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Everything posted by t7686

  1. Ha props to you for actually mentioning the original premise of the show. Remember when it used to be about that and not... whatever the hell it is now? I hated every single storyline except, oddly John and Kathryn's. As someone who is a minority, even I'm rolling my eyes at the race storyline. though this time some of their anger was warranted. But still, way to extend the "angry black" stereotype, switched at birth.
  2. Sometimes I'm not sure how to describe being entitled and then I watch switched at birth lol I love Bay but wtf with her just expecting to get a top spot at a top place and then being surprised she wouldn't have to do some grunt work first. Internships are a thing, Bay. Especially for a 20 year old. The appropriation thing was messy and probably should be left in the hands of better writers. He was dressed up as a rapper he liked not as "random ghetto guy". I think other cultures and races should be able to appreciate and learn about each other. Because I'm black I can only do or learn about so called "black things"? What if I'm interested in Indian culture? Etc. I can't dress up as say Dorothy from the wizard of oz for Halloween? Idk... anyway I digress...
  3. t7686

    S01.E04: Fall

    I agree with this ^ so much. Spot on. I stopped watching the original Gilmore Girls because the self absorption of Rory and Lorelei got to be too much. I loved this revival though – both of them were called out on this several times and I think in many ways Rory got the ending she deserved. I’m assuming that Odette and Logan had an open relationship because I thought it was odd that no one called them out on having the affair. I’m rusty on GG but didn’t Lorelei stop talking to Rory for this exact sort of thing a while back? Either way, I loved the symmetry of Logan being Rory’s Christopher and Jess being her Luke – possibly. Though despite his many, many flaws I’m still rooting for Logan and I thought the whole scene of them walking around with the hats etc. was beautifully shot. Hopefully, she’ll tell him at some point but IMHO I think Rory lacks… IDK a sense of self awareness of others feelings – see poor Paul, so she may not care. Lastly, I thought it sucked that Luke seemingly didn’t invite his own daughter to his wedding or if she was there, seemingly had no part of it.
  4. I loved the first two episodes of this. Absolutely loved it. Now, not so much. I feel like they're downplaying the whole "our entire government was nearly wiped out thing." It's been fifteen years and we're still not as we were before 9/11. Why is everything so status quo in Designated Survivor land after only what, a month? It's not realistic. I'd much rather see him try to bring the country together as all hell breaks loose (see the old CBS show Jericho) then some soap opera-y paternity drama. More storylines for the First Son is not something this show needs at all. Good point someone made above about the FBI not telling the president what they know. I hadn't thought of that and now I'm even more annoyed. Grr. Still, I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet. I love the cast and I think it has the potential to be a really great show. They just better hurry up and get there.
  5. Wasn't Riley bullied a season or so ago? So why was she shocked that that poor girl didn't like her? These kids are way too naive for 2016 and I'm sick of every episode being about how they are going to be friends forever etc. We had to sit through episodes of the love triangle and now nothing? Lastly can we have one episode just about the Mathews without Maya or any of Riley's other friends- I'm curious about their family dynamic sans Maya who's always there (Shawn's her step dad now, shouldn't she be home or atleast having both of them there if must be?) ugh didn't like this episode at all.
  6. I thought Morgan was going to appear this season. Is she still going to/did I miss the episode?
  7. Hmm, so if they stick to history Francis has 6 months to live. Marie de Guise died in June and he in December. I like how everything is twisting into place and Bash's random (boring) subplot had some use for once. I think either he'll die for real by the winter finale or since this show is slow moving, Toby may stick around until May (which is fine by me :)). Awesome fake out, the "death" scene was nearly line by line the prophecy in season 1 but at night. Catherine continues to be awesome. Though I wish she'd be forgiven by Francis and the rest already. I like it when she and the rest plot together.
  8. Which is a whole other thing that bugs me about this show. So much wasted potential with the Grandmother and yet another thing you'd think Bay'd gain with the switch but then oddly... didn't. Daphne got a brother, grandmother, father, second mother and more. Bay biologically lost a brother and rejected by her birth mother and birth grandmother and lost her birth dad. Fun. I'm so happy Bay finally said what many of the viewers have be thinking for seasons. Slow clap for her.
  9. This season has been great so far. Anyone think that Francis' family's reaction to the news was a little... Off though? I know they're royalty and familial ties were different then but damn. Not even a hug or a "how are you felling?" Bash & Catherine especially. In the past they'd gone to great lengths to save Francis. What gives now? Instead it was a meh, let's plot for the future and bash is still on his own (and increasingly boring) show.
