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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. This. I am not looking forward to Brandi's version of "I'm a good person, but if it weren't for that manipulative Lisa..." story line. Own your behavior. Let me first say, of all the women, I hate Lisa the least. However, she really needs to stop with the victim act. I think she was wronged last season, and I believe that the majority of viewers were on her side. So, rise the fuck above it Lisa and go back to being the diva who doesn't give a damn what these women say. If she wants Kyle to move on, then she needs to move on as well.
  2. OMG! I saw that ep. The woman's mother took her side over her own granddaughter. I think it really showed how psychopaths are very good at convincing people that they are the wronged and innocent party. This seems to be the path Apollo is on right now. The man took my money! How am I gonna live when I get out of the pokey? Poor, poor Apollo. Phaedra made him pay some bills, what was he supposed to do???? Him whining about being forced to pay one mortgage payment was especially laughable, considering he had admitted to paying thousands a night at the strip clubs.
  3. I think this is exactly the problem with Apollo's lies. No matter that he has admitted to lying, there will always be people out there who believe it. It's the reason what he did was so insidious. I have no doubt he lied, simply because that is what the man does. He lies. Last season, Kenya pretty much got Apollo to admit that he was, in part, lying. She has shown proof that she wasn't even in L.A. when he claims all of this happened. But, once something like this is out there, it's really hard to reel it back in. I think he confessed because he knew it would end up hurting Phaedra, which seems to be his top priority right now.
  4. My problem is that even the "good" cops stood around and did nothing while so many were victimized. How much can you trust someone who does nothing in that situation? So, yes, I found their trust in Bob 2 incredibly dumb.
  5. Things I learned from this episode. Despite everything, Rick and company are still stupid. I assume Noah told them about the men at the hospital continuously raping the female patients. But, hey! They found Bob 2, the one good guy! Dafuck? As a poster said on page one, why didn't they take the cop's bullet proof vests? Father Gabriel is an idiot. Save the cross? Why? So you can hang yourself on it? And, I get that Michonne was trying to get through to him, but save it for someone who isn't a complete hyprocrite.The guy cares more about his stupid church and symbols than he did about actual, ya know, people. Abraham is worthless. At this point, Father Abraham would make a better fighter. I have zero interest in Abe's whiny ass pain. Whoopy-de-doo, he took the water. Maggie, who has lost her entire family (save Beth, who apparently doesn't exist) should have put a bullet in his head. Tara, Rosita, and Glenn were the only characters I enjoyed in this ep. They were actually smart, by filtering water (thanks, Eugene), and figuring out how to fish. Maybe they should just keep walking with their yo-yo, fish, and filtered water.
  6. Has Lisa really been talking about her all that much? I know she talked briefly about the slap and their friendship, but Brandi makes it sound like Lisa has been all over social media talking about her.
  7. That's the way I see it. I don't think Lisa was ever going to be friends with Brandi, but decided to be cordial. Something must happen this season to make Lisa realize even being cordial toward Brandi isn't possible.
  8. This is what I always thought about the situation. It was never meant to be offensive, yet Camille took it that way.
  9. Here is the entire conversation. Brandi brought up the tabloids. Lisa did say "without smoke there's fire" when Yolanda was struggling with the right term. However, in context, Lisa was not the person alluding to the tabloid's being true. The first thing Lisa says is to ignore it and that she doesn't believe it. It was Yolanda and Brandi who hinted it may be true. http://m.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-4/blogs/kyle-richards/brandi-can-do-no-wrong?page=0,3 Somehow, this became about Lisa playing puppet master to Brandi and Yolanda. I might, MIGHT buy that she manipulated Brandi. But Yolanda? Please.
  10. I dunno. Deflects uncomfortable situations with humor? I just remember hearing it and thinking, "Wow. That was pretty harsh." I don't know what I kinder phrase would be in that situation.
  11. Yes, Lisa did defend Kyle several times at the reunion. In fact, I remember thinking that Camille was using Kim as an example of Kyle's "bullying" to make herself look better. Lisa wasn't having it. I think this is probably why Lisa was so hurt by Kyle in season 2. I've never known what to think about Camille's allegations against Kyle. She was so insistent, but I can't imagine anyone being stupid enough to say something like that.
  12. That isn't what happened. Kyle said Lisa preys on the weak the same season as Game Night, so it was said long before fan reaction to game night. In addition, Lisa became close to Brandi during the Hawaii trip, so this also happened before Lisa knew what the fan reaction would be to game night. In fact, Lisa had not yet seen the game night fiasco during the time of filming. Season 2 was game night, Lisa preys on the weak, the ambush of Lisa at her tea party, and the beginning of Lisa's friendship with Brandi. This all happened long before fans had seen the show. ETA: Kyle said that Lisa preys on the weak even before she became close with Brandi. It was said early in the season.
  13. The first time I saw the slap, it was without sound, and I agree. It looked like a stage slap or a re-enactment. Nothing more than a tap. Then, when I saw it on Bravo, I was surprised at the loud "slap" sound. The force did not match the sound at all.
