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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It took me an embarrassing while to figure out why the ballroom jeans were called that, but I haven't stopped laughing at it since. The Duluth commercials amuse me in general, especially those graphics.
  2. That's my favorite way to travel! I can handle company on a weekend trip, or even a week somewhere with one of a few select people, but to really go exploring I want to be on my own. Why on earth would she agree to present herself as someone stupid enough to move across the word for someone one step above a stranger? Is the "fame" of appearing on HH really worth that? Granted, we've seen sillier storylines, but still.
  3. I love that kid (which is not something I say often) -- she does a great job with the "Indeed."
  4. I agree; I really liked that Kiki was someone Korsak respected and admired, and that whatever crush he may be harboring was simply acknowledged and put aside because their professional relationship was more important. I don't want to see her as a love interest. I don't want to see her at all -- I'm a sucker for characters we hear about but never see, and after all this time hearing about her, anyone they cast is going to be a disappointment. Plus, yeah - we have enough people already.
  5. Same here. I even say my answer as if I have a mouth full of peanut butter.
  6. They should be, yes. But the Roberts Court has been using a bullshit reading of the First Amendment's religion clause as a discrimination loophole lately. So will they be? I don't know.
  7. My best friend just recently discovered compound butter after I gave her some of the last batch I made, and since she is a pre-made kind of cook, she went out in search of something at the store. She picked up a container of Chef Shamy Gourmet garlic butter with parmesan and basil. I'd like it a little less salty, but it's quite tasty.
  8. I do my own renovations, too (haven't got to the kitchen yet), and I can't imagine doing it with kids underfoot (of course, I can't imagine doing anything with kids around as I'd prefer rabid wolves to children, but go with me here), so I'm sure your husband will be happy to fend for himself come meal time in exchange for being able to work without distraction for a week. Tonight is leftover Chinese food because it probably won't be good much longer and I need something quick before meeting my friend for a walk. But tomorrow night I'm going to do some sort of stuffed chicken breast; probably spinach, Portabella mushroom, and Swiss cheese. Plus more roasted cauliflower, because the smallest head I could find was huge.
  9. I am partial to, "Mr. Steele, you're not Mr. Steele." I just love the little twist on the usual amnesia storyline built into this particular show -- even once he recovers his memories, he still won't fully know who he is. Between amnesia and two people running handcuffed together - with the hijinks that inevitably follow - this episode has two things that are usually too much for me to take. But it all works so well here.
  10. I like the occasional reminders of Frost, but Jane's hallucination leading her to solve the case is way too much for me to swallow. Jane and Maura on their road trip were fun; that friendship is exactly why I put up with the rest. I knew the wife (the first one) was involved from her first interview; one, it's almost always the wife, and two, she just gave off that vibe.
  11. It was so refreshing to see two people handle a relationship and its end like adults. Have we ever seen Maura in flats prior to the scene in which she just happened to need to chase someone through the halls and down a flight of stairs? The investigation of the case was interesting enough as this show goes, but the motive reveal was lame. Not as lame as "someone made fun of me at camp 20 years ago," but lame nonetheless.
  12. LemonSoda, I remember a lot of those. I don't like Charlie and Sabrina because I feel like they were trying to parlay their TL appearance into a reality TV career, and thus playing an exaggerated role, but I think Slim JG was just being her "Am I really watching someone do this?" self, so I, too, would pay to see her episode again. Tommy Cheeseballs is somewhere in between, I think. I remember the little person episode, with one young woman with an average-sized boyfriend who creeped me out big time by fetishizing her. And another who was torn because she was offered good money to be entertainment - not for her singing voice, for her stature - at some celebrity's party (John Stamos, maybe?). In the episode about moving back in with parents, is that the one where someone's dad is sitting on the toilet with the bathroom door open? I vaguely remember the military wife and, yeah, that mother was a real piece of work. The one about being broke was a terrific episode. They've done several on various financial hardship themes, and I liked all of them (back in the day, anyway; other than a scattered episode or three I haven't watched this in a long time as it has drifted so far away from its original tone). I also like two cheerleader episodes they did, even though I roll my eyes so hard at cheerleading I risk a sprain. I'm an Urban Cheerleader is one of those I'd pay to see again. Oh, and I'm Going to Fat Camp. With that girl who wanted to lose weight in order to be more attractive to some jerk down the block, a woman who was older than the other campers and older than some of the counselors (I think she'd been before), and a guy who had a horribly awkward make-out scene captured on camera.
