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Everything posted by nomodrama

  1. The Ducks movies were a huge part of my growing up, my siblings and I loved them. They pretty much started my love of hockey and my still huge crush on Joshua Jackson (who has only gotten better as he's gotten older!). All three of my kids play hockey in So Cal, so any hockey movies are a great hit and unsurprisingly the Ducks movies are their favorites, they will literally watch them over and over. My daughter actually spent the last year playing for the Lady Ducks team in Anaheim which is the all girls branch of the Ducks youth hockey organization. We don't live very close to the Rinks in Anaheim and are huge LA fans (the Ducks are our mortal enemies), but the nostalgia really made it all worth it. And I now have a Ducks jersey, although not an actual Mighty Ducks one, with our last name on it to treasure forever. :) This was must see TV in our house and the kids were pretty much counting down every week to watch it. They are getting old enough that they had a lot to say about the actual hockey aspect of the show. Lots of groans about the playing and how none of that would actually be allowed on the ice in real games, but thats the Mighty Ducks shtick and we love it anyways. I agree with everyone that Nick was the all-round best kid actor and had the sweetest character, he had the best lines most episodes. Hopefully he has a long career ahead of him. Watching Alex really gave me a lot of feels. I often see club sports bring out the worst in people (I've not yet seen someone show up to a tryout with their kids various side coaches, but I've seen/heard some other very disappointing stuff). Her idea of bringing back the fun is a great one though very idealistic. Unfortunately, I think it's a small percentage of parents that will gladly dish out the kind of money required for hockey for their kids to just have fun....its a good thing the Don't Bothers turned out to be so good! The actor that plays Coach T also plays a hockey player on a Canadien show called LetterKenny (aimed at a much different audience), so it was fun seeing him pop up on a Disney show!
  2. If they are attempting to make me feel any sympathy toward Zeke, it's not working....he's the worst. I can never figure out what is up with Eren....he switches sides so much and is so easily swayed. Poor Hange, must be awful to be in her shoes.
  3. Not trying to argue but Gaby is a bit of a crazy zealot who would probably willfully keep her head buried deep in the sand rather than evolve from her indoctrination. She seems to have incredibly violent tendencies, and zero hesitation to kill anyone. She's a danger to anyone who is different from her. I'm watching on Funimation, seems like its several episodes ahead of Toonami, can anyone update on what episode that is on so that I don't accidentally post spoilers.
  4. I'm very confused about the Foundling Titan, where and who it is, but I thought that Eren was only able to use the Foundling Titan's power because he touched the Titan that was his dad's first wife (can't remember her name), who was at that time the heir to the royal family. I guess this was all before Historia was recognized and then some received it? Or was it lost when Grisha's first wife was killed? I'm on episode 65 or Season 4 Episode 5 and I still have more questions than answers. One of the things I wonder is, if Ymir had the Jaw Titan then why did it look different than the Jaw Titan looks when Galliard has it? Also the 13 year thing...seems awful inconvenient. Did they ever explain why this happens, does being a human Titan just wear the heck out of your body? The Female Titan is the only Titan to have distinctive female features (breasts)- if a Male person eats Annie.....will he still transform into a Female Titan? My 13 year is obsessed with this show, so my husband and I started watching it to make sure she was watching something age appropriate. Now we are complete hooked! This show is like a more fascinating Walking Dead....only about 100 times more depressing. Of course humanity will try to destroy each other even when the world goes to hell and supernatural beings whose sole purpose is to wipe humans out roam the earth. Its always going to be Human vs Human vs Thing Killing Humans. I find the way the characters in this show have zero self awareness....Eren's on a killing rampage and the Eldians in Marley are all horrified and disgusted like "how dare they.....they're monsters." Umm you just mercilessly killed hundreds of people like two days ago. I'm fully on Team Paradis and just want them to get a win, a real big win when the season is over. The King however wrongly he went about it, had the right idea, to get as far away from the rest of the Titan's as possible. Paradis was totally peaceful and just trying to survive against mindless killing machines being thrust upon them. I have zero sympathy for the Marleyians or the Eldians (Non Paradis Eldians).
