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Everything posted by dmeets

  1. What’s a Sheree? Is that someone’s new tequila brand?
  2. It certainly cut Door-it to her core more than hearing Erika throw f bombs at a 14-year old. Kyle, stop acting like an “overdramatic millennial.” Oh that’s right you’re allowed. At least she got her hug from daddy at the end. Gag.
  3. Interesting how the number of likes gets halved each time between Garcelle and Crystal and Kyle. Wonder why that could be 😄
  4. Nothing, not even physical manhandling, is worse than quietly unfollowing someone on SM. Those kind of middle school antics have no place amongst the "evolved" members of the Fox Force 5 4.
  5. I'm glad Crystal pointed out (paraphrasing) that Kyle is only capable of empathy if she can relate. - Door-it's break-in? Kyle had one too, so only Kyle gets to gatekeep everyone's reactions (even though Sutton's reaction was odd, but at least she apologized) - Crystal's eating disorder? Kyle had one too, so she gets to weigh in and critique how Crystal is handling it. - Erika's drunken behavior culminating in cursing out a 14-year old? It wasn't Kyle's kid, so Erika's just letting loose, it should be celebrated! - Garcelle calling out Erika's drunken behavior? Kyle knows alcoholism thanks to Kim, so only Kyle gets to diagnose when there's a problem. - Diana suffered a miscarriage, and Sutton admits she's also had a couple? Kyle hasn't so who is Sutton to make it all about her, she's probably making it up anyways. But Sutton don't you dare insult Diana. Kyle justifying her grabbiness because that's just how she is was gross. It's not like she actually left a bruise so get off her back and let's get back to screaming at Crystal about being a lying liar who lies. Since Kathy's about to come out, guess Erika gets a pass for the drunken behavior and what she said to Jax, and Door-it and Kyle get a pass for defending that behavior which even Erika regretted. And looks like Lisa gets a pass for Sutton coming with proof that she bought the tickets. Instead Andy made sure to bring up that Sutton mentioned it in the first place (only adding context later in the discussion) yet no mention that Lisa admitted that she'd made up Harry's hurt over the insufficient thanks for the sauce. But let's spend several minutes in the dressing rooms with everyone disliking Crystal. Kathy's coming out and Lisa knows she's fucked. I love it. I don't love that her position on the show seems secure at this point.
  6. To deflect from her alliance’s bad behavior. That and she blames Crystal for bringing up the earrings which got Erika to implode which got Lisa and Erika to turn the attention onto Kathy. Also possible she wants Crystal canned (which she probably will be) to make room for one of the “14” of Kyle’s friends/Crystal’s ex-friends who auditioned for Crystal’s spot. I’m glad Crystal is no longer afraid to challenge the Fux Force and refuses to let Kyle steamroll her. It’s too bad Sutton and Garcelle appear to be over her, which I find annoying since they both apparently still like Kyle. Since at this point it looks the Fux Force is staying intact for next season, it’d have been nice to have a bigger balance instead of 4 vs 2.
  7. Late to posting since I took a drink every time they said MEGA LEG and woke up 40 hours later. Killer Fatigue and haven’t even left the continent yet. I have to believe Sharik lied about her age to get on the show and is actually 16, because she was irritating as hell to listen to. Luis plays to the camera every chance he gets and is getting in my nerves. I hoped he actually would eat some of the food and have to redo the detour. Dom must’ve really been annoying to the other teams since nobody even considered clueing her in that in fact they were not all artistic prodigies who had created intricate sculptures in under an hour. Not that I blame them. I haven’t watched Big Brother since Boogie won All -Stars so I’ll take everyone’s word that Derek is great. So far though I haven’t been impressed. He strikes me as a passive aggressive meltdown waiting to happen if they continue moving down the leader board.
  8. Apparently he was referring to Crystal and "dark" I was hoping it'd be Lisa busted over the Elton John table but now I'm wondering if that'll even be addressed at all.
  9. Since Andy led the pile-on (maybe to discredit Crystal for when/if they talk about Erika’s tirade, I’ll truly be shocked if Crystal is even invited back next season. Clearly she’s who Andy referred to when he said in last weeks WWHL with Sutton that the biggest liar would be exposed at the reunion part 1.
  10. Seems like Diana’s officially been inducted into the Fox Force Five. Too bad it won’t save her ass from getting shit-canned.
