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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. I think it's called I'm too stupid to get myself out of this shitstorm.
  2. Today's diatribe about the evils of dieting. My guess is she was getting too many comments about how she looks like she lost so much weight when she knows quite the opposite is true.
  3. Nathan will continue to disappoint us all by not getting his shit together and getting Kaiser the fuck out of there.
  4. Whitney replied. She's glad to have a friend like Todd. Idiot.
  5. Man I hope they can read the sarcasm in my fave Todd moment.
  6. Translation: She told him she went off birth control and tricked his ass and she wasn't going to have an abortion. "You want to keep seeing these MTV checks? Smile happy for the cameras or I'll cut you off like Kail did Javi". Catelynn knows the only thing she has she can hold Tyler with now is the threat of cutting of his access to that red light.
  7. Wow, a visual representation of circling the drain.
  8. Janelle is going to let David kill her and all of the kids instead of facing the cacophonies of I told you so's about him. Shameful shit.
  9. I agree but he screwed up by getting her pregnant again. No way will the Tyler fans support him leaving Cate w 2 kids...unless he takes them with him?? Poor Tyler, FORCED to take the kids away to save them from ever spiraling Catelynn? Could work. It could actually work
  10. Exactly. They are having this baby to prove Nova wasn't a fluke. Plus it gives Cate a reason to stay fat. If she really wants to go for a bonanza she'll claim "post partum" again (sigh. The grammer on these people) and she can start the entire spa week cycle again.
  11. I hope they're not so tacky they'd return it all the Bed, Bath and Beyond or Williams Sonoma for cash or store credit.?
  12. I told Tyler after Nova to quit sleeping on his back. He don't damn listen!
  13. Where did Tyler get male friends? In the 10yrs we've known him, have we ever seen him chilling w the fellas?
  14. Loved seeing Darlene shake down Larry for help running his lines. Dare I say I like their ...friendship? Question, what happens to forgotten prostitutes? Larry Brown is about to become a STAH! Darlene is back in school and Loretta is hanging on to what exactly? Larry seems to have little interest in her and instead of being pleased with her freedom, she's annoyed at being cast aside. Can she give herself to Rodney or does some trade have to be formally done?
  15. I simply do not care about Lexus does she like boys/ does she like girls drama. Like your kid and keep it in your pants for a while. Geesh.
  16. Dafuq is wrong w Angela????? Now she wants respect as a Granny? Thought we didn't like being an elder. So confused.
  17. Its the babbling of an angry hobbit. Simmer down Frodo.
  18. Yeah I sniffed em, but I'm wearing the same mom jeans you get every week.
  19. I hope you're practicing your patented Shaun Robinson wide eyed "What just happened?" shocked look.
  20. Ya ever been the victim of some GOOD GOOD dick that had you doing all sorts of madness? Just left you dickmatized and jumping thru hoops you would never do for anyone else? I'm pretty sure that's what our Kail is currently a victim of. Like @MypeopleareNodic says, this dude is bringing nothing to the table but dick. But he's slinging something Kail the likes of which Kail has never experienced. It's making her look stupid. It's making her beg for it's attention. It's making her buy new houses. Whatever Chris is putting down, I dont want it.
  21. How's that for following your fairy tale! Ha!!
  22. Does Rachel own anything but mom jeans? Not even a basic black dress for the tell-all?
  23. I would normally agree, but since Tyler is the one stuck with caring for the kid and the house while Cate lounges in therapy I think he should totally have final say on an animal he'll be overseeing. The only one here who deserves a pony is Tyler.
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