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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. After she announced it. I'm not blaming her, just saying she is making a bigger deal out of it than anyone else (well, other than Eileen and Rinna) Now, maybe something went on behind the scenes. Maybe Dorit called her the biggest slut that ever slutted. Otherwise, her reaction is completely out of proportion to the incident. She took a disliking to Dorit from the beginning, which is fine. She is just using this as an excuse to go after her, rather than simply saying, "Hey, I don't like you." Before pantygate, Erika was making little digs at Dorit. Nothing major, but she seemed to have a problem with her at the jump.
  2. I think that comment said more about Rinna than Dorit. Rinna's "Do you trust your husband?" was so weird. I couldn't figure out where she was going when she first said it.
  3. I've said I agree that she is being ridiculous. If I go commando and accidentally show the goods, I'm not going to freak out if someone saw it. Just don't think there is a cutoff age for going commando. In fact, Erika's reaction seems like that of a 20 year old, not a seasoned woman in her 40's. Big fucking whoop.
  4. I'm in Texas, so tights are torture. But, I will admit that I only shave to the point where the dress cuts off. Probably the reason my mini-skirt phase is over. Too much trouble.
  5. Um, confession time. I'm only 44, but I have a particular dress that requires I go commando. Of course, it goes down to my ankles, so it would take Kyle's splits to show anyone. I guess when I turn 45, I have to give up the dress. Too bad. I look fabulous in it.
  6. Ah, I just read it again and missed that. Yes, I don't subscribe to the "slut" usage. Sorry about that.
  7. Where was she called a slut? I'm serious. People are saying that she had no problem getting naked on camera, but is completely overreacting to a wardrobe malfunction. She announced she wasn't wearing panties. People looked. Just like if I told everybody I had a huge stain on my shirt. Guess what? They would immediately look at the stain on my shirt. Neither makes her a slut. Honestly, if I weren't wearing undies and someone saw, I wouldn't freak the fuck out. And, I don't even sell my image as sexy. I just don't find it to be that big of a deal. It's a body part.
  8. How DARE you look! Look, this is not a "red dress" defense in Erika's case. Nobody implied she's a slut or a whore because she dresses provocatively or goes sans panties. In fact, the only person I've seen use those words came from Erika. And, this patriarchal shit where Tom is owed an apology? She can miss with me with that. You don't get to go on and on about embracing your sexuality and being a strong woman, then demand that your poor husband's honor has been impugned. What next, pistols at dawn? Dorit owed Erika an apology. She gave it. Now, shut the fuck up. Dorit obviously didn't read the situation well. She should have just let it go and moved on without gifting the panties. But, obviously, even Erika's "close" friends thought Erika would take it in stride. To me, this wasn't about pantiegate. Erika simply doesn't like Dorit and she is using it as an excuse to unleash on her.
  9. Miles may vary, but that seemed like an obvious joke to me.
  10. Nah, I read the entire exchange before I posted. Still think it was out of line. Every single one of these women get hateful tweets. It's part of doing the show. Personally, I think if you go to someone's twitter and criticize them, then you're out of line. A better response would have been "Classy people don't come onto my twitter page to criticize me." She didn't say that. She made a sweeping generalization about everyone who watches and comments on the show. Read LVP's twitter sometime. Some of those people can be brutal. I've yet to see her insult the entire audience just because some tool on the internet decided to troll her. It was an idiotic response, even while taken in context.
  11. Dance chart? Have you heard one of her songs before she joined the show? Just curious. ETA: LVP could be number one on the dance chart. A DJ puts in background beats and all she says is "Dahling and Giggy". Not so great.
  12. I am sorry if you feel I was questioning your take on abuse. I'm a speech therapist who also works with children of abuse, so if I seemed angry, it is on me. We both agree that Joan was sexually abused, we just read the scene differently from our own perspectives. ETA: Can we both agree that the show did a great job of showing the psychology of an abuse survivor?
