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Everything posted by dmeets

  1. I think I'd just rather watch 43 minutes of Crystal and Sutton hat shopping.
  2. LOL, yeah Lisa and Doorit, better get Erika out of there before she goes and says something that gets you all subpoenaed to Chicago. Sheesh, what a liability that woman is. Sutton's expression at Kathy when she was scolding Kyle for cursing (right after Liability was throwing swear words left and right) was funny. It's like she was thinking "Kathleen Hilton don't you DARE derail this meltdown." Of course, Andy and Kyle were gloating during WWHL about Erika's "vindication"/"exoneration" in court, so I guess the reunion will be about rubbing it in Garcelle/Sutton/Crystal's faces while ignoring the other two dozen or so litigations pending.
  3. I am so not looking forward to once again hearing the high-pitched shrieking of "tres amigas!"
  4. Doorit and PK need to get on the same page. If she’s going to refer to PK’s incident as “alleged” he should probably stop working his DUI into every conversation. I’m glad the other women were cringing at the name Homeless Not Toothless. And why should I care that the never before seen Dr. Spermdonor got six surprises on 23 and Me?
  5. I'm annoyed that the editors chose not to show Crystal telling the women their detailed questions were getting too graphic and making her uncomfortable. Especially since Kyle declared she had every right to pry due to her own experience. Granted we then would have been subjected to three episodes of everyone criticizing her use of the word "graphic."
  6. I've got to believe PK meant he was 0.081 not 0.81. Otherwise there's no way the police would have driven him home. I still don't understand how he managed to get chauffered home by the police while his wife had to pick up the car. Much like their interaction outside Kyle's during the season premier, this DUI conversation seemed completely staged, to the point where I suspected Dorit was caressing the dog so as to prove "See? I LOVE animals, despite what LVP tried to portray me as." Kyle getting offended that Mo didn't tell her about the DUI right away was ridiculous. Was she mad she wasn't given an opportunity to spread gossip before the press got wind of it? Speaking of the press, I was offended that one of the news anchors referred to PK as "star of the Real Housewives." NO.
  7. That preview! Oooh Lisa, you’re so angry. Speaking of Lisa, I thought these episodes were filmed during the holidays. So what’s with the Halloween mask during one of her confessionals?
  8. But, but... she said she was vindicated in the press. That we don't even know if the victims never got paid. How can this beeeee? The reunion just got 10 times more interesting. Let's see how Andy still tries to spin last season as being unfair to Erika since she was never personally accused of any wrongdoing.
  9. ABC probably shit themselves that someone managed to win the $100,000 with Wiz Khalifa and Ty Dolla $ign and a three-round total score of 11-10.
  10. If Tamra, Heather, and Shannon are all on the outs with each other that might actually be kind of interesting. I'm assuming they'll each grab an ally from the other HW's: Gina for Heather, Alexis for Shannon, and I guess that leaves Emily for Tamra since she took over as group shit stirrer? May they all destroy each other. 😈
  11. Sutton is WAY too forgiving of Kyle, but I guess it helps when, unlike with Crystal, the rest of the cast isn’t drilling into her head what an awful person she is and pointing out how every non-Crystal incident has Kyle attacking Sutton. Now even physically attacking her as well. At first I thought Kyle was just hammered, but she recalled perfectly that she put it out there that we only have Sutton’s word that she suffered from miscarriages. I mean, Kyle was her landlord! How could Sutton have never mentioned that when giving her the rent check? I think Diana wins for biggest misrepresentation of a conversation I’ve ever seen on this show. What a mother fucker (don’t grab me, Kyle!) Uh oh, Diana is going to think I just accused her of incest. Ironically she’d have gotten the same righteous outrage from Lisa had she relayed the argument as it actually happened. Poor Jax. He seems like the sweetest kid too. He really did seem on the verge of tears and I have an awful feeling this isn’t the first time some rich white asshole cursed him out of the blue 🙁 At least Erika appears chagrined at how she spoke to him. Wonder if Garcelle is having second thoughts about that Kyle team-up now? So far I’m liking Sheree, curious if she’ll form any friendships with the others. Lisa was intentionally being a (gasp!) passive aggressive bitch about the mud to Sutton’s assistant. I wonder if any of the women know how to look up a weather forecast. Did production force Sutton to keep the party outside? It seems very out of character for her to not have had a contingency. I never hated Kyle before but her attitude really sucks this year. She’s gotten at least two popular foes to quit the show and all it’s ever cost was Teddi’s diamond (and Teddi is still a Fux Force loyalist anyways). I doubt she’s going anywhere so they need to cut at least half that clique (and preferably all three of Lisa, Erika and Door-it) after this season or she’s just going to keep getting worse.
