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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Kreeny has to cement her an American baby daddy. This is gonna be a big preemie.
  2. How telling that biggest fear Michael’s mother has about the States is gun violence.
  3. I don't judge her for not traveling internationally. It happens amongst us regular folk. I shade her because the first time she does leave the country, it's for some dick. So she COULD have scraped up money to travel, but she didn't become interested until there was peen on the other side.
  4. That treacherous ass fitting room at Leohmann's is what broke me down and cemented my decision to have liposuction many moons ago. Stripping down in there would strike fear in the heart of the best of us.
  5. I know this is not totally "reality" but I wish we could get a more honest edit for Megan. I know she's been set up to be the star of the show but are we really supposed to believe she's taking business meetings about Megology when the concept of math is a struggle for her? I would prefer to see more realness from this show. We know Megan isn't a suitable roommate so why not have Rachel and Elena set up in the Airbnb while showing Megan brush up on independent living skills. I don't think there's any shame in showing us where Megan really is developmentally.
  6. Ha! I can't wait for Janelle's retort to this one. Humor doesn't live at Casa Swamp.
  7. Took me about four lines before I saw what you did there! I do agree with your assessment of Hazel. Something about her game plan seems a bit colder and more calculated than Anfisa's was.
  8. And that just irks me. Rachel has somehow convinced herself Megan is above her in looks and coolness and more deserving of male attention. This whole show sets Megan up as some sort of Rockstar and she just aint that.
  9. But the dumb ass missed when Max said flat out he was TRYING to get her pregnant. There was no attempt at a pull out stoopid!
  10. And now she's deaf? Sigh. Is that a side effect from the floating particles? She should tell the truth and say David probably went upside her head and damaged her hearing.
  11. WTF was Madonna talking about??? That was an Aretha tribute? I'm so confused.
  12. Who is in charge of dressing Cate? She looks like a 52yr old woman trying to dress like a 42yr old.
  13. I get it for storyline purposes, but Megan would bring absolutely nothing to the table as a roommate.
  14. Aren't Super Bras Molly's forte? Doesn't TLC do a Meet and Greet with these people?
  15. I have to admit I can't fully understand the way Elena's father deals with her. The dropping in every several weeks, getting a progress report, have a cup of coffee and then fly back out? Not my idea of parental guidance. He really seems to leave up to Hiromi ( is that her name?). I try to remember that Elena is 30 something and higher functioning. Whatever it is, it seems to work for their family.
  16. Seriously. A box of Smooth Move tea is 5 bucks and gets you the same results.
  17. She did and I thought that was a definite misstep. Just like this roommate situation is going to be. But I guess Steven and Sean had their shot, so it's time for the ladies to have a storyline. Shallow note: Shout out to Rachel for getting rid of the Gidget hair. The men will be banging down Rachel's door now, so Megan is no longer the "prettiest one".
  18. Just who the heck sings at ARETHA FRANKLIN'S funeral? I couldn't take the pressure. We'll miss you Queen.
  19. I wasn't aware a new season started tonight! Hopefully this won't be a season of the Megan.
  20. Does anyone know where I can watch old episodes of The Profit. Somehow I missed the original showing of L.A. Dogworks and this recent popcorn lady. Hulu is currently only showing Season 5.
  21. Sigh...Barb is scared of getting the same phone call we all know is coming. There's some bad juju going down in that swamp house.
  22. Kail was a typical side piece who expanded the booty calls into a "relationship " in her mind.
  23. I want to feel bad for Briana, but she chose this life. Why cry about the men you laid with not taking care of their kids? What does one really expect from some guy she bust it wide open for in the club? What about that bathroom fuck said "Hey, this guy is dad material"? Dumb ass. Quit pussy popping and chasing dick. Try reading a book or some shit.
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