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Everything posted by t7686

  1. This was great. The storyline finally got going somewhere and now we have to wait until 2025! I loved that Elliot got to time travel and I think Colton totally knew who he was. And Jacob came back! I was worried they wouldn’t have any story left but the Colton surprise has me intrigued. He’s also proof that the pond can take you forward. I didn’t quite get what was with Alice and the necklace. Who does she think Casey is? Could they be Alice’s child from the future? I’m not surprised but slightly disappointed that Thomas is alive. While Chyler has more chemistry with both Thomas and Susanna in some ways I still find myself rooting for Elliot. She’s never going to pick him though. It’s embarrassing for him at this point.
  2. It’s not a bad show but it needs to move so much faster. Kat needs to meet Jacob sooner rather than later and I’m worried they are going drag out more with the “that means she going to find out about… she’s going to hate me” stuff 🙄
  3. I was pleasantly surprised at how good Michael Fishman was in this. The two actors in this definitely made creepy and inappropriate work. I’m also shocked people blamed her at all. She was obviously groomed.
  4. That was a lot crammed into 2 hours. Like a whole season’s worth. I got whiplash from trying to follow all that misery! Judd shouldn’t be taking care of Wyatt, he’s too close to the situation. Where was Wyatt’s girlfriend and mother in all this? I figured by the way they were going about it that something would happen to Carlos’ dad but jumped when he got shot. it must have been hard for the real life Lowe brothers to film that. Still seems like Chad’s character’s death was premature though. Plus this is what… the third assisted suicide as a season finale this year? What a odd thing for shows to copy off each other. Overall, a lot of angst but meh on the episode as a whole. At least they finally got married.
  5. I agree that the show is getting boring. I want to care about Edward I do, but he’s a jerk. Plus, while it makes sense that he keeps so much inside, it’s frustrating to watch. I’m much more interested in his dead family members than him. Also while Shay is annoying, he’s completely unfair to her and using her. Wouldn’t DeeDee and all the families be be getting a life insurance payment or money from a settlement with the airline? It’s seems unlikely that she wouldn’t have something like that to help her out. That said she’s the most interesting character by far. Two closeted married men now? They are reusing their own storyline already haha.
  6. There’s no way that a guy who risked his own life by literally falling off a bridge to save a teenage boy would be made to take the fall for someone who unfortunately died because they fled the scene of a crime. Makes absolutely no sense. And while Gabriela was reckless, she saved said hero firefighter and almost saved Meg. Terrible episode. My sister got me to check out this show by watching the episode before this one but I think I’m ok not going forward with the show if this is how they follow up a pretty decent cliffhanger. Also why did his dad seem to have such a muted response to watching his only living child go off a bridge?
  7. Awe I LOVE Reign. I agree though that Megan Follows was great as Catherine and these two are fantastic as well. I'm just confused about the stable guy’s kid. Why did Catherine’s magician kill him?
  8. If you told me back when the original was airing that DJ was all I’d end watching for decades later and not Darlene I wouldn’t have believed you, but here we are. Not surprised since he didn’t get much to do but still ugh. I wanted more of him and his family not less.
  9. The Lockes are the dumbest people alive. Everything that happens to them is their fault. Bode couldn't wait until his uncle got back from his honeymoon to explain the clock key? And the mom did a great job of keeping it away from him. Ugh, great first season not so great rest of it.
  10. 💯 agree. I’ve always felt that it would be great to get a show just focusing on Edward or Mary. While Becoming Elizabeth is an interesting twist on the usual, Elizabeth in general had been done to death.
  11. I didn't hate it but it could have been so much more. It was a good episode but not a great series finale. They should have ended with the train. That said, I liked one last worst case scenario, the flashback to the ordinary day and the Big Three at the end. What was the point of Tess, Annie, Hailey and Kevin’s twins? I will miss this show though for all it's faults. All of then deserve Emmys.
  12. I loved it! I’m a little sad my favorites (Edith, Branson) didn’t get much to do but it was nice that this time the storylines were fairly spread out. Everyone got the same amount of lightness that together made a feel good overall film. I couldn’t stop smiling! Hopefully they will spend more time with the kids next time as they transition into the ‘30s. It definitely felt like the beginning of a new series so why not have it be Sybbie, George and Marigold as the new Mary, Edith and Sybil.
  13. Yeah I think I’m out. Now that Darlene is married off and they have successfully ruined the original for me, I’m good haha. And I agree about Michael Fishman. One he’s not that bad - Sara Gilbert isn’t that great either and she gets every storyline- I don’t think a scene or two with his side of the storyline would hurt anything. Two- just kill him off or erase him like they have with everyone else if they aren’t going to do anything with him. Maybe then the poor actress who plays Mary can be free too. Who cares at this point. Smh. Darlene and Ben are the worst together.