  12. Looks like now that Crystal isn't involved in the drama, Kyle is back to ganging up on Sutton. Diana isn't a villain so much as a ridiculous brat. What grown-ass woman with adult children makes a sneering pouty face and goes "wah-wah-wah-wah" to someone? Sutton and Garcelle were clearly like "wtf is even happening right now." Garcelle had been getting on my nerves lately with her Kyle alliance to give Crystal the second season hazing, but she did make me laugh when Erika kept slurring "I TOLD YOU" and said in her TH something like "actually, she never told me that."
  13. I can see her having a soft spot for Sutton. I definitely think she doesn't hate her like Erika and now Lisa do. I think she's going along with Sutton attacks as part of the Fox Force 5 (-1) pact. A couple years ago, before they all became a united front against Denise, there seemed to be an early attempt by Door-it, Erika and Lisa to take down Kyle and Teddi. Kyle likely senses that with LVP, she has a target on her back by anyone who wants to try to make a power play for Queen Bee of the show. So she probably is agreeing to the Sutton group attacks but wouldn't be her first choice. Especially since she has to know by this point that Sutton is the new LVP in the sense that majority of the fans currently like and dislike the housewives based on their attitude towards Sutton (see: Crystal). Speaking of Crystal, there's someone Kyle can't stand imo. Comparing her treatment of the two -- she's been critical of things Sutton has said, and told her as much, as opposed to her much more personal attacks on Crystal's character which so far on the show Crystal seems unaware of.
  14. The animation style for the new Puss in Boots is throwing me off. Almost seems direct to video quality. Is it a stylistic choice, or were they given a barebones budget?
  15. It was nice to see the non-fox force trio getting along, though I'm a pleasantly surprised there doesn't appear to be any lingering resentment (so far) between Garcelle and Crystal. Garcelle's reaction during Erika's declaration that "are doctor's wife supposed to care about their husband's patients?" might be even more impressive than Crystal staying stoic last year while trying to have a conversation with a face roller. "I've never thought about it that way..." when you know Garcelle was dying to add "... like a sociopath." Was it Kyle's idea to play and rock out to XXpen$ive [sic]? I fail to understand why she's so chummy with Erika, whereas Sutton and Crystal are horrible people in her eyes. I was on Diana's side regarding the argument with Sutton at dinner last week, but her grudge is a bit OTT now. If her attitude is one strike and you're out, then she's going to be feuding with the entire cast by the time of the next girls trip. You knew Erika was blitzed to near unconsciousness when she didn't even make any sexually suggestive remarks to the guy giving the safety spiel before setting sail.
  16. Garcelle, even if Crystal hadn't folded in over herself as she realized she'll always have her feelings and words 100% dissected and that she has zero true friends in the group, you were still ganging up on her. I liked Garcelle a hell of a lot better when she hated Kyle and Lisa. I can't stand their alliance to destroy Crystal. Kyle and the Fux Force "5" obviously benefit from a feud, but Garcelle's setting herself and Sutton up for a group takedown once she and Kyle are done pecking at Crystal's carcass and the FF5 regroup to continue where they started the season off. But in the meantime she'll be annoyed to hell by anyone who inserts themselves into the wish-hard-enough-and-it-will-come-true Crystal vs. Sutton "feud"... unless it's herself, Kyle, or anyone who's anti-Crystal. I'm guessing neither of the shit stirrers will feel the need to inform Crystal about all this trashing of her character the way they feel it's their responsibility to keep everyone up to date on all things Sutton-related. Apart from the GaslightGate bullshit, it was funny seeing Sutton light up at the idea of building a full service bar outside her store. Assuming it passed city ordinances, It would be a superior alternative to man-chairs.
