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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That's why I've taken to turning off the TV or putting down the paper when someone starts spouting off about "I got spanked" or "I spank my children" -- we're not talking about spanking. Opinions on spanking are irrelevant to the Peterson case; this was a beating. One that left visible, lasting wounds. Especially in this day and age when I can't pick up a handful of groceries without stumbling across some unruly child being totally ignored by their parent, I am all for parents laying down the law as to what is appropriate behavior at all life stages. Discipline is good for everyone. But discipline doesn't leave marks like that. I'm also incredibly disturbed that Peterson not only finds it acceptable, but seems - especially by his texts to the child's mother - to delight in it.
  2. So nine kids divided between two bedrooms? (I didn't see the episode.) Pretty much my idea of hell - I'd probably be the kid turning the nook under the stairs into a bedroom - but it used to be the way of things in some places; my dad is one of eight, and they slept multiple kids to a bed, nevermind a room. While my dad's family was particularly oversized, especially given the small house, the general concept wasn't unusual in their tiny, poor town (although kids would sleep on the sofa or outside to get some space).
  3. I think that's a factor in the multi-generational appeal of the show -- yes, it's so refreshing to see women their age portrayed as, gasp, real people, but it's refreshing just to see women, period, with ideas, concerns, interests, friendships, foibles, passions, etc., who talk about what's going on in the world and myriad other things in addition to men and sex.
  4. I see I'm not the only one who answered, "What is a flukeworm?" while grinning in remembrance of XF's The Host. Nor the only one yelling, "Veterinarian!" while remembering All Creatures Great and Small.
  5. I've said before that Night Nurse is one of those films I have to watch whenever it's on. I love pre-Code Stanwyck, but I particularly enjoy that film. Including the ending. Red-Headed Woman is another one with an ending that would decidedly not have passed muster once the Code was enforced, but I don't get the same enjoyment out of that one.
  6. S6: The Unnatural Biogenesis Drive S7: The Sixth Extinction Sein und Zeit Amor Fati
  7. I was only watching during breaks in football, and it seemed like every time I flipped over it was to a TS that I thought was common knowledge. Odd game.
  8. I think the one in Memento Mori works; I love that daily of the lip kiss as much as anyone, but at that stage of their relationship the forehead kiss feels fine. Fast forward two - or four! - years, though, and it's just ridiculous.
  9. My mother's are the only beef tacos I will eat, and that's what she made last night when I went to my parents' house for dinner. I brought home the leftover meat, and boring nature of eating the same thing two nights in a row be damned, that's what I'm making tonight. And Cadillac margaritas.
  10. How far have we as a society fallen that "We'll observe basic manners" is now an advertising pitch?
  11. I've always said that while I think the Dreamland episodes are good, it would have been excellent condensed into one episode. And they are going to cause me voting issues when I get to them. This is another season with a handful of episodes I really like and then a bunch I don't care about, so some of my higher-ranking episodes are not actually as well-liked as their rank would suggest. I have a top three that are truly top three, but then it gets into "well, I quite enjoy these, and they're my favorites of the rest, but are they really top five material?" The Dreamlands will probably fall into that category. And, yeah, I'm all about getting rid of the mytharc episodes early for these seasons, because I just can't stand the mytharc parts of them, but then there are these nice M&S moments that give me pause -- it's why I haven't yet voted for Amor Fati.
  12. Especially since just about every home on this planet has characteristics that would naturally lend themselves to discussion; there is no need to make stuff up. Even though one home being "toured" already belongs to the HHs, they shouldn't have any difficulty finding negatives to discuss -- I love my house and have been in it nearly 10 years, but there are still things about it I intend to change and a couple of immutable traits I would change if I could.
  13. When she talked about the need for some sort of dining table, saying something along the lines of, "What are we going to do when we have kids, plop them down in front of the TV with food?" his response was to scoff and say, "You're talking about a hypothetical situation." She said, "It's not hypothetical, we're getting married." Jeez, people, whether or not you want kids and, if so, how soon you'd like to have them is something to be discussed BEFORE agreeing to marry.
