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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. I don't think anyone is denying that what Gillian did was terrible, only trying to understand what could lead a person to behave as she did. She was raped continually through a large portion of her childhood. It's not like there were therapists to help her deal with the trauma. I think there is a difference between being evil and being completely fucked up beyond repair. What Nucky did was evil, because he knew what he was doing, yet did it anyway for his own purposes. I don't think Gillian saw her actions as wrong. From a young age, her idea of affection was sexual. It doesn't excuse her actions, it just explains them. Nucky, well, he is a complete piece of shit for what he did to a young child. Did he rape her? No. But he certainly led the lamb to slaughter, so to speak. His hands are filthy.
  2. I refuse to give Nucky a pass. He procured Gillian for the Commodore knowing full well what would happen to her. He may not have actually raped her but he was complicit and has never shown even a hint of remorse. On the contrary, he still showed some respect for the Commodore while he treated Gillian with disdain. Not to mention the fact that he then murdered her child. Nucky, IMO, is much worse than Gillian. What she did was awful, but she was continually raped over several years, beginning when she was 13 years old. Then, she had a child by said rapist. What she did to Jimmy was awful, but she was psychologically damaged beyond repair. Nucky, on the other hand, did what he did to get ahead. He took an innocent child and handed her to a rapist.
  3. I think this is what bothers me the most. Not just Nero, but every character has become a victim to the plot. Sutter seems to be sacrificing these characters for the story. And, violence has become the main plot. This isn't the same club or the same people. They have all become mindless psychopaths. I know that Breaking Bad is the gold standard for anti-heroes, so it isn't fair to compare the two shows, but damn, I wish Sutter would remember characterization. Some bad guys have a little humanity.
  4. Errr, so the secrets revealed were, in no particular order: Heather and Terry are superficial douche canoes. Shannon likes weird shit Tamra talks shit behind her "friends" backs Someone painted Lizzie is boring Vickie is or is not with Brooks and continues to insult every nationality on the planet Danielle works for the CIA. Okay, I got nothin'.
  5. I finally watched the first part of the reunion. I put it off because for some reason, Terry just pisses me off more than any of the housewives. Seeing him here did not help. His excuses regarding the construction worker comments were all over the place. "I was raised by a construction worker!" (I have friends who are black/gay/hispanic, etc) "People make fun of my profession all the time!" (People insult my profession, so I can insult yours!) Lawd have mercy, he is such a tool. And, his excuses for his behavior in recent interviews are ridiculous. He claims that once he saw the footage, he realized it wasn't a big deal. Uh, okay, he saw the footage by the time the reunion rolled around, yet he still could not let it go. He was a huge ass, er, excuse me, I believe the term used in his profession is anus.
  6. Well, she DID reveal that when having sex, if the male *ahem* appendage came near her rear end, she would make dolphin noises. Oh, wait. That was Terry while talking about Heather. But, sure, Shannon was the one revealing too much. And, wasn't Heather's whole schtick the first season about how she wanted to kick start her career, but Terry was being soooooo difficult? It was so hard to leave her kids because Terry just couldn't handle parenting alone. Shut up, Heather.
  7. I can't be the only person who let this go unnoticed. Do tell. Because that must be golden!
  8. Again, I ask how this absolves Heather from spreading gossip? She DID spread gossip, right? Still not seeing how this is Shannon being in the wrong. She used bad judgement and told someone she probably shouldn't have told. That person told another person, being Heather, who then thought it was A-Okay to repeat it to a group of people. Shannon was stupid. I will agree to that. But Heather and Tamra were malicious.
  9. Well, since she only told people off camera, it's hard to tell if she was telling "anyone willing to listen". The fact is that she told Tamara off camera. Had she wanted it broadcast, she could have easily mentioned it on camera. I'm not clear on how Shannon telling someone off camera absolves Heather from spreading gossip. Or, for that matter, how that puts Shannon in the wrong for wanting to find out how Heather knew about it.
  10. Seriously. How does she not have pimples on every centimeter of her face? What is the weather like in Melbourne? I only ask because I live in Texas, which I always assumed had weather like Australia, and if I wore that much eye makeup, I'd be blind by the end of the day. My entire face would be a pile of goo. I'm just waiting for Gina to say, "Why don't you just light your tampon and blow your box apart." That would be awesome.
  11. See? I here I was thinking I lived a pretty good life. Who knew? At least I dress better than most of these tacky women. Catty? Yup.
  12. I think I need to stop watching this franchise because it is screwing up my perception. I'm starting to view Vicki as poor, when her home is only selling for 2.4 million. Dafuck? Apparently shoving silicone into someone's chest is highly lucrative. I honestly had no idea. 13 freakin' million dollars? Dayam! That's a lot of big boobs.
  13. Andy is an ass. This is the same idiot who thought George's "antics" on RHONY were hilarious. He doesn't represent anything, other than being a sleazeball. If it puts money in his pocket, he's okay with it.