  17. This reminded me, probably the best moment of the movie, which wasn't even part of the movie. In my theater after the previews when they usually do one last advertisement for the theater before starting the movie, the sound was working but there was no picture. As someone realized and stopped the audio to quickly correct the issue, while we were all briefly sitting and waiting in the dark someone in the audience yelled out "Uhh, there will be dinosaurs... in this dinosaur movie?" Probably says a lot that that was one of the highlights.
  18. She sicced all of the dinos on Owen rather than Barry (either because she was too close to Barry or she was just getting petty revenge against Owen and Claire). So I assume he just took her in without any further trouble. How DID Dodgson manage to retrieve that can, anyways? I can't imagine he got it in time for the embryos to have still been viable (the can would preserve them for 2-3 days IIRC). I wonder if he just kept it around to remind himself to be the same ruthless bastard he was nearly 30 years ago. Definitely fitting that he was taken out the same way as Nedry. I'm not upset about it, but I am a bit surprised that with such a large group by the end, all the good guys survived (aside from Barry's teammates).
  19. JD got on my nerves with the commentary he gave with each reveal: "Sorry Izzy but it's your turn to go" (turns out it wasn't). And a couple of similar instances (I forgot what he said before his Kelly vote at F4) where he gave some cocky one-liner yet his pick almost never got the most votes. Who did he think he was, Richard Hatch? At least Richard actually successfully voted people out. The judge was bitter that she thought she got voted out because she was a judge, yet said she voted for Izzy because she dislikes magicians. Okay then, Judge Judgy.
  20. The only thing lamer than a game show proposal supposedly done on the condition of finishing the course and only after taking your shirt off in victory, is to be the second guy of the night to give a proposal supposedly done on the condition of finishing the course only to have it get the While You Were Away treatment.
  21. dmeets

    Scream Franchise

    Well this is some bullshit; Neve Campbell not returning over salary dispute Good for her though, telling the studio to shove it. I hope they don't kill her off, there can be other reasonable explanations for her not being around.
  22. The considerate kind who also leave their victim’s cell phone by the front gate. Or maybe the kind hired by PK to collect insurance money. One of the two. TBD. 🤷‍♂️
  23. Even Rinna had a look on her face like, oh shit, did she really just go there?
  24. Crystal just learned that Garcelle has no use for her. I can't tell if Garcelle is stirring the pot on behalf of production, threatened by Sutton getting closer to Crystal, or helping the Fux Force go after Crystal to take the heat off Sutton. Garcelle doesn't like when the women talk about Sutton behind her back, yet she chose a moment Sutton wasn't around to rehash the original source of the Sutton/Crystal feud. Crystal knew she was about to be policed again on her words, and sure enough, Garcelle went after her minutes later. I think Crystal's biggest problem is that she's not quite as articulate as she thinks she is. I was completely on her side regarding her use of "violated" but "dark" is more nebulous since we don't know the comment that was said. I don't think Crystal meant to say that exactly, but Garcelle had just called her a schemer so I think she was just trying to defend her comment to Sutton based on how the conversation last year was going (which if I recall was Kyle and Crystal having a discussion about race which Sutton inserted herself into by trying to shut down in its entirety. I wouldn't at all be surprised if that scene had been heavily edited considering how jarring it was when Sutton started ranting about "we don't talk about this, this is not who I am"). Interestingly, Sutton kind of seemed to me like she immediately knew what Crystal was alluding to, once Kyle and Garcelle tag teamed to get a reaction. While they seem to have an alliance in driving a wedge between the new friendship, Kyle and Garcelle appear to have two very different motives -- Garcelle seemed to want to take down Crystal, while Kyle wanted Sutton to make a scene and sabotage her own party. I love how frustrated Kyle got when Sutton deprived her of the meltdown she wanted. Unfortunately the preview looks like the plan might start to work in Mexico. I'm now more than 50% convinced the home invasion was either staged or wildly exaggerated. Door-it is now milking this, and gets very put out whenever someone does anything that doesn't put Door-it first. "She's got a lot of nerve saying 'trigger' and 'safe space'." "How dare she have media present without running it by me first."
  25. Wow to that MPK interview: "Blinded out of fear or terror...what everybody’s concerned about is a nonbinary stand-up comic in the present day.” In other words if you hate Che you're probably a bigot. What a gaslighting prick.
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