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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. Sorry. I didn't think you were referencing it. I was just adding that I didn't think Lisa was referencing that case, just because the real case took place on a pool table. Lisa lived in England during the 80's. Would that incident even be in the forefront of her mind? Again, not in response to you, but I think it is a huge stretch to believe Lisa was talking about the Arujo case. I think it's highly unfair to simply assume that Lisa is laughing and joking about a violent gang rape.
  2. Regardless, I think it is a HUGE stretch to think that Lisa was referencing a violent gang rape with her comments. "The Accused" never entered my mind when she said it. I'm not sure why anyone's first thought would be that Lisa was laughing about something like that. I thought she simply meant that pot makes her pass out.
  3. I don't believe it because nobody else has ever said it. If he was careless enough to say it around Brandi, wouldn't he be careless enough to say it around others? Wouldn't someone else come forward and back up her story? It doesn't make sense that he would suddenly take Brandi into his confidence, only because Lisa and Brandi were close, due to the show. I highly doubt that Brandi, even at the height of her and Lisa getting along, was someone Lisa considered to be in her inner circle of close friends. He has been on just about every Bravo reality show, yet we know very little about his personal life. He cheated on Yolanda and apparently is a bit of a playboy. That's it. Based upon Brandi's passed behavior regarding cheaters, she isn't the first person I would believe in this situation. Sure, it's possible he has only ever said that in front of Brandi and Lisa, but I doubt it. If he said it to Brandi, he has probably said it others. Yet, not one other person has come forward to back her up.
  4. I dunno. The fact that Aaron admitted he tracked them for miles to make sure they were good people sets him apart from the rest. Terminus and Woodbury was all about welcoming everyone. I didn't get the feeling his community welcomes everyone. I think that is why Michonne was willing to trust him. Aaron was careful, just like CBD would have been.
  5. Even then, why the heck would Carl, or whomever, just leave her there to roll off the seat onto the floor. I know car seats aren't readily available, but didn't the car have seat belts? Even holding Judith while travelling would be incredibly dangerous. Slam on the brakes and Judith goes flying. See, this episode was actually pretty good. I'd even say it's the best since the Terminus story line wrapped up. I get the idea. Rick hears kids playing and gets Judith. It's all about hope. But, things like that just take me right out of the story.
  6. Right? These people could go skidding into a walker herd at any moment. Rick is worried about Judith being poisoned. Yet, there she was, rolling around loose in the backseat. Damn, at least strap her in with a seat belt.
  7. CatMomma

    S05.E10: Them

    I know you are serious and I think this would be brilliant. However, I have this image of Judith, wrapped up like E.T. in Rick's bicycle basket. Hell, just picturing CDB cycling down the interstate would be awesome. Daryl needs a flowered basket with pink streamers on the handlebars.
  8. CatMomma

    S05.E10: Them

    Ok, this was awesome. I have typed and deleted several replies because, well, nothing beats the video. So, I'll just keep giggling.
  9. Please, baby jesus, let it happen. Now that you mentioned Joe Francis, I really hope it was him. I hate that asshole.
  10. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would say it at all. Joe Francis makes sense. Actually, he makes perfect sense and I feel a bit dim for not thinking of him. My bad. Look, I think Brandi is lying about hearing it directly from Mo, but I do believe she thinks Mo said it. Meaning, whoever told her said it came from Mo.
  11. That is exactly why I think Brandi is full of shit. We don't know much about him. A man like that doesn't talk about his partners to people he barely knows. He may be an asshole and a famewhore, but he is obviously very careful when it comes to his private life. No way he would say something like that to Brandi. Granted, he may have said something like that to somebody, but Brandi didn't hear it from him. I tend to believe she heard it from Yo, but who knows.
  12. CatMomma

