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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Get em Larissa!!! You havee no charisma leetle gurl! Shutee upee
  2. I still don't get why they have so much venom for Larissa when Leida is sitting right there.
  3. Larissa is a girl after my own heart! I like to get dressed for battle. I arm myself by looking as hot as possible when I'm ready to argue with my husband. Mature? Nope. Effective, yup!
  4. Asuelo is such a sweet pie. I just want to scoop him up and give him kisses and cuddles.
  5. Rainbow Shoppe to the rescue for Larissa. Dress your best for 20 bucks or less.
  6. Leida, bye! Don't give us these fake ass tears.
  7. This is Steven we're talking bout. He'll only need to know how to wrestle a wild cat.
  8. So Steven came in guns blazin! Fully prepared to double down on being an asshole.
  9. Hello my Sweet Pies!! I'm here and ready to enjoy this tell nothing with you.
  10. I have a harsher opinion on Sparkle. I felt she delivered her niece as an offering to Kelly for help with her career. She took a 12yr old to him years after the Aliyah allegations. Why??? Why wasn't she with that child constantly? Why leave a 12yr old unattended with any man?
  11. I saw that! I said look at Dr. Now with his blinged out stethoscope. Maybe it will get more ornate each season like Judge Judy's diamond earrings.
  12. He was really enjoying his time off the cellblock. I've always been disgusted by Kelly's movements but last night I was enraged by how many people claimed to be eyewitnesses to his molesting young girls and said nothing. Not one anonymous call to the cops? Jovanta or whatever the fuck her name was said she SAW Kelly and Aliyah having sex...did she alert her parents? Tell Aliyah's handlers? Or did she shut her mouth, go back to her bunk on the tour bus and continue to collect her paycheck?. Our young girls don't stand a chance.
  13. I'm positive she gives herself a haircut every night when she takes that wig off.
  14. Cate from Teen Mom OG is currently pregnant again. Perhaps Twitney should contact baby broker Dawn to see if she can hustle another baby off of Cate.
  15. There's never been a better example of a cuckold.
  16. So food is more important than finding out if your Cancer has spread??
  17. After watching Sweat navigate the woods so confidently even while dragging Matt along, I would have loved to see what he could do on a season of Alone.
  18. Send me an unsolicited pathetic dick pic and I'm sending you back a pic of a prettier, stronger dick.
  19. And now we see where Steven gets his thought process. "Keep your baby!"?? Way to go grandma. To tell Kayla to take her son to court for child support instead of telling her useless son to take care of Izaiah (however the fuck they're spelling it) is the height of fuckery.
  20. This elevator ride is what love looks like people. Oye.
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