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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. A person has to have a certain type of bone structure to pull off that type of cut and not many women have it. I did see a still of her from an ep of Dawson's Creek. She had longer hair and she looked a bit plain. Much better with the short hair. Actually, I'm really jealous of women who can wear their hair short like MM. I've always wanted really short hair, but every time I have tried, my head looks like an over inflated balloon on a skinny body. Not a good look.
  2. Honestly, I don't mind a parent having a glass of wine when children are around. The problem with Brandi is, from what I have seen, she does not have the ability to stop at one or two glasses of wine. I mean, she can't seem to stop drinking while on camera, so why should I believe she can stop around her children in private.
  3. I agree. The description sounds completely ridiculous but Rob Thomas is a great writer. One of the things that drives me nuts about Walking Dead is that the dialogue can seem forced and the characters change to move the plot. Rob Thomas is a genius when it comes to dialogue and character development. I will say this. Rob Thomas would never, ever, EVER write a character like Beth, unless she's zombie chow.
  4. I loved that line. That, and Maggie pretty much telling her to do her own dirty work from now on after the pregnancy test debacle. Actually, as frustrating as it was to see most of the men bowing down to her, it was really satisfying to watch Daryl, Maggie, and Andrea call Lori on her shit.
  5. Not really the same. Eileen's problem during poker night had to do with the fact that her child was upstairs, and Brandi was screeching "fuck" in every sentence. I don't think Lisa or Eileen have a problem with the word. Hell, Lisa uses it all the time. ETA: Okay, many others beat me to the punch and said it much more eloquently.
  6. I love her hair. It really makes her look youthful and I think it matches her evolution. When she had the buzz cut, she looked waifish and vulnerable. As it's grown out, she looks a bit more healthy and stronger. Plus, I LOVE that MMB has not died her hair. She is gray and unapologetic. Contrast that with NR's hair, which they darkened to match the darkness of his character (huh?). I never bought that as an excuse. I think they tried, unsuccessfully, to make him look more youthful. Instead, it just makes him look about 10 years older.
  7. Late to the party, but wanted to add to the chorus. It is such a good documentary. It really shows the depths of denial family members will go to deny addiction. I think it also shows how well addicts can hide their addictions from people they are around every day. Really powerful and sad as hell.
  8. There are different types of alcoholics. There are the people who can't go a day without a drink and others who can't stop drinking once they start. That's Brandi. She's a binge drinker who, when she drinks, always gets drunk.
  9. Exactly. There are people in all marginalized groups that don't find certain things offensive. That doesn't mean that others in the same group don't find it offensive. Kyle was talking about her friends, and a lot of times friends are willing to forgive what the group as a whole find insulting. I know it sounds like "PC crap" to call people on it, but I tend to go with what a marginalized group tells me they find offensive, not if I find it offensive or not. (I do. Insert any other minority or marginalized group after the word "my". Not good) The fact is, many in the LGBT community find it offensive, so don't say it. It's not "PC" to change your behavior or words, it's being sensitive to people's feelings.
  10. Well, technically, Brandi did accept Kyle's apology. She should have gone on to apologize as well, but then, I don't think Kyle should have apologized in the first place. She didn't mean it, so I can only assume she did it because she either expected an apology from Brandi or wanted a fight. I really wish Kyle had just opted to ignore Brandi, which is what she seemed to do in the beginning. As the party went on, she worked herself up into a lather, which is why her apology seemed aggressive rather than sincere. I am on Kyle's side for the most part. Kim and Brandi are both awful people. But Kyle started that fight, which frustrates me to no end because I believe Kyle was in the right. I just wish she hadn't lost her cool and opted to ignore both of them. Instead, she brought herself down to their level. Ugh, of the three, I am most pissed off at Kyle because she is making me defend Brandi and Kim. Fuck you, Kyle.
