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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. Oh, I agree. And, not to go off on a tangent, but I'm kinda tired of the implication that John Travolta and Tom Cruise are homosexuals. I think in all likely hood, they are bisexual or pansexual. Not a big thing, It just bugs me because it feels like an erasure of a very real sexuality. And this type of "curing homosexuality" bullshit is what leads to things like JT allegedly assaulting men. It really fucks with their head and is mentally abusive. I can't explain it, but I have a lot of sympathy for Travolta. Not so much for Cruise. I just feel like Travolta has really been victimized by Scientology. Just watching "Going Clear" and hearing Spanky Taylor's story makes me believe there is a part of him that understands how bad things are, but just can't bring himself to leave. He pretty much told her to get out. Editing to add, I think the reason I have no sympathy for Cruise is because I just don't think he is a nice man, He is great at acting like a nice man. In reality, I think he is self-absorbed, narcissistic, and truly believes his own hype. I just don't get that vibe from Travolta.
  2. But, we don't know what happens off camera and neither does Lisa. Kyle seems to be asking people who don't know shit about the situation to stop talking about it. That's not enabling. That's telling people to stop talking about it with her. I guess most people who have dealt with addiction are enablers, simply because they don't want every acquaintance constantly telling them what they should do about the addict. I'm sure Kyle has experienced much worse than the Limo ride from hell, so take a damn seat Lisa. I'm no fan of Kim. I think she is a huge asshole who is toxic to be around. But, just call her an asshole who is toxic to be around. This faux concern over addiction is obnoxious and does not come from a place of concern. This is about getting a pound of flesh. Eden? That was really uncomfortable and weird.
  3. I just can't agree with this. This series is about the Scientology organization. Leah made it clear that Scientology believes homosexuality is deviant behavior and that ONLY Scientology can be the cure through auditing. I see no reason to specifically say that people join to "cure" their homosexuality because that really isn't the point. The point is that the church is harming, even targeting, people who are vulnerable.
  4. You aren't missing much. I know it's very popular with the audience and critics, I just never could get into it.
  5. I remember when he filed for divorce, he made a cagey comment like, "She (Nicole) knows what she did". It was a really shitty comment and led to speculation that she cheated or that the child she miscarried wasn't his. He knew what he was doing when he made that comment. At the time, he was wildly popular and well-liked by most of the public. Her crime was pulling away from Scientology, yet I think he was purposely vague to make the public speculate that she must have done something terrible. Even her own children want nothing to do with her, so she MUST be a terrible person. He really is a calculating, awful person. I also believe that all of his generosity and gifts he gives to his costars and other celebrities is all designed to put the image out there that he's just a swell guy. Not buying it.
  6. Marty Rathbun, as far as I know, has not returned to Scientology. His current wife was never a Scientologist and I doubt she would EVER join the cult. I personally believe he was paid. His wife filed a lawsuit against the church, and she probably would have won because she was never a Scientologist. I know some people believe the harassment finally got to him, but the fact that he attacked Ron Miscavige and defended David Miscavige against his father's allegations makes me believe he made some sort of agreement for money. If it was about the harassment, he would have just stopped talking completely. David Miscavige will leave ex-Scientologists alone as long as they keep their mouth shut. Interestingly enough, Discovery ID is suddenly airing episodes about Scientology. In fact, Marty Rathbun's story was just on a few days ago. Leah is doing some good. I find it hard to believe it's just coincidence. Regarding this ep, I was so angry and emotional watching. I knew they were evil, but their actions took this to a whole other level. I'm still baffled that the prosecutor even charged him with a felony.
  7. Money. Very disappointing, considering he was one of the first outspoken ex-members of the "Church".
  8. Well, that's not really what I said. I said that she may have been bitchy because she was surrounded by Scientologist constantly. Nothing about her career.
