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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. Yolanda is looking ridiculous this season. Between her comments about being a single mom (puhleaze, she was a single mom with millions in her bank account), complaining about how hard it is to own a big house with a large staff, and whining that going to the Amalfi Coast has become an exhausting job, she is coming off as extremely entitled. Her hard knock life is one most people dream about having. ETA: Didn't Yolanda say she got into modeling to support her family because they didn't have a lot of money? One would think her humble beginnings would provide her with a bit of perspective and humility.
  2. Especially when said person is awful...AWFUL I tell you. But, they all do it. They all want to be her friend despite the fact that she's a manipulative horrible person. I do want to add that I am really digging Lisa R. She managed to handle the original Billie debate with class. She didn't lose her shit, just said to Brandi without a hint of malice, "Maybe you liked the other Billie more..."
  3. Or, she wouldn't be considered such a master manipulator if they didn't spend so much damn time discussing her every move. The woman says, "Hi!" and they assume nefarious reasons. It must be exhausting for both parties. Sometimes, it just is what it is. I'm not denying that Lisa knows how to play them, but damn, do they have to be such pawns? I gotta respect her for playing these idiots.
  4. This ep was hilarious. Lisa: "Brandi told me to eat her pussy. Discuss...." Veteran cast goes on to talk about how Lisa is the problem. New castmembers: "Huh?" She couldn't be a master manipulator without the help of these dummies.
  5. Speaking as someone who is not a "diehard" fan, I don't find her any more vile than the rest of them. I just don't see that she has done anything worse than the rest of them. Save Claudia. I am really liking her so far. She seems pretty funny and just the fact that she has such an awesome grandma makes me love her even more. So far, she seems pretty level headed. I'm sure that will change. Ayden is everything. That is all.
  6. From what I understand, she is very active in the Palm Springs community, particularly the LGBT community. We just don't see it on the show. She's a big deal in Palm Springs, apparently. She is also a spokesperson for GLAAD and hosts quite a few fundraising events for AIDS. From what I can tell, most of her work is done primarily in Palm Springs, not on a national level. So, I can see why she was honored.
  7. Because Columbia does relax their admission policy for their General Studies program. They just do. There is nothing wrong with it, but the requirements are simply not the same. For example, to get into the GS program, the gpa requirement is lower, and even their suggested gpa is not a requirement for the program. They will also accept students who have a GED but have life experience, like working in a professional capacity or have taken some college courses. Kelly got into the Columbia GS program because of her interview and "professional" work. It wasn't because she had high SAT scores or a stellar gpa. Here are the faqs: https://gs.columbia.edu/admissions-faqs If you wanted to attend Columbia University outside the GS program (which is really their continuing education program), the guidelines would not be this relaxed.
  8. Not only that, but Todd had to put up with Joyce trashing HIM, to his face, at every opportunity. Still, he stayed silent out of respect for Kandi. Sharon says some things about Joyce, AFTER Joyce said some awful things about her, Todd's dad, and Todd himself and Kandi suddenly, SUDDENLY finds her damn voice. I never disliked Kandi. But now, she can fuck off. I saw a side to her that was really ugly.
  9. Duh. It's a Hollywood friendship. Ya do what ya gotta do. Go along to get along. [insert cliche of choice] I mean, are any of the women on any of these HW franchises really friends?
  10. Yup, I'm having a hard time believing Lisa saw an opening to become the star once Kyle showed her ass with Kim in the season 1 finale. Er, if that were the case, wouldn't she jump on the bandwagon and go after Kyle? Instead, she defended her, even if it may not have been the popular position. I agree, Lisa was a fan favorite long before the Kyle/Kim dust up. I'll be honest and say that Lisa and Kyle were the only two that I actually liked after season 1. Kyle changed that for me during season 2.
  11. zoeysmom from episode thread: Of course nobody turned on Kyle, except maybe Camille at the season 1 reunion. What I do remember about the reunion is that Camille went hard at Kyle, and seemed to be using Kim as a hammer to beat Kyle with. While this was happening, all of the women sat there silently EXCEPT Lisa. She vehemently defended Kyle throughout the reunion. While it could be argued that she saw an opening to take over as fan favorite, it can also be argued that Kyle did not like the fact that Lisa somehow became a fan favorite after season 1. What I saw was Lisa being a good friend to Kyle in season 1, and Kyle pretty much taking several dumps all over Lisa. Starting with the "jelly" bullshit which then snowballed into the preys on the weak and bobby fisher digs. Kyle dug her own grave. Lisa had nothing to do with Kyle's behavior, and not once did I see Lisa badmouth Kyle until season 3.
