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Everything posted by PatternRec

  1. Rhea Butcher was on Alison Rosen's podcast this week. I'm about to listen to it now.
  2. I adore Chelsea Peretti but Gina pisses me off a lot. Not the character herself so much as she seems to be a deus ex machina character for the writers. Someone who always thinks they're right is a character trait, someone always actually being right is lazy writing. Agreed. See my comment above. Omg Holt is always hilarious but the reading on that line was extra sweet... <3
  3. Birkenstock sandals for conscientious objectors. Birkenstock sandals with socks = get sent immediately to the brig.
  4. I'm much more familiar with Cameron Esposito's work than Rhea's. They both seem to show up on podcasts I listen to but I've seen a lot more of Cameron's stand up. She is just sharp and funny.
  5. hahaha "get off your ass, alan alda!"
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzUdwr-o520
  7. I get that, and I agree that, without the three months I thought were there, Barry's actions are responsible for Dante's death. I really hope the creative team pull it together. I like the ideas they're playing with but Cisco's and Caitlin's motivations are so forced and sloppy. There's potential here for real drama and instead we're getting characters who feel like they're being forced into plot-shaped boxes.
  8. But it's Savitar, The Last Airbender...
  9. I'm a bit confused on this point. After Flashpoint did Barry return to the exact moment he left? I had thought, possibly incorrectly, that the three months he'd spent in Flashpoint also passed in this timeline. I've been thinking how do we know Flashpoint killed Dante at all? How do we know Dante wouldn't have died in those three months anyway?
  10. Before listening to the cast the title made me think of this:
  11. I subbed to Mark and Sarah Talk About Songs. I'm catching up on the backlog now.
  12. I can't even remember what the Benson theme was :(
  13. I posted this last time there was a game with blanks because it's all i can think of when I hear Dave say blank this blank that etc.
  14. Most of the alien/metahuman "science" in this show falls into the area of the Lucy Lawless/Simspons explanation "a wizard did it." :(
  15. I'm not all messed up. Four out five doctors surveyed say I'm "stable enough for work release" Thanks for fixing it, now I can re-listen :)
  16. The audio is all messed up. Whoever presented first the audio didn't capture. :( edit: Allison's audio :( :( edit 2: I should light up the Glarksignal @David T. Cole
  17. HIMYM's last season made me so mad I quit watching halfway through. **** that show.
  18. Haha did you catch at the end of the most recent episode when she's in bed with Trent and she's holding a piece of red licorice and tosses it out of the bed?
  19. I liked the episode but I thought it was uneven. The development between Rachel and Paula was an important one, and like many have pointed out above, both had reason to be angry. Darryl and Maya's dance was hilarious, as were some of the whiteboard ideas. Vella Lovell gets more beautiful every episode. <3
  20. From the Legends of Tomorrow crossover: Brandon Routh: (as Supergirl walks away) She kind of reminds me of my cousin.
  21. So many things would be awesome. I think I'd go for Cottonmouth's Biggie painting from Luke Cage. Also from interviews I've heard with actors stealing stuff from the set is pretty rampant. I recall Katee Sackhoff talking about taking her flight suit from BSG (she was asked about it because she wore it on some show).
  22. I'm just about to watch tonight's Arrow episode and I realize I don't even remember what happened on Flash. Not a good sign. I don't watch Arrow or LoT so maybe I'm just not gonna be invested. I'll be curious to hear from people who watch all four shows if they think the crossover was a success once it's over.
  23. I think Snapper's lines don't count as pep talks because he rides the line between "get your shit together" and "I treat everyone this way," the first of which is reasonable to a new/inexperienced reporter and the second of which is character (ie. he's an asshole though if this show has its way he will turn out to be an asshole with a heart of gold) Same :o wow show wow :o I feel like this and other scenes tend to undercut the idea of female empowerment that supergirl should/does stand for. I'm not saying that being vulnerable or cute or inexperienced in dating are bad traits so much as they seem like clichés or, at worst, lazy stereotypes. It seems often the show wants to have its cake and eat it too, especially when it comes to the humor. For example, it's realistic that Kara's sister Alex, who grew up with her, might poke fun at her like in the most recent episode, but to have Winn doing the same when not too long ago he treated Superman like *a god walking the earth* seems disingenuous to the show's theme.
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