    S05.E10: Them

    I am so glad somebody else was confused because I didn't get it either. Like, thanks to Sasha, their cover was blown? That was just...weird. Walkers understand the difference between aggressive humans and those who just move out of their way? Sasha is out of control and angry! We know this because she stabbed a walker in the head! Huh?
  13. Exactly. We don't really know that much about Mohammad, despite the fact that he has been on just about every Bravo reality show. Somehow, he has managed to keep his personal life pretty private. I'm supposed to believe a man like that just opens up and blabs intimate secrets to Brandi. Sure.
  14. I am more inclined to believe it came from Yo than from Mohammed. Is it possible he said it? Sure, but I can't imagine any circumstances where he would say it. It's just....weird. Plus, why would he say it to Brandi. If anything, if he was that open about it, wouldn't others come forward and say, "Yup, he told me that, too!" Because, I can't imagine him staying quiet all this time then suddenly opening up to Brandi, of all people. I do think Brandi heard it, but I don't think it came from Mo.
  15. I finally watched the episode. OT a bit, but I CANNOT believe that Eileen is the oldest of the bunch. DAMN, that woman looks amazing. Lisa gave Kyle some good advice, and it looks like, for the time being, she is willing to take it. I did have to laugh when Kyle implied Lisa wouldn't be willing to behave calmly toward Brandi 6 months ago. Actually, Kyle, she DID behave that way when Brandi turned on her. She may have played the victim a bit too much, but she never let Brandi's behavior ruffle her to the point that she yells "fuck you" and freaks the fuck out. So, listen to Lisa, Kyle. I really enjoyed Lisa's party. It was great to see the women having a great time and enjoying each other. Brandi. Hmmm. The best thing I can say about her is that she didn't start anything. So, um, good for you girl? I really can't take Kim anymore. I know Brandi is the most hated among the general audience, but for me, Kim is the absolute worst. She is selfish, narcissistic, and flat out hateful. I'm over her and I have been for a few seasons now. She is not a victim. Brandi may be using her, but she is also using Brandi for her own reasons. I appreciate that Eileen and Lisar feel the need to intervene, but I really don't think it is their place. They don't know Kim very well, so an intervention would be pointless. Kim doesn't even respond well to people who have known her for a long time. This won't end well. On a shallow note, LVP needs to wear casual clothes more often. She looks great when she isn't decked out in her tight pink satin dresses.
  16. I have been thinking that since season 4. I'm sorry, but too much of a good thing can make a person sick. And, I am getting sick of Daryl. He spent 2-3 days with Beth, yet his grief seemed to take precedence over Maggie's grief. Hell, Rick was closer to Beth than Daryl ever was. Beth took care of Judith and Rick was extremely close to Herschel. He felt fatherly toward Beth. Yet, once again, it is all about Daryl's manpain. He even had to interject and ruin Rick's speech. I can't figure out if the writers were trying to make him look stupid (because, hey dumb dumb, Rick wasn't saying everybody was emotionless walkers), or if we were supposed to see that as some sort of "hope" from Daryl. Either way, he looked stupid. AWESOME!!!!!
  17. Sure, it takes time. However, I'm not sure why driving 500 miles is supposed to make it obvious it has been 17 days. It could have taken a couple of days or up to a month, depending on the road conditions, ability to find gas, etc. So, in my view, there was nothing obvious or "showing" that driving 500 miles constituted 17 days.
  18. It looked like the walker had some iron fencing though it's neck, so when she hit it, it knocked her katana out of her hand. Not to worry, it is still in one piece.
  19. Rolling Stone posted that we would be seeing two familiar faces. http://www.rollingstone.com/tv/features/5-things-to-know-for-walking-dead-season-5-2-premiere-20150206 From the article: There is some leaked footage of Tyrese and his hallucinations, along with two dead characters. Looks like curtains for Ty in ep 5x9. http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=aevfpd&s=8#.VNf1OOYgu2n
  20. I don't know why, but this made me chuckle. Kingsley is in the witness protection program for dogs. Who knew there was such a thing?
  21. I dunno. The first look made everybody look bad. I sympathize with Kyle, but damn if she doesn't invite drama. When Kyle get's angry or emotional, she seems irrational. Good thing Lisa has known her a long time, because WTF Kyle? Don't turn on someone who is on your side. Kim is a lost cause. I know there is a lot of hate regarding Brandi, but I'm out of sympathy for Kim. I find her to be selfish and hateful. Drugs or no drugs, she is not a good person. I can't help but think the Richard's sisters thrive on drama.
  22. This is such an awesome point when it comes to Rick. He will do what needs to be done, yet seems to hold on to his own humanity when it comes to other's actions. When he is angry or believes he is right, he justifies his actions, yet has no problem judging those who do the same. It drove me nuts that his version of what Carol did was cold blooded murder. He should know better. Carol stood by him, even when he made questionable decisions. Just like Daryl said. "That's her, but that's not her." Rick was okay with Merle sticking around, but sent Carol off on her own. I get it. In order for Carol to be a badass, she had to survive on her own. It served the story. But it made Rick look horrible.
  23. It was amazing to me that they tried to explain her buying vodka because she suffered from migraines, and she only bought it to ease the pain. She had a headache so she downed an entire bottle of vodka. After all, she bought some advil so that proved it. It was sad and horrifying. Hearing the calls from the children was awful. I really had the feeling that the family simply ignored the warning signs, and still refused to see it because had they admitted something was off, they would carry some of the blame. Much easier to say that Diane was a wonderful person than admit that they allowed their children to ride home with her. It was frustrating, sad, and infuriating.
  24. Oh, I agree. I just think Brandi's definition of "drinking" is a bit different from most of us. For her, drinking doesn't mean one glass of wine with dinner. I get the feeling she means drinking, as in, drinking a lot. Not that I buy that either. I don't think she's capable of stopping at one drink.
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