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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. I really didn't see a lot of blame placed on Kyle since the limo incident. I think people were rightfully upset with Kyle during that episode, but after that, Kim's behavior turned the tide in favor of Kyle. I'm not a big Kyle fan, but the one thing I always give her slack about is her dealings with Kim. In the scene for next week, it did look like Kyle wouldn't let up, but I still can't blame her completely. She was worried about her sister. Now Brandi can fuck right the hell off. Shoving Kyle like that is inexcusable. It looked like Kyle stumbled off of a step when Brandi shoved her. Kyle's lucky she didn't fall down.
  2. What is it with these women throwing shade at Lupita? First NeNe and now Kenya? Seriously, she's so far above them, they may as well be ants.
  3. I see this said quite a bit, but the only dog I've seen that Lisa V. carries around on a regular basis is Giggy. There have been many scenes of Lisa and Ken in the yard, with the dogs wrestling and playing in the background. Most of her dogs seem like regular dogs who run and play.
  4. Honestly, I'm not seeing Lisa insulting Yo as a parent. From her blog (the same portion that you quoted): "Yes, love is a big word, and that hurt to see that. I don't use it flippantly. I love Mohammed and Yolanda's children. Of that, I am sure. Many,many weekends and lunches with them and Mohamed have created that bond. I have always been hopeful that Yolanda would be included in that equation." Nope, don't see it. So, saying you love Mohamed (Lisa has never hidden this), and being close to their children is an insult to Yolanda?
  5. I haven't seen anything from Lisa this season that implies she is expecting kudos for PUMP. She may have mentioned it in last seasons blog, back when they didn't hide their disdain for her. She made some nasty comments after the entire cast turned on her. The horror! Honestly, I don't know what people want from Lisa. The entire cast had a problem with her and said nasty things about her and Ken. She lashed back. So? She agrees to move on, she's fake. She still has a problem, then she holds a grudge. She shows up at a party, it's because of the cameras. Doesn't show up, it's because she controls production. The biggest problem these women have with Lisa is that she knows how to control her image. That's it. Good gravy, does Lisa own Bravo? I mean, when the cast of VPR was complaining about their salary, many were blaming Lisa. I just think that some give Lisa way too much credit. She's a failed actress who has managed to run some marginally successful restaurants. I
  6. She is full of crap. She might have thought it was a joke, but Jeff did not seem to be in on it. There is no way he was acting. I think Jeff was out of line, but he may have thought it was okay because they were friends. I dunno, but no way Jeff was pretending. Word.
  7. I love ya, but I just can't wrap my head around this. It is one thing to tell someone they are acting stupid when defending their wife. It is quite another to accuse someone of assault, when it quite obviously didn't happen. Flip this for a minute. Do you know many women who would agree to befriend someone who made false allegations of assault against their husband? Yo never apologized for what she said. In fact, she never even acknowledged it. Ken touched her arm and Yo turned it into a dramatically horrid event. I actually felt pretty terrible for Ken. He didn't do anything. I have seen nothing that implies Yolanda is willing to move on. In fact, she takes every opportunity to make it clear she has not moved on. Her toast at the dinner party, calling out Lisa, was incredibly petty and ridiculous. Lisa said the opening of PUMP happened before she and Yo made up. And, what kind of hostess makes everyone at the party feel incredibly uncomfortable?
  8. Honestly, I get that. My hackles always go up the moment I hear "crazy!" or any kind of implication of mental disorder. I've always felt that it is an insult to people who have real disorders and don't behave the way Brandi behaves. However, I just felt like at that moment, I couldn't blame them entirely. It did seem as though they were really trying to understand her behavior, as opposed to just trashing her completely. In a weird way, they seemed to be a bit....kind, I guess? Me? I think Brandi is just a horrible person. Sometimes, people are just miserable and feel the need to make everyone else around them miserable. No mental disorder, just who they are.