  10. I really liked this episode. I did think they spend way too much time with exposition in the beginning but overall it was great. I like Rachel Skarsten as Elizabeth but for me it's hard to be too invested/interested because Elizabeth I is such a well researched and covered historical figure. All the angst over marriage etc. when we know Elizabeth doesn't get married or produce an heir. Mary and et al are more fun because Mary's most well known for how she dies. All the rest leading up to that can mostly be messed with. Francis is my favorite character so I'm glad to see he's back in action - though sadly not for long. I teared up a bit when he told Mary, "You'll survive this." It's sad because she won't really and neither will the monarchy in France. Toby Regbo is doing a wonderful job playing a king running out of time. Still, I don't get why Mary's forgiven over and over and his mother is punished but we'll see how it goes. Are Claude, Leith and Kenna gone for good?
  11. I liked her. I've liked Rachel Skarsten as an actress since her "Little Men" days on PAX. She seems to have Elizabeth's fiestiness. I mostly liked the episode but I wish Catherine called Francis out on the fact that Mary is forgiven over and over again for all the crap she's pulled but Catherine is banished just like that? Ridiculous.
  12. I feel bad for Leith. Rich, poor, madame. Either way Greer still won't pick him. Not that she was wrong, I liked her argument and it made sense but damn, poor dude. I did like him standing up to Claude. I really hope they don't pair off though, she's horrible. All the women on this show seem to be standing up for what they want or in Mary's case, what she thinks she wants in any fleeting second, but it just seems so anachronistic. The men are weak and come back time and time again to the women no matter what they do. Girl power is great and all but I'm not sure how realistic all this is in the 1500s. Plus all the talk of annulments and divorces. Ugh! You're Catholic, remember that. Then add in the 21st century ideas about "finding oneself" and whatnot and I'm completely annoyed. I'm not saying it has to be a documentary but at least pretend to be in the time period a bit. They were doing a good job of this last season, let's go back to that. I will say I love how overall they are painting a realistic portrait of the real Mary and her idiocy with men, politics etc. I can completely see why she meets the gruesome fate that she does.
  13. The phone app won't let me quote you but thanks for the reply magicdog! I didn't know about the original idea for Chris. Did HMC insist because she liked Drew Fuller or just because she was pregnant? I agree about Cole. I think the thing about his dad's soul was interesting and concur with everything you said about that dropped storyline.
  14. I love this quote so much. I hated Billie and Christy. Kaley Coco is a decent actress just... not on this. She should really stick to comedy. There are some decent momemets in the 8th season here and there (Henry, Piper and Leo being together again, "Vaya Con Leos") but overall when it's replaying on TNT I don't even watch. I watched the show because I like watching them be witches. The whole plot where they say they're over it and try to be their "cousins" bugs me. Then we get Billie who's a pain and then Christy who's insufferable. The first half of season 7 isn't bad but I hated Zankou and that whole plot. I really liked Chris and that storyline. I could watch season 6 over and over again and would say that season is my favorite. I will say though that Chris and his identity had a lot more potential then what they did with it. Once everyone knows who he is, the storylines go a tiny bit over the rails and fade into nothing. I like the Prue seasons as well, especially seasons 1 and 3. I liked Cole (and Phoebe) when he's first introduced but thought his storyline went on too long and he took Phoebe's best traits along with him.
  15. This fourm is great! I love that I found it. 1. If you had to pick just two favorite sisters of the four, they would be: Piper and Paige. I like Prue but after watching Charmed several times over on TNT, I realized that I prefer Paige over Prue. She's so much more fun. Can't stand Phoebe, especially in the later seasons. She's okay in the first few seasons. 2. Your three favorite romantic pairings of the series are: Leo/Piper, Henry/Paige, ... don't really have a third one. Maybe Chris/Bianca or Prue/Andy? I'm a huge Leo/Piper fan. Leo's probably one of my favorite characters on this show and I like the archs their sons had. Henry wasn't on very long but I think he's a perfect mate for Paige. He's open, has a similar background and I liked the irony that Paige, who's arguably the most "into" the witch thing, ended up with a mortal. While the show was on the air,I always thought Paige would be the one to end up happiliy single but when Henry showed up it was clear that they were a great match. Still don't quite buy her having three kids though. 3. Your three LEAST favorite romantic pairings of the series are : Dan/Piper, Phoebe/Leslie, Phoebe/Dex 4. Your three favorite seasons were: 6,3,4 5. Your five favorite episodes are: "Dead Man Dating", "The Witch Is Back" ,"Chris-Crossed" "It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World (Part 2)", "Imaginary Fiends"/ "Forever Charmed"
  16. I feel the most for poor Daphne. They're lucky she's so young and is a generally agreeable person. Still though, being told everyday that your mom's true love is not your dad and that your original family unit is a lie has got to hurt. Anyone care that she hasn't seen her father? Nope. Just all about Maddie's needs and wants. Which speaking of, does Maddie care about Teddy at all anymore? I know it's not Deacon's fault that he didn't know about his child and he is her bio dad but damn. Teddy willingly agreed to raise her as his own. He's The one who raised her during her entire childhood. Who did Eric Close piss off? He used to have the best parent on the show thing going on but now he doesn't even have that. Now he's just too dumb to live. Which I don't think he will very long. The grim reaper seems to be coming for him. I doubt anyone notices or cares. Poor dude.
