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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Falling into a wading pool could cause them both serious injury.I keep picturing poor Kensie hitting concrete if he had fallen. Very frightening.
  2. I'm going to assume Brandi was talking about the seasons before the addition of LR and Eileen, because nobody seemed to have a problem with LisaV this last season, except Brandi of course. She may not have been paid more than the other HWs for her participation of BH, but there could have been some anger or jealousy directed at Lisa when she got her spin off. With her two shows, she was definitely making more money than the other women. Whether it was about the show, money or her behind the scenes behavior, the cast did seem to turn on her around the time she was offered VPR.
  3. That pic is adorable. I am so glad LisaV and Kyle are friends again. I find them both so much more enjoyable when they are getting along.
  4. Ugh, I'm no Brandi fan, but that is such bullshit. Kim is responsible for Kim. I get so sick of Kim as the poor little helpless victim. She had problems long before Brandi showed up. Everybody is to blame for Kim's problems, except Kim apparently.
  5. I'm just so frustrated with Kim right now, and I wish someone could convince her to give up Kingsley. I have worked in animal rescue for years. I own a pit. I know it is probably not too late and that Kingsley can be saved. He is young so he is still trainable, But, at this rate, he will probably be put down. All because Kim is too selfish to let him go.
  6. I am so confused about the timing of the dog bit reporting. I can't find anything before Nov. 6 claiming it was Kingsley, which was the same day that Kim made a statement admitting it was Kingsley. Before that, it was pretty much radio silence as far as I can tell. Not that I give a shit. If Kim reacted even half as bad as she did at the reunion, then Kyle can put her on blast for all I care. I also don't buy that Kyle had some secret motive to out Kingsley. If she did, why wouldn't she say that Alexia was bitten in her first instagram photo? She didn't. Unless Kyle thought, "Hmmm, I'll send out a pic of Alexia in the hospital! Then, all my followers will want to know what happened and I'll be forced to admit it was a dog bite, but I won't say it was Kingsley! Then, everybody will figure it out, because, reasons, forcing Kim to make a statement and admit it!!! Mwahahahahaha!" Sorry, Kyle ain't that smart.
  7. There is no helping Kim. She's done. The best thing to do at this point is to just cut ties, because she will not change. I know LisaV's heart was in the right place when she said the sisters need to mend their relationship, but at this point it just won't happen. There is no reasoning with Kim, so you either live with the toxicity or you purge the poison completely. And Kim can fuck off with her "it was just a little bite on her finger". I had what amounted to a little bite on my finger from a dog. There is no such thing as a little bite. It hurt like hell, I had to take antibiotics and I permanently lost some feeling in the finger. No stitches, no hospital stay, but it was still pretty serious. So, if someone's ends up in the hospital with a dog bite, it must have been terrible. (BTW, the dog was not vicious at all. It was due to my own stupidity trying to get a chicken bone out of her mouth.) I never really cared for Kim, but it wasn't until season 3 when she was supposedly sober that I began to actively dislike her. She never took responsibility for anything and could get really nasty. However, I never in my wildest imagination believed she could be this vile. I have pretty much stopped watching all the HW shows, save BH and NY. I have no problem giving up BH if she is back. I don't mind fights or drama, but it has come to a point where I cannot watch her on my screen anymore.
  8. I do agree with this. I think they both agreed to move on, but I think it took a while for them to become close again. Right now, it seems like they are in a really good place. I mean, Lisa told Kyle she loved her. Who'da thunk? Brandi wants to believe that they both simply moved on and became besties, I don't think that's true. I think it took some time. That glass thing is so stupid. Eileen, more than anyone else at the table, was in the line of fire. Everybody else was either standing or far away. If anyone was pulling glass out of their skin, it was Eileen, and she seemed uninjured. I dunno, maybe Bravo edited out the part where Brandi was bleeding profusely and had to be rushed to the hospital. It's amazing that she was able to hide all of the bandages the next day.