  14. I don't think anyone is perfect, and I agree that even the most open minded person can be stereotypical at times. But, people who are aware of others differences can acknowledge that they are being stereotypical and realize they are wrong. Saying things like "No scratchy the woody" or saying out loud that a homosexual doesn't match her stereotypical perception doesn't absolve her. It means that she lacks the self reflection needed to understand that these things are wrong. Saying things like that do not make her honest, it just means that she has no regard to how her words could be hurtful. And, honestly, if Vicki were from a small, isolated area with little to no diversity, I may be willing to cut her some slack. But, she lives in Southern California. There is just no excuse for her ignorance.
  15. Lawd, I wish I could be mad about the Oklahoma comments, but I'm from Texas, so I've heard it all. Suck it up, Okies. It's your turn now. What gets me about Vicki is that she seems to have never been exposed to anything. Ever. She lives in SC, yet her idea of minorities, homosexuals, and even, ya know, poor people is severely limited. It's bizarre.
  16. Don't think about it too much. It will make your head hurt. Stephen Hawkings couldn't figure out this timeline. From what I understand, that was the working title. Terry knows, because his brother was in a rock band. "I ain't no hollaback construction site, girrrl."
  17. This timeline has me so confused. Terry was mad at the Beadors during Lizzie's dinner party, because he knew about David's comments, so he lashed out. But, he didn't bring up David's comments, even though he knew about it. Heather says they only found out about his comments right before the Bali trip. Then, Terry says he lost two months of sleep, thinking about it. When were the two months? After Bali? Before Bali? When was Lizzie's party? So many questions. None of it makes sense. And, for Godess's sake, I don't watch RHOOC to think about this shit. o_O
  18. Please, there is a name for men as well, the Gary Stu, so I don't find it misogynistic. Twisting it to mean anything other than a character who has flaws, but is still perceived as perfect, is to ignore that these types of characters actually exist. We can agree to disagree on the sexist usage. Yes, I saw her back story and I still find it ridiculous. Not only did she call the plant by the wrong name, but she knew what it was immediately. She also knew the cure using 18th century methods. So, yup, it bugged.
  19. Okay, grrr! I don't know why this is bothering me so much. How is a 20th century urban woman supposed to recognize wild Lily of the Valley? I appreciate the producers wanting to be authentic, but how the heck would she recognize such an obscure plant. Claire is entering Mary Sue territory for me. She's a stylish botanist/historian/nurse/miracle worker who men adore.
  20. I really like Frank. I haven't read the books, but from what I understand, the showrunners have fleshed out his character more. If true, they have done a great job. Frank only makes an appearance a few minutes each episode, yet the scenes between him and Claire are powerful. I don't think she is oblivious to Jamie, but I get the feeling it's more of a physical attraction. With Frank, I can see that she loves him. If Claire and Jamie end up together, it feels like it was earned, because Claire clearly loves Frank.
  21. There is nothing wrong with her showing up, per se. It's her smug attitude that bugs. She was really awful last season and she should be embarrassed. She treated Vicki like shit. Believe me, if Vicki were my mother, she would drive me batty. But, Brianna had no problem living in Vicki's home and enjoying all the perks that came with it. And, at the same time, she never missed an opportunity to criticize Vicki's choices. She isn't interesting and she had a lot of nerve going after Brooks after what her dick, er, I mean penis, of a husband pulled last season. It's her "I'm above it all" attitude, even when she has shown she has no problem getting in front of the cameras.
  22. I know absolutely nothing about plants and even I knew that wasn't Lily of the Valley. Anyone who watched Breaking Bad knows very well what it looks like, and that wasn't it. I can't figure out why they made the choice, since anyone can purchase Lily of the Valley at a nursery. It's not like it is a hard plant to find. Maybe they just chose a plant already there and thought, "It has big leaves. Eh, that'll do."
  23. Brianna could easily visit her mother and refuse to be filmed. I just have a problem with her attitude. She has always behaved as if she is above the filming, the famewhoring, and most of all, her mother. Yet, here she is, back for more. Sheesh, she even agreed to skype during the reunion. Sorry, Brianna, you are a famewhore. Honestly, if she weren't so hateful, the story would be interesting. Instead, Brianna makes Vicki seem sympathetic. Why do we even need to see her at the reunion? Does she have anything to offer? After last season, I just see her as a bitter, bitchy person who is only outmatched by her dick of a husband. Why can't she just go live her life in Oklahoma as the all american family? Honestly, I have absolutely no interest in anything she has to say.
  24. One of the reasons I love this show. While I love the relationship between Maura and Jane, I hope this is the end of "a very special Jane episode, with a murder tacked on..."
  25. I'm not defending Lizzie. I thought it was terrible. I just think George grabbing a woman's breast without her consent is much worse. Lizzie was disrespectful, but what George did was assault. So, no, I still don't think Lizzie's words were the worst thing I've seen on any of the housewife shows.
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