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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Risk/reward (or risk/return) really surprised me as a TS. The Kraken less so, but it was still something I figured someone would come up with, given all the "Release the Kraken" jokes (and the Geico commercial) that could put it in the mind of someone who doesn't specifically know the poem. That egg yolk sauce = Hollandaise also seemed like something at least one of the three would know (I figure if I, who loathe egg yolks, knows what it is, it's pretty common knowledge -- none of them eat eggs Benedict?). Identifying Jack Kerouac (in a category that spots contestants the Jack) as the author of On the Road is not a DJ-level clue!
  2. So, is it a UO to prefer the original Cosmos? Because, while I enjoy Neil deGrasse Tyson in general and his presentation of Cosmos in particular, I felt it was dumbed down for a modern audience compared to the original. Which is probably just an accurate reflection of the state of scientific education/awareness today, but depresses me nonetheless.
  3. It seems clear from interviews at the time that GA and DD decided to play a sexual subtext before it became text, and CC just sort of caught up to the inevitable. So ... thanks, guys!
  4. I agree. Once they knew about the mine he was standing on, they changed protocol for who could move where -- that was information they needed, especially when working close behind him. I missed this last week, so just got caught up. It was pretty good ... for this show.
  5. I can't fathom a traditional, "happily ever after," life for them, either, and would thus never want to see that; it wouldn't feel right. I do think they will always love each other, always be in love with each other, and thus always be together in that sense. They're not going to get seriously involved with anyone else, cut all ties, or anything like that. But I absolutely think they will continue to have angst and conflict, sometimes to the point they need breaks from living together and being together day in, day out -- like what we see in season ten, a time in which the relationship feels pretty close to pitch perfect to me (thanks mostly to the actors).
  6. Yeah, I've never met a bean I didn't hate, so I certainly won't be making it, but a friend practically lives on beans, so I'd love to pass the recipe on to her.
  7. I was so tickled to come across Tootsie last night just as it was starting; it had been so long since I'd seen it, I'd forgotten a few people were in it. What a terrific cast.
  8. Similarly, I love: Edina: Why [am I so fat]?! Saffy: Because you eat too much, you drink too much, and you take no exercise. Edina: It's far more likely to be an allergy to something. A build-up of toxins or something, or hormone imbalance, isn't it, hmm? And, also, you know, I've got a very heavy aura. Did you know that? That's why animals love me, darling. Saffy: They just see you as something to hibernate in.
  9. I think this is the most doin' it of all episodes. It may take the show until all things to acknowledge they've been hitting the sheets, but I was absolutely, positively, about-damn-time sure as of Goldberg.
  10. Well, there's certainly a good degree of subjectivity in evaluating acting; I was just clarifying that disliking the acting in certain scenes is what I was agreeing with in saying I don't watch them -- someone said they didn't like Sophia's "My baby is gone" scene because they find Getty's acting of it cringe-inducing, someone else said they agree, and feel the same way about White's acting of the robbery scene, and then I chimed in.
  11. Ugh, yes. That episode was on tonight, and while I was generally just watching it during commercial breaks in something else, I had to make sure to stick around for "You shot my vase"/"I'd rather you shot Lester" and Blanche's tale of macing herself ... and make sure to check out before Rose's "For me, they'll always be here" freak-out. It's so terribly done.
  12. Oh, then I am definitely rooting for Amar. I already was, but if he has Kwame and Marjorie working with him, all the better. (Not that I dislike Carl or Angelina, but I don't actively like them the way I do Kwame and Marjorie.)
  13. That Las Vegas season is when I quit watching for good (I'd been drifting away for quite a while already), so it's certainly not clear in my memory, but what the hell was interesting - let alone most interesting - about Trishelle? She was as dumb as a box of hair, and spent all her time hooking up with someone equally stupid. Yawn.
  14. Oops, I forgot about this game. K is for President John F. Kennedy, who established the President's Commission on the Status of Women. Dorothy wished she could take part, if for no other reason than to meet chairperson Eleanor Roosevelt. Blanche saw it was a bunch of women, and figured there was no point unless she could meet and flirt with JFK.