  9. Yes, Kyle and Lisa have said some terrible things about each other. However, both seemed to have apologized, agreed to move on and haven't continued to be complete assholes to each other. Brandi never really took responsibility for her actions toward Lisa in season 4, and as Eileen said, she continued to be an asshole after her "apology". That's what she does, apologize for her bad behavior, yet continue being horrible. Why the heck would LVP ever trust her. I also believe that the digs Lisa and Kyle made toward each other were more about hurt feelings. Lisa shouldn't have said what she did about Mauricio, but I think her anger and the hurt she felt caused her to lash out and I do think she felt that way when she said it. Kyle, too, said a lot of awful things about Lisa out of hurt and anger. The things they said about each other were about how they were feeling, but they never actually made up lies about one another. Brandi has flat out lied about LVP (yes, I believe the stupid tabloid crap was a load of shit, just like everything else out of Brandi's mouth), when she felt hurt. Had she simply stopped at her issues regarding Scheanna, LVP may have been able to move past it. But, nope, Brandi had to take it to another level, with tabloid-gate, bankruptcy, foreclosures, and "living in the valley"(WTF? Really?) If she wanted to really make up with Lisa, she wouldn't be accusing her of sleeping with half of LA, cheating on Ken with her trainer, and slapping her. I don't think that Kyle and Lisa made up overnight. I believe they agreed to a cease fire for the show. Now, I believe they really are close but it took a while to get there. I just find it silly to compare Lisa making up with Kyle versus Lisa making up with Brandi. Caughtontape-I am going to figure out a way to use this phrase everyday. It is made of win!
  10. [snip] Kyle and Brandi both got physical during their argument. But only Brandi moans and complains about how much she was hurt. It's the same with Lisar's glass break. Brandi was apparently pulling shards of glass out of her skin, clothes, and hair for days. The odd thing is that Eileen was actually closer to the glass, yet she hasn't said a peep about being injured. Brandi can assault people all she wants, and it's a joke. But, lay a finger on her and it becomes a trip to the damn emergency room and will talk about how injured she was for months.
  11. Any unwelcome contact, be it a slap in the face or a "minor" slap on the ass makes the strongest woman feel vulnerable and embarrassed. Too imply that a woman feeling this way is somehow weak or unstable is incredibly insulting. I believe Lisa 100% because I know myself to be a pretty strong woman, and I had something similar happen to me. What Lisa described in her blog is exactly how I felt. Either she read several accounts from other women before writing her blog or she was being honest. I'll go with honest. That shit ain't funny, and women aren't weak or unstable for feeling vulnerable in that situation.
  12. Oh, lawd! She isn't being crucified. Or bullied. Or any other buzz word. Come on. She is being treated the same way every other cast member has been treated. The only difference is that she has been way more nasty than any other cast member, and, for some reason, has been allowed to get away with it for far too long. It's her turn and it's been a long time coming. Lisa V DID say something during season 3 and was treated to Kim's brand of crazy.
  13. I think anyone who has been around Kim for an extended period of time knows that one should just nod and say, "You are right, Kim." Lisar has learned it the hard way. Eileen still isn't there. I am just over the enabling of Kim.
  14. It's not one incident. Kim has been getting away with behaving badly since the first season, yet she has never apologized. Look, I am frustrated with Eileen and, in particular, Lisar because they keep mentioning Kim's addiction in regards to her behavior. I wish they, or anyone for that matter, would address her behavior without making excuses. I am of the opinion that Kim would be insufferable no matter what. I think she is probably just a horrible person, regardless of her substance abuse. Kim doesn't want her sobriety brought up? Fine. Then how about they simply talk about her horrendous and abusive behavior? If anyone, ANYONE else in the cast behaved like Kim, they would be called out. Hell, I had to be subjected to 3 episodes of LVP being underhanded with some stupid tabloids. Kyle was eviscerated for saying that LVP preys on the weak. There is a petition to get rid of Brandi. Yet, for some reason, Kim always gets a pass. "She's fragile!" "She's an addict!" "Stop hounding her!". Fuck that. She has, at one point or another, been absolutely terrible to every cast member. It's time she learned some hard truths.
  15. Then he should definitely advise her to stop drinking. Wonder why he hasn't? I think it's one thing to admit to doing it in the past. It's quite another to be seen doing it on camera. Here ya go: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/kyle-richards/kyle-how-could-i-defend-kim
  16. I assume he told her this because she is dealing with some legal ramblings with Eddie and it wasn't a good idea to smoke on camera, part of which has to do with her children and how it might look. I guess Kyle wouldn't be a hypocrite had she consulted an attorney first. Hmmmmm, indeed.
  17. This. This right here *points up*. This is everything. I want to marry this post.
  18. Hmmm, nothing about her statement implies she was referring to the dinner. I assume she is talking about the conversation she had with Lisa and Eileen in the lobby of the hotel, where Eileen was talking about confronting Kim. LVP has been pretty adamant that she is not interested in confronting Kim, so not sure why people are assuming she would take part in a planned "intervention" or confrontation during dinner at a restaurant. Same goes for Kyle and Yo, in my opinion. It looked to me like Yo mentioned Bella because Brandi told her everybody was calling her daughter an alcoholic. Then, Lisa became emotional talking about her own sister. It wasn't about Kim. Honestly, I think that Kim was the furthest thing from Yo's mind when she broached the subject of her daughter.
