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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. But, Adrienne did say that holding the bachelorette party at the Hard Rock was a problem. In fact, she went on and on about it. To me, it came off as ridiculous and petty. It spoke to the fact that Adrienne had a real problem with Lisa before the bachelorette incident. The women held events at venues NOT owned by the housewives all the time. Her reaction was disproportionate to the supposed slight. There was a definite bitterness on the part of Adrienne from the beginning of the season, and I'm still unsure what caused it. I don't buy that it is only Adrienne's investments/businesses that set her off. The way she went after Paul during their divorce shows me that Adrienne doesn't like to be slighted, period. She brings an AK-47 to a fist fight.
  2. I have to say that when I watched the season 2 reunion, I had no problem believing Adrienne was targeting Lisa. I just didn't see anything in the season 2 show that warranted the nasty attacks Adrienne lodged against Lisa. It was pretty bizarre. Did Lisa say much about Adrienne during the season? If so, I don't remember it being all that terrible. They may have had some "squabbles", as you say, but Adrienne took it to another level at the reunion. That was beyond disagreement. It seemed like a visceral hatred on Adrienne's part. While Adrienne's accusations against Paul during the divorce weren't on the show, I think it's evidence that Adrienne can get truly nasty if she feels slighted. I do think Lisa was a bit dramatic in saying that the tabloid allegations hurt her reputation, because I don't think most people believed it. But, I can't say I blame her for being pissed off. I don't think she was prepared for that level of vitriol coming from Adrienne. To me, it didn't seem like Adrienne was really even on Lisa's radar throughout the season.
  3. That really explains a lot. They seem to be such a dichotomy. On the one hand, they constantly talk about being a strong woman, but then they seem to place a such a high importance on having a husband and motherhood. They all, with the exception of Porsha, have been successful on their own. I'm from Texas, and while it's the south, I just never experienced this type of attitude on such a broad scale. Not saying it doesn't exist, just that it's a bit surprising coming from successful and seemingly intelligent women.
  4. They have all made threats. Phaedra has mentioned getting physical with Kenya several times. The video in Aguilla? Kenya was done until Porsha came charging back to start back up again. I saw a lot of hands waving around from both sides. Nobody was hit. Who called Nene a moose every time she got close to someone? To be honest, I find offense to the term Moose and "gutter chick". Both terms strike me as sexist and racist. I could do without either. The reason people easily believed Nene was about to assault Kim is because she had done it before.
  5. I think that Kim is very good at manipulating people and playing the victim. The fact that Kyle and Kim didn't really speak between seasons 2 and 3 says that Kyle was trying to back away. Kim also has children. Having dealt with an addict in the family, there is a always a fear that alienating the addict could cause the children to suffer. I just think that Kyle has fallen into this routine and doesn't know how to stop. Honestly, I don't think either of them have worked that hard to break the cycle, because they are both selfish. I just understand how draining an addict can be and how hard it is to break ties. Especially when it comes to family. Sweet baby Jesus, I cannot stand Kyle. Yet, here I am defending her. I find both of the Richards sisters obnoxious and exhausting.
  6. I forgot all about that! Every time anyone tried to air their grievances with Brandi, Kim made it about herself, with absolutely no recognition of her own faults. It was infuriating to watch. I loved Brandi her first season. She took a lot of abuse and seemed to handle it reasonably well. Either she was a really good actress, or her popularity made her insufferable.
  7. I think Kim can be fun as long as she isn't being challenged. It's hard to know what could set her off, so everyone has to walk on eggshells around her. I don't really like Kyle, but I completely sympathize with her when it comes to Kim. I was one of the few who was on her side in season 1 when it came to Kim. She may not have handled the Limo incident well, but I could understand her frustration.
  8. Aw man. I wanted to watch a show with Alan Alda and James Spader. Sorta like an "Odd Couple Secret Agent" show. But, Alda got blowed up. Boo. Oh, and something happened with Lizzie and I'm supposed to care.
  9. She will do something stupid. Gotta have the damsel in distress. It's really interesting because Alfred is raising Bruce as the man he needs to be right now and Gordon wants to create a world where Alfred's version of Bruce isn't necessary. Alfred is a realist while Gordon is an idealist. But, Alfred is way more fun.
  10. Well, that sucks because the best part of the episode were scenes for next week.
  11. That was not only awesome, but very telling since they all sat there looking at Bullock as if he were nuts. Why did the writers even bother with Barbara? Seriously, every scene is her in that high rise apartment with the pretty gown and a liquor cart. I hope they are going somewhere with the character. Otherwise, I really don't see the point.
  12. She got up and yelled at a woman who was trash talking her. No, it wasn't Porsha and she wasn't "held back" by the other women. She was grabbed by Christopher Williams, who has a history of violence against women. Christopher Williams, who started the whole mess in the first place. Remind me. What threats was she making? Nene was criticized because she not only got in Kim's face, but actually had her arms out as if to hit her. All of the women on the bus had to hold her back.