  5. 5 mins into episode 1 I had dubbed this show as Gossip Girl set in the 1800s. I find it fascinating that for the all musing on Shonda Rhimes (whose shows I try and avoid at all costs) television creating genius, this was such of regurgitation of things that have already been done in shows before. The from the concept of the secret all knowing gossip column to the historical period piece using modern music played instrumentally. I feel like there were some double standards in the way that the Daphne/Marina situations are being judged..... Don't trick your husband into ejaculating inside you and getting you pregnant even if he's made you believe that he can't have kids (because he doesn't want to) and you know little to nothing about sex. It will be labeled as rape and insistently viewed with 2020 ideologies. But do plan on trying to seduce and trick a poor schmuck into marrying you when you are already pregnant, saddling him with an illegitimate child, because it's the 1800s and desperation/limited options makes it all ok. I'm sticking with the Marina sucked category....even when she was outed she still made out just fine, better than a woman really going thru this in those time probably would have. I don't think what Penelope did makes her a villain at all, she did her best to try and get both Marina and Colin to understand things - that didn't work so the truth had to come out. I don't understand Siena.....did she or did she not love Anthony? in the first couple episodes she makes it sound like she is upset that Anthony dumps her because she is looking for someone to fund her lifestyle, not because she particularly cares about him. Then in the end she giving serious Wallis Simpson vibes, like she wants Anthony to denounce his title so that they can live the way she is used to? I enjoyed many of the characters in this, the costumes, the settings. And yes, the Queen's wigs were amazing. I actually liked Daphne and Simon (especially Simon....mmmmmm), I'm glad they got a happy ending.
  6. Ditto. Agree as well. I also think that Marina wants to have her cake and eat it too. She's in a desperate situation with very limited options but she still wants to be choosy and is willing to lie to an innocent person in order to maintain her happiness. She's no better than any of the other jerks on this show.
  7. Lol, most of those kids are have no particular talent for karate and are generally unathletic. Any deficiencies you find in their acting has nothing to do with being chosen for karate skills and everything to do w/ the fact this show started on YouTube w/ a more limited budget and was less likely to draw the caliber of talent that one would imagine it could do now. Maybe but the girl that plays Sam was on that David Spade show on Netflix and she mentioned that she has a black belt. She also said she slept thru her original audition time but she worked everything out thru her agent and rescheduled so I figured they must have really wanted kids with some martial arts backgrounds.
  8. Never in my life would I have believed it if someone told me that I would one day fall in love with Johnny Lawrence, but my goodness do I love him. William Zabka is an absolute genius! I wish I could remember all of him amazing lines. One of my favorite that popped into my mind just now was when he was googling "how to make legs work," and then the way he pronounced WebMD. I just want him to have nice things and stop getting hosed. They definitely toned down the smug attitude on Daniel this season and I enjoyed him so much more. I like Ralph Macchio but I find his acting to be a bit wooden sometimes. His relationship with Johnny is the one of the best things on the show, 2nd only to Johnny's relationship with Miguel. Aside from Johnny and Daniel, I really do not enjoy any of the other adults. Unpopular opinion maybe but I actually don't like Amanda....oh wait I do like Carmen and Miguel's grandma, but thats it. The kids, oh man the kids. It's very clear to me that when they did the casting for this show they seriously went for karate ability over acting ability. Xolo Maridueña is wonderful and I completely agree his is the best of them and miles ahead of his young cast mates when it comes to acting talent. Robby is a great character as well and I think Tanner Buchanan does a good job with him. The girl that plays Sam is the worst of the bunch in my opinion. The rest of the kid characters are such caricatures, I don't know if it's bad acting or just the writing. Despite this I really do enjoy the show though. I've never really been that bothered by the lack of law enforcement involvement on this show, though I do think that the level of violence would garner more significant injuries than they do in the show. Granted that Miguel actually ended up in a coma, but these other kids get punched in the face, kicked in the stomach, thrown against things and then they get up like nothing happened. The kid who got thrown thru a window was attending Karate class a few days later!!! Now I've never been thrown thru a window but I would imagine it is very painful and that you could sustain some pretty serious injuries from that. Also a more petty nitpick but this took me right out of the show....when they showed Kreese in Vietnam, one of his war buddies had super long hair. No that would never in a million years have happened. That doesn't happen in the military now, it would especially not happen back them, particularly because the military was so again hippie culture and hair like that was associated with it. They couldn't just hire an actor for that very small part with short hair....come on!