  9. In Eileen's defense, she does say in her blog that she has been around many fans and that none of them have ever behaved the way Brandi did. Honestly, I don't think Eileen was buying the whole "I'm such a fan and got caught up in the moment" crap Brandi was trying to sell. She just humored her to get the apology over and done. Based upon Brandi's talking head, the wine throw had nothing to do with being a "fan" of Eileen or DOOL. It was all about Eileen's infidelity. ETA: Ugh, posted before I read Avaleigh's post. Great minds, I guess. :)
  10. I agree. I think their reaction was completely understandable. It's easy to stand back and criticize what Lisa R and Eileen said, but I can't say I would rise above if I had a glass of wine thrown in my face. And, honestly, I think Lisa and Eileen were pretty damn tame in what they said about Brandi. They even came off as a bit sympathetic toward the way Brandi was behaving. I don't think I could have been that kind, quite honestly.
  11. Yes to the bold! That was probably the best part of the episode. The dog must do it a lot, because they just continued their conversation as if nothing happened. Too cute! Eileen does say in her blog that at first she was shocked and tried to brush it off, but she did start crying out of humiliation. I think there was probably some anger, too. I know I've cried when I get really angry, because the emotions can sometimes be hard to keep in. It's either cry or go ballistic.
  12. Well, Brandi is "vomiting" and the best she's got is Scheana and uh, something about tabloids and Kyle. I can definitely see why Lisa was nervous. Why do I have this vision of Brandi waking up with Chica's head in her bed? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  13. I had some sympathy for her. Then she insulted Babyface's (Nicole, thank you LVP) wife's ring. WTF?
  14. Apparently the rules don't apply when it's Yolanda's friends. I still remember Yo chastising Kyle, "Zer eez nozing wurst zan drunk wemenz!" Yes, I can make fun of her accent because she finds it okay to scold immigrants who she knows nothing about. I don't like Brandi because she is an idiot. Yolanda is just a hypocritical snob.
  15. I have nothing to add. I just want to quote this because it is just so lovely and pretty fucking awesome.
  16. Really? I always got the feeling that the Martin hook up was for filming, so that Kim would show up. It really didn't seem like a big deal, and Lisa brought it up...what, like twice? Lisa has known Kyle for a long time. I think it's naive to believe that she didn't know about Kim's problems during filming. In fact, she made it clear during the season 1 reunion (while defending Kyle), that she knew about her substance abuse problems. I honestly don't remember Martin being a key role in Lisa's anger. Not at all.
  17. Yup, once I realized who it was, I had a V8 moment. Honestly, it was bugging the hell out of me, because I recognized him but was too lazy to look it up. Now, on rewatch, it seems so obvious.
  18. I guess that's what I don't get. Does making someone feel lesser mean that you aren't "fake"? I just don't see how being incredibly rude makes a person genuine. To me, it just makes for a nasty person who lacks empathy. There is a line between "fuck you" and "bless your heart". And, yup, I am so tired of the "whore and unmarried" shit. Let's not forget that NeNe was celebrating her single status a few seasons ago. And, seeing NeNe around some of her more connected friends, she knows how to turn it on. Absolutely. My point is that in the case of Clinton (probably not Jefferson, but it was a different time), the women went into the marriage not knowing he would be a jerk. Phaedra married Apollo knowing about his past.
  19. Bill Clinton and Thomas Jefferson weren't convicted felons. Cheating doesn't even compare to what Apollo did in his past.
  20. Well, since I was talking about NeNe's reaction to Claudia, I don't see how this applies. What has Claudia done to NeNe? It's not fake to be polite to people you hardly know.
  21. Gah! I'm turning in my Psych fan card, because I didn't even realize that was Tim Omundsun! I feel so ashamed. I had some moments of laughs and yawns. But, the jousting scene won me over. Just, the horses wandering off had me dying. More scenes like that, please. The singing ABC promos are irritating as hell.
  22. I have to wonder if the writers are trying to make us hate her because, I'm sorry, she doesn't have chemistry with anyone. Every damn scene since the show started is her in lingerie, lounging around in an apartment. Dr. Leslie Thompkins probably had more lines and action than Barbara has had during the entire show.
  23. Aw, how could you forget her grandma and her jacked up feet? I know it isn't much, but it did endear me to her a little bit. I'll put up with her, just to see more of her granny. She was the anti-MJ.
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