  11. That's the way I viewed it as well. I think she handled it in the wrong way, but she didn't do it because she was a cold blooded murderer. She felt like she was protecting the group. It was no different than when Rick, Michonne, and Carl ignored backpack guy, Rick shot the guys in the bar, and Michonne killed the hermit who came into his home yelling and drawing walkers. Most of the gangs hands aren't clean, but they have killed people who could arguably be innocent, to protect the family. It was obvious that Carol felt terrible. This was made very clear in "The Grove". She was ready to let Tyrese kill her. Those aren't the actions of a person devoid of guilt. ETA: I never thought the guys in the bar were innocent, but Rick did shoot them because he had a feeling, not actual proof.
  12. Yup. It was also the ep where Kim started calling Dana "Pam", thus PamDana was born.
  13. Both times were complete bullshit. The only person who outed Kim in those instances was Kim. Anyone who could watch either of those episodes and believe Kim was sober just didn't want to see it. But, this is what Kim does. She blames everybody else and has playing the victim down to a science. I didn't blame Brandi at game night, just like I don't blame Lisar for outing her on the way to Eileen's party. I was so frustrated with Kyle in the last episode. I sympathize with her, I really do. I just wish she would learn not to engage with these two chucklefucks. They both don't fight fair, and Kyle can't seem to keep her emotions in check, so she ends up looking just as ridiculous as Brandi and Kim. Kyle needs to get some counseling. I'm not putting the blame on Kyle, but she at least should have enough self awareness to realize that she needs professional guidance in dealing with her sister. Brandi and Kim simply do not have the capacity to realize they are out of control. Kyle needs to realize that the more she pushes Kim, the more Kim will rebel, because Kim has the maturity of a 13 year old. I do think Brandi's words about Mauricio reinforces the fact that LVP was innocent in tabloidgate, but then I never believed it anyway. Brandi has been caught lying so many times, that I'm not sure why people were so ready to believe her when it came to Lisa. It looked to me like Lisa was pulling away from Brandi and trying to mend fences with Kyle. This set Brandi off and she decided to go after Lisa. Brandi has the ability to take something that has a kernel of truth (Adrienne's cease and desist became a lawsuit, Kyle told Brandi about Lisa's bankruptcy, Brandi calling Kyle one time at 2am about Kim became calling her all the time). In fact, I don't understand why Kyle even tried being friends with Brandi this season, after she lied and said Kyle told her about the VP-Todd's bankruptcy. That should have been it for Kyle.
  14. Oh, please. Kyle hated Brandi until Brandi decided to turn on Lisa. Then, suddenly, she decides they need to start over and try to be friends. Brandi who was such a huge liar, according to Kyle, was suddenly trustworthy when it came to what she said about Lisa. The truth is, all of these women give Brandi a pass when she is going after their enemy, then act surprised when she turns on them. Kyle is no exception. Yolanda will do the same thing. Stay friendly with Brandi, until Brandi decides to turn on her. And, it will happen. Brandi can't seem to help herself.
  15. Not to mention that when Eileen pretty much told Brandi to shut the hell up, Brandi actually shut up. Eileen just shut her down. She is a boss!
  16. I guess it depends on what you mean by "whorish behavior" or promiscuity. If you notice, particularly on this show, the women are the ones referred to as "whores" or "sluts" while the men get a pass. That is slut shaming. It's holding women to a different standard. Look at Chuck from last season. Rather than being called out on his behavior, NeNe referred to Phaedra as the "Head Doctor" in high school, and they all just laughed and laughed. Chuck was never called out on his own sexual promiscuity. Men are "players" and women are "sluts". No, just no. Calling a woman a whore, simply because she has had multiple sex partners is simply not acceptable. A woman has the right to have sex without being vilified or slut shamed. It's the lowest form of an insult, because it says that a woman who embraces and enjoys her sexuality should be ashamed and mocked. Especially when men are not held to the same standards. And, in this group, whoa boy are men not held to the same standards. I guess, for me, I don't know why anyone needs to be called out on their sexual choices. Isn't my business as long as they are responsible about it.