  13. I don't like corned beef (I'm not a big beef person in general, and this isn't one of my exceptions), and, other than Brussels sprouts (or Napa cabbage in a stir fry), I prefer the cabbage family raw rather than cooked, so I definitely skip the St. Patrick's Day meal. I think tonight will be a stir fry night as I have some snow peas and cauliflower leaves that need to be used soon. To that I'll add bok choy and whatever else in the crisper drawers strike my fancy (I don't have any Napa cabbage, though.) I just use fresh ginger and garlic for flavor and top with a little sesame oil at the end. I may marinate some chicken and add that, too, if I get home in time. Oh, and what I made last night and brought for lunch is one of my favorite simple salads. It's Anne Burrell recipe, and I make it whenever I find pencil-thin asparagus: Toss together one bunch of that asparagus, very thinly sliced, one small red onion, finely diced, and one cup grated pecorino, then dress with about 1/3 cup red wine vinegar and a good splash of olive oil. Let it chill for at least an hour, and it's ready to go.
  14. Top Ten Pieces of Sexist Crap?
  15. I took a couple of film classes in college (I went to a university with a superb film school, so the general/introductory film classes were great to take as electives), and in one we read Sirk on Sirk and discussed the '70s re-examination of his films. I don't subscribe to all of it, but it was certainly thought-provoking, especially from a gender studies (which was my minor) perspective.
  16. My "nephew" (friend's cat) is a plastic eater, too, so when I kitty sit I have to be sure not to leave anything accessible. My late Baxter loved to lick all things plastic, but never ate it -- maybe he was trying to get high without the obstruction risk.
  17. Because it didn't say "this woman character"?
  18. Oh yeah, those watery, bland Florida avocados are just an affront to food. I like Fuerte best, but Hass and Gwen are also delicious. But, really, any of the California varieties other than Zutano are great; I think it's sad that Hass is pretty much the only one sold in supermarkets.
  19. I'm sure Angela will have such sage words of wisdom for the werewolf guy, she'll cure his condition. But at least it doesn't say "Maura asks Angela to help her solve the crime."
  20. Oh, it was just a spark -- like what would happen around a campfire. Hot as hell for the moment before it fizzles out, but doesn't even leave a mark. There's a thread in the Food topic about growing one's own food, but I don't believe there's a general gardening topic here. I think that would be great, so start one up and tell us what you're working on.
  21. Yeah, a bunch of the Daily Show staff bring their dogs to work with them. As much as I loved seeing Charlie Brown and Rita find each other, I think my favorite part of the episode was seeing Tia's menagerie of dogs only she can manage. Especially grumpy old man Arnold. Bloat is scary, and I really hope that tacking surgery holds for him. I feel bad for sweet Brandi who keeps getting passed over.
  22. It is the story of my life that I will spend twice as long fixing my tools than I will using them on what I set out to do. Today has been no exception. I'm getting ready to put in air conditioning, and I'm boring the holes through my exterior wall where the line sets will go from the compressor to the crawl space under the house. The bottom-most hole necessitates notching out some of the soleplate. No problem. Except, first, I had to go to the hardware store for a longer blade for my reciprocating saw. Then, about 30 seconds into cutting away at that wood, a hot spark hits me in the leg and my saw dies. The ancient cord finally gave out on me -- the neutral wire broke. And, of course, it broke right where the cord meets the handle, so the only way to get to enough of the existing wires to attach them to a new cord is to take the handle off. So, yeah, half an hour in the garage getting the saw working again so I could come back out and spend about three minutes sawing. Now it's time for a lunch break. The cord I used is the last one I had - and one I had earmarked for another project (lengthening the cord to my warming tray set) - so now I'll have to go raid my parents' garage.
  23. I just hope she wears those shirts because they're comfortable and she likes the way she looks in them. If she's wearing them because she thinks she has to hide her shape since she doesn't meet some narrow standard of what's acceptable, that would be too bad (and counter-productive). That's pretty much the extent of my caring - except for being amazed someone would go to such lengths to acquire something so basic; it's like finding out someone has white cotton briefs tailor made.
  24. We've moved on to another topic, What in The -- shady decisions or outrageous schemes perpetrated by the Girls.
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