  11. Looks like Crystal’s getting fired along with Diana. Andy and Kyle HATE her to a shocking degree. Probably because she committed the two sins of confronting Erika over the necklace and refusing to back Lisa over Kathy. Interestingly I thought the flashback to the “dark” comment supported what Crystal was saying. She referred to things said not a specific thing. But just like last year, the one thing that unites the cast is that Crystal isn’t allowed to express an opinion. Diana’s book has saved countless lives apparently. I hoped Andy’s promise that the biggest lie of the season would be exposed meant Lisa would get called out over the Elton table. Should’ve known he was just talking about helping Kyle deflect and protect her alliance by taking down Crystal. Don’t Crystal and Sutton comprehend that KYLE is the gatekeeper of feelings and forgiveness? Door-it was looking rough as she was grilling Crystal about being offended by her gossiping about the purging. Or maybe I’m just biased because I thought Door-it was utterly full of shit for her “how dare you!” response.
  12. Kyle how dare you forgive Kathy? If you let it go and make Lisa let it go then she will get SICK with CANCER and DIE! Is that what you want Kyle? How black hearted can you be? How was everyone able to contain their laughter until the talking head interviews? They all should have all busted out laughing the moment those two got into the car and left. The terrible two even had me cheering on the fucking morally corrupt Faye Resnick. I can’t with this shit. Is this the world we live in?? Oh and shut the fuck up, Door-it. Someone’s terrified of the alliance crumbling. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if I read about the Kemsleys accused of insurance fraud by next season. No preview of the reunion? It must have really been a shit show.
  13. So sounds like Shannon went groveling back to the amigas. 😒 Cancer scammer being back means I probably won't be.
  14. She totally had that same look on her face while she was typing that out. Gross.
  15. I agree. Doorit and PK are going to have a handful with that one in a few years. Good.
  16. My tolerance for Lisa Rinna on the show completely ran out when Eileen stopped making guest appearances to join her at lunches or parties. Now? This black-hearted, gaslighting, soulless, UNchic, melting wax faced, smug lipped shithead just gives me "PTSD"
  17. Interesting contrast between Kyle getting aggressive and loud "You can't say that!!" when Sutton called Diana soulless, but not a peep when Lisa referred to Kathy as a black-hearted gaslighter in need of psychiatric care who uses dying friends as an excuse to misbehave. She (and Garcelle to be fair) waved a banner about how bullshit it is that Crystal clams up and shrinks into herself when there's conflict or an attack on her, yet she displays that same behavior, which is so opposite to how alive she becomes when she's inserting herself into other people's drama. I really hope next week's previews aren't a misdirect and that the FF5 4 finally cracks in half for good.
  18. Lisa misuses the word “gaslight” even more than Dorit misuses “chic” and “luxury” combined. Between all the talk of gaslighting and black hearts, I can’t figure out how lightning didn’t strike her during that setup. At least Kathy saw through it and disengaged. Hopefully Kyle is waking up to what a liability associating with Lisa Rinna is. Zero chance that Kathy lumped Sutton and Crystal, her friend and neighbor of years pre-dating the show, and said they were useless and should be fired. But that does sound exactly like something Lisa and Erika would say. Interesting. Glad neither Sutton nor Crystal are buying any of this. “Victim” is Erika’s trigger word and makes her fly into a blind rage. Narcissistic sociopath says what?
  19. Because spending nearly a week in Aspen together drove her to homicidal fantasies?
  20. Just like how she revealed her true thoughts on the "victims" in Aspen, Erika continues to spill more than she'd planned to. Her threat that she has dirt on everyone may confirm some people's suspicions as to why the FF5 is so ride or die with Erika. At least, to me it confirms it's an alliance built of fear rather than true friendship. And she seemed to be pretty much admitting that she (and by extension the rest of F*x Force) would be using whatever Kathy said that night to get the heat off of Erika and her tantrums.
  21. So it’s a private club so cameras were conveniently not available to film Kathy’s rant. Ok fine. But per Lisa, it got worse in the van, and then worse at Kyle’s, and STILL no mics or cameras? Uh huh. I noticed she threw in the “she threatened all of us”, similar to how Kyle and Brandi were able to get Teddi, Erika and Lisa to fully turn on Denise by throwing in all the insults she’d said about them. The thing with Sheree and the card was a very poorly acted bit. I felt second hand embarrassment for Garcelle having to play along.
  22. Door-it can’t even contain her glassware snobbery at a pizza parlor. Kyle refuses to let anyone brush anything under the rug… unless it directly involves her. Big Kathy really did a number on her girls. All of them have the emotional maturity of a middle schooler. Rinna and Erika play them like a fiddle. Of course she brought the earrings with her to Aspen right as the story hit the press. And of course she wore them the next day in defiance to Garcelle, Crystal, and the “alleged [sic] victims.”
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