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Everything posted by dmeets

  1. Sounds like TA went from Team America to Team Allison
  2. PLEASE Cody and Caleb, catch a clue and one of you win Veto at Final 4. The only thing worse to me than Frankie winning $500K+TA winnings to date is him winning $550K+TA winnings to date. Because unless Derrick throws everything and leaves it up to Frankie, I can't see him winning the jury vote by actively taking Frankie to the end thus betraying Cody at some point in the process. Edit: Wait, now I'm confused. So now if either of them wins they automatically win an extra 50k? Why does Derrick care about the bonus if he doesn't win it? If that's true, then Frankie and Derrick automatically are eligible for a larger prize than the others because they won a popularity contest within the first couple weeks of the show. Wow.
  3. Oh wonderful... almost as bad as the conspiring to hand Dick the prize by forcing Eric to vote in favor of the Donatos. So now the only hope is the 0.0000000000000001% chance that Derrick and Frankie somehow blow the cover, Cody catches a clue, wins veto and saves Victoria. Yeah, I could barely type that with a straight face.
  4. I'm sad about Eva's father's cancer, but it's pretty gross that Eva's using that to join her family in browbeating Jonathan into changing his religious beliefs for a ceremony that's purely for show anyways because they've been married for months. It clearly means a lot to Jonathan, so why does Eva's family get to make religion #1 while Jonathan is expected to make it #2? I'd be embarrassed for Nikki hiding nurses and medication if I thought John didn't actually know already.
  5. I refuse to like Franco and Nina together because if they catch on with viewers, then we'll be stuck with both of them on the show and I can't abide that. Especially because it felt for a second like we were this close to being rid of the serial killer. Not to mention I can't handle another round of Sonny/Carly. So no, Ron, I refuse to be sucked in by your attempt to keep Roger Howarth. You blew it when you decided to pull from one of All My Children's shittier storylines and "cut the bad out."
  6. Melanie's probable return makes me think Abby is heading for a major downfall. There's not enough room in Salem for two golden halos.
  7. I'm still shaking my head at "Evil Eve" and Poor Theresa. So Theresa hits a man on the back of the head with a poker and lets Brady, who she allegedly cares about, take the blame. But Eve is the demon spawn for blackmailing her (I presume) and making her do her bidding. Which is different from what Theresa did to JJ... somehow? The whole thing is ridiculous and I hope Kristen tears poor "I'm the good one" Theresa limb from limb. Shouldn't she be her #1 target for snaring her man? Ugh, just die Theresa. I can't get excited about Sami's revenge because I still think she'll get back with EJ in the end, which means she'll ultimately put all the blame and wrath on Abby.
  8. I was wondering why the hell Remy was the only one who seemed mortified by this while everyone else was like "Oh well, what can you do?" Valentina thinks he won't change his mind, so why bother trying? Uhh... cause otherwise your boyfriend's mother might die! She could have at least chewed him out or something. Sheesh. My guess as to the shooting... I think if there's only one hit, it's one of Zoila's men. (Both were there, right?) If it's Javier, he dies and if it's Pablo, he lives but Zoila has to take care of him. I think this because it's exactly what I don't want to happen. I can't imagine that Valentina is hit because that would mean Ty actually achieved a goal. I totally missed that Rosie's presumed dead husband is actually alive. When the Mexico scene came on, at first I thought another show came on by mistake, then I thought maybe it had something to do with Ethan. I couldn't even remember Ernesto's name so that scene seemed totally random until I read about it this morning.
  9. Haha, I'm afraid it's true. The card was a printout of the "Romeo and Juliet" law or something, that stated because they started seeing each other in high school when he was 17, that they're still allowed to have sex. He quoted the exact number of the statute. Which of course led to the obligatory "you know what happened to R+J, right?" quip from Wahlberg. Apparently, boyfriend made the card and had been keeping it in his wallet all along, in preparation for the inevitable confrontation with dad. Because who wouldn't?
  10. Wouldn't be surprised. I've kind of suspected from the beginning that Lucas is the spoiler to the Brad/Felix endgame. Way too much time was spent on the latter two before Lucas arrived. Why focus on the legacy character when you have two annoying newbies with endless one-liners? My guess? Re-Ron has Lucas take advantage of his injury to move in with one of the guys (OLTL's Nick, Kyle, Fish all over again)
  11. Theresa and EJ - I can't stop till they're good and dead.
  12. Wasn't Hillary a FOJ (Friend of Jill)? Thought I remember reading that while Jill was doing her part to run OLTL into the ground she was buddy-buddy with HBS, Cat Hickland and Laurence Lau. So I didn't take it as a dig on anyone so much as kissing Jill's ass.
  13. Was I supposed to feel sad for TC when he saw Jordan macking on what appeared to be a Madam Tussaud's statue of Scott Wolf? Because I couldn't give less of a shit about TC and his pain. But then, it turns out Jordan is an entitled asshole as well, so maybe she and TC deserve each other after all. I'm confused how Paul managed to get through med school, given his total incompetence and fear of blood. But I guess that He Cares About His Patients moment at the end makes it all good. Hopefully the Storm of Doom takes out TC, Jordan, and the interns.
  14. Yeah, my jaw dropped a bit after Kate said that with a straight face. Even though Nick and Gabi are both gone, looks like we're still going to hear about them non-stop for the foreseeable future. Ugh. Kristen and Eve can't get here fast enough.
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