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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. Ugh. No kidding. She must be exhausting to be around. Absolutely no self awareness. Maybe she can only make her point in hashtags? #Itwasrinnawhostartedit, #stopdeflectingrinna, #Ilikehugssosueme.
  2. She knew the cameras were there and once Eden spilled the beans, she realized it would make the cut.
  3. I've never been a big fan of Erika, but she owned this episode.
  4. Oh, I agree that Lisa was alluding to the cameras. No need to apologize. I had to watch it several times, because I felt like I was missing something that caused Kyle to turn on LVP the way she did. It was such a bizarre reaction to what seemed like an innocent comment. Had LVP been referring to the arrest, Kyle's reaction would have made sense. But, all she did was back up what Eden was saying.
  5. Well, that was my point. Kim accused Eden of telling everybody her business. Eden pointed out that she only told LVP what LR said, not everybody. When LVP backed up Eden, Kyle told her to "pick a lane".
  6. I liked Dorit because she pointed out that the argument at game night didn't merit LR's anger. Lisa's comment of "butt out" could also be applied to her regarding Kim and Kyle. All Dorit said was that it seemed like a normal housewives argument that didn't need to be escalated to this extent. I have mixed emotions about LVP. Gloating isn't a good look, but I can't say I wouldn't behave the same. We are seeing that Lisa Rinna has a convenient memory. And, it's never her fault...
  7. I am so embarrassed to admit it, but Kyle's reaction threw me off. So, I kept thinking I missed something. Kim turns on Eden for telling "everyone" about the conversation. Eden admits to telling LVP and LVP backs her up and says "it was all ready out there". Then Kyle goes off. The arrest would have actually made sense, but it wasn't brought up. Let me know if you need answers to the Kennedy assassination.
  8. Go back and read the message boards when Kim was a housewife. Believe me, she didn't get a pass. I never liked her. Glad she's gone. But pointing out that Rinna is wrong doesn't equate to Kim being right. They can both be assholes. Sorry, but this bullshit Rinna is spewing is crap. Her motives have nothing to do with love and light. She has a grudge against Kim, and she can't let it go. She had no problem putting all of the blame on Eden. How many people completely forget about a conversation when it's pretty much repeated back verbatim?
  9. That isn't even what happened! Kim went after Eden for telling everybody (nope) LVP about her conversation with Rinna. Nothing about the arrest. It was hard to follow because everyone turned on Eden. I had to rewind it several times because I didn't get Kyle's vitriol toward LVP. It was pretty much, "Thanks for telling me about the conversations LVP, now stop defending Eden!" Just weird. I like Kyle for the most part, but she does tend to be a fence sitter when it comes to conflict, so her going after LVP seemed a bit out of line. It is very obvious that LVP is on Kyle's side, so that seemed unusually harsh. I felt a bit bad for Eden. She seems sad and lonely and doesn't have the deflection skills that LR has. Somehow, Eden was the bad guy. Dorit was pretty damn awesome. Love.
  10. Because she's playing with semantics. She didn't say anything about Harry Hamlin, but she definitely implied something. Not saying it's ok, but it is what it is. Fake apology or not, she admitted not knowing anything about Harry Hamlin two freakin' years ago. So why does LR keep bringing it up? That should have been the end of it. And, how does that absolve LR of her actions? Implying that Kim isn't sober and close to death. That Kyle is an enabler. All things she knows nothing about, yet she has no problem saying it on camera. How is what she's doing any different from what Kim did two years ago?
  11. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but didn't Kim admit at the reunion that she didn't know anything about HH? Maybe someone with a better memory can confirm or correct me. If she did, then Lisa Rinna should have let it go. But, nope. She keeps bringing it up. She's giving Kim's words more power than they deserve. Kim was pretty awful her last season and what she said, or implied by NOT saying anything about HH, was pretty low. I don't like Kim and have never really liked Kim. But I am so sick of hearing about poor Harry. It was 2 years ago and I seriously doubt Harry is constantly being questioned about it. Honestly, any stranger that would come up and ask him about his "secret" is a serious asshole. I just think LR was being a bit hyperbolic when she said that. I doubt Harry is suffering all that much because a non-sober Kim said something stupid on a reality show. There may be a small segment that still believes something shady about him, but I'd be willing to guess most people don't give a shit. In fact, if LR would stop talking about it, most people would have forgotten by now. I'm taking a wait and see approach on whether Lisa Rinna is sincere. So far, she hasn't shown she has the maturity to let anything go when it comes to Kim.
