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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. I can't stand Eileen, but I so agree with this. Women have a hard time in any field, including show business. That Eileen has had a successful career in soaps is nothing to sneer about. Taking snipes at her character is a-okay with me, but she has been a working actress for three decades. Same goes for Kim. She was a working child actress during a time when there were few safeguards in place for children, which probably contributed to a lot of her issues. I honestly can't see criticizing either for their professional accomplishments. Ugh, I hate defending either one of them.
  2. Wait, didn't LVP pretty much tell Dorit she had no interest in hearing about LR's bag of pills? In fact, it seemed like a pretty good set down to me. I'd bet most people don't remember because both parties got the fuck over it and moved on. Now, had Dorit gone on and on and ON about how LVP disrespected her truth, we'd be talking about that as well. And, the entire season would be about how LVP dismissed Dorit over LR's bag of pills. Almost as riveting as commando-gate (Thanks, Nixon. Now every scandal ends in gate. Another reason to hate that asshole). I'll admit, LVP didn't call out Dorit or PK about the stupid no undies thing because, ya know. Stupid.
  3. Well, good thing I wasn't talking about Kyle. Read again and see the part I put in bold.
  4. I bow to your knowledge, sensei. That was....quite impressive. Now, if I could get the power ball numbers.
  5. Yes! That's it. Oh, so not the same. I think Mexican sodas may be a regional thing. I lived in Missouri for a couple of years and could never find it. I was so used to the cane sugar coke in TX, that I stopped drinking coke while there. It definitely tastes different.
  6. Gotcha! I guess it was open to interpretation. Thanks for the video. Not the one I was requesting, but still appreciated. I was more concerned with the accusations of assault against LVP.
  7. Someone (Zoeysmom?) posted the complaints from several lawyers who attended. I think it was in the Erika thread. It may seem like many people rolled with it at the time, so as not to rock the boat. Particularly women attending a function where the majority are men. It is very apparent that several attendees were not happy. Are you replying to me? If so, I was talking about posting a video of LVP putting her hand up Erika's dress. Here is what I said:
  8. We have it here in TX. It's delicious. In fact, we can get most Mexican sodas (Dr. Pepper, 7Up) here, and they are all made with cane sugar. I think Coke came out with a pure cane sugar brand, but I read it's not much better than the corn syrup variety. It has a green label, but can't remember the name.
  9. I'm sorry, but I really wish the implication that LVP put her hand up Erika's dress would die. Either post a damn video where Lisa literally puts her hand up Erika's dress or let it go. If she did it, then that would be assault.
  10. Of course not. Everything is opinion. But, I'm having a hard time understanding why she would say it. I've gone sans underwear. Granted, I've never been asked if I had a spare set of undies, but I can't imagine my response would be anything other than "nope". Okay, maybe a "nope" along with a WTF look. Maybe Erika wasn't thinking and just blurted it out. Who knows, I just found it odd. Look, Erika can react however she wants to the situation. I'm sure she was embarrassed. I know I would be embarrassed, yet I just can't see myself completely losing my shit over it. . I would accept part of the responsibility and move the hell on. It's not victim blaming, it's realizing that is a risk one takes when going sans knickers. And, the last thought that would ever enter my mind is that people viewed me as a whore. My mind just wouldn't even go there.
  11. No it isn't. It really isn't. If I wear a short skirt with no panties and then announce that I'm not wearing panties, I don't then get to to declare, " How dare you notice I'm not wearing panties!" That meme is great. Only because it fits this whole season perfectly.
  12. Sarah Paulsen wore it better. Maybe holding a Golden Globe and having talent makes it more attractive?
  13. Perhaps the meaning was that using a fake accent causes people to throw money at you? Who knew it was that easy? Other than that, I got nothing.
  14. Darn that Kyle. Her incredible power of mind control failed. Fortunately, I missed that TH, so I was able to make my own conclusions based upon watching the show. I had no idea that if Kyle said something, it became the truth. I must pay more attention next time.
