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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. They are all doing it. Not just Katherine. It's what happens when listening to someone who lies outrageously. Ashley is not ok.
  2. Yes, I have never heard of friendships ending over creative differences.
  3. I think he gets along great with actors. Not so much with the people in charge. And, it sounds like it was more than money. As was mentioned, he did Hannibal on a relatively small budget. In fact, most of his work has been for network television. I think it is because Gaiman wasn't happy, so he is gone. He won't last a season with Anne Rice. If he thought Gaiman was difficult... I will definitely give the second season a chance. Fuller is a genius, but I can see where the network would want something with more mass appeal. I just wish someone would bring back "Pushing Daisies".
  4. A video of her drinking and smoking pot while pregnant? Do tell. If there is video of her drinking and smoking pot while not pregnant, then bfd.
  5. To quote an awesome Geico commercial, "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works." Substance abuse is not a one size fits all. Mental illness is still viewed as a moral failing, not a medical condition. Thus, self medication, because who wants to be labeled crazy? Had Kathryn been diagnosed with cancer, nobody would bat an eye if she smoked pot. Or, took too many xanax. She is in pain, after all.
  6. How? She is on tv, so that's the price. If people are revealing her address, then that is not ok.
  7. She went off her meds and part of her diagnosis was anxiety. She was probably prescribed xanax and an anti-depressant. Most anti-depressants take over 6 weeks to begin working, so the xanax was used to level her. Chemically, her body was adjusting to the new meds. She seemed lucid, yet slurred early on. That is normal, especially if it had been less than a month. I have a lot of sympathy for her. My mother went through the exact same thing. Diagnosed with depression, went off her meds after 6 months because "she felt better", then turned into someone I didn't recognize. Even worse than she was before the meds.
  8. So, if one goes to school, they are capable? There are no bad teachers, police officers, doctors, politicians, etc, because they went to school or were trained?
  9. She admitted on twitter that they went out 3 times about 5 years ago. Article with screenshot: 2016/07/jennifer-snowden-admits-dating-thomas-ravenel/ Tweet from 2016 says she went out with him 3 times 3 years ago. Weirdest part is she starts by saying she didn't want to.
  10. That's a reach. More like a slam against men who sexualize the nursing profession. What does a perfectly capable nurse look like?
  11. So, she dated TRav about 4 years ago (according to her)while she was with her boyfriend of 10-15 years? She is, what, 35? That doesn't sound right. Why refuse to answer Andy's question regarding whether they hooked up? If a friend accused me of sleeping with her ex, you better believe I'd shut that DOWN if I was innocent.
  12. Maybe she didn't lie, but it does sound as if she slept with TRav while still being a friend and confidant to Kathryn. Maybe not "a lie", but it is shady as hell. Especially if Katherine opened up to her, believing her to be a friend, only to find out that Jennifer would use it against her in court. I don't know exactly what happened, but just reading between the lines, it does seem like Jennifer isn't quite as innocent as she likes to portray.
  13. Love. You. I was sitting here shaking, trying to decide how to respond. You, my lady, are a champion.
  14. Uh, no. Not every woman who is a wife and mother would be thrilled to be sent off to the country with no friends while their husband comes home every night after socializing and partying. I saw no evidence that Thomas curbed his lifestyle once he became a father, and he is 50. Cha-ching! Another $1.25. Few more posts and I can buy a coffee...
  15. This. I had a friend who was a nurse. She smoked meth regularly. My ex sister in law is a nurse and she smokes pot. I doubt they drug test very often. Btw, meth is a scary drug. We had no idea how much this friend used until she accused my fiance of renting an apartment across the street just to spy on her. Apparently he took the bus so she wouldn't see his car. We couldn't reason with her. She was still a nurse at the time. I have no idea if she is still nursing. As you can imagine, we didn't remain friends.
  16. Seriously. She obviously isn't paying much because it isn't like posters here are kissing her ass. Just appreciating her progress once she broke away from a toxic gaslighting asshole. There. I just earned my $1.25.
  17. The last sentence is gold, Jerry. Gold! Just the best post.
  18. FYI, for anyone who missed "Dead North", ID is re-airing all four episodes on 6/19 beginning at 11 am CST.
  19. What? When? I do think it is odd that David pled guilty and got 3 years probation for battery. I wouldn't take Shannon's word that nothing happened. It is shockingly common for women in abusive relationships to make excuses or accept blame. Not defending Vickie. She obviously brought it up to hurt Shannon, not out of concern.
  20. That is exactly what happened. The judge found the claim frivolous and awarded attorney fees. Basically, it was a warning shot. Don't try to pull this shit again because it will cost you. His income claim is also bullshit. He owns a company. Any decent CPA knows how to file earnings vs income with the IRS. He says he made a measly $1 million? Probably pocketed 3 times that annually.
  21. This is so true. I waited tables while in college. The money is great but every damn day I wanted to quit. Once I got out, I swore I would never go back, no matter how badly I needed a job. It's also why I tip well, even when I have bad service. Server is making $3 an hour and probably takes abuse daily. And yes, in my experience, the people with money are usually the worst.
  22. Why? Why can we only "love" a post one time? This is everything.
  23. I thought he said" the north", not California. Considering SoCal is further south than Charleston, I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about geography. Yessir, the south shall rise again in white mom jeans. Ashley and TRav deserve each other.
  24. No surprise there. He also got a call from Michael Cohen warning him to get out of Trump Tower due to the fire, while other residents had no idea. That's some shady shit.
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