  14. Oy vey. Kyle and Kim mocked Lisa's fainting and health problems. Kyle said that Lisa preys on the weak. She said absolutely nothing when Adrienne made the tabloid accusations. She never apologized for any of these statements. Not once. I never really saw her acknowledge that the things she said were hurtful. In season 3, Lisa tried to explain to Kyle why she was hurt. Rather than acknowledging Lisa's feelings, she went on about how she felt at the time. Lisa apologized for the statements she made about Mauricio. Tit for tat can be argued ad nauseam. This is why Lisa said they just need to move on and start over. They can continue to demand apologies for every hurtful thing each has done to the other or just move forward. But, Kyle still felt the need to whine about the fact that Lisa can't admit fault. She can't seem to accept that she has done things to hurt Lisa as well. Lisa seems to understand that neither of them will be able to give the other what they want, so it's time to just move on. Unfortunately, Kyle can't seem to let it go. At this point, I'm just over the "Lisa can't admit fault" storyline these women seem obsessed with at the moment.
  15. The thing is, I think Lisa has aged well. I remember seeing her in rehearsals for DWTS. She was wearing very little makeup and dressed to work out. She looked absolutely gorgeous and youthful. It's her clothing choices and the pounds of makeup that she wears that ages her. If she would tone down the makeup, get a new hairstyle and not dress like a soap opera diva from the 80's she would shave about 10 years off of her age. I feel the same way about Kyle. She is actually very slim and tiny, but she insists on wearing clothes that don't fit her properly, so she ends up looking chubby. She seems to be dressing a bit better, so hopefully she has learned to wear better fitting clothes.
  16. Speaking as someone with a flat ass, the ass and thighs tend to kinda merge. But, most people with flat asses understand that and wear clothing that covers more than an inch of their butt.
  17. That's how I remembered it. He didn't seem nearly as angry about the incident as he did when with Adrienne being attacked. So, I couldn't really blame Lisa for doubting their motives. He certainly never got in Camille's face and yelled at her like he did with Brandi.
  18. Lawd, I hope I don't have to sit through several episodes about how Lisa can never admit she's wrong and never apologizes. Jeebus, none of these women ever admit fault. I'm with Lisa, move the fuck on and let it go. Everybody behaved like an asshole last season. I like that Lisa R has a sense of humor about her career. She has always seemed like a pretty cool chick. I like a person who can laugh at themselves.
  19. I agree. This was Kyle's show and Lisa became popular and got the spin-off. Their attitude toward Lisa changed dramatically between season 1 and season 2. It was jarring. Look, I don't think Lisa is lily white. I just find hypocrisy irritating. And, that's what I see with this cast.
  20. Agree to disagree. From what I saw, Adrienne was willing to use her children in her fight against Paul. Paul was the trigger, not her children. Or, are you saying that you believe Paul was abusive toward Adrienne and their children? Otherwise, nope, Adrienne used her children for her own selfish ends. From where I'm looking, Adrienne had no problem using the tabloids when it benefited her needs. So, her accusations against Lisa came off as the pot calling the kettle black.
  21. I will give you Yolanda. I honestly believe that she believes her shit doesn't stink and what you see is what you get. Just because someone doesn't realize they are an ass doesn't mean they should be admired for, well, being an ass. I have no problem believing that most of these women are putting on an act. But, if they aren't, so what? Kyle, Kim, Taylor, Adrienne, Brandi and Yolanda come off as pretty terrible. If that is the real them, then I'm not about to give them credit for displaying their awfulness. Keeping it real isn't an excuse for being insufferable.
  22. How could I forget? Camille was pretty awful to Kyle in season 1. What was Mauricio's response to Kyle? He wanted her to do whatever was necessary to fix it. He never went after Camille in defense of his own wife. But, Adrienne? Suddenly he was her White Knight.
  23. I really had no problem with her going after Mauricio, mainly because I find him to be incredibly slimey. It's all about perception, obviously. I just don't find him to be genuine and after season 3, I was inclined to agree with Lisa's assessment of him. His defense of Adrienne seemed over the top and, well, a bit odd. I guess I would have less of a problem had he even made an effort to defend Lisa against Adrienne's allegations. From what I understand, Kyle and Lisa have known each other for years. Kyle and Mauricio admitted at the reunion that they were not close with Adrienne and don't really speak with her.
  24. From Brandi thread, in reply to PhilMarlow2 I think they all tried to manipulate their image, and the jealousy comes from Lisa's ability to do it well. I have no illusions when it comes to anyone in this cast, so I can't fault Lisa for being better at the game. If anything, I find it entertaining. They are all selling an image, and I find their hatred of Lisa's ability to do it better ridiculous. There is just no way Lisa is the only cast member who is working behind the scenes. But, the rest of the cast has done a bang up job trying to sell that image of Lisa. Unfortunately, they came off as jealous and petty in the process.
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