  9. And the same reason most of us live in a bubble. Even now, we don't watch news channels that don't match up to our beliefs. So much on the internet is false, so why wouldn't they believe that the negative things said about Scientology are suspect? I really admire anyone who leaves. Takes an incredible amount of strength.
  10. I find John Travolta a bit confusing. I recently watched "Going Clear", and it sounded like he told Spanky Taylor to leave, in an indirect way. Yet, he stays and continues to defend Scientology. I know the documentary implies blackmail, but there must be something more. Unlike Cruise, I have always found him to be genuine. And, it sounds like he had a lot of doubts, but kept coming back. In regards to Katie, isn't it possible that she was actually a nice person before marrying Tom Cruise? I mean, if she was surrounded by Scientologist 24/7 who spied on her constantly, isn't it possible that turned her into a huge bitch? I would probably be pissed off all the time if I had these assholes over my shoulder all the time. Tom Cruise, so I've heard, is incredibly nice to everybody, while ignoring the abuses of the church. Sorry, but he is the huge asshole. Katie was probably under incredible stress and lashed out at everyone, assuming they were all Scientologist. Lay down with dogs, you get the fleas.
  11. Did you ever see the Seinfeld episode where Jerry's girlfriend looks gorgeous in a certain light, then hideous in different lighting? For me, that's LVP. I think she is a beautiful woman, but at times, she just doesn't look..right? I think she is beautiful when she has her hair pulled back in a ponytail or a loose bun. It's when she tries too hard that she looks her age. Did Dorit say Boy George lived with her? I admit, I wasn't paying much attention, but I thought the implication was that he stays with them when he is in California.
  12. Girl, after a few drinks, I would have been the gal in the corner scarfing down one of those burgers with you. I'd be like Eddie from RHOOC, just munching away in the background watching the show.
  13. Damn, I love autocorrect sometimes. This made me chuckle. I never believed LVP told Rinna to bring Kyle into it. I do believe that LVP asked her if she was going to bring Kyle into the situation, which could be interpreted two ways. One is that LVP was making a suggestion in the way of a question. The other would be that she was asking because she didn't want herself and Kyle dragged into it. I believe the latter. I think LVP can be a bit manipulative, but I pretty much believe that about all of them. I just don't think she's this evil mastermind who can control people at will. Especially two women who have swam through the shark infested waters of Hollywood for over two decades. Nope, not buying it. Lisa Rinna looks awful. On first viewing, I was only half paying attention. I looked up and thought, "Who is that scary woman LVP is shading?" She looked like one of those puppets from "Spitting Image".
  14. Uh, Ryan had a restraining order filed against him in 2010 for domestic violence. So, there is that. But, I always find a "wife beater" hilarious, so what do I know?
  15. I hate to speculate, but is it possible that all is not right in their marriage? I can't stand Briana, but after seeing the way Ryan behaved a couple of seasons ago, I wouldn't doubt that there is more to this than money and exposure. I just can't see Ryan the control freak being okay with this unless something more is going on in their marriage. Something doesn't smell right about any of this. Briana seems to have numerous health problems, but she would rather move away from Ryan and live near Vicki. Lupus is not some rare disease that can only be treated in CA. Heck, she wasn't that far from Dallas, which has some of the best medical facilities in the country. It's possible she is just a snob who grew up with money and wants to live well, and I can definitely see that about her. But, she may also see the show, and Vicki, as a way to escape. I'm willing to accept that Ryan's behavior may be caused by PTSD, but that doesn't mean that Briana and their two boys should be forced to put up with it. Especially if he tends to lose his temper over small things.
  16. This. I was willing to forgive Lisar her behavior because Kim was behaving badly throughout the season. We saw it on camera. Even when I felt like Lisa should just let it go, I could understand a bit. We know that a lot of things go on behind the scenes. For example, the car ride between Lisa and Kim was an hour long. We only saw about 10 minutes, and that was pretty damn bad. I can imagine Lisa was pretty freaked out. I've been more lurking than posting this season because, well, I found this season pretty damn disgusting. Were people celebrating Lisa bringing up the Muchies? I only ask because I found it pretty distasteful. Had she taken the tact of Lisa and Kyle, which was simply questioning her symptoms and constant hyperbole, I would have been on board. It just seemed like Lisar was okay with LVP, until Eileen started whispering in her ear.