  12. This is soooo off topic, but I have to agree with you! I remember when this cut became big, It was supposed to make your legs look long and, for women with no hips, give the illusion of hips and a curved waste. Well, as a long legged skinny girl with no hips and no curved waste, it made me look like an even more skinny legged girl with....no hips. Plus, my torso looked even more ridiculously short. Don't get me started on the flat ass. I was in high school when the trend started, so I was even more self conscious. To this day, I don't tuck in my shirt, because I always think I look like Steve Urkel. Now, the tangent..... Which is why it always bothers me when women are criticized for their body. Most women have body image issues, whether it be too big, too skinny, legs too long, legs too short, no ass, too much ass...I could go on. I am very skinny. I'm no fan of Lisa Rinna, but just because she talks about being careful about what she eats doesn't mean she doesn't eat. It means she is careful about what she eats, which someone over the age of 40 should worry about. Or, she may starve herself. Who knows? But just because she is very thin (and has ALWAYS been thin) doesn't automatically point to an eating disorder. Just like pointing to someone overweight doesn't mean they only eat fried foods and can't control themselves.
  13. I was responding to this. I was pointing out that a professional has probably seen other signs that would lead he/she to believe it is Apraxia. Not just "late talker". Again, speech pathologist aren't idiots. They can tell the difference between delayed speech and serious issues. No, it's not genetic, which makes it even harder to diagnose. It's fair to say that term set me off, because if it's not genetic, it isn't real. So, apologies for that.
  14. I know. I'm so sorry. No bueno. LVP. Awesome with the updo, but WTF with that dress? No! Seeing her glee in finding out Rinna was behind everything makes me think she isn't the "behind the scenes" genius the cast paints her to be. She couldn't wait to tell Kyle that Rinna did her wrong, That's not a woman who is hiding shit. That's an "I told you so.." moment. Eileen who? First time I've like Erika. She seemed to be having fun. I can't figure her out. Love that after flying off the jet ski that she wasn't wearing sunglasses. Amateurs wear sunglasses.
  15. He's not a late talker. I'm sorry, I hate to keep harping on this, but he is talking. He is having trouble with certain sounds. He could possibly have other problems with motor function. He is most probably highly intelligent, but could be viewed differently because he hasn't been given the tools to communicate properly. Right now, he is being told by a professional that his condition is normal and doesn't mean he is dumb or deficient. I'm just not seeing the problem. "My kid took a long time to talk, so Jagger is being coddled?" " He wasn't born with down syndrome, so obviously other kids have bigger problems?" Is that it?
  16. OMG! I have to watch that scene again. How did I not notice?
  17. Oh come on! How one dresses can now be a diagnosis? Point to her personality, her media presence, her behavior on the show. But, her clothes are what proves she is a narcissist? I work in animal rescue and sometimes wear dated clothes. Guess I'm a narcissist, too.
  18. Here's the thing. Symptoms of Apraxia are not just the inability to speak properly as a toddler, or not speak at all. There are other factors involved. Children usually have trouble eating, or even making sounds as an infant. It isn't that he doesn't speak, it's that he WANTS to speak, but his brain, while processing words correctly, will not communicate properly with his muscle functions to form the words. The best way I can describe it is to think of someone who has had a stroke. The hard drive is there, but some of the letters on the keyboard simply don't work. Sorry, I'm currently going to school for speech pathology. This is not a hack science or voodoo. If a speech pathologist has diagnosed Jagger with Apraxia, he probably has Apraxia. It wouldn't surprise me if he were also in physical therapy. Ok, nerded out for a moment. But, we are only seeing a snippet of what Jagger is going through. That short scene in the restaurant tells me that Dorit is doing EXACTLY what she should be doing. Visual cues with an emphasis on certain consonants and vowels, while pausing between each word.
