those awful things to Yolanda and berated Gigi, which are terrible. He isn’t even really denying that he spoke that way. He’s only denying the physical assault and given that Yolanda has lied before I won’t take her word for it.
  2. I don’t think anyone deserves to be assaulted. I’m just not sure that Yolanda truly was assaulted. Normally I believe people when they claim abuse until there is evidence to disprove them but Yolanda has already falsely accused someone of being physically violent when there is actual video evidence that she was lying. She has lost all credibility with me. Once someone makes a false claim I am not going to automatically believe them when they claim abuse the next time, and I don’t think that’s unreasonable. Clearly there was some sort of altercation and he was wrong to use such vile language but I’m not ready to believe the physical violence happened the way she’s claiming it did without further proof.
  3. The ratings for this season continue to slowly decline every episode. They’re at 550,000 which means they’ve lost almost 100,000 viewers since the season began. I will be shocked if Bravo renews this mess. The only way I could see them doing it is if they thought they could recapture the ratings glory of the early years by bringing some combination of Stassi/Beau, Jax/Brittany, and Kristen back. I hope they don’t attempt this but Bravo has zero morals so I could see it happening.
  4. They added that part after I read it but it was obvious from his statement that he and Gigi had broken up.
  5. Two points. 1) Given that Yolanda once claimed Ken struck/grabbed/pushed her when video footage showed he merely touched her arm, I’m very skeptical of Yolanda’s claim. 2) Zayn says he doesn’t want this incident to interfere with his ability to coparent his daughter. Typically the term coparenting is used in the context of parents who are no longer together. I have heard it used with parents who are still romantic partners but it’s used much less often in that context. I wonder if Zayn and Gigi split up. It would also be weird for Yolanda to make this claim if Gigi and Zayn were together and his response oddly specifies his ability to coparent rather than his relationship with Gigi as a whole.
  6. The Dinner Party From Hell: Producer’s Cut is on Peacock. It’s the last episode on Season 1.
  7. I’d love to believe that no one backs Erika up at the reunion but I’m pretty sure there’s deceptive editing involved here. Rinna undoubtedly raises her hand or speaks up in response to the question about them believing Erika did not know anything about what Tom was doing, and I bet some if not most of the others will as well. Erika specifically says “Will someone please back me the fuck up on what I’m saying”. That implies she was saying something not listening to crickets in response to a question Andy asks when she demands back up. Andy does go after Erika much harder than I thought he would. Even if the only moments were those in the preview, that’s further than I thought he’d go. I’m hoping there’s a lot more of those moments given they filmed for so many hours. Also, I was pleasantly surprised that Crystal confronted Erika about her lack of anger towards Tom because until very recently (a few weeks ago) she was defending Erika in interviews and insisting she was a good person. The latest L.A. Times article suggests she’s changed her position.
  8. Ratings were basically flat from last week. Last week was 640,000 and this week was 630,000. Again, this was a show that was garnering over a million viewers for every episode except the “Secrets Revealed” and “How They Got Here” episodes.
  9. If the ratings don’t pick up they aren’t going to get even one more season. This was the lowest rated episode of the series by far. Aside from the Secrets Revealed episodes, all of the episodes have had at least a million viewers. This episodes only had 600,000 viewers. That’s low even by Bravo standards. Maybe people didn’t know it was back after the long hiatus and the ratings will tick up next episode but they need to gain a lot of viewers. I, for one, am not watching this season, but I am still reading the comments here, at least for now. Nothing anyone has said has made me want to tune in. It sounds like a total disaster and not in a good way like the early seasons.