  17. I originally loved Bay with Emmett but after this? Good riddence. He wasn't wrong in what he said. He should be able to enjoy school and she needs to find something for herself instead of falling into others's problems or wanting to "fix" everyone. But the way he said it? Damn, cold as hell. He didn't shed a tear or even offer a hug. Just Nope, I'm good, bye now. Daphne's life is still great though so there's that. I was worried for a second she wouldn't get what she wanted. Regina's on a whole different show. She's shown more interest in her boyfriend's kid then she ever did with Bay or even Abby. Toby let his horrible hair turn him into a immature, entitled jerk so that's... Something. I think whenever it comes back the show would be better served by a time jump. Maybe to graduation from college or med school or something. Then she'd be a doctor and our long national nightmare would be over.
  18. There were a few moments in there that reminded me of why the critics etc. loved this show in the beginning. For example, the second hour of the episode focused much more on the adults and mentioned how hard it is to have the kids just come and go. I liked that Charlie left with little manufactured drama. Centering the story on the nurses and doctors and then having a few kids hang around for a season or a half a season should have been the idea from the beginning. Overall, I don't think it was a bad send off. I liked that Leo admitted to having all this pressure to be "superman", Emma talked to her mom, Dash got a real storyline and Cara was nicer. That said, there is no way in hell Cara'd be walking around after a heart transplant. Plus if Leo and Jordy are as sick as the doctors say they are, they wouldn't be looking as good as they do. Leo has an inoperable tumor in his lungs for goodness sake.
  19. The episode had some problems- like Kristina- but I loved how everyone rushed to the hospital like fools after just getting a text saying "baby" while Julia's just calm at home like, "is she even dilated?" Loved that. Random thing that's been bugging me all season, The actors who play Drew and Sarah get into a fight or something? They haven't been alone together since last season, I think. Or even just Amber, Drew and their mother. Odd, considering how close Drew and Amber are.
  20. Just caught up on this, overall I really liked it, especially the second half. Carson's propsal was surprisingly sweet and I liked drunk Robert. If they really are leaving, I'll miss Rose and Tom. They both really grew on me. I was indifferent to her at first and hated Tom back when he and Sybil had that same conversation by the car for years back in season 2 but now he's my favorite character. My only problem with it is what can they possibly do in season 6? Everything's been pretty well tied up and all the interesting or young characters are either dead or gone. why the boring Bates are still around I don't know. I can only guess that they'll do a time jump? Maybe to the crash in 1929 which brings both Rose & Tom back? Last comment, is Isobel ever going to mention her son, see her grandson, or just generally interact with Mary? If I just stumbled upon this show now I'd think she was just Violet's sister.
  21. Sort of boring episode but I liked Bay & Toby bonding. While I suppose everyone's going to have to get over what Bay did sooner rather than later, I thought Toby warmed up to Daphne a little fast. But I guess that's how it tends to be with siblings - hate them one day, over it the next. I agree though that Bay needs to deal with the decision she made. She wanted Daphne to get off, so she can't really be mad that Daphne's living it up at college. That said, why their parents didn't make Daphne live the semester at home with Bay so that she'd have some sort of punishment, I don't really get, but whatever. I think both girls need some counseling. Anyway, curious, if any of you are hiring managers etc. how would it would go in reality for someone like Bay who has to check off "felon" on job applications etc. do their applications get immediately tossed? Do you look up the crime first?
  22. Fair enough, I agree with you that it could be a good storyline but I still think that Bay's the writers' go to character for angst. No happiness for her I guess. I don't know, I feel like they never really focused on the switch. At least not to the depth they could have. It always got tossed aside for boyfriend storylines. For example, it's been three years and Bay and Regina are still more like aunt and niece instead of mother and daughter. I don't think it should be 100% about the switch but there's still a lot about it I'm curious about.
  23. Anyone see the commercial for the overall season? Looks like Bay's dumped on again. I don't get this show sometimes... Why not focus on the switched stuff? Ugh.
  24. That was incredibly boring. No fall out for what Bay did with the parents huh? And then there's Daphne off living the typical college life. Even sitting on the quad with her hot interpreter (Austin Cauldwell is one of the only things saving the show for me at this point). I don't get this show. We don't even see them being a family lately, which I thought was the whole point - crazy that Bay and Daphne are technically older than the "girls" on Pretty Little Liars now. Oh and I call it now, something will happen that makes Bay stick around even longer and she'll decide to move in with the girl from her community service. She must have mentioned a dozen times that she needs a roommate. Don't even know what to say about the parents. Daphne is so like Regina. Guys just fall at their feet. Must be nice. I also predict that coffee guy and interpreter will be dating their respective Vasquezes by season's end.
  25. Right? Have him show up as Angelo's random son that he didn't know about. It's Angelo, it could have happened lol.
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