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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Did Briana really go to Devoin's apartment to complain about him not seeing Nova...without bringing Nova?🤦🏾‍♀️.
  2. Kaiser has to be catching hell in that house. He is Nathan's twin.
  3. Or maybe it is?? She had the spaghetti sauce business, adult webcam business, the house flipping business, the furniture business, the frozen yogurt business. Now, keeping in mind all of this shit has failed maybe the seminar leads us in how to not let being a loser get you down.
  4. Ha! True. In the entire franchise, Jo and Javi have the best co-parenting relationship.
  5. Joyous day! Milla going to a rehab center after skin removal surgery will give those kids a few months of relief from wiping her ass.
  6. Of all the scenes to leave on the cutting room floor THIS tidbit is what they deny me?
  7. Hey y'all doing? So Milla's still not walking huh? Why walk? What will they want her to do after she walks? Get a job? Be a productive member of society?
  8. Is that bread?? Is she about to make a peanut butter sandwich?? C'mon man!
  9. Ha!! You cant walk to a salad but you can walk to a burger? Get her Dr Now!!
  10. Gosh! The weight in that poor taxi. I bet the fastest it can go it 12 mph
  11. Sweetie, you are not hiding your eating habit AT ALL. Not at...656lbs. Thats my guess
  12. I will never understand the shaving of the eyebrows and drawing on that fake scary line where hair should be.
  13. We will never see that girl again if she continues to try to talk sense into Kail. Kail will not abide people who do not co-sign her fuckery. And baby sis poo pooing Kail acting like a fool over Chris? Big no no.
  14. I want this scene of Louis in the park with Stella to serve as a cautionary tale to young women before they drop it low and split it wide for some man they barely know. This is what you are setting up for your children. Some creepy guy who shows up once every few months pretending to be interested in making a connection with the kid. What really pisses me off is this is not the last once in a blue moon daddy for Briana. She is remarkably stupid and is a very hard learner. There will be another Louis.
  15. I think it is the sweetest thing when my husband buys me shit with my own money. Can there be any grander gesture of love? 🙄
  16. Guess it got kinda hinky for Bristol when the cameras kept showcasing the way she constantly lies.
  17. Must be nice. Me? It's a Monday so I took my ass to work. Go figure.
  18. Briana never disappoints. Had to wear her best titty out top to play in the park with Luis. Nothing says "I'm only here so you can see your kid" like a super low cut v- neck showcasing plastic "bewbies".
  19. Oh good grief! The thirst is serious with this Kail broad. Chris shits on her constantly and she can barely contain herself that he flew to NYC on a ticket she surely paid for. She didn't need to tell him he could stay in her hotel room. That's exactly where he intended to sleep. Why would he spend any of his own money on her??
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