  12. I just don't have a lot of sympathy when it comes to Kyle. I don't remember Lisa saying anything all that negative about Kyle prior to Kyle's "preys on the weak" and Bobby Fisher comments. In fact, Lisa was Kyle's strongest defender at the season 1 reunion. I also had a really hard time with Kyle remaining silent while Taylor and her husband accused Lisa of leaking nasty stories to the tabloids. Kyle seemed to want it both ways. On one hand, she went after Brandi to defend poor Lisa, yet remained silent (and sometimes contributed) when other members of the cast trashed her. Both Kyle and Lisa have no problem playing the victim. Lisa just does it better. I think Kyle's behavior in season 2 turned a lot of people off, so by default, viewers took Lisa's side Neither trusts the other, but for the good of the show, they will play nice.
  13. The way I remember it is that Andy specifically asked her about her volleyball/lesbian comment in regards to GiGi. I'm too lazy to check, but I believe that is when she responded that she had no problem with a person's "choice" in regards to sexuality.
  14. I think Kandi did well because she was not only a performer, but a songwriter. A very good songwriter who wrote some big hits. She is no dummy and I have no doubt she is responsible for most of her success. I think the tension we are seeing on screen when it comes to Kandi's business is manufactured. While I know that a lot of the drama on these shows is exaggerated, I think there is always a bit of truth to the animosity. In this case, I think it's 100% false. Last season Don Juan expressed concerns about Todd intruding in the business once he married Kandi. Low and behold, Todd's interfering in the business.
  15. Wow, before Kyle got a nose job she looked a LOT like Kim.
  16. They never said they were leasing the plane, but I think most people watching know there is no way they actually owned a private jet. But, for someone watching who has no idea how much it costs to own and maintain a private jet, they may have believed that the Urmanskis owned it. I also have my doubts about Yolanda and her "King" owning that luxurious private jet. I'd bet it is owned by one of the studios he works for, and he's allowed to use it for travelling. I had the same vibe. It was really uncomfortable to watch. Lisa R. seemed to be trying too hard and ED seemed like she really didn't want to be there.
  17. Well, apparently the tar wasn't all that hot. Did anyone else notice that when Penny went to pour the tar on her dad, she placed a bare hand on the bottom of the bucket? Amazon Eve was at least wearing oven mitts. Nitpicky I know, but it took me right out of the scene. Emma Roberts is horrible. Count me in as one of the people who thought she knew that Ethel's death wasn't a suicide. She was that bad.
  18. I didn't really get the feeling that Lisa wants Kyle to be a good friend, at least not right away. They basically came to an understanding in the first ep to avoid backstabbing and just try to get along. If that means they can eventually go back to being friends, all the better. That's why I think Lisa was a bit upset when she found out Kyle was with Brandi. They had just agreed to move on, and there's Kyle, listening in on their phone conversation. If she feels Kyle is going back to talking about her with Brandi, then what is the point of even trying to be friends again? I do think Lisa was hurt by Kyle after season 2. Now, I think she's just cautious and could take her or leave her.
  19. This. Last week I was getting a little tired of Lisa's "woe is me" regarding last season, but I didn't see her playing the victim in this episode. Brandi called her, and rather than wanting to come to a truce, she seemed to want an argument. The only thing Lisa knew was that Kyle was with her, listening in. So, can't blame her for being suspicious. I think her reaction was pretty understandable. I thought it was obvious that Kyle was a bit uncomfortable, but Lisa wasn't there to see her reaction. Lisa also kept her cool pretty well on that call. I'd have been tempted to just hang up on Brandi. "I want to work it out, but I'm not going to kiss your ass!" Fuck the hell off, Brandi. When you want to make amends, you don't start by attacking them right out of the gate. She was baiting Lisa, so I'm glad Lisa didn't bite.
  20. WTF? I was watching the wrong soaps when I was younger. That sounds insane!
  21. I really don't understand why she did it in the first place. I used to watch Lisa on DOOL, when she was Billie. She had normal full lips and was very attractive (think Angelina Jolie lips, as opposed to clown lips). She was one of my favorite characters on DOOL because she was a bit of a a tough tomboy during a time when likable female characters were damsels. So, lips or no lips, it will take a lot to make me dislike her. So far, I find her pretty cool and I love that she lives in an obviously expensive house that is very understated. It looks like a home.
  22. That would be awesome. I'm imagining Lisa and Lucille having a conversation. It would be like parody meeting reality.
  23. I'm not disparaging online courses. Hell, I did it before pursuing my masters. But, Columbia Extension school has open enrollment. It's not at all the same as actually attending Columbia, where their academic requirements for admission are extremely high. So, yes, she did attend Columbia, but I think people are amazed because they assume she had to meet certain requirements to attend. When, really, all she needed was the money to pay for it. Plus, they have limited degree programs and are usually much easier classes.
  24. Would it matter? I wouldn't trust a damn thing Apollo said about Phaedra. And, I don't even LIKE Phaedra. She's a big huge dummy for marrying that idiot in the first place.
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