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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Carpet simply isn't going to be as clean as hardwood, so I understand not wanting it for that reason. But "Ugh, carpet" has long been one of my annoyances with this show because it's so repetitive. Even though I dislike carpet, I like the change of pace when a HH prefers it.
  2. O is for the officer who informed Blanche her wedding would not be happening, as the intended groom had just been busted for bigamy.
  3. Yes! I had it on as background noise, so heard about someone taking cooking classes, but didn't visually tune in until the recap, reveal and follow-up. After getting a look at their knife skills, I thought, "Oh boy, you two better sign up for a whole lot of extra classes."
  4. It's hard to see any of them go, but Monday stings. Eve Je Souhaite Tithonus Anasazi
  5. That is one of my biggest gripes with police investigations on TV, and Cold Case does seem to be among the worst offenders.
  6. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    My preferred TD "celebration" is that of Barry Sanders - hand the ball to the ref and get back to work. So, on one hand, I like that the rules limit the shenanigans players can get up to. On the other, I'd rather the rules merely outlaw taunting, delaying the game or such and just let guys who want to make an ass of themselves do so - their behavior will speak for itself. The problem with that is, the more asinine the behavior, the more air time they get. Thus, I go back and forth.
  7. I had a big lunch late in the day, so dinner will be a bowl of some zucchini, cilantro and chile soup I made the other day. It is not remotely soup weather here (although at least we're in between heat waves), but I was running out of ways to use up the zucchini.
  8. But didn't they basically announce that as the one to pick if you're in the area where it's available, with Hellman's/Best Foods (which is my personal favorite) the go-to if you're not? I don't mind that one because it's available in such a large - and expanding - region. I don't want to see items only available in a tiny percentage of the country included in the taste testing, but I don't think everything has to be available nationwide, either.
  9. Goodbye, Mrs. Paddock. <sniff> It's been nice working with you. FYI, joelene, you have Anasazi written as Anazasi. ("You spelled Anasazi wrong. Twice.") My painful four: Home Eve Je Souhaite Tithonus
  10. I want to say I can't believe that "What Women Want" category, but unfortunately I can.
  11. I think that one is a bit of a letdown; I'm all for trotting out the Ickey Shuffle again, but I think they did it in a rather lackluster way.
  12. I cut back on the brown sugar a tad with that one - probably 1-1/2 tsp rather than two - and sometimes I make it with a mix of two or three nuts. It's a delicious snack.
  13. As a fan of both horror movies and parodies of those films, I thank you for posting that. I'm still laughing, especially when I picture the look on the "killer's" face.
  14. I make that mushroom soup all.the.time. It might be an addiction. I use my own vegetable stock that I always have in the freezer rather than making a specific one for the recipe like she does (my stock gets made with plenty of mushroom caps, so it works just fine for me) and I use 2 cups of half-and-half rather than a cup of that plus a cup of heavy cream. I also tweak the mushroom make-up slightly. She calls for 15 ounces total, made up of equal amounts of portobello, shiitake, and cremini or porcini. I go with 16 ounces total made up of equal amounts portobello, shiitake, cremini and porcini.
  15. I'm so curious to see how this all-stars game ultimately winds up, because I'm not even sure how I want it to. I have a firm number one and number two, but then it's about a five-way tie for third place, and it just gets more complicated from there.
  16. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I agree with them that both teams have a chance and there is no need for yet another change to the OT rules, but I disagree that it's only being discussed because the QB of the losing team is Peyton Manning - this comes up every time OT ends with a TD on the first possession.
  17. I love that marinade, and use it on other things, but I agree her recommended time is WAY too long. I think she says something like overnight or eight hours. I rejected that out of hand, and I think did 3-4 hours the first time. I generally go with three now when I use it on chicken.
  18. Now it starts to hurt. Home Je Souhaite Eve Dreamland II
  19. Actors are a lot better about this now than in years past, but only on TV can one move the steering wheel back and forth a good 50+ degrees without any horizontal movement of the car whatsoever.
  20. I don't think it will, either, and talk of "doing a 360" (instead of 180) will live on in perpetuity as well.
  21. The first four are easy for me, but starting with ol' Flukey I'm having to vote off episodes I like: X-Cops The End Millennium Requiem The Host (I don't dislike Millennium or Requiem, but I can't go so far as to say I like them - they have moments, but as episodes they're just sort of there. The End I barely remember and what I do recall is definitely not top five material. And y'all know how I feel about X-Cops.)
  22. Did they really do a second episode with a Christmas tree nut? Because that idiot who evaluated every home based on where the Christmas tree could be best placed - while his wife was most concerned with a gas rather than wood-burning fireplace and both were flat-out obsessed with having every family member in the same room at all times other than sleeping - is pretty high on my personal "What the hell is wrong with you people?" list for HH. To have a junior is rather baffling.
  23. It's ION that's airing it now, Wednesdays and Fridays (Wednesdays all of prime time thru early morning and Fridays all afternoon and up until prime time), and it was on this past Thursday, too. Boy Crazy (with the teenage girl tormented and institutionalized in the early '60s for not fitting gender norms) was on yesterday, and that's an episode that never fails to punch me in the heart. It is followed by Justice (the serial rapist killed by the little brother of one of the victims), one of the rare instances in which cops let a sympathetic perp get away with murder and I don't turn off the TV in disgust. After that, Family (the Japanese internment camp) and Sabotage (the man who became a serial bomber after life unraveled around him) -- the middle of season five has a pretty powerful block of episodes.
  24. Oh, that's the one with Agent Harrison? Then I did see that one, because I had been friends with Leyla. I kind of thought she'd roll in her grave at how awful the show had become, but it certainly is nice that they named a character in her honor.
  25. Well, it is the most sensual of all cured meats.
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