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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Having hips and ass can make or break a jumpsuit. Kail needs to accept this is the consequence of the body she paid for. I could have told her for free.
  2. So Azan and his sister put on a really elaborate show for Nicole. The big dummy had no choice but to be dazzled by it. Took her to dinner at a spot participating in Moroccan Restaurant week and called it her tasting. Took her to the Moroccan Kleinfeld bridal shop and let her hold some fancy dresses. Did she try any on? Get fitted for a single one of them? No way they had her size in the stock room. THINK NICOLE! If the wedding costs are so high and you guys don't have enough money, why would you give them your last dollars to put into a "shop"? Why wouldn't that money go to your wedding??? That don't make no sense! Azan and his sister have to be laughing at how easy it was to harvest this stupid American. Mother Chantel needs to focus her energy over here. There's a lot of stupider going down in Morocco.
  3. Good point. If Nicole never goes back to Morocco, what happens to Mae's "daddy"? He's just gone? NO explanation to the child at all?
  4. Chris is piping this dummy again so I guess there's no more need for kid swaps at the police department? Oh! And a smiley face. I've never seen any one so dickcrazed.
  5. If Nicole were prettier, she would be Courtney. Still stupid.
  6. Never give up! Never surrender! TM Buzz Lightyear.
  7. Nah. Nicole's got 50 bucks left and he aims to get that too. The look on Azan's face as the producer is asking about the wedding being canceled for good. It's like "WTF do I have to do to make this broad go home??"
  8. I am truly baffled. Nicole is concerned about having the money for the wedding so she gives him what money she has for a "shop". Umm...ok? How does that make sense in her head?
  9. Im sure they're saying "Eh, so what? Who cares?" The camera crew will be gone and that silly blond will be a distant memory. The "shop" will be lovely and Azan will be on to his next mark.
  10. Sooo, does Azan's sister own a shop and Nicole is putting her last pennies into it? How does one open a shop so quickly? How many chairs? Are they renting booth space? Who is doing the hair? WTF is going on here? ETA: I see now. Azan took her cash outright and is blowing smoke up Nicole's ass. He just ripped her completely off and Nicole still cannot admit defeat.
  11. Has Nicole ever said a word about beauty? Have we seen her with her face beat? Or her hair washed? Now she's opening a beauty shop?
  12. What am i watching now? Is this 2nd hour part of the tell all? Am i missing a thread? No matter. All the dumbness runs together.
  13. I'm prepared to say IF there was a baby Pao, it sacrificed itself rather than have her as a mother. Give me ONE tear Pao. ONE! There need to be some tears for the novela audition reel.
  14. Chantel isn't going to watch the videotape in her mind until Pedro is back in the DR with his new wife and family. Then she'll realize what her family has done. She can cry over it while she shares Costco wings w Winter.
  15. Why is David still talking? Amazing for somebody who is so useless at life to have such an opinion on everyone else's shit.
  16. "Ice queen"...isn't that another term for meth? Did Mac just out herself as Ryan's dealer? I love it when dummies try to get clever.
  17. Me three. I sent a pm earlier. Hope she's well. You've all become friends in my head.
  18. Briana just blew up at Javi for telling all their relationship drama to Kail. So what does this idiot go and do? HIghtails it to the red light on Kail's camera and tell her more about his relationship drama with Briana. The man is obsessed! He doesn't care about looking like an asshole as long as somebody is looking.
  19. This was the one time I wish we could have been privy to a conversation between Janelle and Lurch. If he didn't realize before she was wack a doo, he knows it now. Chasing someone to their house and pulling a gun? Its the height of reckless.
  20. The coven is so weird! I would never think to offer up my daughter's bed to her baby daddy. Why did the Coven barge into the building where Brianna is staying like the damn militia? Roxanne cussed at Shirley when she answered the phone "Let me in the F*&king door". Ummm...ok? Then they charge the apartment like Stormtroopers looking for Brianna. Relax! Everyone has seen you. No need for all this performance, but Javi gave them the perfect scene entrance. Let's go save our dumb ass ho daughter/sister from Javi's nefarious clutches. And did Javi say he "lost his image" being with that family?? Have sales of Javi Marroquin trading cards plummeted? Boy bye.
  21. I'm sorry but Janelle has mastered the art of White Woman Tears.
  22. Small voice in my head said David would be a better host than Shaun.
  23. I noticed how she carefully held up the dress and it only covered half of her torso.
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