  13. Good to know we agree that there is no moral equivalency between words and violence. Because that is what happened. Both women had words. Only one was violent.
  14. The law recognizes a difference because it is absolutely unacceptable to get physical over an insult. It's what children do, not adults. If Porsha were a man, would it still be okay morally?
  15. This. And this. Just a few sentences that say everything.
  16. Well, I don't find that taking the spotlight away from Nene as being a legit reason. Nene was terrible to Porsha in her first season and she only befriended Porsha because she had a problem with Kenya. I firmly believe that. As to the unprovoked swipes, Nene has done that more than any other cast member. Kenya's insults were playground taunts compared to what Nene has said about Kandi and Phaedra. "Head doctor" anyone? Commenting on the size of Kandi's ring? So, no, I still don't buy the whole "if everyone has a problem with you then you are the problem". Not when most of the cast is judgmental and nasty.
  17. That's not what I said. It wasn't because she was ganged up on. It was the reason they went after her. I'm sorry. I just didn't see her behavior last season as that terrible. When the biggest complaint is that she is desperate for a man and "gulp" has sex, then yup, I have a problem. For me, the turning point was when they started making excuses for Apollo's violence and put it all on Kenya. I saw a really nasty side of these women that made me rethink my attitude toward Kenya.
  18. I agree to an extent. I will say that Phaedra's problem with Kenya stems from her own insecurities with Apollo. She put all the blame of what happened on Kenya's shoulders. She was more than willing to believe that Kenya was trying to sleep with Apollo, which turned out to be a lie. My problem with most of these women is that they seem to give the men a pass on their bad behavior and put it all on the woman. Kenya was responsible for the fight at Nene's stupid pajama party. Kenya is a whore who can't keep a man. Kenya won't leave poor Apollo alone. Kenya is just jealous because she doesn't have a husband. It's exhausting and infuriating. It's fine to go after her behavior, but damn, they seem to believe not having a man in her life is her biggest failing. I firmly believe that Nene's problem with Kenya is that she was taking some of the spotlight off of her. Kenya can be a lot to take, but everything isn't her fault. I didn't even like Kenya her first season, but these women pushed me to her side simply because of the slut shaming and general nastiness that went on last season.
  19. I just don't remember Kenya being the only one talking shit at the reunion. Porsha was screaming at Kenya, calling Kenya a slut who couldn't keep a man. Anytime Kenya tried to say anything, Porsha would cut her off and start yelling. That's when Kenya pulled out the bullhorn that made Porsha go ballistic. I really think Kenya was right. People give Porsha a pass on her behavior because she is dumb. At the reunion, she was not some helpless victim being insulted by Kenya. So, I really don't agree that it was Kenya who pushed Porsha to the point of physical violence. Porsha went into that reunion ready to start something with Kenya.
  20. From the link: "Lisa went up to Eileen and said, ‘I don’t know what you have against me, but I’m tired of your evil eye dirty looks. You need to stop it!'” Davidson: "Who do you think you are? I barely know you!'” That's some witty repartee right there.
  21. I am so bummed that Twisty died. The Freak story line just bores me to tears. I don't find it scary at all, just a lot of torture porn and sexual violence. I am much more interested in Twisty, Dandy, and mama Dandy. I love the campy feel and the shear insanity of it. Come on! Dandy was drinking his liquor from a crystal baby bottle. That's the story I want to know more about. Heck, I even wanted to learn more about Twisty's caged victims.
  22. Why? Why? Why? Why would our group go down into stagnant water infested with numerous dead people for some canned goods? Is Dinty Moore soup really that delicious? This group has no short term memory. I get it. Gabriel has a very sweet innocent face, but come on! I'm sorry, but anyone who is clean and well groomed is automatically suspect in this world. Every "happy" place has turned into a nightmare. Carol and Daryl have the right idea. Get the hell out of there and go after Beth. ETA: This has nothing to do with the show, but the baby actress who plays Judith is totally in love with Chad Coleman. It's pretty adorable.
  23. Everything with Twisty was pretty awesome. When the killer clown thinks your crazy, then you are crazy. I want a whole season with Dandy and his mom. I had a hard time feeling anything for Meep, considering he tears the heads off of live animals. And, I get that sexual violence is key in horror, but why is it that in every installment, it's the women who are victims? I am more interested in Twisty's victims, which means they will probably die or, knowing Ryan Murphy, we won't even see them after the 6th episode.
  24. I thought it was pretty obvious she was drugged, so she didn't participate willingly. She woke up and didn't remember anything, then she saw it on film and doubted herself. Much like a woman who has been roofied. She was absolutely assaulted and it was really disturbing to watch. More than the scary clown.
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