  9. Just watched this with my family and we enjoyed it. It was a good movie and I'll definitely re-watch it a bunch of times like I do with all Pixar movies (because: kids), but it definitely is not going to make my list of the top Pixar movies. I think Tina Fey and Jaime Foxx had a great camaraderie going with their characters but 22 is what made the movie enjoyable for me more than Joe did. There was a lot of seriousness in this and some very deep topics tackled, the film really needed the humor that was included and 22 is brought that. The line from the trailer about her making Mother Theresa cry made me laugh every time. Graham Norton was great as well, I'm a huge fan of his talk show and he did such a great job with his voice acting. I'm so happy that he is part of the Pixar family!
  10. Me too, but I don't think I've ever disliked it. I agree with all of the above and can't see Meredith as the injured party either. I think she was pretty awful from the get go as well. I will admit though, I'm the oldest sister in a family with 4 kids, I have 1 brother. My mother and I have always had a very rocky relationship to the point that we have spent years not speaking to each other at times. The biggest bane of my existence was always watching my mother fall over herself sucking up to any girl my brother brought home. He was her sweet baby boy and any girl he dated had to be treated like royalty. So I think this movie helps me deal with a lot of my issues with that.
  11. I read this often and while I can understand, I myself am not bothered by things coming back to the Skywalkers. It's nice to have new and fresh characters but I think the core of the Star Wars story is greatly to do with them. I recently watched the behind the scenes documentary series about The Mandalorian season 1 filming and Dave Filoni has a conversation with all the other directors about what he thinks Star Wars is really about. He explains that the underlying theme is family.....i.e. The Skywalkers. So it makes sense to me that even these spin offs will have a tie to them, they had a huge part to play in the fate of this world. So they are either always going to be a part of it or have some "seven steps of separation" tie to it. I'm ok with that. That's just my opinion.....which I know is different from a majority of the audience. I was THRILLED when Ashoka appeared on the show, and then I was a bit disappointed that it was only for the one episode (even though she is getting her own show). I secretly was hoping it would be her that shows up, even if it is just to help Din get Grogu back. Mostly because I love her but also a bit because I knew there would be lots of complaints about it being Luke and about the CGI. My brain is just absolutely exploding knowing that in show timeline both Luke and Ashoka exist, and even though I know it would never happen, the thought of them ever having a meeting would make my long time Star Wars loving heart burst. One can only wish. I think that Luke was done well. The CGI is still not perfect and I'm guessing they must have saved a huge chunk of their budget for it. This is the problem with all of this prequel, sequel, spin off taking place in an older timeline business. They now have an entire year to perfect it even more and maybe by next season the technology will be better. Din becoming a father for Grogu has made this series for me. I believe they will be reunited for sure. Can't wait for the show to be back next year!
  12. First off - thank you Dave Filoni. I don't much follow spoilers for this show I like to watch unspoiled and I figured that we wouldn't see Ahsoka until the end of the episode just as the credits came on. I'm so happy that we got an entire action packed episode with the character showing up right from the start. Wow! This will probably go down as my favorite episode this season, I'm not saying its the best episode of the season, just my personal favorite. I a HUGE Ashoka fan, even though I still haven't gotten thru all the Clone Wars episodes (I always get stuck around season 5 when DM comes back - I feel that area of the show really drags). I wasn't too happy when I first heard Rosario Dawson was playing Ashoka, only because I am not a huge fan of her acting. She pretty much won me over here. Her portrayal was just perfect, her movements and even some of her facial expression looked like the cartoon version. It was awesome, I really am just so pleased. Now I'm seriously going to go get thru all those Clone Wars episodes! Put me down on the list of folks that aren't too pleased about "Grogu".....meh, I think they could have done better there but I don't think it matters much.
  13. I've to say that I feel much better personally after reading these comment, I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead, and I 100% agree she in no way deserved to be murdered, bur Shannan was so annoying. She's the kind of woman that I would avoid like the plague in real life. Even before the texts about the sex were shown there were some real red flags regarding their marriage. One that struck me really early on was when Chris was dressed up as Santa and she was clearly upset about him leaving the phone in the garage. She kept bringing it up and then told the camera her husband doesn't think. Oy! Then again I think if I ever go missing for a few hours I hope someone cares as much about me as Shanann's friend did. The whole time watching I kept telling my husband that I just didn't understand how he could kill the kids. I get why he did it, but I just don't know how a human....a parent, can do that to their own children. Those questions haunt me all the time. I have kids with allergies and I've never had an incident where a family member fed them something they were allergic too even though they knew about it. I do have a friend whose kids have similar allergies to mine and one year over the holidays she complained to me that her inlaws had nuts in the house and planned to use them in a dish (they had no intention to feed this dish to the kids). My friend was LIVID. And yes, food allergies can be very dangerous and its always best to just not have them around allergic people. My friend didn't react quite to the extent Shanann did, that coupled with the info quoted above leads me to believe that she might have used that incident to cause a big stir and maybe force a break between Chris/Shanann/The Girls and his parents. Sounds like there were plenty of incidents that would lead up to this, there was definitely some serious bad blood between them all. Just my take. Such a horrible tragedy, my heard goes out to Shanann's family.