  14. S6: One Son The Unnatural Biogenesis S7: Sein und Zeit Closure Sixth Extinction
  15. As far as I know, I've never seen Chimera, but I've seen that clip online. It cracked me up. I have it in my head that something about Terms of Endearment offended me, but I can't bring to mind a single thing about that episode other than its use of "Only Happy When it Rains," a song I love.
  16. I'm starting to think annoying voices are a requirement for this program. I watched during breaks in football, and liked what they came up with. Even though it gave up space in what was already a small room, I think it was smart to add a bathroom on that floor. The clear glass at the stairwell was a great way to make both rooms look and feel bigger. I can't remember what other projects they did themselves (other than painting), but they did a nice job tiling the backsplash and fireplace. Since I was only watching in bits and pieces, I don't know if this was in fact the case, but when she was protesting moving in before it was finished, their conversation had a vibe that left me expecting him to say, "It's your fault we're not done yet" -- were the constant changes the contractor talked about due to both of them, or was she the one changing her mind? I thought it was odd the reason he wanted less island and more room to move around in the kitchen was specifically so people could stand around during parties, and then in the end footage that's exactly what they were doing -- standing around the kitchen. Only having windows on two sides of the home would make me feel claustrophobic, but I like looking at row houses.
  17. I just remember The Beginning feeling like a total regression after the movie, but that's about it. S6: The Unnatural Two Fathers One Son S7: Closure Sein und Zeit Signs and Wonders
  18. It's strictly a budgetary thing -- how much does each piece of music cost to re-license, and how much is the company buying the rights willing to pay. TVGN strikes me as rather parsimonious, so I'm not surprised to hear they've gone with the replacement music.
  19. Ah, okay; I misread that (I'll blame the late hour). I never thought about the possibility they hadn't had sex until the discussion was raised on TWoP. After that, I could see how some lines and scenarios I'd always interpreted one way could, in fact, be interpreted to indicate the opposite. I still don't think they waited until the wedding night, if for no other reason than I can't come up with an explanation for why they'd have done so, but the show certainly doesn't make it clear when they had sex, so I just try not to put too much thought into it. I do remember that line, though - about as "explicit" as the show got.
  20. I'm missing how that line is a definitive indication one way or the other as to the timing of their sexual relationship. Amanda puts him off at that particular moment due to circumstance, but I don't think that says anything conclusively as to their relationship as a whole -- at the time it's uttered, it could mean they are not having sex, period, as per usual, or not having sex right now because they have bigger fish to fry. I think this saccharine, early-hour show set up a scenario - deliberately, given the removal of the pre-marital scene in which it was clear they had it off - in which those who believe they abstained until marriage and those who believe they took a less regimented path could both point to canon as support.
  21. Yeah, not a ton of surprises so far, but there have been some results I wasn't expecting (e.g. Beyond the Sea coming in third instead of first or second). None of the top fives have produced a "How the hell did that get there?" reaction in me (I'm a little surprised by The End, but then I look at what a weak season that is); my "Wow, really?" reactions have come from lower rankings -- season four is the only round thus far where there isn't one episode ranked much lower than I'd place it. In ascending order of degree to which I really was not expecting that: - 2Shy out early in season three at #19 - The Jersey Devil tied for second-to-last place in season one - Humbug only ranked as #12 in season two - Kill Switch a paltry #11 in season five (I initially considered Humbug's placement my biggest surprise - and it's probably my biggest disappointment - but I realized Kill Switch is even more surprising to me given the weakness of that season.)
  22. Family and friends watching TV with me cringe when they hear a character say "PIN number" or "ATM machine," because they know I'm about to yell at the television.
  23. I caught Robert Osborne and Alec Baldwin discussing Design for Living, specifically the intricacies of the sexual relationships between the three principals, and wound up watching the film again - even though it's probably my least-favorite offering from Lubitsch, who is on the whole one of my favorite directors - to see if I thought there was anything going on between the characters played by Fredric March and Gary Cooper, as I'd always just taken it that Miriam Hopkins' character was sleeping with both of them, not that they were all sleeping together. And I still think the gay subtext of the play is missing (which wouldn't be a surprise, really, since virtually nothing of the play remains). But then I think I'm missing something by not seeing it (as a rule, I'm neither blind to such subtext nor prone to seeing it everywhere). So I'm curious to hear the thoughts of others who've seen the film.
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