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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. I'd like to see who would win in a battle between Dakota and his "September 8, 2008" and Cate's " childhood trauma" mantra. Who would get sick of who first?
  2. This timeline jumped from "I found a spa for us in Arizona" to " we're pregnant and I'm moving out". I wonder how soon after she laid the "miracle pregnancy" news on Tyler he decided he needed to get away from the lifesuck that is Cate.
  3. Does Matt still have Amber's driver license? Why does Andrew need to follow her everywhere and drag the baby along? Some sweaty dojo is not where I'd want my new baby.
  4. Do you think I'm not shamed enough? Don't look at me, I'm hideous!
  5. See Eric, watch Jonathan. THIS is how you stand up to your momma for your fiance. Not saying i believe in this union, but butt out momma. Oh the SHADE from Jonathan. "You've been married a few times momma, give us some advice". Yesss Jonathan
  6. Why was brother so bothered by Asuelo saying that? Seems "white is right" is what their dad drilled into them so Asuelo is falling right in line.
  7. It's kinda the same cold way she's treating her son now. Have we seen her so much as touch the boy?
  8. Sorry bitch! You can't kick her out. Tasha 1 Leida 0.
  9. Maybe Tyler stays w Cate because he needs the MTV funds for his home renovations. Doesn't explain the new baby though. I can't understand why someone so clearly disgusted with a spouse would knock them up again.
  10. I am here for Tasha's clapback. "I'm on the lease, so maybe YOU need to move!". Tasha is one person who is not moved by Leida's bullshit attitude and I love her for it.
  11. Tricksy that Bristol is. Only sending the signature page of what I'm sure was a lengthy contract for Tripp's DWTS payment to Levi. I would take my time signing it as well.
  12. How does Farrah keep showing up on these relationship shows when she's never had a relationship?
  13. You know Maci is going to go wherever the pretty people are. She was slumming it with Cate and Amber and they knew it. It's why they did her against Farrah so easily.
  14. How many weeks and how many "work trips" have passed since Tyler originally asked Cate to fill out those papers for counseling?
  15. If only he had taken two giant steps to the left.
  16. I had to rewatch the second showing of this episode because i literally fell into a coma listening to Maci speak. For shits sake SPIT IT OUT!!! Her halting speech pattern drives me batshit! Oh, I wasn't literally in a coma. Just a deep nod.
  17. Stephan has the nerve to have a little sister?? And he dares to put his hands on a woman? How would he like it if some man laid hands on his baby sis? These men really don't think.
  18. Whitney's dancing now consists of mainly hairwhips and jiggling her ass meat. How these people take her seriously as a " dancer " is beyond me.
  19. Kolini needs a colonic to get that stick out of her ass.
  20. Asuelo's walk reminds me of Agador. He's not used to wearing de shoes.
  21. Yeah baby! I see your sexy moves Asuelo! Just ya know...don't talk.
  22. Does Amber mean she's actually going to visit Leah to see her or is she just going to look at her giant, hideous Leah tattoo and count that as seeing her?
  23. Whew!! I'm so glad somebody said it! I don't believe a damn thing that comes from Whitney. It's hard for me to believe anyone would devote that much time and energy to write what is damn near a full page bashing her.
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