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Everything posted by xander874

  1. I give up trying to figure out who the killer is. Assuming there is not yet another accomplice and it is indeed the tub baby, all the Chanels are in the clear after the mall attack. Zayday's clear because the kidnapping thing would make no sense otherwise. Dean and Daddy are clear cause they aren't the tub baby. Chad just doesn't work on so many levels. Which leaves Pete and Grace as the only "regulars" it could be. So, it's either them or a random character from the past. Personally, I would love Candle Girl to have faked her death. Or maybe it was Chanel's predecessor. We did see the Red Devil present in her attack and maybe it was a setup. As for this episode, I thought it was mostly filler. The pool scene would've been better if the Dean was actually a serious candidate as the murderer. I have a feeling I'm gonna be disappointed at the resolution next week. Which considering who is behind this show, should not be a surprise.
  2. My big moment was Greg's mom was played by Hope from Thirtysomething. Love random 80s actors popping up on shows. And she was good. I hope we see her again. I wished they had gotten Ken Olin to play the stepdad. The Christmas song was silly and fluff but a good way to end the first batch of episodes. I loved that we got the cast together for a song. I would've liked to see the little boy from the bar there too but overall I enjoyed it.
  3. I loved the opening song and was hoping this would be a musical episode. But, it wasn't for the most part. Still, I enjoyed it overall. I thought this too and was wondering since that role screamed for a guest actor. Still, TM did a good job and I liked her relationship with Moe.
  4. My favorite scenes every week are the bedroom chats between Stewart and Deb. Fred Savage and Mary Elizabeth Ellis have such good chemistry and those talks come across as so natural. I just hope they start spreading the wealth and giving underdeveloped characters like Lizzie and William Devane storylines. I love the brother interaction but would love to see Dean branching out more (like he did with Ethan's play).
  5. So that she finds out, gets pissed, Jake goes to the hospital and she realizes she loves him and can't live without him. Vomit. I thought this was a great COTW though. Online bullying and trolling is all too real and while this was the extreme of that, it's still good to highlight it.
  6. Yeah, I actually mostly hate him when he acts because he is so over-the-top but I liked him here. He's like Eli Roth - terrible filmmaker, but pretty funny guy on @midnight.
  7. I didn't dislike this episode. I am glad to see Mulan and Ruby again, although I needed more surprise from Ruby when she saw Zelena alive (I would think she wouldn't know about the resurrection). Also, where does Mulan as a Merry Man fit into this storyline? And agree on Queen Elinor being too young. I have only seen Brave once years ago, so for the first half of the episode, I thought it was Merida's best friend Jasmine making a trip from Agrabah. Oh and dipping my toes into the shallow pool to say that MacIntosh (Merida's frenemy) is super duper hot.
  8. While I agree and cringe when movies/shows do that (because my water is supercold at first), it was an homage to Psycho and they were recreating the scene (almost shot for shot). And speaking on that scene, I kind of wish they had killed the Dean. JLC is awesome in this role but I feel her usefulness has run out especially since she revealed what she knows about that night. The other reason is because I need some main characters to die. Candle girl was a goner from the beginning and it was just a matter of time. I think all we have left now are "regulars" so maybe a few of them will be taken down soon. And I still believe Chanel #1 is the tub baby and that British frat boy is the 3rd killer. If there are twins, maybe Boone is the boy.
  9. The walking home scenes were absolutely brilliant and that's why this show is so good. I have heard male/female issues discussed a hundred times on shows, but this is the first time I felt that a show has illustrated it in a realistic and not over-handed way. As a man, I don't think about that stuff - it never fazes me to walk alone somewhere - so it was cool to almost "feel" it here.
  10. Yeah, when they got in, that car was clean and new looking. It seems like Nissan wouldn't be happy that their product placement conks out when you crank the AC. I had just watched Scream Queens before this and they also used that song this week. Slightly creepy. Did like the John Stamos past-life references but I do not get the Gerald/Vanessa story. They just don't work together. I think she needs to get a job in the Antarctic and leave for awhile. I would love to see Gerald and Jimmy bacheloring it up. And more Annalise too. She is a good character with potential but is only being used as the sassy friend who spouts off one-liners.
  11. I loved this episode and it did seem like we were peering into some private date. It was so realistic and awkward and cute at the same time. And I was worried they'd be done after the plane debacle, so was pleasantly surprised when she agreed to go to dinner.