  14. GOLD! This has been my current show obsession, I spent the last couple of weeks binging from season 1 and ogling Tom Ellis, that man is beautiful! I usually can't hang with procedural shows, it gets so repetitive. Being close to LA though, its fun to try and figure out the locations that are actually out here. I am not at all a fan of the love story aspect of the show, Decker bugs me...she seems a bit dead-eyed and robotic most of the time, though I was glad that after 5 seasons of will they-won't they, they FINALLY got together and got it on. I'm in it for all of the religion lore/celestial goodness. It will be so interesting to see how the show evolves and more and more characters are brought into the inner circle and know the truth about Divinity. I'm ok with Dan finally getting proof and I thought he's reaction was appropriate for his character (which is another not favorite of mine). I really wish that Ella would know by now though, I completely get it that as the character that is the most religious and who least NEEDS to actually see it because she already has faith and all that, I think that because of that she DESERVES to know. Hopefully that will happen in the near future, I think her reaction will be really interesting to see. I LOVE Maze but I am so exhausted with her story, it seems like every time she takes a step forward she goes 2 steps back. At this point Im not sure why Lucifer puts up with her. I'm so happy to hear there are more episodes coming and a whole other season! I was spoiler free until this morning and thought I was watching the very last episode, I had to come in here for clarification and yay...good news on a Wednesday! 🙂
  15. My husband immediately started watching this when it first came out and absolutely loved it. We are both children of the 80's so the movies were a huge part of our growing up. In addition the hubs had some trouble fitting in during our High School years, he started practicing Aikido and thru it found purpose and a community. So The Karate Kid has alway had double the nostalgia for him. Recently, thanks to Netflix we watched the 3 original movies with our kids and they loved them. This prompted my husband to think that we could have our son watch the show.....so here I am binge watching so I can sign off on approval. I'm on episode 7 and I'm having a bit of an issue with the show so far. The movies made it very apparent that Daniel was the hero but here I'm very conflicted with his character. So far all I see is a petulant, petty middle aged man who can't seem to let go of his glory days even though his present life seems to be pretty great. Johnny is no longer his problem but yet Daniel feels the need to police and continue to punish him regardless. I had a HUGE issue with Daniel manipulating the landlord to increase the rent on his building just to try and get rid of Johnny. First off because its one thing to want to prevent Johnny from teaching the old Cobra Kai ideology to kids but to also in the process leave Johnny without any income (and yeah he doesn't seem to need much except beer but still). Second and worst of all was that not only was Johnny affected by the rent increase but any other tenants in the building (as noted by the guy working at the convenience store). Daniel could have substantially affected the financial livelihood of who knows how many families....all to get revenge on Johnny. I find that to be a bit deplorable. It seems like Daniel is willing to go incredibly low and fight very dirty.....stooping to the same level if not worse than anything that happened in High School (especially since these are now grown men not teenagers). I guess I just don't fully understand who I am supposed to root for and against on this show.
  16. The music on this show is completely on point! Kudos! Have they explained why Klaus doesn't tell the siblings that he has Ben with him constantly? I can't remember if that was explained and I don't understand why.
  17. What is it about the fable of the scorpion and the frog?! This is the third time I have heard it on TV or in a book in the last couple of months. Is that the go to parable of this time? So funny how Klaus managed to butcher it. I also think Sissy and Vanya were broadcast from a mile away the very first episode they appeared in together. I love Five, asshole or not, his first concern in all of this has always been stopping the apocalypse to save his family. He may go about things the wrong way and be really pushy but who wouldn't if they were basically retirement age and forced back into their teenage selves. All the siblings had me getting major feels this episode! Looked pretty close to Batman in that fight!