  19. So much this! LVP looks fierce when she is casual. She takes almost 10 years off of her age when she wears a t-shirt and jeans, with her hair pulled back in a loose updo and little makeup. But, she obviously feels attractive when she dresses over the top. I'm sure she's read many of the comments about her look, but she doesn't give a damn. I know someone called it narcissism. I call it not giving a fuck. She dresses how she wants, and if it makes her feel confident, more power to her.
  20. The thing is, I don't think Kyle has back fat. In earlier seasons, she wore clothes that were a bit too tight. Even the thinnest person can have back fat if the clothes don't fit correctly. She has looked fabulous the last couple of seasons. I hope she got a stylist who told her she has a banging body and should emphasize the positive. Not that I really give a damn. Women can wear what they want if it makes them feel good. I always got the feeling that Kyle was trying to meet some sort of societal standard of sexy, rather than dressing for herself, which is why she seemed to be uncomfortable with her body at times.
  21. This. Betty and Veronica were the only parts of the show I found interesting and I kept wishing it was a show entirely about them. It was a little teen angsty for my taste, but both were the strongest actors on the show and I felt real affection for both characters. But, damn, Veronica Why did you have to go there? That just pissed me off. I expected it from Archie because he seems like a bit of an idiot. I know it was a love triangle in the comics, but I thought the show would approach it better and, ya know, maybe make it hard for Veronica and Archie to act on their attraction. But, nope, Betty opens up to Veronica, so of COURSE she can't last more than a few minutes without resisting the magic that is Archie. I really wanted to see a strong female friendship without a boy getting between them. Speaking of, why the hell is every awful person on this show a woman? Even Betty's sister was a victim of the mother, not the guy who played her emotions and led her on. I'll give it a few more episodes, but if the show continues in this direction, I can't watch.
  22. I understand. He has allegedly committed multiple assaults and should be prosecuted. I wish one of his victims would press charges. I just know that conversion therapy is one of the most heinous things done to a human being, and in most states, it is legal. It's not like Scientology is the only "church" doing this. Our current VP believes in this shit. I know it's hard to understand because it is psychological, not physical, but it is torture. I really don't want to be contrary, but I don't like that you quoted one sentence from my entire post. I was pretty clear that I wasn't defending his actions, only that the cult he belongs to could possibly contribute to his behavior.
  23. I don't doubt it. I do blame Scientology teachings for his behavior. He's been forced to suppress a huge part of who he is for decades. I'm not defending him, I just think this is another example of how damaging Scientology can be to the human psych. I can't imagine, as a heterosexual, being told constantly that my thoughts, feelings, and attraction to men is evil, deviant, and the lowest of humanity. So, then I go through the auditing process for hours (which sounds like torture) When JT joined Scientology, society pretty much agreed with that assessment regarding homosexuality and bisexuality. He was very young and cults can be very persuasive. Hell, Steve Hassan said he was willing to kill for his leader. Again, not defending him. I feel terrible for his victims. But, I can't help feeling they are also victims of Scientology.
  24. This is such a tired argument. I'm an atheist, by the way. So, no love for organized religion here. But, it just isn't the same. In the majority of organized mainstream religions, a person is free to leave. A person can still have contact with their family. A person isn't held prisoner and forced to LICK A DAMN BATHROOM FLOOR. Babies aren't taken away from their parents and held in horrible conditions. They don't take that person to court for criticizing them publicly or harass them at work or at home. Are there offshoots that are extremists? Sure. But the majority do not believe or behave this way. There is no "moderate" Scientology. These are not simply extremists in an overall belief system. This is a requirement to belong. BTW, I was raised Methodist. My parents are still Methodists and they know I am an atheist. We still talk, love each other, and we accept our different beliefs. These brainwashed Christians love and accept my transgender nephew and are huge liberals. ETA: I probably seemed a bit harsh. I believe religion has become a business, but I absolutely believe they should have tax exempt status. If they pay taxes, then they have a voice in public affairs. Schools, parks, roads, etc. I live in TX. No thanks.
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