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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. This. There is a huge difference between hearing about the pups and actually SEEING them. It's one of the reasons the SPCA ads are so effective. Put a face to something and it makes all the difference.
  2. Sorry. I know, I was replying to someone you replied to. I really don't care, as long as the dog is treated well, I work in animal rescue. We've had dogs who have been chained up for so long, it has fused with their neck. We had a young kitten who lost an eye because someone stomped on it's head. If someone wants to put pjs on a dog, even if it doesn't have a skin condition, then go for it. If Ken saw even 30 seconds of what I read about Yulin, then I believe his tears were genuine.
  3. I'm cracking up that anyone watching this show expects the producers to film more substance. They showed enough. More people know about Yulin. Somehow, they managed to fit it in between pantygate and Rinna's big mouth. So, hurrah Bravo. Look, LVP was able to use a show that focuses on women fighting to expose a tiny bit of what happens to dogs and cats in China. But, ya know, if only she'd stop dressing Giggy in funny clothes, her message would mean more. Here's what I say. If you hear and read about what is done to animals at Yulin and all you take away from it is that LVP is an opportunist, then LVP ain't the problem.
  4. No, I really don't think he would. But, then, I also think LVP would make a joke out of it and I wouldn't have to sit through this horseshit for an entire season.
  5. From what I understand, most of the pups are taken out of China, just not to the United States. Most are taken to Canada and Europe.
  6. I've always wondered about that. Cats. no matter how social, would probably run away from an entire camera crew invading their space. When I have 3 people over, my normally social kitty disappears. Not great TV.
  7. I have to disagree. This seems to absolve Kyle of all responsibility, and sorry, Kyle did cozy up to Brandi when it looked like Brandi was turning on LVP. Suddenly, Brandi the liar became Brandi the truth teller. I think Kyle learned what it means to trust Brandi. So, maybe the shot of oxygen hit both of them.
  8. I like Kyle and I like LVP, but I don't see them without faults. In season 1 and 2, LVP seemed to have Kyle's back, while Kyle seemed a bit, um, nasty. Particularly in season 2. I could never figure out why Kyle turned on LVP so suddenly. Especially after the season 1 reunion where LVP was ride or die for Kyle. I think there was some professional jealousy going on. Then, we had 2 seasons of LVP going hard on Kyle. I never believed the stupid tabloid story from Brandi, but I do find it easy to believe that LVP did her best to make herself out to be a victim while going after Kyle. They both used other people to do their dirty work. Kyle used Taylor. LVP used Brandi. I'd call it a draw. Whatever, friends have spats. They seem to be pretty close now and I LOVE that LVP knows how to make Kyle laugh. And, not directed at you, but I am so sick of the "LVP holds grudges" bullshit. If she held grudges, she wouldn't be polite to Erika and she would do everything she could to destroy Kim. She hasn't said anything about Taylor, and she seems okay (not good, but okay) with Adrienne. It's not a grudge.
  9. Oh, I agree that is natural hair growth on his head. Just find it adorable because it is obvious the rest of his hair is cut short. It does look like a wig.
  10. Two things stand out for me in that photo. First, that haircut on Storm is both adorable and hilarious. Second, how in the hell did she get five dogs to stay in the same place and hold still long enough to get a pic? I'm jealous. I have 3 dogs and the only time I can get a picture of them together is if they are all asleep!
  11. Her husband has his own reality show, so she can retire.
  12. What? Bringing up a subject after it has seemingly been resolved? That doesn't sound like Eileen at all. How out of character....
  13. I loved her husband, too. He reminded me of Ken, in a "My wife can speak for herself, but you best believe I'll smack you down if it gets dirty" kind of way.
  14. I would love to have Joyce back. I liked her and always thought without Brandi, she would have been a fun and interesting housewife. Instead, she was constantly in defense mode. However, if asked to come back, I hope she would tell Andy to fuck off. From his book "The Andy Cohen Diaries" Guess bugging Yolanda is the ultimate crime in Andy's world. I'll never understand why he was so damned protective of Yolanda. She was incredibly disrespectful toward Joyce at that reunion, and somehow Joyce was the problem?
  15. See. This kind of shit is why I can't take you seriously. Seems like trolling.
  16. I was responding to a post you made agreeing with another poster about the Erika hate. Please point out where I said you made those accusations. Erika isnt getting more hate than any other housewife. Perhaps if you were talking about a specific poster with your "sneeze" comment, then you should have specified. Otherwise, it did seem to be a broad brush.