  13. Many were conflicted because they felt pleasure. I don't want to get into it too much, but a child who was stimulated is no more or less abused. While Joan never said explicitly that she felt sexually aroused, I have no problem believing that she may have been. Who really cares? She was victimized. We see the scene differently. Either way, she was an abuse survivor. http://kalimunro.com/wp/articles-info/sexual-emotional-abuse/sexual-feelings-during-abuse
  14. Wouldn't that mean that mature and classy women who are on a reality show don't respond to posters who comment on a reality show? Without this classless reality show, I'm sure Erika Jayne would have been asked on DWTS. She was such a major star before the show. Just curious, does her disdain extend to those posters who adore her? Whatever, she don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuck! (TM RonnieK "Trashtalktv.com)
  15. This is such a typical response to sexual abuse in children. If you read about the children who were abused in the Catholic church, many believed it wasn't abuse because they felt pleasure, even while feeling violated. I have no doubt that Joan felt like she initiated the abuse because her mother and stepfather told her that it was her fault. Plus, there was probably some biological reaction that felt pleasurable, so how could it be wrong? That conversation was pitch perfect when it comes to children of sexual abuse. Well done, show. That being said, I just can't warm up to Joan. I think being abandoned by her mother and the abuse did a real number on her, but it seems like every time Bette tries to reach out to her, she lashes out. It's sad, but I can now see the woman described in "Mommie Dearest". She seems to see any kindness as a form of manipulation. She was probably exhausting to be around.
  16. Well, yes and no. Most non-profit no kill rescue groups just don't have the resources to take every dog or cat, so they will take the most highly adoptable pets. It is heartbreaking, but a necessity. Most groups rely on fostering, and the faster a pet is adopted, the more animals a foster can take. In my experience, if a kill shelter finds an animal that is exceptional and won't be rescued, they will call us. Otherwise, they don't make it. I'm sorry, I just don't have much sympathy for people who walk into a county shelter and can't find a pet. There are so many that need homes. I currently have a pitbull mix who will probably be with me forever. He's gentle, sweet, and loves all animals. The shelter called us to save him. And, we did. People pay more to get a pet from a rescue group because they have been tested, spayed/neutered, socialized and have had a full checkup from a vet. LVP only has so much money. She is saving the dogs that she can save.
  17. I hope so, because that discussion looked like Rinna trying to place the blame on someone else, after throwing Eden under the bus. Now Dorit is the bad guy? I took "induced" to mean under the influence. She never called Rinna an addict. Now, Dorit's implication could have been nefarious, but I can understand that she would be confused as to why Rinna had absolutely no memory of a very pointed conversation she had ON CAMERA with Eden. This doesn't compare to Dorit's confusion when confronted by Eileen. Kyle repeated the conversation almost verbatim and Rinna claimed amnesia.
  18. CatMomma

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    I felt really bad for the deer. She managed to survive carefree, until fucking Rick showed up. I swear the look on her face when she saw Michonne was "Oh, shit! Not you guys!"
  19. CatMomma

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    THIS! Damn that pissed me off. Michonne lost her child and lover, then became a warrior who survived on her own. But, the idea of losing Rick turned her into a catatonic mess? The hell? And, neither one of them bothered to mention Carl or Judith? Just...ugh. This show.
  20. It still makes no sense. Why did Jesus feel the need to get outside help? The Hilltop had more than enough people to overtake 30 people. Now, we find out that he knew about the Kingdom, who constantly works on fighting skills. So, he goes to the few Alexandrians, as opposed to the highly populated and trained Kingdom? Oh, and the Kingdom won't fight either, because about 30 people are threatening a huge number of trained people hostage? Nope. Either Jesus knew the numbers, or he's an idiot.
  21. The descriptions of what happens is horrible enough. I don't need to see animal torture porn, just like I don't need to see child porn to know it is horrifying. Hearing about it is bad enough. More than enough. Oh, God. Those vegan docs are brutal.
  22. I'm sorry, you have nothing important to say, due to your lack of hashtags. #somethingofnote
  23. Exactly. It looked to me like Ken was embarrassed by his tears and Lisa respected it. It's obvious he didn't want to be on camera. He broke down and turned away. He had me in tears.
  24. I grow so tired of the argument that if you are doing work with animals, then you are ignoring all the the other terrible things happening in the world. I have worked in animal rescue for 25 years, and that shit just pisses me off. Trust me, LVP and Ken have seen some things that can't be unseen. Her passion is rescuing dogs. She obviously cares enough to do something. Good for her.
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