  10. I’m someone who has multiple chronic diseases, one of which requires exploratory surgery for diagnosis (which I finally had 15 years after I diagnosed myself using Dr. Yahoo—this was before Google existed) and the rest were diagnosed based on symptoms and elimination of other diseases for which we do have tests. My severe pain has been dismissed by both my family and my doctors throughout my life. All that said, I still don’t believe Yolanda. Her symptoms and behavior never added up, even more so after two of her children (but not her perfect precious Gigi) also ended up diagnosed with it and underwent whacky treatments. I tend to think it was psychosomatic with some intentional exaggeration to avoid things she didn’t want to do rather than Munchausen’s (making herself sick knowing full well that she wasn’t) but I wouldn’t rule out the latter. I didn’t blame Lisa Rinna for questioning her (even if I think she used the wrong term) and many of us cheered her on at the time because she was saying out loud what most of the online audience was thinking and hoping one of her cast mates would say. I only started to dislike Rinna when she walked back her stance that Yolanda’s illness was fishy and then blamed LVP for her earlier suspicions. That’s when a majority of her internet fanbase turned against her from what I recall. LVP and Yolanda played nice when Yolanda first came on the show and I think LVP believed she would be an ally, which she was in the beginning, but I always thought Yolanda didn’t like LVP. There were little things she did and said that tipped me off from their first onscreen interaction on. Once Yolanda had Brandi firmly on her side, she finally felt comfortable turning on LVP. I think she and Brandi both thought they were popular enough to go after LVP not realizing that for a large portion of the audience their friendship with LVP was part of the reason they were so well liked. It was a huge miscalculation. Whatever you think of LVP, I don’t think it was right of Yolanda to go behind LVP’s back and try to take her down. Joyce revealed that Yolanda and Brandi tried to turn Joyce against LVP at the beginning of filming season 4 while they were both still being nice to LVP to her face and pretending to be her friend. It’s fine not to like someone but pretending to be her friend while stabbing her in the back says something very negative about their characters.
  11. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 11 Reunion Seating Chart: If this is true, all I have to say is "Oh hell no." Sutton was MVP this season. She should be right next to Andy at the reunion. There is no way Kyle should be next to Andy on either couch based on her contributions. She and Sutton should switch places. Although, if the couches were really reflective of the cast alliances, it would be the four harpies and junior harpy on one couch, and Sutton and Garcelle on the other. Can anyone think of another reunion where the housewife who contributed the second most was placed at the end of the couch? Andy Cohen is the worst—well, after Erika.
  12. I would argue that Eileen’s analogy wasn’t even bad. Erika turned it into something it absolutely wasn’t to deflect the criticism she was receiving just like she’s been doing most of this season. As for the jewelry, I don’t think it’s being sold yet. I think Erika still has possession of it. She’s arguing that they were gifts and they shouldn’t be used to pay off the debts even though it was all bought by stolen funds. I don’t think the judge has ruled on it yet. She’s such a disgusting person.
  13. When it comes to property, the person who purchases stolen goods unknowingly is known as a bona fide purchaser in common law. In the United States we follow the legal rule nemo dat quod non habe which translates to no one gives what he does not have. This means that the original owner retains ownership of the property because the thief who sold it to the bona fide purchaser did not have the ability to give ownership to anyone else. The bone fide purchaser can sue the thief to try to recover the cost of the property but the property is returned to the actual owner. Here is a short discussion on the topic in the National Law Review that references specific judicial opinions, including one out of California. It’s not clear though what happens when a person receives stolen money instead or stolen goods. Someone above mentioned that a lawyer discussed on a podcast that a person who received stolen money doesn’t have to return it so it seems that is handled differently. ETA: Investors who made millions from the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme were ordered to pay back the profits they made. They were allowed to keep their original investment. I’m not sure how applicable that is to Erika’s case though.
  14. Why is Crystal is getting so much crap for bashing Sutton while Kathy Hilton is getting a total pass? Kathy also said she didn’t know who Sutton was as a way of putting Sutton down and I think she should get the same criticism as Crystal. The point they were all making was wrong anyway. People do think less of the women who are supporting Erika and aren’t questioning her. Rinna lost her fans years ago (although the low opinion everyone already had of her has dropped even lower) but Kyle does still have fans and even people who usually defend her are expressing disappointment in her. Sutton’s fear about her reputation being negatively impacted by her association with Erika is real. Crystal’s minimizing of Me Too was bad and I’m glad others (even those who like her) are calling her out on it. Rob should have to atone for hiring people who sexually assaulted women. If he did so unknowingly, he shouldn’t have to do more than express regret and promise to do better in the future, but I doubt he was ignorant of all the bad behavior. Most of these Me Too creeps were known to be predators within the Hollywood community from the beginning so I’m skeptical he didn’t know anything. Sexual harassment/assault was and still is tolerated in the industry. I have friends who work in entertainment who are still harassed and told if they report it they’ll never be hired again.
  15. I believe Crystal was born in 1983, which makes her 38 now and 19 when she and Rob first started dating. Her own Instagram as well as the more reputable tabloids like People have her current age as 38. I think people are giving her too much benefit of the doubt regarding Erika. In current interviews she’s been defending her. I think the evidence mostly points to her being Team Erika.