  18. To fit in more in the 1960's? I think she was trying to look a bit like Jackie O. Interestingly my husband had a huge crush on Kate Walsh during her Addison Montgomery days, and he remarked last night that the show is making her look older. I'm not sure if it is that Kate Walsh has aged or if it is the show making her look like that. Didn't see it coming at all that Lila would be The Handler's daughter! Poor Diego! Actually for a family that are all pretty much not squeaky clean good guys with plenty of flaws, I find myself saying "Poor So and So" a lot on this show.
  19. My favorite exchange this episode - Elliot- "Are you an enemy of the people?" DIego/Five - "That's an open ended question" "Depends on which people" Was the Milkman Swede guy drinking some glittery milk stuff? Or was that just the lighting that made it look that way, I'm guessing since they focused on it a bit that will come up later on?
  20. This is an interesting observation that I also did not consider. I love Allison and I think her super power is one of the toughest to manage as it is the most morally questionable one, but she did say she used her power to get whatever she wanted as a child so it always makes me wonder. I was really annoyed last season when she was so indignant that Luther had gotten laid, like she expected him to remain celibate forever while she was married and had a kid. She has shown that she has strong feelings for him, I'm just not sure I'm convinced it's love and not just possessiveness. I'm only up to episode 2 though, so hopefully things will get cleared up on that in time. I'm liking the paranoid (or maybe not so paranoid) guy who documented all of the landings, and the crazy lady teamed up with Diego. White haired guys seem appropriately creepy even if they are kind of cookie cutter. The leader looks so familiar to me but I can't quite place him....will need to dig up his past work to figure it out.
  21. Or maybe it is totally their fault, Diego is already trying to alter the timeline by saving Kennedy. That would probably have a pretty big effect on history. So is it pretty much certain at this point that I liked all their different arrivals and the ways that they all handled themselves when they landed. Of course, Diego lands in an Iron Man pose, classic Diego. I love all the siblings and I don't have a favorite, so I'm excited to see what they do apart and together.
  22. nomodrama

    S01E03: Alone

    Ugh Arthur is an idiot....I can't watch him. So disappointed in this show.
  23. Add me to the group of not Patrick fans. I adore David, he is my absolute favorite on the show. I have a huge crush on Dan Levy, I find him to be incredibly funny and oh so pretty. Patrick is just so bland, I get that we are supposed to think that opposites attract and so their coupling should work but for me it just does not. I honestly think David deserves someone with a lot more personality, Patrick has none at all. Even so I am sad the show is going to be over soon. Hopefully they can resolve everything before then.
  24. January Jones is 42, and Kaya Scodelario is 27! Wow.....January Jones looks pretty amazing. I liked this show. The love interest thing surprised me, by episode 2 I was all in on Marcus and thought he was end game for Kat. And then Justin turned a corner and turned out to be a pretty good guy and they actually made a really great couple. Marcus was pretty dull in the end. I really loved Jenn.....except for the hip thing. I hate that trope of an athlete being told that they are permanently going to damage themselves if they keep doing something and they still do it. Her speech to her dad at the Dr's office really got me when she told him she had not gone to school and had no career though. Dasha was my other favorite, I loved everything about her. I can't remember what the cat's actual name was but when she told Kat it meant "Little Fucker" it was the biggest LOL moment of the show for me. I fully intend to name a future pet that. Hopefully if there is a 2nd season they give her a happy ending with her long lost love. The Dr being the guy Kat's sister was sleeping with was a big shocker for me. I actually gasped when they revealed it.
  25. So many thoughts about this episode - *Yes, I fully agree that Baby Yoda is the cutest creature in the entire Star Wars universe. *My kids have named BabyYoda's flying pod the "Floating Stroller" 😊. Someone needs to create that asap. That would be the coolest piece of baby furniture ever! *I love that even though BabyYoda is clearly an infant even at 50 years old, he/she looks super wise. It was so funny how he kept coming out of the floating stroller and trying to help The Mandolorian, who just kept picking him up and putting him back in. *My kids were slightly perturbed by all of the Jawa killing. *I've never been so attracted to Pedro Pascal as I am now. * "What does Baby Yoda eat?" "Spit that out" - well that answers that question, lol. My entire family is loving this. Disney has set the bar really high with this show, it makes me really excited fro all of the other series that are coming in the future.
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