  17. As is the same for every cast member. Just find it odd that criticism is now seen as hate by certain posters, especially by those who obviously dislike other members of the cast. I would say not liking someone means you have a "problem" with them. Do I give a shit? Not really. I have a problem with the sweeping generalization that implied if you don't like Erika, then you are a "hater". I don't think any of these women are above reproach. However, I do find it offensive that if I don't see pantygate the same way as others, then I am somehow slut shaming or saying she asked for it. Nope. Just to add, I really haven't seen that much hate toward Erika. Maybe one one or two posters took it too far. The rest have been pretty clear as to why they don't like her. And, for every "bitch eating crackers post", there has been an equal "you're just jealous" post.
  18. I'm sure you think this is funny, but I ain't laughing. I work with attorneys who are child advocates. This means that they work with children who have been sexually, physically, and mentally abused. Many are paid less than me. One of the attorneys has a law degree from Stanford, and she is probably smarter than anyone I've ever met. She's been doing it for almost 30 years. Guess she's still waiting for the big payout. Many attorney's deserve your disdain, but it IS a noble profession and there are more good people than not.
  19. Yes, and there are posters who criticize LVP for only saving dogs, and Kyle for enabling her sister, and...what is your point? People have likes and dislikes when it comes to housewives. Been here a while, and you seem to have a problem with LVP. So what? I'm cool if she sneezes. As long as she doesn't freak out when someone points out that there is some snot running out of her nose.
  20. Um, what did her video have to do with a lawyers's conference.
  21. Um, no. I read the complaint. This was not a situation where EJ was playing in the background. He made them sit through over 4 minutes of his wife's video. So, if I'm a woman who went to law school, or I'm a minority who went to law school that would piss me off. Her video had shit all to do with the law. If I went to a conference to learn from a distinguished attorney, I'd be pissed if I had to watch a pop video. Fuck. That. This was about this guys ego. Nothing more. I guess I could be one of those "haters" of EJ, but this story actually makes me feel some sympathy
  22. Well, that makes it even worse. I was going to mention that there are female attorneys, but I didn't realize the dumbass did it WHILE they were there. I was picturing a room full of his pals. Whoa, that was basically everyone admitting that people were uncomfortable, but he paid for it, so let it go! It wasn't even in the background. He made them sit through a 4 minute EJ video.
  23. I have to say, if he was showing her videos to his colleagues, then that is odd. Um, why? I agree with zoeysmom. He wasn't showing them her videos to prove her talent. He did it to say, "Look at my hot wife." If he wanted to tell them not to objectify her and judge her based upon her videos, then why show her videos? Honestly, that sounds like a bunch of old white men leering at his hot wife. I'd be pissed if my husband did something like that. This is the first I'm hearing about it, but what a shithead if it's true.
  24. I don't think anyone is saying that happened. However, she did say on camera that she wasn't wearing underwear. Which, I'm sorry, is just weird. Why wouldn't you just say, "No, I don't have an extra pair." Done. I'm not blaming Erika. Not at all. Just don't announce something like that, then act shocked that people looked. It doesn't work that way. If I announce that I have a huge pimple on my chin, people are going to immediately look at my chin. Ugh, the whole thing is so stupid. She SAID it on camera. It's not like Dorit and PK outed her. NOBODY should be making such a big deal out of this. Sheesh, Anne Hathaway, who was photographed by some asshole, didn't lose her shit this much and that photo was seen by millions. Three people saw Erika's damn snatch and it's turned into the biggest scandal of the season. It's just the risk one takes when wearing a short dress without underwear. It's not a "she deserved it" situation. It's not slut shaming. At least not for me. I don't care if she doesn't wear underwear. I just know that if I don't wear undies in a short dress, I run the risk of someone seeing. Oops, my bad. Dorit and PK shouldn't have talked about it as if it were so shocking. Erika shouldn't lose her shit over it.
  25. Yes, I love that this entire incident has turned into LVP assaulting Erika. WTF? Somehow, something that LVP wasn't even involved in has become her fault. Not only does she have a weird infatuation with animals, she likes to grab a woman's crotch! She reached over and put a napkin in front of her. The horror!
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