  17. I may be misremembering, but didn't Mauricio involve himself in the drama? I haven't seen Vince at any of the gatherings. I think LVP's confusion came from Kyle and Mo's over the top defense of Adrienne while they said nothing to defend her against Adrienne's accusations. As it turned out, Kyle admitted she wasn't close friends with Adrienne. Not saying she was right. But Lisa went at Mo because he was part of the show. Vince? Not so much.
  18. I so agree! I get the frustration from viewers who watched BB. However, there are plenty of new viewers who never watched it, so I think it's important to start from the beginning of Jimmy's journey. For new viewers, jumping right into Saul would be a bit jarring. I loved BB. I think it was the best, well written show on television, possibly ever, but BCS needs to stand on it's own. Those of us who watched BB can look back and see the genius of the show, but I think it's important to remember that Walt's metamorphosis into Heisenberg took a long time. For me, Mike is looking more like the "Breaking Bad" character of the show. He wasn't perfect to begin with, but I have a feeling he gets deeper and deeper to support what is left of his family, and never saw himself as taking it this far. He just seems so tired and angry about the entire situation. Unlike Walt, Mike does not get a thrill out of any of this. In BB, I liked him but never saw him as this great guy. Now, I just find him tragic. "Dude, I'm from Michigan." "So you don't understand a word I've been saying." Love, love, LOVE that scene. Made of awesome.
  19. Ugh, luckily I have never been called selfish. That would piss me off to no end. I too am childless by choice, but I usually get the "you better hurry or it will be too late" or "aw, that's so sad", not to mention the "you will regret it later" type of comments. Men don't have to put up with this shit. And, the worst is that it always seems to come from women. Apparently a woman who doesn't have children can't possibly be fulfilled. I don't know if Carole wants children or not, but Luann probably thought what she said was a huge insult, thus the idiot cackle. Mostly, she just made herself look like a huge jackass. It was not only rude but incredibly sexist.
  20. I hope everyone who was insinuating that Carole and Heather were slut shaming remembers Luann's remark to Carole. 1. It is Carole's fault that Luann's son knows about her sex life (Before this season, I'm sure he thought she was a fucking girl scout) 2. According to Luann, a woman is to be scorned and laughed at if she doesn't have children. I don't give a fuck if Carole wanted children or not. Believe it or not, a woman can be whole without children. Luann is a vile piece of shit. 3. Fuck. Off. Luann. 4. Team. Fucking. Carole. Oh, and Sonja's stupidity managed to make Kristen seem like Einstein.
  21. Absolutely, but I don't think this is the first time TRav has had a drunken hookup (dude strikes me as a heavy drinker). I find it hard to believe that with his family name and money, a woman hasn't tried before. Somehow, he managed to avoid having babies for years. He is no victim.
  22. Ugh, I hate to bring up the south, but I live in TX, so I'm gonna go there. They live in a very traditional conservative state. This sort of attitude is very prevalent. A woman is seen as inferior without a husband, particularly if they have a child. Just watching how Kathryn's parents reacted to the fact that their 22 year old daughter was with a 50 year old man says it all. As awful as it sounds, it looks like Kathryn was raised to believe that she is great breeding stock, and TRav only contributed to that idea. To me, Kathryn seems very insulated and has been made to feel that her youth, beauty, and fertility are her most important assets. Sad, really. I don't like Kathryn but I can sympathize.
  23. Thomas made it over 50 years without a child. I'm pretty sure he knows how to prevent pregnancy. So, how is she trapping him? I love ya Cooks, but a man cannot be trapped by pregnancy. Especially at his age. He doesn't want a baby? Then he can take steps to prevent it.
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