  12. I am Team Michael all the way and hated what they did with him especially with him attacking Raphael with Mateo in his hands. Still, I do hope they veer away from the love triangle and let these characters have other stories. Loved high Xo and Alba. Them snacking in the background during scenes was funny. I'm glad they let those 2 stretch their acting chops a bit. And is this the first episode where Alba spoke more than a word or two of English? I am a Britney fan so I thought that stuff was hilarious, especially the in-sync backup crew. Sure, she's not a good actress and it was over the top, but I think it worked in a story for Rogelio. Anyone else, not so much, but Rogelio's always been a little campy, so I liked it.
  13. Agreed and it would be nice if we actually saw him work at the Brewery occasionally. One of my main problems with this show is that they have some good secondary characters (Angela, Opie) they could develop but instead recycle Griffin plots. Did like Vodka beer and wonder why no one has tried that. Probably would taste awful.
  14. This episode has some nice moments, but I wish we had seen more of the Lisa/Harper friendship. Did like Bart staying behind on the island.
  15. Anoush is super hot. And I felt bad for him and Ravi when their childhood was shattered about Short Circuit.
  16. Love Olivia getting a dress down but all I could see when Jake was telling her off was him standing over a dying James trying to justify what he did. Rowan is 300 times worse but it still made me shake my head. David and Lizzie came out of nowhere considering I don't think they've interacted at all before. Still glad David is getting a story even if it is some skeevy love triangle. Also glad to see the Gladiators gladiating. Although I feel the older-powerful-man-is-really-a-creepy-predator story has been done many times on this show. Or maybe it's just that everyone on this show is creepy.
  17. I was totally confused why Jake and Laura went into the vault alone. Why wouldn't they have a hundred cops guns at the ready for when they appeared at the vault? It made no sense and took me out of it. It's not like they were in some abandoned warehouse somewhere.
  18. Just have to say that Liv was utterly gorgeous in her dresses. She looked super hot. I also like that her brain meals tend to tie in with the COTW (nachos for the frat bro, stuffed tomato for the housewife). And vert happy Peyton is back and actually may have a plot other than clueless roomie. My biggest issue - and I think someone mentioned this in a previous thread - is Clive's cluelessness. I'm not advocating for him to know the truth necessarily but I need a conversation where Liv tells him the visions make her take on the deceased's traits. Otherwise it makes Clive seem stupid and he's not.
  19. I thought this was one of the best episodes I had seen in a long while. Ditto to those that said it felt old school. I don't mind Homer being dumb but I dont like when he is super neglectful. I like that he's a moron who loves his family and this episode showed that. Also the grown up Halloween was brilliant.
  20. I was confused about that "moment" between Cam and the hot blonde frat boy. It's like they both enjoyed the brief hand holding, so I was expecting a payoff.
  21. I love the song "The Promise" so I found myself tuning out the dialog during that scene. Also loved Paget playing the Friends quiz because that show is where I first remember seeing her and where she "started". I thought this was a cute episode and I liked the father son bonding. I realize it is a slow burn to evolve these characters and am looking forward to it.
  22. Her character from the city hall skit was in a Toddlers and Tiaras spoof. It was pretty funny so I wished she got more screen time. Amy is funny on her show and I was worried she wouldn't get a chance to shine. I was right.
  23. What was up with that young guy in the crowd of reporters at the beginning who said he wasn't a reporter? I feel like that was random, especially because it didn't come into play later. I thought I even saw him at the memorial service, so maybe that will come back down the road? I just don't like the Captain. They are making her way too harsh. The whole thing about the mother was very off-putting. Again, I expected a payoff, but nothing.
  24. I still like it. It may be my love for NPH (and his arms and tight pants) or I just need some silly, but I'll watch it. This episode seemed to follow the template from the first episode so it didn't feel too different. But, it is fun and as long as I don't go in expecting some deep meaningful TV, then I am good.
  25. I'm going with GiGi and Chanel as the Devil and baby, respectively. I think GiGi was the girl holding the baby and she actually killed the bathtub girl when the others left because she wanted the baby for whatever reason. She probably watched her grow from afar and "helped" her along the way. Most of the deaths in the first two episodes seemed to be connected to Chanel or to help her: the former president's burning helped her get the job. The guards death got Niecy Nash to back off. Chanel 2 died to stop her telling the truth. Maybe she even had Chanel kill the housekeeper to either train her or because she was going to expose GiGi as the bathtub person. What I'm not sure about is if Chanel is in on it or not.
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