  16. It's interesting that there is a difference in the law apparently when it comes to stolen goods and stolen money. If you purchase a stolen good (car, jewelry, etc.) even without realizing it's stolen, you have to return it to the original owner and be out the money unless you can somehow recoup it from the person who sold you the stolen good, but if you provide a service or good in exchange for stolen money you don't have to return the money so long as you didn't know it was stolen. I wonder what the justification is for treating these two things differently in terms of the law.
  17. I actually think it’s the other way around. Kathy saw how successful the clueless rich girl/woman act worked for Paris and is now emulating it in her own reality TV career. It’s clearly working because Kathy had been garnering a lot of praise this season.
  18. I’m surprised Pandora waited so long. She and Jason have been married 10 years (married in 2011). I wonder if there were fertility issues. I know some people wait a while and she was married on the younger side (25) but waiting until 35, ten years post wedding, when money isn’t an issue is not common.
  19. Erika admitted that her grandmother had Alzheimer’s, which is why I think she’s able to craft a semi believable portrait of a man with Alzheimer’s. Too bad it contradicts the other picture she painted of Tom only a week or two earlier as this sharp ruthless man who was going to go for her jugular. Erika and Tom/Tom’s legal team are 100% working together. She didn’t bring up the dementia story until around the time his lawyers presented that argument in court. Unfortunately for her they didn’t come up with that defense until a month after she left so she had a completely different story when she first started filming after the split. She can’t keep her lies straight. Crystal seems to genuinely be falling for the B.S. (either that or she’s a good actress) but Kyle, Rinna, and Dorit are more savvy than that. Those three clearly have an unholy alliance with Erika that Garcelle and Sutton aren’t part of. Don’t the four + Teddy have a stupid nickname for their group? Disgusting.
  20. I hope at the reunion Andy asks her to clarify what she’s claiming actually happened. I’m sure someone will write in a question about it and they can stir up drama by bringing up Sutton’s confusion/disbelief. Her story makes no sense. I love how she claims Tom had a head injury, broke his shoulder, smashed his ankle then broke his clavicle. So the clavicle wasn’t broken at the same time as his ankle and shoulder?
  21. Here is Erika‘s story of the crash in her own words. Note I took out the talking heads and the other women’s questions and comments except for one instance where Erika’s statement made no sense without it. Bravo also edits these conversations and it’s possible it makes more sense if you hear the conversation in its entirety. “As a result of the crash his ankle was broken.” “He was also unconscious for 12 hours.” “I know cause I found him.” ”He had a head injury and he broke his shoulder. Snapped his ankle and then broke his clavicle.” ”He drove off a cliff.” [One of the other women says, “That must’ve been so traumatic.”] “Yep. Seeing your husband unconscious.” ”Well he wasn’t with the car. He was down the hill.” “This road is an old road behind our house that is switched back….It goes like this. And it’s a steep hill like this. Somehow or another, this man who’s lived there for 30-plus years drives up behind the fucking house, takes a turn, but he ends up here and then tumbles out of the car.” ”I said ‘Where have you been?’. Cause I was just assuming he was with some other woman.”
  22. Ronald Richards, one of the attorneys working on Erika Jayne’s bankruptcy case, has been tweeting about Lisa Rinna today. Apparently they’re looking into her as well for some reason (she and Erika have the same business manager) and he had said Rinna owes just under 3.5 million on her house. It’s been rumored that Erika may have invested in Lisa Rinna’s Beauty brand and that’s why Rinna is being investigated but that’s pure speculation as far as I can tell. Frankly, this lawyer seems unprofessional and petty getting involved in housewives feuds but since it’s Erika and Rinna he’s targeting I don’t care too much. I wouldn’t hire him though.
  23. I’m pretty sure that’s Kathy Hilton with a lot of makeup, and distorted by the 1970s (early 80s?) version of photoshop. It doesn’t look like her at first glance but I think I can see a shadow of her under the heavy eye shadow, weird lighting, and whatever photo manipulation was done. Kyle, while still clearly her, looks different than she normally does too. Even Kim looks somewhat off though I think she looks the most like herself of the three.
  24. I’m 99% I won’t be watching next season. I have no desire to see any of these clearly unfit-to-be-parents people procreate. I don’t think I can watch their foolery knowing they are responsible for innocent children. And if they’re not acting like fools then there is no reason to watch because that’s the entire premise of the show.
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