  17. She lives on a ranch outside of Austin. I don't see her ever doing a reality show. She moved to TX to raise her daughter away from Hollywood, just around the time she was making it big, so I just can't see her as the famewhore type. Yup, that had me do a double take. Er, huh? Oh well, it's E!Online, where they routinely report on the "fabulous" Kardashians.
  18. I wasn't branding her for life. I was pointing out that someone who used her body to make money (the video) shouldn't be over there giggling about another woman being called a whore. I don't care what a woman does with her body. She can sleep with whomever she chooses and with however many men she wants. Just like I don't care if a woman shakes her booty in a video. I just don't like hypocrisy. I believe Phaedra claimed to have seen the texts that proved Kenya was going after Apollo, so she not only backed up her husband, she also lied.
  19. I don't think I can take this show anymore. Apparently, the worst insult to a woman is what she does with her vagina. Can we all agree that these women have sex? Okay, then. Move the fuck on. Jeebus. I agreed with Claudia. Porsha shouldn't be over there giggling while she found notoriety shaking her booty and then married a wealthy football star. I can't even get into the other women, because it just pisses me off. NeNe can miss me with her, "Oh, I apologize for calling you a whore. Come to my Broadway premier!"
  20. I dunno. I feel like her detractors are giving her way more credit than she deserves. Or, maybe I'm just a big ole dummy, cuz ya know pink makes everything better? I was blinded by her "chartreuse" cleavage. A British accent and cleavage makes me kinda stupid.
  21. I gotta say, even if half her hair is real, I want to know her secret. I'm a white woman in my 40's, and I want to go to there. If she follows through, this is probably a smart move. Much smarter than a second rate modelling agency, d-list work-out video, and shoulder-less blouses.
  22. You know, I'm glad you mentioned this. Reading many of the comments, I thought maybe I had missed something, because I never saw Lisa trashing Max. I do think she has a tendency to brag a bit too much about Pandora, which maybe gives the impression that, because she doesn't brag about Max, she is trashing him. After seeing her conversation with Max, he does seem to be a bit entitled. I have to say that it rubbed me the wrong way when she mentioned that Max was not her biological son, but she followed it up by saying that all children are different, so I didn't get the feeling she was blaming genetics. The more I think about it, the more I think she was responding to a question. I base this solely on what she said after she asked the question. Nothing she said after posing the question implied that she believed it was because he was adopted. In addition, if you watch Lisa in her talking heads, she tends to ask a question, then answer it. It's her style. If anything, I think her TH shows that she isn't this all knowing manipulative chess player that she is painted to be. No matter how you slice it, what she said was pretty dumb and in no way seemed calculated to improve her image.
  23. Yup. The Brandi/Kyle fight happens at Eileen's poker party. I only know this because the WWHL ep with LisaR, Andy showed an extended clip and mentioned that it happened at Eileen's home during poker night. I have to believe the wine tasting happened first because Kyle and Brandi seemed to be getting along at that point. After the shoving match, I don't see them being friends. Just watching that clip (fight), I have to say that all 3 seemed to be acting like assholes. Kim was obnoxious, Kyle was relentless, and Brandi should have stayed out of it. I honestly can't tell who was originally at fault when things got physical. Did Kyle grab Brandi's arm and when Brandi swung it away, it knocked Kyle back? Or, did Kyle grab Brandi's arm, which set off Brandi, causing her to shove Kyle? If it's the former, than I can't really blame Brandi. If it's the latter, then, while I don't think Kyle should have put her hands on Brandi, shoving her was completely uncalled for.
  24. That's what it looked like to me. Brandi is walking and kinda blocking Kyle, so Kyle grabs her arm and it looks like whatever Brandi was carrying went flying. Brandi says something like, "Don't touch me!" and shoves her pretty hard. It looked like Kyle almost fell.
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