  14. Another good episode. So sad to see Rebecca a shell of what she was. For all Kevin’s talk about being left out, it’s always Kate and Kevin vs. Randall at first. I do feel a little bad about that. Probably why Rebecca overcompensated with Randall. But she gave him an ego the size of Texas. She should have treated him like how she treated Kate (slightly hands off), Kevin like how she treated Randall (too soft) and Kate how she treated Kevin (tough love). But eh, I guess it worked out. Love Beth and Sophie making fun, Beth making Randall see his siblings how they grew to be and Toby’s pep talk. I wish they had mentioned Miguel the person a little and not just how he helped them with Rebecca. I hope we get a little more substance to Jack before the end. Poor Milo has nothing to work with. But in the same vein I’m loving that the story turned into Rebecca’s story.
  15. Agreed. I don’t think the love between Miguel and Rebecca love was better or worse than what she had with Jack. I think both were beautiful. This was one of the best episodes of the series. Miguel deserved so much better. Between him, William, Nicky and even Jack in some ways - all that lost time and wasted potential 😢😢😢 I sobbed through the last 15 minutes.
  16. Oof this episode was like a gut punch. I love Miguel, he’s so giving and understanding. Seeing him walk Kate down the aisle 🥲. Plus, while Randall was not reading the room at all, his interaction with Miguel seemed real and totally the way you would act with a parent. I hope this doesn't mean he’s sick too 😢. I also like Jack and the scene with swapping him out with Kevin was well done. When I saw the promo shots I wondered why Kevin didn't get to be with his kids, it makes sense now. Randall’s speech was depressing as hell but spot on and I finally get Kate and Philip now! Don't care who Kevin ends up with but if I must, I hope it’s the girl from Scandal and not Sophie like it’s freaking How I Met Your, Mother. Good episode all around.
  17. Episcopalian here, we use wafers and wine. the whole Jackie routine was uncomfortable to watch. Is Midge suited for this if she can’t know when to stop? Or is she just like Lillian and sabotaging herself because she’s afraid to be really good? Either way, it’s annoying. the matchmaker ladies thing was over the top and also annoying. No way something like that would happen in real life, right?
  18. The whole thing was sad. Toby who was so full of life in the beginning turned into a bitter, mean jerk. He was like that guy who wants to dump you but can’t so they say horrible things in order to force your hand. Then turns around and says they don’t want to break up 🙄sure in the beginning of the series did Kate have an unhealthy relationship with her grief over her father’s death? Yes. But by the end, the one person who mentioned Jack over and over was Toby. Though, he wasn’t wrong with what he said. I thought it showed growth on Kate’s part that she seemed to have toned it down with Philip. He didn’t know about her obsession with football. Overall though, I’m team Toby in the divorce. Kate was horrible! She said yes to him quitting just because it benefited her the most. She knew he would be unhappy and didn’t care. Then for it not to work out, poor guy. Plus she gets a new relationship the DAY they sign divorce papers? We should all be so lucky lol I wish she had been the one to not want to end it, that would have been more “fair” and had Kate not getting everything she wanted for once. And her critique of his parenting! So annoying and I could see why it would eat at someone after awhile. She did the same thing with her mom and them too. Little Jack is the best and hope we see Hailey more going forward! I was holding out hope that Kevin and Madison would work out but looks like that’s done for good. She does seem happy. Can we let Sophie go? Jesus lol if she takes him back after cheating twice, that’s a bad look on her part. Kevin needs to be with someone new.
  19. Yes she was a social worker on ER. That’s where I remember her from. She got shot helping Mark Green and was paralyzed.
  20. It’s realistic but I’m annoyed that after all that time waiting, they break up Chimney and Maddie. What was the point then? Chim (and the poor actor) could have stayed on the show. I’m starting to like Lone Star better, I think.
  21. We agree again. Also a librarian and I thought the same thing!
  22. Eh I'm not sure I agree. Last week's episode had me convinced her favorite was Kate. Poor Kevin though... Agreed! Though it was funny, the part Rebecca was talking about is the end, yet in the next scene it shows her reading at some point in the middle.
  23. This was probably the best episode of the series. Well done.
  24. I agree that this was one of the weaker episodes. Beth’s call to her teacher- I get why she did it - but it was so awkward to watch. I think it was her saying what she wanted to say in the restaurant when she was 19. I like the rest of the ballet stuff though. (I say this mostly kidding) but Beth’s dad is too touchy feely for a Jamaican dad. That beach was definitely not in Kingston but I did love the mention of Hellshire. I don’t get why Kevin is suppose to feel bad for not seeing his kids for his family’s most important holiday. Fine Madison doesn’t have to be there but why shouldn’t he want to be with the kids? I hate when shows act like fathers aren’t as important as mothers. As some one who lost hers at 3, they are.
  25. It was weird that Owen didn’t get much of an on screen reaction and no one called the mother? And how long was he in the hospital? He really should have been in the background of a few episodes getting better. If we can have an unnecessary 4 part snow storm we can have that otherwise just comes off as bad writing and emotional manipulation. Whatever, until next time TK. Maybe Tommy will give you a blanket. That said, I like his character and he and Carlos are adorable so there’s that. Grace’s storyline was predictable but sweet and I liked the call back to Tommy’s husband. The twins are different I think but still creepy (“that sounds like our father’s name” - who would say it like that?) Saving the house was corny but also sweet.
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