  19. Right? I've only seen one HW genuinely apologize and not demand an apology in return. Lisar to Kim. Never mind that Kim was an absolute terror toward Lisa. Lisa apologized to Kim for questioning her sobriety and never asked for an apology from Kim.
  20. Lisar had to deal with Kim in the hour long limo ride, where Kim was acting manic. Kim didn't even remember it. Lisa talked to some of the cast members about it, then politely asked Kim about talking to someone. Kim "talked" to Lisa by rolling her eyes and saying "blah blah blah". At this point, Kim was angry with Lisa. Brandi then fed into that anger by implying that Lisa was talking about her sobriety to everyone, yet omitted that fact that she too, was talking about Kim's sobriety. Lisa apologized several times. Kim, once again, went off the rails while "talking" to Lisa about her problems, while the only thing Lisa did was apologize AGAIN. Thus, leading to this: Because...what? I don't even know where this came from, but congratulations Kim.
  21. I might agree had I not seen Kim lash out for the smallest reasons in the past. She has the ability to latch on to the smallest slight and not ever let it go. It doesn't have to be about her sobriety. She expects everyone to bow down to the alter of Kim, while she has free reign to insult and attack. Don't question why she's late, don't question why she doesn't show up, don't confront her about rude behavior, don't ask for an apology. She behaves like a toddler. Game Night and Poker Night weren't her fault. The ride in the limo with Lisa? Never happened. LVP couldn't show up at her daughter's graduation party? Go after her relentlessly. Kyle, apparently, is the worst sister in the history of all sisters because, well, I'm not sure. Eileen sucks because Kim hates her face. Kim gets along with whomever is feeding into her delusions about herself. I'm sorry. I just don't think Kim's addictions are the problem at this point. Sometimes, people just suck. And, I think Kim sucks. She could be sober for 10 years and she would still be a narcissistic asshole. I can watch this and think these women should back off and leave her alone, but I'm not living and working with her. So, I think there is a learning curve. We have watched her for 5 years, so it's easy to play Monday morning quarterback.
  22. You know what? Brandi has brought up Kim's sobriety almost as much as Lisa. The difference is that Lisa actually said something directly to Kim, while Brandi plays runtelldat without bringing up her own role in talking about it. We have seen Brandi discuss Kim's sobriety several times with her friend Jennifer, as well as with Lisar (basically to deflect Lisa's concerns about her behavior) . Brandi planted the seed, and now I think she's a bit freaked out because she didn't realize how nasty Kim could be. Well, too bad so sad. I just can't blame Lisa for talking about it. She had to sit in a car for an hour with Kim acting like a maniac. Who wouldn't talk about it? If Kim doesn't want the cast talking about her sobriety, then maybe she shouldn't show up on camera high as a fucking kite. Even when Kim is sober, she is a nasty human being, so I have zero sympathy for her at this point.
  23. I've always thought that the Richard's sisters tendency to point their fingers two inches from someone's face would get them hit one day. It almost happened. Kim got in Lisa's face and was, once again, pointing that finger and screaming. I'm not condoning what Lisa did, but I can understand it. She had just spoken about her sister and was all ready pretty emotional. Then, there's Kim, showing absolutely no empathy and instead, making threats towards Lisa's husband. She can fuck off. Lisa did not bring up her addiction. She apologized for bringing it up. And rather than simply accept the apology, Kim went off the rails. Eileen handled Kim like a boss. Lisa looked a bit freaked out, but I did appreciate that she came to Kyle's defense. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I will take Brandi returning over Kim. I just want her gone.
  24. I dunno. I honestly don't hate the idea of Michonne and Rick, but I don't think the writers think about shipping when they write the episodes. This show isn't about that. The writers has never shown that Rick and Michonne feel anything toward each other besides mutual respect and a very close friendship. They certainly shouldn't compromise the story, simply because there may be a few angry fans. I loved their scenes because it shows that Rick trusts Michonne, probably more than any other person. If someone is looking for a romantic angle, that's fine and I certainly get it. But, to the general audience (because the majority of audiences are not shippers), that was a touching scene between two people who trust each other. Hell, I'm just glad it was Michonne getting through to Rick and not Daryl. About damn time this show started writing women as leaders.
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