  15. Well, Kim certainly implied something about Harry Hamlin and LR lost her shit. So, wonder why LR decided it was ok to imply something about PK? Not only that, but she went on to imply something about everybody at Dorit's dinner party.
  16. I find the idea that Dorit is purposely faking her accent fascinating. Personally, I don't think she is. Why? Because when she was being attacked in HK and when she lost it on LR in the finale, she didn't lose her accent. When people become frustrated or angry, they tend to revert to their actual speech patterns. To my ear, she didn't sound any different than usual. The only time I ever noticed Dorit losing her accent was when she carefully spoke to Jagger. This implied that she was actually concentrating on how she spoke and enunciating her words. I was born in the midwest, which pretty much means it was hard to pinpoint the region I was from. More of a "mainstream" accent. We then moved to Tennessee and I picked up a very southern drawl. Mind you, my parents grew up in the midwest and NEVER had a southern drawl. When we moved to the Dallas, TX area, my accent reverted back to my original midwestern accent with a hint of a southern influence (contrary to movies and television, most people in the Dallas area do not have a strong southern accent. Most people here are transplants from other states, so there is no discernible accent) Dorit's accent doesn't sound British to me. It sounds like a hybrid of several regions. I also believe she has a slight lisp, which may also explain why she seems to pause when speaking or use odd word choices when trying to get her point across. In any event, all this to say I don't give a fuck about Dorit's accent. If having a weird accent is a character flaw, then most of this country is doomed. I think Dorit has been pretty self deprecating regarding her accent. I've yet to see her get defensive about it. If LR was hoping to score points by pointing out it was fake, she missed the mark. Erika seems like she would be exhausting to be around. The only time I found her funny was at the cheesecake tasting. The rest of the time, she seems incredibly high maintenance. I would never be clear if I'm dealing with Erika the pearl clutching prude or the Erika that wears a c*nty necklace and doesn't give a fuck.
  17. Plus they see the TH, which probably sets them off even more.
  18. Maybe you think they are a mistake, but I guarantee the SPCA wouldn't continue to run those ads if they don't generate money. Simply put, they work.
  19. What is women's business? What is the protocol for a same sex couple? When is it okay for a partner to intervene? Seriously, I need to know the rules. I hate that phrase. Thanks, NeNe Leakes. He got involved because he was drawn into it. Erika asked him a question as he was walking away. He wasn't threatening or aggressive. The worst I can say about the exchange was that he called Erika "honey", but she was being pretty awful to his wife, so I'll give him a pass. Why were LR and Eileen involved? Nobody asked them a damn thing. Guess it was okay, since they are women talking about women's business. Whatever that is.
  20. So, LR tried to blame LVP for the clusterfuck that was Muncausengatewhateverthefuck, then LVP holds a grudge? I dunno, I think she was pretty damned kind to her, considering. Someone you think is a friend who then screams in your face at the reunion? Not a grudge. Simply not liking someone. Grudge: a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. That describes Lisa Rinna, not LVP. Because, damn, Kim hasn't been part of the main cast for 2 years, and she can't let it go. LVP the grudge holder would never be okay with Kyle, Kim, and apparently Eileen. Just saying, LVP seems to have moved on.
  21. Whore. Unless your name is Richard. Then it's just unfortunate.
  22. Especially coming from someone who rambles on and can't get to the damn point.
  23. But, if she says it enough, people will eventually believe that Dorit and PK called her a whore. Viewers are actually wondering if they missed where Dorit and PK called her a whore. "Lisa holds a grudge" is an example of this. It seems to be what she is known for, because it comes up every damn season. I think she has a huge problem with Brandi. That's it. If she held a grudge, she would continue to go after Kim, Eileen, and Kyle. She would have probably made up with LR, had Rinna not been so completely unhinged. But, it keeps being repeated, so it becomes the truth. Dorit, next season, will be seen as the slut shamer, all because she and her husband noticed Erika wasn't wearing panties. After she announced she wasn't wearing, ya know, panties.
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