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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Could she have worn a blouse at least? She looks like she's going to senior night down at Sizzler.
  2. When only the latest from the Michelle Duggar collection will do.
  3. Leida’s Ramada Inn wedding looks exactly like the type of venue one would wear a tiara from Paris.
  4. If Jay wasn’t being coached on his scam before, he is now. “She’s going to have to call the police, because I’m not leaving”. ?? Someone has hipped him to illegal evictions and he knows that after a certain length of time living in the house, Ashley can’t simply put his shit on the curb. If nothing else Jay has bought himself some more time with a roof over his head to correct his scam. She’ll have to go to court to have him evicted if he doesn’t leave voluntarily.
  5. I still say those Louboutins were not for Catelynn.
  6. Looks like a boot shaper. I was hoping for something more tawdry.
  7. So Tyler wanted some Louboutin's and bought them via Cate? Because nothing about Catelynn says high end.
  8. This right here definitely means her little ass got fired. You may not collect your things, do not pass go, we will empty your locker and mail the contents. Thank you and good day.
  9. I shudder to think of how her mother will really latch on when the MTV checks start coming in. She'll hound Jade for more money for better drugs.
  10. Meh. Non- payment of rent is between Tasha and the landlord or Tasha and Eric. It sure ain't between Tasha and another non-paying squatter that isn't on the lease at all.
  11. You have to wonder which ass does more of the clapping when they're having sex.
  12. Whew! I thought it was just me. If i came back in the house and she was touching my things after I expressly told her not to? I'd beat the brakes off of her. Properly.
  13. Tasha should leave the apartment where she's on the lease? That's weird.
  14. Don't buckle Tasha! Stay strong! Don't let evil win.
  15. Tasha is my spirit animal!! We dont care what YOU want Leida. Want somebody to leave? Make her.
  16. Go Larissa Go!! Miss Sophia home now, gonna be some changes round here!
  17. Which is so weird because she doesn't give half a damn about Aless.
  18. I need to know where Cole hides these riches and glam that this cousin speaks of. Is it in the trunk of the non air conditioned car?
  19. And there it is. Why dont you take Debbie? I am here for Larissa standing up for herself. F off cuz.
  20. Where is Steven going to take the baby when he snatches him from Olga? Which couch? And Olga is just going to send the breastfeeding baby off with him???
  21. I would take the money for the dresses outta her behind. Those dresses ain't cheap.
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