  15. Great article! If I were Stan Zimmerman, I'd annoy the hell out of everyone around me by telling this story all the time:
  16. I'd be shoving him off me post haste. There is no reason to be tangled with me while walking down the street, sitting on the couch watching TV, etc. You see affection, I see clinginess and possibly possessiveness. I guess I just don't understand this level of touching where people feel free to wrap other people up regardless of circumstance. With people I know, a hug and kiss hello/good-bye is great. (I see my parents pretty much weekly, so we don't always hug or kiss, but we may, and certainly will if someone has been away. I hug friends hello/good-bye all the time.) A hand hold or similar caress to offer support in times of stress. With an intimate partner, all kinds of touching is good -- when we're in the midst of things or on occasion, not all the time (and, for Pete's sake, when it's time to go to sleep, it's time to go to sleep -- get off me). But in a professional situation or with someone I've just met (e.g. a friend of a friend saying good-bye a few hours after we were introduced, or certainly when we've just been introduced), to hug rather than shake hands is completely bizarre to me, and I'm not doing it. I won't be rude about it, even though I think it was rude they tried to impose that on me to begin with, but I'll be firm.
  17. I agree, although that's not surprising because I never much cared for Buck Owens' music for reasons I can't really articulate (it's not his voice, it's not the Bakersfield sound, but something just generally doesn't work for me). I like Emmylou Harris' cover of his Together Again better than the original, too.
  18. Yes, that's an excellent installment of 30 For 30 (and was the subject of a few posts in the 30 For 30 thread). I haven't seen it re-run lately on ESPN, but it's available on Netflix, too.
  19. I've heard DINK, hippie, foodie, fat, and preppy used as neutral descriptions, but yuppie I have only ever heard with disdain, from the '80s through today. I've never heard hipster said without a sneer, either.
  20. Ha! I don't like hugging people I've just met, either, so my response to the "I'm a hugger" greeting you describe is just to say "I'm not" and shake their hand. But now I may have to switch to "I'm a farter" or "I'm a boob squeezer" instead.
  21. LOL. No, the leash has only been used when getting cats used to the outdoors, or getting them used to staying in the backyard rather than venturing forth to the outdoors at large whence they wandered in (after they do either one, they get supervised outdoor time), or when we've taken a cat in the motor home with us; then they do get walked on a leash, but just around the campsite. I've never had one who wanted to be taken on a proper walk, but that would be fun.
  22. I need to get one of those leashes and put it in my car, because I just had to get my Tia on again today. My floor jack doesn't work (which pisses me off, because I replaced the gaskets and fluid, but it still won't reliably hold, so now I have to buy a new one, because the one thing you don't want to be unsure of is the thing keeping a car from falling on your head), so I took my car over to my parents' house to change the oil. My dad was doing it for me, and I was standing out in the open garage when two dogs wandered up the street. I could see they had collars and could hear tags, but there were no owners. I got one to come to me, but he took off before I could get a look at the tag. A guy in a passing car stopped to say he'd had to call the owners of those dogs a couple of weeks ago because they were out, and told me what street but couldn't remember the house. So I trailed after the dogs, but they were too far ahead of me further up into the hills (they can move a lot faster up a steep hill than I can). The first one came back, and I got a name and number. I called, but had to leave voice mail. So I clipped the cat leash (onto this large dog, which was funny) and headed back up the hill with him to see if he could help me find his buddy. After a bit of a hike, we did, and the other dog dutifully followed us back. I enclosed them in my parents' backyard (much to the cats' consternation), and found an address on the second dog's tag. So I walked down there (about half a mile, so these dogs had traversed some decent territory all told) to see if anyone was home or, if not, if there was a gate I could open to put them in the yard. I came up to see a U-Haul type truck in the driveway, and my heart sunk thinking they were moving and leaving these older, large, mixed-breed dogs behind (the kind that have no chance in the local shelter). But it turned out they were moving in new furniture and moving out old, not leaving. They thought the dogs were in a secure part of the yard, and had no idea they'd gotten out. She drove me back to my parents' house and collected the dogs. I maintained my Tia attitude and talked nicely about how they could better secure the yard (since this now at least the second time it has happened) and it went well. So we'll see. Going by their attitude and the dogs' condition, the dogs are in a decent to pretty good home. Not the best one, but the best they're going to get. At least they're now familiar with my parents' yard; if they get out again, they'll probably come there. When I was walking them back to my parents' house, instead of continuing down the street as they would to go home, the one I'd leashed turned right into my parents' driveway.
  23. Same here. He put down that pot, and I asked my TV, "That's it?"
  24. She smiled afterward, so it may have been intended as joking. None of her competitors, including Isaac, are complaining about her attitude toward them, so I wonder if how she's coming across sometimes to people who only see her on TV is different than how she's coming across to the people interacting with her every day. She's never done anything to make me take much notice of her attitude/comportment, and I've liked the looks of her food, so I'm rooting for her. But I can say the same about everyone else (well, except for a few comments of Jeremy's), so I'm rooting for them, too. Basically, I'll be happy with any of them winning, and just hope no one falls on their face -- I've love to see everyone put forth a great offering, and it come down to the best of the best.
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